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AGAIN this week the Register has been behindhand, and for

the same reason that it was so

last week. It was Mr. Cobbett's intention to say something to his

readers, in this Register, about

the famous struggle that has just

terminated at Preston, and some

thing from him for the press was

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morning till night; besides all the confusion, interruption, and noise, impossible to be avoided at an election, that his readers cannot well expect to hear directly from, him again until he get home, which it is expected he will at


about the same time that this will

leave the press. The following extracts from the Morning Herald, in continuation of those inserted in the Register of last week,"

expected by the publisher up to a late hour: Mr. Cobbett, however, has been so circumstanced, contain all the most interesteven to the last day of his being ing particulars of the latter part at Preston; he has had so many of the election. people to see, to talk to, and to

On Tuesday evening, at about shake hands with; so many things eight o'clock, Mr. Cobbett ad

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Printed and Published by WILLIAM COBBEIT, NO. 183, 1 leet-street. [ENTERED AT STATIONERS' HALL.]

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dressed the people from the win-House meets. I will conduct the

business entirely at my own expense, and have no doubt that I shall be

dow of his hotel. The following is the report of his speech, as given by the Herald. Gentlemen, — I am extremely happy to see you all-I am so happy that I believe any one would wish to be an unsuccessful candidate, to enjoy the same state of happiness that I do at this moment. Indeed I have not been so happy since the day of my marriage.-(Laughter.) This is not the case, I suspect, with some of those who have opposed me; their feelings are very different from mine. But whatever they may think of the business, I can assure them that I will not let it rest so-they shall both be ousted as sure as I stand before you, depend upon that. A new election will take place in the month of March. I shall be again at my post, but I am quite sure Mr. Stanley will never venture to show his face among you again. As soon as I reach London, I will write out an account of this unjust and sham bearers of flags, volunteered their election. I will state all the parti- services, and preceded the carculars in such a manner that any

successful. In the mean time, Gentlemen, I beg to return you my have shewn me hitherto. The rewarmest thanks for the kindness you

membrance of it shall never be effaced from my memory; and I trust, and believe, when we meet again, that I shall experience the same kindness, and the same attachment on your part, to the honourable cause in which we are embarked. I shall pray for your prosperity and the prosperity of your wives and children; and believe me, that your interests shall continue, as heretofore, to Occupy my thoughts. I bid you, · most affectionately, farewell.-(Loud cheers.)

one may understand them, and may

Mr. Cobbett then got into his carriage, accompanied by Mr. Clarke (of Norfolk) and two of his sons. A band of music, with

riage of Mr. Cobbett, who was

not less than fifteen thousand per

see at once the injustice which has accompanied by a procession of been done, not only to me, but to you. I will have it printed in the sons. form of a little book, and send co

The people continued for

town, many hundreds of them,

pies to Preston. A copy will be de-a considerable distance out of the livered at each house, and you shall have nothing to pay for it.-(Bravo.) I intend to present à petition to the particularly the women, crowding House of Commons as soon as that round the carriage of Mr. Cob

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[From the Morning Herald, June 23.]

Preston, 20th June.

Mr. Cobbett has just made his appearance on the hustings, amidst the loudest cheerings from the people in front.

other for a parting shake of his hand. As the procession went through Stanley-street, the poor fellows called from the windows, "We would have voted for you a plumper, if we had dared!"These, like a great part of those who have voted for Stanley, had been forced to vote for him. The During the interval of suspense, masters compelled them to keep whilst the clerks were counting their promises to Stanley; and the votes, Mr. Cobbett looked now those same masters are ready narrowly at every person who to hang themselves. Stanley, stood in his booth, and such as he though he had thus got all their did not immediately know, he devotes, dared not to join the masters in return, when they wanted him to assist Barrie; and they you fellow." Then turning to the


have thus put in their old rival, and have allowed him (as far as

sired instantly to quit-"Be off,

crowd- "We'll sweat them yet -they'll see such an election of it."

'Mr. COBBETT addressed the

he had any of the power) to put in another to their total exclusion The following is the state of the Electors-Gentlemen, I have all Poll, at its closing, on Monday at along protested against these forthree o'clock.

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tifications, which I see here, espe

cially against these four ditches. The French call them fosses, that is to say, places where persons may hide themselves out of the way of shot (Great laughing) Against these contrivances of Mr.

Nicholas Grimshaw (the Mayor), I loathe him, as I loathe every have I all along, and do again thing that is nasty-(Cries of

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Captain BARRIE (very good humouredly("Thank you, Sir."


Mr. COBBETT.-BecauseCaptain COLQUITT. he is an honest man, and a gentleman. (Much laughing.)

shame, and turn him out-turn the old bone-grubber out.) At the Captain I knit my brows and bite my lips-at the hero of the Book

any one of the candidates. My feelings towards them all are of Wonders I turn up my nose→ pretty much upon an equality.-at the foolish, haughty, insolent (Much laughing.) The Captain "individual" I stop my nose.I hate and detest.-(Laughter and (Tremendous uproar, cries of cheers, mingled with hissings.) "disgusting," off, Cobbett.) In this happy state of impartiality, not knowing which of the candidates I like or detest the most, it is my determination that this ditch of mine shall be open to the electors of all parties. There shall be one part of the hustings, at least, where freedom of election shall be maintained. To-morrow morning I will station two of my sons at the entrance of this fosse, and every elector of you, that presents himself with a certificate of his having been duly

Mr. COBBETT.-Because he is so ungenerous and so cruel as to - put the Oath of Supremacy to the Catholics, As to the gentle

man upon his left, the gentleman of the Book of Wonders, that

prince of hypocrites (Mr. Wood),

I despise him from the bottom of my soul (Cries of shame and sworn, will find admission. I care bisses); and as to the "indivi- not what the consequences may dual" (Mr. Stanley), the very-be to the interests of any of much spitten - upon individual, the candidates. They are all upon his left, again I tell him that equally detestable to me.

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