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On the celebration of Christmas day.

of the Greek Church in December, (tō autō eikostē pemptē hē kata sarka genesis tou Kuriou kai Theou kai sōtēros hēmōn Jēsou Christou,) i. e. On the 25th of the same month the feast of the incarnation of our LORD, AND GOD, AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST. And,

Parthenikē Marie Theon eikadi geinato pemptē.

That is, THE VIRGIN MARY BROUGHT FORTH OUR SAVIOUR ON THE 25th DAY. Other vols. of their divine service shew this also." P. 40. " And for other Churches-not under the name of Greek, as those of Antioch, or Syria, of Ethiopia and of Elcopti, or Ægypt,-have we testimonies enough of them also, whence we may collect that they agree with us, in this anniversary of celebration.” P. 41. "And to conclude bere, what greater testimony can there be that it was received into the Church, EVEN FROM THE DISCIPLES AND APOSTLES OF OUR SAVIOUR, than this, that it was so antiently observed, and hath been ever since, so generally received through Christendom?" And so" says St. Augustine-quæ quidem toto terrarum orbe observantur, dantur intelligi vel ab ipsis Apostolis, vel a plenariis Conciliis quorum est in Ecclesia saluberrima authoritas, commendata atque statuta retineri." Sicuti quod Domini Passio, et Resurrectio, et ascensio in cælum, et adventus de cælo Spiritus Sancti, &c.--All such things he supposes either delivered by the Apostles or ordained by General Councils: for Councils here, we have no testimony that they ordained it therefore, it rests by this argument, that we derive it from the eldest tradition that may be in Christianity. But we end here," says Selden, “this enquiry, and resolve with that old Hymn of St. Ambrose," Sic præsens testatur dies," &c. P. 42. "Neither do I find ANY Christian Church in the later ages, hath otherwise celebrated it, save only that of the Armenians, who retained an antient custom of confounding it with the Epiphany, and that to the time of Manuel Commenus, which is about 440 years since, and perhaps yet do, making a confusion of those feasts.

Having thus extracted from the first four sections, whatever relates to the birth of Christ on the 25th of December, and thereby abundantly PROVED that to be the only proper day for its celebration, the remaining three sections, 5th, 6th, and 7th chiefly treat of the wrong calculations drawn from LukeZachary not being an high priest,—the course of the service being interrupted by Antiochus, and their years being reckoned (as ours are in law) by the reigns of Kings. The DAY therefore being more certain than the year, (which however, appears to be easily calculated, if any other proof could be wanted amid such a blaze of evidence, BY COMPUTING THE YEARS BACKWARD FROM THE DEATH OF CHRIST,)" yet all amounts to this conclusion (p. 71.) that the yearly celebration or memory continued even from the eldest Christian time hath taught us THE EXACT DAY OF THE MONTH, therefore we have reason enough still to resolve on it."

Being therefore thus certified of THE DAY, let us be careful to observe it aright, and not only the day, but the whole season. Let us remember that it is set apart by our Church as a time whereon to celebrate the birth of our most blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Let us keep it as a time "holy unto the Lord," and attend to our duty in public and in private, in attending the service and sacrament of the Church, in prayer and thankfulness," for the inestimable love of God, in the REDEMPTION of the world by our Lord Jesus Christ, for the means of grace, and for the hope of glory," thus vouchsafed unto us, in this accomplishment of all the prophecies from the foundations of the world." In serious reflection upon the incarnation of our Lord, and this mystery" of GOD manifest in the flesh." In obeying his will, and doing good unto all men," Let "the rich" be mindful to be" rich in good works.' "That they be ready to give, and glad to distribute" to their poor. neighbours. Let all be merciful after their power," and " while they have time, do good unto all men." So shall the poor experience the effects of a lively faith, in their bodies as well as in their minds. And iet THEM receive these good gifts with thankfulness from those whom God has made their stewards," and commanded "to dispense liberally." Let them not abuse them, but "be sober and vigilant," and apply them to the benefit of theme selves and their families, and not waste them" in rioting and drunkenness,.

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On the celebration of Christmas day.


1 every evil work.” The abundant charities distributed at this time will is relieve the sick and needy, refresh the prisoner, and lessen every evil, ether of "mind, body or estate." Thus will the season be observed aright, all will partake of that general joy, which has so universally prevailed at the celebration of such an important event, from whence all our other blesings arise. Thus will the rich partake more cordially of the social converse innocent mirth—as Christians! and the poor cease to repine at hardships which they create for themselves, frequently finding the means for sin, though ey neglect those of honest industry.

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The observance of holy days is of the utmost importance. Our Church hath arranged them, that, if duly attended, we cannot fail to be thoroughly nished," with that knowledge, which will assuredly "make us wise unto Ivation." They are so dispersed throughout the year, that they contain the tory of our Lord, his incarnation, birth, life, doctrine and miracles, death, urrection and ascension, with "the coming of the Holy Ghost," according his divine promises: and also, the history of his Disciples,-in the respectcollects, epistles, gospels and lessons. By adding the collects to our pray, and reading the epistles and gospels with the lessons in rotation, and which y easily be done, if there is first a willing mind," we should find ourselves ned against infidelity, depravity and schism" ignorance would "not" aind, or the "love of" so many wax cold." We should be able to give eason of our hope,” and “come off, more than conquerors.' This can be e by all. But such as have opportunity can further improve it, by the p of Nelson's most excellent Companion to the Feasts and Fusts of the Church, Talso by attending the public service, as they are bound. Our CATTLE also should we let partake of the general joy, by greater ulgence in rest and food, for they partake largely in our general scarcity. ey administer profusely to our comfort, our pleasure, our support, our th: and God has allowed us their proper use for these purposes. Grati

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e to HIM for this, should teach us to exercise mercy, care and attention to [EM. Even their services demand it for themselves. But when God has manded it as a DUTY, who can disobey with impunity? He" regards life of a beast,"*" takes care for oxen"+-forbids an unequal yoking enjoins us to shew mercy, as Christ also did by his precept and example. y then is not this duty more generally recommended, and from whence e forcibly or properly than the pulpit ?-as well as in the works of divines others. It highly criminates a Christian nation to connive at, and therey encourage barbarity towards animals, who are generally much less brutal en those they serve, and with whom they should exchange situations-to educe conviction by-experience!

if then, we thus observe the holy season of CHRISTMAS, we shall celebrate ke those who really do "look for the coming of their Lord." We shall not rate those SECTARIES who, by throwing off all regard to this (and every her like) sacred day, instituted on purpose to remind us whereon all our des depend, do disavow, as much as in them lies, all acknowledgment of er having any concern in this common right of Christians, or in those blesgs which Christ hath vouchsafed to his obedient followers. We shall conmplate his life and death, so as "to follow his steps," which will secure our ace both here and hereafter. We shall have that pease, from the Prince Peace," which "the world can neither give nor take away," which "pasall understanding," and will secure to us the favor of God while we re non earth, and translate us when we die, into his presence, and "the blescompany of all faithful people," the "Church triumphant," in Ileaven. we shall see, even as we are seen,"-" we shall know, even as we krown," and those virtuous unions and sympathies began, but interrupted here, shall blossom there, and bear fruit-for EVER! As therefore we now

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Prov. xii. 10. 1 Cor. ix. 9.

Deut. xxii. 10. Luke xiii 15. c. xiv. 5. See a most admirable and highly useful Tract, entitled, Thoughts on the ty of Mercy and Sin of Cruelty. Sold by Letterman and Co. Stationer's rt, London, price 1 1-2d. or 10s. Gd. per hundred. It is with infinite plea... e we hear that a Society is going to be instituted to prevent the abuse of an s, to be entitled THE ANIMALS FRIEND.


Extract from Bishop Hick's Devations.

praise thee O God," in the words of the Church," because thou didst gre Jesus Christ thine only Son to be born as at this time for us: who by the o eration of the Holy Ghost, was made very man of the substance of the Virg Mary, his mother, and that without spot of sin, to make us clean from all sin so would we further call upon thee, and say “Almighty God, who hast give us thy only begotten Son, to take our nature upon him, and as at this time: be born of a pure Virgin grant that we being regenerate, and made thy ch dren by adoption and grace, may daily be renewed by thy holy Spirit, throu the same our Lord Jesus Christ, who liveth and reigneth with thee and t same spirit, ever one God, world without end, Amen."-" Therefore wit angels and archangels and with all the company of Heaven, we laud an magnify thy glorious name; evemore praising thee, and saying, holy, how holy Lord God of Hosts, Heaven and Earth are full of thy glory; glory to thee, O Lord most high, Amen."‡

**Proper preface for Christmas Day, in Office for H. Communion. + Collect for Christmas day.

The Trisagium, or Hymn of the Angels, in the Communion Office.

TO THE EDITORS OF THE CHURCHMAN'S MAGAZINE. Please to insert the following extract from Bishop Hick's Devotions, and obi.g. your friend and constant reader, ORTHODOX.


To day, for us, our Lord was born;-come, let us adore him. JOYFUL tidings, worthy of an angel's mouth! Behold, to us was be this day, a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord. Allelujah.

Wonderful signs, to seek the new-born King of heaven and earth :-shall find him wrapt in swaddling cloaths, and laid in a manger. Allelujan O blessed harmony of the celestial choirs! Glory to God on high, on ec peace, good will towards men. Allelujah.


The Shepherds came to Bethlehem with speed, and found Mary and Joseon and the infant, laid in a inanger.

V. This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice therein.' Allelujak.- Allelujah.

R. This is the day in which the Lord was made ;-come let us rejon Allelujah.-Allelujah.


O GOD, who every year givest a fresh occasion to the devotions of thy Church, by the welcome festivity of our Saviour's birth! Grant us, we be secch thee, with such devout affections to entertain this first humble rising of the Sun of Righteousness to us, as may better dispose and more powerfully engage us to follow him through the whole painful course of his life, whb. lil a giant, he rejoiced to run, enlightening the world with thy truth, and indaming it with thy love, 'till in the end we arrive at his eternal rest, throngh the same our Lord Jesus Christ, thy Son; who, with Thee and the Holy Ghost, liveth and reigneth, ever one God, world without end. Amen.

DIED.]-At Huntington, of a consumption, the 2d of instant, December, Mr. PHILO SHELTON, in the 27th year of his age.

"Man wants but little, nor that little long,
"How soon must he resign that very dust,
"Which frugal nature lent him for an hour."

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