I repose in this quiet and secluded spot, not from any natural preference for solitude, but, finding other cemeteries limited as to race by charter rules, I have chosen this, that I might illustrate in my death the principles which I advocated through... The Tragic Era: The Revolution After Lincoln - Strona 209autor: Claude Gernade Bowers - 1929 - Liczba stron: 567Pełny widok - Informacje o książce
 | Josiah Bushnell Grinnell - 1891 - Liczba stron: 466
...protest to be read on his tombstone until time's effacing fingers have abolished his name from marble : "I repose in this quiet and secluded spot, not from...limited by charter rules as to race, I have chosen it that I might be enabled to illustrate in my death the principles which I have advocated through... | |
 | United States. Congress House - 1869 - Liczba stron: 94
...reasons stated in the touching and beautiful epitaph prepared by himself for inscription upon his tomb: I repose in this quiet and secluded spot, not from...limited by charter rules as to race, I have chosen it that I might be enabled to illustrate in my death the principles which I have advocated llrough... | |
 | Jacob Isidor Mombert - 1869 - Liczba stron: 834
...touching and beautiful epitaph prepared by himself for inscription on his tomb: ''I repose in this quiet, secluded spot, not from any natural preference for...limited by charter rules as to race, I have chosen it that I might be enabled to illustrate in my death the principles which I have advocated through... | |
 | United States. Congress House - 1869 - Liczba stron: 98
...epitaph prepared by himself for inscription upon his tomb : I repose in this quiet and secluded spot, uot from any natural preference for solitude, but finding...limited by charter rules as to race, I have chosen it that I might be enabled to illustrate in my death the principles which I have advocated through... | |
 | United States. Congress House - 1869 - Liczba stron: 90
...reasons stated in the touching and beautiful epitaph prepared by himself for inscription upon his tomb : I repose in this quiet and secluded spot, not from any natural preference for solitude, but rinding other cemeteries limited by charter rules as to race, I have chosen it that I might be enabled... | |
 | Jacob Isidor Mombert - 1869 - Liczba stron: 832
...touching and Iwautinil epitaph prepared by himself for inscription on his tomb: " I repose in this i|uiot, secluded spot, not from any natural preference for solitude, but finding other *metories limited by charter rules as to race, I have chosen it that I might be enabled to illustrate... | |
 | Horatio Bateman - 1871 - Liczba stron: 286
...in a private cemetery, for reasons stated in the following epitaph, prepared by himself : " 1 reposo in this quiet and secluded spot, not from any natural...solitude ; but, finding other cemeteries limited, by charter-rules, to race, I have chesen it, that I might be enabled to illustrate in my death the principles... | |
 | Alexander Harris - 1872 - Liczba stron: 658
...the reason above stated, he ordered in his will the following should be inscribed upon his tomb : " I repose in this quiet and secluded spot, not from any natural preference for solitude, but fmding other cemeteries limited by charter rules as to race, I have chosen it that I might be enabled... | |
 | United States. Congress - 1874 - Liczba stron: 128
...and that his resting-place should be marked by a simple stone bearing these characteristic words : " I repose in this quiet and secluded spot, not from...limited by charter rules as to race, I have chosen it that I might be enabled to illustrate in my death the principles which I have advocated throughout... | |
 | United States. Congress - 1874 - Liczba stron: 112
...and that his resting-place should be marked by a simple stone bearing these characteristic words : " I repose in this quiet and secluded spot, not from...limited by charter rules as to race, I have chosen it that I might be enabled to illustrate in my death the principles which I have advocated throughout... | |
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