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The torch of discord with its fiery hair; | If separate it would please me better,
This is thy work, thou patron saint of
Of Queen Iona.


Swellfoot is wived! though parted by

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That pleasure I well

The very name of wife had conjugal | And made a charge with those battalions rights; Her cursed image ate, drank, slept with Called, from their dress and grin, the

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Purganax. impanel

A jury of the pigs.


Pack them then.

in two separate styes,


Like so many rhinoceroses, and then Retreating in good order, with bare tusks

And wrinkled snouts presented to the foe,

Bore her in triumph to the public stye. What is still worse, some sows upon the


Have given the ape-guards apples, nuts, and gin,

Purganax. Or fattening some few And they all whisk their tails aloft, and


And giving them clean straw, tying "Long live Iona! down with Swell

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And their young boars white and red Went to the garret of the swineherd's

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Of cows, and jay feathers, and sticking Which overlooks the stye, and made a cauliflowers


Between the ears of the old ones; and Harangue (all words) to the assembled

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That you, Lord General, bring the head A slough of blood and brains upon the

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Greased with the pounded bacon; round To savage, foul, and fierce deformity. Let all baptized by thy infernal dew

and round

The mill-stones rolled, ploughing the Be called adulterer, drunkard, liar,

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Like you should be so beardless in their

It had been but a point of policy
To keep Iona and the swine apart.
Divide and rule! but ye have made a

wretch !

No name left out which orthodoxy loves,
Court Journal or legitimate Review !—
Be they called tyrant, beast, fool,
glutton, lover

Of other wives and husbands than their


The heaviest sin on this side of the Alps!
Wither they to a ghastly caricature
Of what was human !-let not man or


Behold their face with unaverted eyes! Between two parties who will govern Or hear their names with ears that tingle


But for my art.-Behold this BAG! it is

The poison BAG of that Green Spider huge,

On which our spies skulked in ovation



With blood of indignation, rage, and shame!"

This is a perilous liquor;-good my


[SWELLFOOT approaches to touch the GREEN BAG.

The streets of Thebes, when they were Beware! for God's sake, beware!—if

paved with dead:

A bane so much the deadlier fills it now,
As calumny is worse than death,-for

The Gadfly's venom, fifty times distilled,
Is mingled with the vomit of the Leech,
In due proportion, and black ratsbane,

That very Rat, who, like the Pontic

you should break

The seal, and touch the fatal liquor——
Give it to me. I have been used to


All sorts of poisons. His dread Majesty
Only desires to see the colour of it.

Mammon. Now, with a little com-
mon sense, my Lords,
Only undoing all that has been done

Nurtures himself on poison, dare not (Yet so as it may seem we but confirm

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All is sealed up with the broad seal of Our victory is assured. We must entice Her Majesty from the stye, and make the pigs

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Turn innocence to guilt, and gentlest And they will see her flying through the

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So bright that she will dim the noonday The glorious constitution of these styes Subsists, and shall subsist. The lean


Showering down blessings in the shape

of comfits.

This, trust a priest, is just the sort of thing

Swine will believe. see them

pig rates

Grow with the growing populace of swine,

The taxes, that true source of piggishness I'll wager you will (How can I find a more appropriate


Climbing upon the thatch of their low To include religion, morals, peace, and

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With pieces of smoked glass, to watch And all that fit Boeotia as a nation her sail To teach the other nations how to live?) Among the clouds, and some will hold Increase with piggishness itself; and the flaps still

Of one another's ears between their Does the revenue, that great spring of all The patronage, and pensions, and by


To catch the coming hail of comfits in. → You, Purganax, who have the gift o' the gab,

Make them a solemn speech to this effect:

I go to put in readiness the feast


Which free-born pigs regard with jealous eyes,

Diminish, till at length, by glorious steps, All the land's produce will be merged in taxes,

Kept to the honour of our goddess And the revenue will amount to

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Purganax. That is the very thing that
I was saying,
Gentlemen Swine; the Queen Iona

Most innocent, no doubt, returns to

And the lean sows and boars collect
about her,

Wishing to make her think that WE believe

(I mean those more substantial pigs, who swill

Of the Cisalpine mountains, in fresh dews

Of lotus-grass and blossoming asphodel, Sleeking their silken hair, and with sweet breath

Loading the morning winds until they faint

With living fragrance, are so beautiful!

Well, I say nothing; but Europa



On such a one from Asia into Crete,

Rich hog-wash, while the others mouth And the enamoured sea grew calm

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That she is guilty; thus, the lean-pig His gliding beauty.

faction Seeks to obtain that hog-wash, which has been

Your immemorial right, and which I

Maintain you in to the last drop of-
A Boar (interrupting him).
Does any one accuse her of?


Why, no one
Makes any positive accusation;—but
There were hints dropt, and so the privy


Conceived that it became them to advise
His Majesty to investigate their truth;—
Not for his own sake; he could be con-


To let his wife play any pranks she

Iona's grandmother,


And Pasiphae, -but she is inno

And that both you and I, and all assert.
First Boar. Most innocent!


BAG; a bag

Behold this

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If, by that sufferance, he could please (Which is not green, but only bacon


the pigs;



But then he fears the morals of the swine, Is filled with liquor, which if sprinkled
The sows especially, and what effect
It might produce upon the purity and
Religion of the rising generation

Of sucking pigs, if it could be suspected
That Queen Iona-
[A pause.
First Boar. Well, go on; we long
To hear what she can possibly have

Purganax. Why, it is hinted, that a

certain bull

A woman guilty of-we all know what-
Makes her so hideous, till she finds one

She never can commit the like again.
If innocent, she will turn into an angel,
And rain down blessings in the shape of

As she flies up to heaven. Now, my

Thus much is known:-the milk-white Is to convert her sacred Majesty

bulls that feed

Beside Clitumnus and the crystal lakes

Into an angel (as I am sure we shall


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First Boar.

Order! order! be not rash!
Was there ever such a scene, Pigs!
An old Sow (rushing in).

I never saw so fine a dash

Since I first began to wean pigs.
Second Boar (solemnly).

The Queen will be an angel time enough.
I vote, in form of an amendment, that
Purganax rub a little of that stuff
Upon his face.

Purganax (His heart is seen to beat
through his waistcoat).

Gods! What would ye be at?
Semichorus I.

Purganax has plainly shown a
Cloven foot and jack-daw feather.
Semichorus II.

I vote Swellfoot and Iona

Try the magic test together;
Whenever royal spouses bicker,
Both should try the magic liquor.
An old Boar (aside).

A miserable state is that of pigs,
For if their drivers would tear caps
and wigs,


Dews of Apotheosis from this BAG. [A great confusion is heard of the PIGS OUT OF DOORS, which communicates itself to those within. During the first Strophe, the doors of the Stye are On staved in, and a number of exceedingly lean PIGS and Sows and BOARS rush in.

Semichorus I.

No! Yes!

Semichorus II.

Yes! No!

Semichorus I.

A law!

Semichorus II.

A flaw!

Semichorus I.

Porkers, we shall lose our wash,

Or must share it with the lean pigs!

swine must bite each other's ear therefore.

An old Sow (aside). A wretched lot Jove has assigned to swine,

Squabbling makes pig-herds hungry, and they dine

bacon, and whip sucking-pigs the


Hog-wash has been ta'en away:
If the Bull-Queen is divested,
We shall be in every way

Hunted, stript, exposed, molested;
Let us do whate'er we may,

That she shall not be arrested. QUEEN, we entrench you with walls of brawn,

And palisades of tusks, sharp as a

bayonet :

Place your most sacred person here.

We pawn

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