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" In all our history, in all our experience as a people, living under Federal and State law, no such system as that contemplated by the details of this bill has ever before been proposed or adopted. They establish for the safety of the colored race safeguards... "
The Tragic Era: The Revolution After Lincoln - Strona 95
autor: Claude Gernade Bowers - 1929 - Liczba stron: 567
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Andrew Johnson, President of the United States: His Life and Speeches

Lillian Foster - 1866 - Liczba stron: 322
...our history, in all our experience as a people living under Federal and State law, no such system as that contemplated by the details of this bill has...the security of the colored race safeguards which go indefinitely beyond any that the General Government has ever provided for the white race. In fact,...
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The Political History of the United States of America, During the Period of ...

Edward McPherson - 1871 - Liczba stron: 670
...our history, in all our experience as a people, living under federal and State law, no euch system as that contemplated by the details of this bill has ever before been proposed or ndopted. They establish for the security of the colored race safeguards which go infinitely beyond...
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The Political History of the United States of America, During the Period of ...

Edward McPherson - 1871 - Liczba stron: 680
...system аз that contemplated by the details of this bill has ever before been proposed or fvdopted. They establish for the security of the colored race safeguards which go infinitely beyoud any that the General Government has ever provided for the white race. In fact, the distinction...
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The Political History of the United States of America During the Period of ...

Edward McPherson - 1880 - Liczba stron: 670
...our history, in all our experience as a people, living under federal and State law, no such system as that contemplated by the details of this bill has...or adopted. They establish for the security of the colon' •! race safeguards which go infinitely beyond auy that tho General Government has ever provided!...
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Twenty Years of Congress: From Lincoln to Garfield, Tom 2

James Gillespie Blaine - 1884 - Liczba stron: 778 closed their occupation will terminate.'' " The details of this bill," continued the President, " establish for the security of the colored race safeguards which go infinitely bej'ond any that the General Government has ever provided for the white race ; in fact, the distinction...
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The Republic, Or, A History of the United States of America in the ..., Tom 18

John Robert Irelan - 1888 - Liczba stron: 648
...our history, in all our experience as a people, living under Federal and State law, no such system as that contemplated by the details of this bill has...before been proposed or adopted. They establish for the safety of the colored race safeguards which go infinitely beyond any that the General Government has...
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Andrew Johnson and Reconstruction

Eric L. McKitrick - 1988 - Liczba stron: 550
...history, in all our experience as a people, living under Federal and State laws, no such system as that contemplated by the details of this bill has ever before been proposed or adopted."96 It has been assumed by most writers, following the lead of Gideon Welles, that such misunderstandings...
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Andrew Johnson: A Biography

Hans Louis Trefousse - 1997 - Liczba stron: 470
...again emphasized his disapproval of establishing safeguards for the security of the colored race that "go infinitely beyond any that the General Government has ever provided for the white race." While professing his readiness to cooperate in the protection of the freedmen, he nevertheless refused...
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The Strange Sad War Revolving: Walt Whitman, Reconstruction, and the ...

Luke Mancuso - 1997 - Liczba stron: 180
...our history, in all our experience as a people, living under federal and State law, no such system as that contemplated by the details of this bill has ever before been proposed or adopted." Having supported the Thirteenth Amendment a year earlier, and having vetoed the Freedmen's Bureau Bill...
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Presidential Documents: The Speeches, Proclamations, and Policies that Have ...

Jim F. Watts, Fred L. Israel - 2000 - Liczba stron: 416
...our history, in all our experience as a people living under Federal and State law, no such system as that contemplated by the details of this bill has...General Government has ever provided for the white race. . PRESIDENT ANDREW JOHNSON'S DEFENSE OF His VIEWS ON RECONSTRUCTION 3 December 1867 Throughout 1867,...
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