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32D CONG.....3D Sess.

Mr. BRODHEAD. I would be quite willing to pay the Intelligencer for the matter which has been published, and I think the resolution should be so modified. It had, therefore, perhaps better go over until to-morrow morning.

Mr. BORLAND. I would suggest to my friend from Pennsylvania, that the resolution had better be disposed of now. I have a very few remarks to make upon it; and I think I can satisfy him and the Senate that we ought not to pay for what has been published. There is good reason for it. There is no reason why we should pay for publishing hereafter in that paper what has taken place which has not yet been published. If the resolution goes over at all, I should like it to go over until the next session; but if it is disposed of at this session, it had better be done now. hope the resolution will not be taken up, but if it is under consideration, I will say in a few words what I have to say upon the subject. I shall make no speech.


Mr. GWIN. I hope the resolution will not be taken up. I move that the Senate proceed to the consideration of Executive business.

The PRESIDENT. Does the Senator from Arkansas withdraw his motion to lay the resolution upon the table?

Mr. GWIN. Is the resolution before the Senate?


Mr. BORLAND. Then I will say what I have to say in a very few words. This is a proposition to pay the National Intelligencer for what it has published, during the last Congress, of the proceedings and debates of this body; and to pay also for publishing after this time that which it omitted to publish during the last Congress. I am opposed to both propositions, and for this reason: The National Intelligencer had a contract on the same terms as the Union, to publish the proceedings and debates of the Senate. Its editors came forward and relinquished that contract. I thought it was generally understood why that was done; and that which followed confirmed me in what I supposed was the general understanding. It was considered that it made the Intelligencer a neutral paper in politics to publish the debates of the Senate, because it had to publish Democratic as well as Whig speeches, which left but little room for editorials; and inasmuch as the Democrats were in a majority in the Senate, and perhaps more speeches were made on the Democratic than on the other side, it gave the paper rather a Democratic tendency by throwing Democratic doctrines before the country. The presidential election was coming on, and it was deemed important that the Intelligencer should be a thoroughly Whig paper. To make it so, and to avoid the publication of Democratic speeches in the debates of the Senate, it relinquished its contract; and we found that it afterwards confined itself almost exclusively to the publication of Whig speeches delivered here, which might be useful in the political canvass. Of course I had no objection to that. It was within the option of the editors to publish what they pleased for political purposes. But the proposition involved here is that we shall pay the editors of that paper seven dollars and fifty cents a column for doing that when they published at their own option a party paper, and relinquished the contract which required them to publish the speeches on both sides of the Chamber. I am disposed to be as liberal in party matters as most men; but it is really asking me, as a Democrat, to go further than propriety requires me to go, to comply with this proposition. I would have no objection to pay for the publication of Whig speeches, provided the Democratic speeches went along with them; but I am unwilling to give a party paper the privilege of selecting what speeches it chooses to publish for political effect, and recognize that as the regular proceedings and debates of this body, and pay for it at the public expense. I cannot do that.

The next proposition is-what? To pay the paper for going back and publishing now what we did during the last Congress.

Mr. SEWARD. The last Congress or the last session?

Mr. BORLAND. The last Congress as I understand, or if it is the last session, it is the same thing in principle.

Special Session-Debates in the Senate.

The PRESIDENT. It is the last Congress. Mr. BORLAND. Now I should like to know if there would be enough of public interest in the proceedings of the last Congress to lead the people to go back and read them all over again, if the newspapers should publish them subsequent to this time? It is a good policy on the part of the National Intelligencer. It threw out all these things when it wanted to occupy its columns with party matter for the purpose of affecting the presidential election. It was a very good party move; and now, when the excitement has passed away, and persons care very little about the political character and aspect of the paper, the Intelligencer, which, during the excitement that attended the presidential election, did not publish full debates, wants to publish now what nobody will read and the public do not want. Appeals have been made to me by gentlemen outside of the Chamber that the National Intelligencer cannot get along without some patronage. Very well. I like the National Intelligencer as a Whig paper; but if it cannot get along without such patronage, I am unwilling, as a Democratic Senator, to bestow it. I do not think we have any right to do it; and if we had the power, I do not think this would be the proper purpose for which, or the proper occasion upon which, to exercise it. This is my understanding of the proposition now before us; and for these reasons I shall vote against the resolution. Unless some one wishes to offer views on the other side, I move that it lie upon the table. If any gentleman wishes to say anything, I will withdraw it.

Mr. HAMLIN. I submitted the original resolution to increase the subscription for the number of the Congressional Globe and Appendix with which Senators are now furnished, upon the ground that while we expended so much money for the preparation of the debates in that form, I thought it advisable that Senators should have as many copies for distribution, or a greater number than is furnished to members of the House.

Mr. BORLAND. Will the Senator permit me to say that I concur with him fully? My remarks had no reference to his proposition.

Mr. HAMLIN. I understand. I was saying that these were the reasons which operated with me in offering the original resolution. The amendment offered by the Senator from California, I am aware, embraces other propositions than that contained in the resolution which I offered.

Mr. BORLAND. The resolution offered by the Senator in relation to the Congressional Globe and Appendix is not up for consideration.

Mr. HAMLIN. What is up? Let the resolution be read.

Mr. GWIN. I will state to the Senator that his resolution was postponed until the next session.

Mr. HAMLIN. Then I was hanging a speech in the wrong place and on the wrong subject, though I do not know but that it would apply just as well. [Laughter.] I will therefore say nothing


Mr. GWIN. I have a few words to say in regard to the remarks of the Senator from Arkansas. I think he is mistaken in regard to the object of the resolution. I think that the portion of the debates which is proposed to be paid for, which were published during the last session, are the running current debates which were published daily. That portion of the debates which went extensively into the questions before the Senate, is not embraced in the resolution, if I understand it. The National Intelligencer published a very accurate daily report of the proceedings of the Senate; and I acknowledge that it is important to the country that such a report should be published in that paper. It is concise, leaving out a great deal of immaterial matter which passes here; but still I thought it useful. It is for that portion, which the resolution proposes to pay the editors. What follows is the official report as made out by the Globe and Union. That is to be published hereafter. The remarks made by the Senator to the effect that in the debates published by the Intelligencer during the last session, there were more Whig speeches than Democratic, are entirely outside of the proposition. It is now proposed that the debates which have heretofore been published in the Union and the Globe, shall be republished


in the Intelligencer for which it shall get so much per column. It is to publish them just as they were reported in those papers; and it is to be paid for what it had reported; that is a succinct account of the proceedings of the Senate, in which, it seems to me, there was no reference to the political discussion further than was necessary in the publication of the debates that occurred in the Senate.

Mr. BRODHEAD. Some valuable speeches were published in the Intelligencer during the last session, and published too without reference to party character. I think all the leading speeches on the important questions at the last session which were delivered on both sides of the Chamber appeared in the Intelligencer. Such is my recollection. Now, sir, in my opinion, its editors abandoned the contract, which was similar to the one under which the Union has been reporting our proceedings, because it did not pay. They had a right to do that; but in view of the fact that the succinct publication of the proceedings of the Senate has been useful,, I am willing to pay them for it. I am unwilling to go back and publish all the speeches which have been made during the last session. I do not think that it was with a view to benefit the Whig party that the Intelligencer abandoned the contract which it had with the Senate for the publication of the debates at large. I differ from my friend from Arkansas on that point. The editors distinctly stated in their communication to the Senate that they asked to be released from their contract because it did not compensate them. I am therefore quite willing to pay them for what work they have done, but I am unwilling to go back and pay them for the publication now of all the speeches that were delivered during the last Congress.

Mr. MASON. The resolution in regard to an increase of the subscription for the Congressional Globe and Appendix, has been postponed until the next session. This, as I understand, is a proposition to publish the debates in the National Intelligencer. I recollect very distinctly that when our present system of publishing the debates as the expenses of the Senate originated, great doubts were generally expressed as to the propriety of such a system. There was then a contract made with the leading paper of each great political party at the seat of Government-the Union and the Intelligencer-to publish at a stated price per column, the entire debates of the Senate as fast as they were delivered. According to my impression, the contracts were complied with by both papers. They kept up the publication of the current debates, and did lay them before their readers gen-. erally the next day after they occurred-seldom later than the day after. At the close of the short session two years ago, the editors of the National Intelligencer informed the Senate that it was too onerous for that paper to continue the contract; that it did not compensate them. They therefore relinquished it, and voluntarily disconnected themselves from the Senate as one of our official reporters. Now the proposition as I understand it, is to authorize them again to publish the debates on the same terms, and pay them for what they have already published. I would have no objection, if gentlemen desire it, to continue the publication of the current debates in the Intelligencer, but I think there is no reason in the world either for ordering the publication of what has passed, or for paying them for what they have voluntarily published. That paper is one of the oldest papers at the seat of Government, and I have every reason to believe that it enjoys a most extensive general circulation not in this country only, but abroad. It is a paper conducted with great ability and it has remained for many years in very able hands. It is, as all papers in this country must be, a party paper, although it is conducted, I am free to say, with great decorum and courtesy to the opposing party. At the same time it is conducted with an exclusive eye to the interests of its party. I feel no party hostility towards it whatever. I believe that our country will not continue to be a republic, certainly not a republic in a sound and healthy condition, unless there are two parties-parties not having a tendency to degenerate into the party in power, and the party in opposition, but two parties such as constituted the dividing parties in this country half a century ago or less-parties opposed to each other upon

32D CONG.....3D SESS.

the principles of the Government and the mode of administering it. There must be parties. No salutary influence can be exerted on the Government, unless there are parties and party organs. But I see no reason in the world for paying the National Intelligencer for what it has voluntarily published. It published it for its own purpose. It was what its readers had a right to expect, and it was necessary to sustain its own character. I would have no objection to so much of the resolution as proposes to continue the publication of the debates in that paper. What is the object of the publication? To give an opportunity to its readers throughout the country to see what is done in the Senate. We all know that the interest in the debates is lost when we go back and publish them after they have become stale. I have been a reader of the Intelligencer, I think, some thirty years, and, as I said, it has had a sedulous and exclusive eye to the interests of the party of which it is one of the organs. I cannot, however, agree with the suggestion of my friend from Arkansas, that it has been unfair or partial, at least while it was publishing the debates of the Senate for the Senate. It then published the whole of the proceedings. If it has done otherwise since, it has had a perfect right to publish what it pleased; but while it was publishing officially for the Senate, it contained speeches in extenso on both sides of the Chamber on every important topic of discussion.

Mr. BORLAND. I do not differ at all from the Senator from Virginia, about the character of the National Intelligencer as a party paper. We all know it is a very dignified one; and I believe it is one of the most candid, and has less of bitterness of feeling in it than any paper which we have. As a public journal I respect it very highly. I do not charge it with any unfairness. There was no unfairness in its publishing such speeches and documents as it thought proper to advance the interests of the Whig party. It was perfectly right in doing so. I do not object to that; nor would I have objected to continuing it as one of the reporters of the Senate while it was receiving seven dollars and fifty cents a column. I very cheerfully voted for its having the contract to that effect, and would have continued it as long as it may be the policy of the Senate to employ special papers to report its proceedings. I would not have restricted that, so far as it is considered patronage, to the papers of my own party. I would be perfectly willing that the National Intelligencer should have it; but when its editors came forward and told us that the contract did not pay, that they could no longer go on under it, and when they gave it up on the eve of a presidential canvass, and during that canvass did exercise their discretion for the benefit of their own party, and published such speeches and documents as conduced to the interests of that party, I am unwilling to pay them for such work.

It seems to me that the suggestion of my friends from Pennsylvania and Virginia proves a little too much in favor of this proposition. The editors of the Intelligencer told you that they gave the contract up because it would not pay. They thought it was a bad bargain. They could not go on with it, and yet they come forward now and ask us to enter into it again. If they lost money on the contract the year before last, why should it not make them lose money now? No, sir, the object was this: I understand the contract did not pay because the pecuniary compensation was not sufficient to compensate for the political injury that it might sustain by publishing all the debates; and it was a question between the pecuniary and the political interests of the paper. The money was not enough to induce them at a time of high party excitement to publish what they and the friends of the paper called at that time a neutral paper. They wanted a Whig paper; but the publication of Democratic speeches in it made it a neutral paper, because they neutralized the effect of the editorials and of Whig speeches. I differ from Senators who say that it has published speeches on both sides. I have read it pretty carefully, and if it published Democratic speeches I did not see them in its columns. It may as a special favor have published one or two, but that it made a practice of it, I am very sure is not the case.

Mr. President, I think our present system of

Special Session-Debates in the Senate.

reporting is wrong in itself. It might be greatly improved. In my opinion, we ought to have one official reporter whom we ought to pay more than we now pay, to enable him to organize and keep up one efficient corps of reporters; and then if we desired to have the reports published in other papers, we could pay those papers for their republication from the official paper. We have now going out to the public two sets of reports of our proceedings as official reports, which very often differ from each other. I want the thing uniform. I think we can have it better done by paying one official reporter, and having one uniform report to go out as the official record, and then we can, by paying a smaller compensation to other papers, have it distributed over the country as we think proper. I think that would be the better plan to



of a contract such as we have with the Union. It proposes no contract with the publishers of the Intelligencer; but it directs our Secretary to have certain debates printed in that paper. Where are they to come from? Why, sir, they are to be collated from the Globe or the Union, and to be republished in the Intelligencer. Now, I ask if it would not be treating unfairly, both the Globe and the Union, to take the reports which they have made up and published, and transfer them to another paper, and pay that paper precisely the same for publishing, as we have paid the other two papers for reporting and publishing them. Sir, I am willing to transfer these debates to the Intelligencer for the purpose of disseminating them among the public, and placing them before the partisans of that paper, but I am unwilling to pay precisely the same sum which we pay to those who have done the reporting at length. It would be unjust to them. If we should pay the Intelligencer seven dollars and fifty cents a column for republishing the debates that have been written out by others, we should increase very much the compensation which we have paid to our other publishers. That is my view of the matter.

Mr. SEWARD. I perceive that this resolution is misapprehended in its effect and scope. It does not propose that the National Intelligencer shall go back and publish the proceedings of the last Congress, and receive compensation for it. What it does precisely propose is this: The National Intelligencer during the last Congress, reported what may be called eclectic debates on its own account. It is now proposed to pay its editors for those eclectic debates, and no more; and in regard to the last session to pay them for what they have already published, and to authorize them to pub-cline lish the residue of the debates of that session, not of the last Congress. That is the point to which I wish to direct the attention of Senators. Mr. BORLAND. If the Senator will let the resolution be read, he will see that it refers to the last Congress.

Mr. SEWARD. Let it be read. I think the honorable Senator will see that I am right. The resolution was read.

Mr. SEWARD. Very well. Now, then, the question divides itself into two parts. First, in regard to the last session. I think it cannot be alleged that there has been any political influence exercised in the selection of the eclectic debates which were published during that session, and I see no reason why we should not be willing to pay them for those debates. There have been no political debates here during the last session; nothing that has had any tendency whatever to operate in a partisan point of view upon the public mind; and if there was, the debates which have been published have certainly been fair and equal. The Intelligencer, if it should go on now and publish the residue of the debates of the last session, will give them to the public nearly as soon as they will reach the public through the Union, which I believe is not yet through its report of the last session, and certainly as soon as the public will be reached by the debates in the Congressional Globe, and sooner too. Therefore, as the Senate might perhaps agree to this resolution, while they would not be willing to go back, for the reasons expressed by the Senator from Arkansas, to authorize the publication of the eclectic debates for the first session of the last Congress, I suggest by way of compromise that we pay them for what they have printed of the last session of Congress, and authorize them to print the residue at the

same rate.

Mr. HAMLIN. I think it would be judicious to have no action on this resolution at this session, for the reason that the Senate is very thin, and an adverse action upon it might have an effect on the Senate in its subsequent action. We now have a contract with the Union, which is a party paper, and under it, all the debates of the Senate are printed and published, and consequently spread mainly before the class of the community who are partisans corresponding with that paper. I will, with great cheerfulness, vote for any scheme which shall throw our debates before another class of the community. I would have them published in the Intelligencer and send them to another class of individuals; but I think this resolution is too broad. It covers too much ground; and the Senator who drew it did not mean precisely what the resolution purports, or if he did, I shall be compelled to disagree with him in the result to which I arrive. What is the resolution? In the first place, it proposes to authorize the Secretary of the Senate to procure certain debates to be printed in the National Intelligencer. It is not in the nature

Then, in relation to the payment of what has already been published-a mere synopsis of the proceedings of the Senate-I am not willing to say that I would not pay something for them. I insomewhat to the opinion that I would; still I am not quite clear in the matter. I do not know that it extended much beyond that amount which they desired for the character of their press, and which was demanded from its subscribers. Still, for the purpose of doing equal justice to the political press on the other side, I am inclined to believe I would favor the payment of something for them. But taking the proposition as it stands now, it seems to me it is too broad, and fearing that an adverse decision now might influence the action of the Senate hereafter, I think it would be better not to act upon it at this time, when the Senate is so thin, but it should go over until the next session, when it can be presented to the Senate, fully matured, discussed, and acted upon by a full Senate. I think it more advisable to take that course; and I therefore move to postpone its further consideration until the first Monday in December


Mr. BORLAND. The remark which the Senator from Maine has made as to the compensation to be paid, is very forcible. We know that the Union and Globe have to pay for their reporting four dollars and fifty cents a column, leaving but three dollars for the publication of the debates. Now, the proposition is to give the Intelligencer as much for the mere publication, as we give them for the reporting and publication.

Mr. SHIELDS. Does the Senator object to the postponement of the resolution? Mr.SEWARD. We all agree to the postpone


Mr. BORLAND. Very well; though I think it would be better to reject it.

The motion to postpone was agreed to.


On the motion of Mr. MASON, the Senate proceeded to the consideration of Executive business;

and after a short time the doors were reopened.


On motion by Mr. GWIN, it was

Ordered, That leave be granted to withdraw the three several drafts now on the files of the Senate drawn in favor of Thomas W. Lane by G. W. Barbour, Indian agent in California, upon R. McKee, disbursing agent.

REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON FRAUDS. Mr. HOUSTON moved that ten thousand additional copies of the report of the Committee on Frauds be printed for the use of Senate.

The motion was referred to the Committee on Printing.

Mr. BORLAND subsequently reported in favor of printing the same.

The PRESIDENT. The report can be considered now only by unanimous consent.

Mr. BORLAND. I will suggest to the Chair that the rule under which the Committee on Printing acts, requires it to report at least the day after the subject is referred to it, and it has been customary very often to report such resolutions back on the same day.

32D CONG.....3D SESS.

Mr. SMITH. I am a member of the Committee on Printing and was not aware that any action had been had upon the matter by the commmit


Mr. BORLAND. I did not consult the Senator, and I will state the reason why I did not. During this session he has not attended the meetings of the committee, but has left the business before it, so far as he is concerned, entirely to the Senator from Maine [Mr. HAMLIN] and myself. I did not mean any discourtesy to the Senator, but inasmuch as he did not give any attention to the business before us I supposed he did not care to take any part in our proceedings.

Mr. SMITH. I have no fault to find with the course pursued by the committee. The Senator is, however, entirely mistaken when he says that I have not attended any of the meetings of the committee. I object to considering the report at this time.

Mr. BORLAND. I have not had the pleasure of meeting the Senator at any of the meetings of the committee during this session.

The PRESIDENT. As the consideration of the report is objected to it goes over under the rule.


The following resolution, submitted by Mr. HOUSTON on the 31st ultimo, was considered and agreed to:

"Resolved, That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, instructed to furnish the Senate with a report of an examination, on the files of the Department of the Interior, made of the Patent Office Building in 1851, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Buildings."


Mr. GWIN. Some days ago the Senate ordered one thousand copies of Captain Ringgold's charts to be purchased by the Secretary of the Senate for the use of navigators on the coast of California. The Secretary now desires to know how he is to distribute them, I therefore submit the following resolution:

Resolved, That of Captain Ringgold's charts of the coast of California heretofore ordered to be purchased, five hundred copies be sent to the Secretary of the Navy, and five hundred to the collector of San Francisco, for distribution.

Mr. BUTLER. I suppose that is as good a mode of distribution as any that can be adopted, but it is the first time that we have ever resorted to it.

Mr. HAMLIN. I would suggest to the Senator from California that a portion of the charts should be deposited here so that mariners can obtain them before reaching the coast, otherwise they may have difficulty in getting into port.

Mr. GWIN. The resolution provides that five hundred shall be deposited with the Secretary of the Navy for distribution.

Mr. HAMLIN. As they are for the benefit of merchant vessels they should be deposited with the Secretary of the Treasury,

Mr. GWIN. I am perfectly willing that that shall be done.

Mr. BUTLER. How is the collector at San Francisco to distribute them? He has not the franking privilege.

Mr. GWIN. Navigators will obtain them from him when they enter the port.

Mr. BRIGHT. Why are not the charts to be distributed to Senators?

Mr. GWIN. For the following reason: It was objected to the original resolution in the form in which it was first introduced, that it conflicted with a provision in the deficiency bill of the last session of Congress, prohibiting the distribution of books to members of Congress. It was suggested by the colleague of the Senator, [Mr. PETTIT,] that the charts should be purchased for the benefit of navigators on the Pacific coast. That having been done, the Secretary of the Senate wants to know how he is to distribute them, and the resolution is introduced for the purpose of settling the mode of distribution.

Mr. BRIGHT. I made the inquiry for the purpose of showing the effect which an order of this kind, which is violative of the law, will produce. At the instance of the Senator from Virginia [Mr. HUNTER] an amendment was incorporated in the deficiency bill of the last session to the effect that there should be no further distribution of books amongst members of Congress.

Special Session-Ringgold's Charts.

Mr. HUNTER. The provision was in the bill as it came from the House.

Mr. BRIGHT. Whoever introduced it the intention was as I have stated. However, I have no disposition to interfere unnecessarily with this resolution. I opposed the resolution directing the purchase of the charts, at least I voted against it under the impression that if we had a general law of that kind it was wrong by a simple resolution to repeal or evade it. I think the passage of that resolution was an evasion of the law.

Mr. BAYARD called for the yeas and nays on the resolution and they were ordered.

Mr. MASON. I understand the object of the resolution is to direct the Secretary of the Senate to send five hundred copies of the charts for which the Senate has subscribed to the Secretary of the Treasury, and five hundred to the Collector at San Francisco for distribution in California, for the use of navigators. I was opposed to the resolution directing the purchase for the reason as has been well said that I did not think it was a legitimate use of the contingent fund of the Senate to purchase books for the use of navigators.

Mr. GWIN. I cannot imagine why the yeas and nays have been called for on such a resolution as this. The charts are very important publications and the Senate has twice after full discussion ordered the purchase of some of them. The resolution which we have now before us is merely a matter of form. It is asked for by the Secretary of the Senate in order that he may know how to distribute what have been deliberately ordered by the Senate. As to the charge of indirection in evading the law, I insist that the original resolution was nothing of the kind. It did not propose to purchase a "book." It was merely a chart of a very important portion of the coast of the United States, and one which was drawn up with great care and accuracy. The Legislature of California has instructed its Senators unanimously to ask for its republication. The resolution ordering the purchase has been agreed to; and the proposition now is to determine how they are to be distributed. I do not know that it is a matter of any great importance, but certainly I am ready to meet any issue which may be presented as to the responsibility of evading the law for the purpose of purchasing and distributing the charts.


navigator with one when he enters the port. Having ordered the purchase of the maps, I do not see that there is any more proper way to dispose of them, inasmuch as Senators have not the power to distribute them. I would vote to reconsider the resolution which we have already adopted, and retrace our steps, if the Senate should be so disposed; otherwise I shall vote for the distribution.

Mr. BAYARD. I object to the resolution, because I cannot see upon what authority the contingent fund of the Senate of the United States is to be charged with the disbursement of moneys to be distributed among the collectors of the United States. You are setting a precedent now for which you can find no anterior one. You are setting a precedent which will necessarily lead to applications of a similar character from other parts of the Union. There is no reason why you should adopt such a resolution in favor of the mariners of one portion of the Union and not of the other, and if you are to pay for charts of the coast of California out of the contingent fund of the Senate, which have not been ordered by Congress, and distribute them through the medium of the collector of San Francisco, you must expect of course to distribute charts of other portions of our coast through other collectors. That is what this will lead to, and I would rather let the charts lie here and rot than sanction such a precedent.

Mr. STUART. I desire to say a few words on this subject, in order that there may be no misconstruction of the vote which I gave on the former resolution, and the one which I intend to give on this. I disagreed with many Senators upon the construction of the provision in the deficiency bill to which reference has been made. It was introduced into the House of Representatives by a gentleman from North Carolina for the object, and the sole object of preventing the annual distribution of books to members of Congress to constitute a library for themselves. The law is not properly susceptible of any other construction. It does not prohibit, in my judgment, either House of Congress from publishing a document for the purpose of distribution in the country through the medium of its members. That was the view I took of it when it was passed, and it is the view I take of it now. I wish, therefore, only to say that in supporting this resolution, I shall do it for the purpose of providing for the distribution of the charts without taxing the members of the Senate with the duty, and that it shall appear that I had no idea of evading the law in voting for the resolution the other day. I did not think the original resolution infringed the law at all, and hence had no difficulty in voting for it, and shall have no difficulty in voting for the resolution pro

Mr. PETTIT. When the original resolution
was introduced there seemed to be some difficulty
in the minds of Senators in reference to the power
of the Senate, in consequence of the law which
has been spoken of, to order the purchase of the
charts. Whatever construction other Senators
may have put upon the law, I did not think that
the charts came within the term "books." But
there seemed to be a great desire in the Senate-Ividing for the distribution of the charts.
could not mistake that-that the maps should be
published for the benefit of navigators on the Pa-
cific coast, and therefore, to obviate the difficulty,
I suggested to the Senator from California to make
the resolution read so upon its face. It was evi-
dent that the design of the resolution was to ben-
efit the navigators. If the maps, charts, or what-
ever you choose to call them, had been purchased
they would have been distributed, as near as could
be by Senators, to those who were going to the
Pacific coast. I know what the result would have
been. As soon as the resolution was passed boys
would have been round our desks asking that
Senators not living in that direction should trans-
fer their proportion of them to the Senators from
California-a thing which I, located as I am in the
interior, should readily have done. The design
was to distribute them to navigators on that coast,
and I thought we might as well say so at once. I
therefore suggested to the Senator from California ||
the modification, and he accepted it.

Mr. CHASE. The law to which the Senator has referred, is in these words:

"Hereafter no books shall be distributed to members of Congress, except such as are ordered to be printed as public documents by the Congress of which they are members."

Now we have ordered the purchase. I am perfectly willing to vote to rescind the resolution ordering the purchase, if it is not necessary or proper to purchase the charts; but having made the order, unless we adopt this resolution or some other, the charts will lie here and become musty in the office of the Secretary. It seems to me, therefore, that some such resolution should be adopted. If five hundred are deposited with the Secretary of the Treasury or of the Navy, he will undoubtedly give them to the navigators as soon as convenient; and if the other five hundred are transmitted to the collector at San Francisco, he will furnish each

No books shall be distributed unless they have been ordered as public documents. The word "books," as every lawyer knows, comprehends charts. If a court were called upon to put a legal interpretation upon this law, charts would most unquestionably be included. The question then resolves itself into this: has this work been ordered to be printed as a public document? It is known that it has never been so ordered. As I understand it, it has been printed at the private expense of the able and ingenious gentleman who compiled it. Heretofore, and before the passage of this law, the Senate ordered the purchase of a certain number of copies of the work. They were purchased, and distributed to Senators in the usual mode, and I think most of them took the direction suggested by the Senator from Indiana, [Mr. PETTIT.] It was the direction very cheerfully given to mine.

I said, when this question was originally before us, that I might have no objection to voting for the resolution under the peculiar circumstances of the navigation of the Pacific coast, if the law did not stand directly in the way. I do not think that we can construe laws by the reported opinions and views of gentlemen who speak upon them. We must look at the recorded language of the laws themselves; and when we have obtained the construction from the language, we are bound by it. Inasmuch as the law, in my judgment, in

32D CONG.....3D SESS.

cluded such a work, it seemed to me to be a violation of it to pass the resolution ordering the purchase. It is true that the effect of the law was sought to be avoided by omitting the language contained in the law, "for distribution to members of Congress;" but that, it seems to me, rather made the matter worse than better, because it reduced the resolution to the character of an attempt to evade the law instead of founding it upon an honest difference of opinion in regard to its construction, such as exists between myself and the Senator from Michigan, [Mr. STUART.] For these reasons I was opposed to the original resolution, and I feel bound to vote against all resolutions intended to carry it into effect.

Mr. BORLAND. It seems to me that the Senator makes an objection to the present proposition that is not altogether applicable. He opposed the original resolution, he says, because he thought it was an evasion of the law which forbids the distribution of such things-books, charts, or whatever they may be-to members of Congress. Now, after that resolution has been adopted, and the arrangements have been made for the purchase of the charts, a proposition is made to distribute them-how? Not to members of Congress, but to put them at the disposal of certain officers of the Government; and the Senator opposes that. What will he do with them? This proposition shows now, if it was not shown before, that there was no intention to distribute them to members of || Congress-that there was no intention to violate the law because that law forbids simply a distribution to members of Congress to prevent them voting themselves libraries. It was not intended to prohibit the purchase of such works for public purposes. The proposition is now to put the charts at the disposal of the proper Department of the Government for the use of navigators, the purpose for which they were ordered to be purchased.

Special Session-Ringgold's Charts.

books shall be distributed to members of Con-
gress, and therefore, whether we call these charts
books" or not, the law does not apply to them.
I think, however, that the Senator from Califor-
nia had better modify his resolution so as to di-
rect that all the copies shall be turned over to the
Secretary of the Treasury to be by him distrib-
uted. He, as a matter of course, is better informed
of the wants of navigators than the collector.
Mr. GWIN. I will modify my resolution ac-

The PRESIDENT. There is an amendment
pending offered by the Senator from Florida.
Mr. MALLORY. I withdraw it.


next session, or whether we shall put them in the hands of the Secretary of the Treasury for distribution among the navigators on the coast? That is the sole object of the resolution.

Mr. BAYARD. Precisely; and if I put the value of the charts against what I was going to say is an atrocity in principle, I might vote for the resolution. You can find no precedent for ordering books to be paid out of the contingent fand of the Senate for distribution in this mode. Show me the precedent, if any such exists. It seems to me the abuse is palpable. Answer me if you can, in consistence with the vote which you gave on the report of the Committee on Contingent Expenses, in reference to Mr. Andrew's report. Why did you refuse to pay the expenses in that case? Because it was not prudent for you to make such expenditures out of your contingent fund. If it was not proper in that case, on what principle do you make it proper here? If you have purchased the books improperly, let them lie until the next meeting of Congress without

Mr. BAYARD. I supposed that if you are to
make any order upon the subject, the Secretary
of the Treasury will probably be the officer most
likely to distribute them according to your inten-
tion; but my objection lies deeper than that.
You are setting a precedent to the effect that out
of the contingent fund of the Senate of the United
States, you will order books to be paid for, for
distribution by the Executive officers of the Gov-being distributed.
ernment. Where is your authority for that.

Mr. SHIELDS. Í agree with the Senator that
this is not a contingency that ought to be paid
out of our contingent fund, but I understand that
the maps are already engraved, the contract is
made for them; and all that is necessary is to know
how to distribute them.

Mr. BAYARD. I understand that, but I consider the principle more important than the mere question whether the books are to be paid for by a few thousand dollars or not. I will never sanction an order of this kind for the distribution of books purchased under such circumstances, by money taken out of the contingent fund of the Senate, when Congress has not made an appropriation for the object. What did you decide yesterday in reference to the valuable report of The law which the Senator from Ohio has read Mr. Andrews? You decided almost unanimously if he will look to it again he will see, says nothing that you had no authority to pay for it out of your about purchase for public purposes. It simply contingent fund. Whence, then, comes your auprohibits a distribution to members of Congress.thority to purchase books for distribution, not by The resolution so far from going in contravention of the law carries out its very spirit. The resolution which we adopted the other day was to purchase these charts for the interests of navigation, and the object now is to indicate to the Secretary of the Senate what disposition he shall make of them in executing that resolution and thus we relieve him from embarrassment. As they are in his hands he must adopt some mode of disposing of them. This simply points out to him what the Senate considers the proper mode of distribution, viz: to put them at the disposition of officers of the Government and not of members of Congress. It does not come near the law and in no respect does it violate its spirit and intention.

Mr. RUSK. The argument of the honorable Senator from Delaware would have been good against the passage of the resolution in the first instance; but I do not think by refusing to distribute the charts in their proper channels, that we should advance a single step the principle for which he seems to contend. I am not certain of the propriety of passing the original resolution, but when he says it is an atrocious principle, and one for which there is no precedent, I will merely say that if he had taken the trouble to look he would have found that there is nothing but precedents for it. The House of Representatives has paid out of its contingent fund large amounts for books to be distributed among its members, and the Senate has done the same thing.

Mr. BAYARD. For distribution to members, but not to executive officers. You are extending the principle.

Mr. BORLAND. Nothing is more common in making an order by either House to purchase books out of its contingent fund, than to give a portion of them to an executive department for distribution.

Mr. RUSK. Precisely. To remedy the evil, and to avoid the precedents set by both Houses, of paying out of the contingent fund for books to be distributed among their members, we passed a law. What is it? That neither House of Congress shall distribute amongst its members any books except documents printed by order of both Houses. This is not a book of that description. It is not proposed to be distributed amongst members of Congress, and therefore it is no violation of the law. The honorable Senator from Michigan was perfectly correct in what he said. The evil intended to be remedied by the law was the distribution of books among members of Congress. This is, therefore, not a violation of the law. the same time, however, I have no doubt that it would have been altogether better if we had not undertaken to act separately, and paid for the pur

Senators, but by the Secretary of the Treasury,
or any other Executive officer? It is an evasion
of the law. You must judge of the intent of all
laws by the language used by the legislators who
passed them; and if you take the language of this
law, whatever may have been the private inten-
tions of the members, there can be no question
that it prevents the distribution of all books among
members of Congress, except such as are printed
as public documents. In consequence of that,
you did not pass the resolution in the shape in
which it was originally introduced providing for
the purchase of the books out of the contingent
fund of the Senate for the use of Senators. You
seek now not only to evade the intent of the law
which is to prevent such an abuse of the contin-
gent fund of the Senate, but to introduce the pre-
cedent that the contingent fund of the Senate is to
be used for the purpose of purchasing books, I
care not what they are or what they are not, to
be distributed by executive officers. Is that a
proper mode of proceeding? Ought not legisla-chase out of our contingent fund. But that is gone
tion to be requisite for such a purpose? If so the
proper course is this: If you have unadvisedly
chosen to pass a resolution for the purchase of
books, the question whether they are to lie for a
few months among our other documents is of very
little importance compared with the establishment
of such a precedent as this. Let them remain
under your former order if they have been pur-
chased, or the engravings have been ordered, or
any contracts made, and do what is right in prin-

Mr. MALLORY. The order for the purchase of the charts has already been made. That I conclude is a matter settled, and the only question now is as to their distribution. I suppose the Senate will desire them to take that direction which will confer the greatest amount of benefit on the interests of navigation. California I suppose herself has no vessel interested, but there is scarcely a part of the country having any shipping that has not sent one vessel or more to the ports of California. If the Senator from California had not already made his proposition, I would suggest to him that none of these charts should be sent to California for distribution; that they ought to be distributed on the Atlantic sea-board for navigators going to California, because it is to enable them to reach the port of California that the charts are wanted. I will suggest to the Senator from Cal-ciple. At the next session of Congress seek to ifornia not to give the five hundred to the Secretary of the Treasury because it is unheard of for the Secretary of the Treasury to distribute charts. The charts which are printed under an act of Congress are distributed by the chief of the Coast Survey office. He sends them to the Chambers of Commerce and other commercial institutions of the country which can best distribute them so as to confer the greatest amount of benefit upon the commercial interests. If it is in order I will move to strike out "Secretary of the Treasury" and insert "Chief of the Coast Survey."

Mr. RUSK. I see no difficulty in the way of this distribution being ordered. The law referred to by the Senator from Ohio is that hereafter no

pass a law authorizing action of this kind, and
see whether on discussion the Congress of the
United States will agree to depute to collectors
and officers of that class the distribution of books
purchased by means of the contingent fund of
either House.

Mr. BORLAND. I will call the attention of
the Senator from Delaware to this fact: the reso-
lution ordering the purchase of the charts expressly
provides that they shall be for the use of naviga-
tors on the Pacific coast. We have ordered their
purchase. I presume the contract for them has
already been made. They are perhaps ready to
be delivered, and the only question is, whether we
shall let them lie here in some lumber room to the


by. We have made the order, and the question is shall we turn round, and make the error three or four times worse by piling the document up here to the inconvenience of the Secretary of the Senate, and the damage of the navigating interest.

Mr. BAYARD. I presume the reason why there is no express restriction in the law as to the mode of distribution is, that it never entered into the imagination of Congress that such an attempt would be made. It had been the custom to purchase books by means of the contingent fund of either House of Congress and distribute them through the medium of its members. The law chose to restrict that in express terms. It did not go further, and restrict the abuse which was never contemplated, of purchasing books by means of the contingent fund, for distribution by the Executive authorities. Not supposing that such an authority would be assumed, it imposed no such restriction; therefore, my answer to the honorable Senator is, since you have passed such a resolution ordering the purchase of these documents, I am for letting them lie here in the hands of the Secretary of the Senate until he has the warrant of law for their distribution. I will not sanction one wrong resolution by voting for another.


32D CONG.....3D SESS.

The PRESIDENT. The resolution has been modified to read as follows:

Ordered, That the copies of Captain Ringgold's charts of the coast of California heretofore ordered to be purchased be delivered to the Secretary of the Treasury for distribution to the Navy and commercial marine navigating that coast.

The yeas and nays were taken on the adoption of the order, and it was agreed to-yeas 21, nays 17; as follows:

YEAS-Messrs. Borland, Brodhead, Dodge of Wisconsin, Dodge of Iowa, Everett, Fitzpatrick, Foot, Gwin, Houston, Jones of Iowa; Mallory, Pettit, Rusk, Sebastian, Seward, Shields, Soulé, Stuart, Walker, Weller, and Wright-21.

NAYS-Messrs. Atchison, Atherton, Bayard, Bright, Butler, Chase, Clayton, Douglas, Evans, Hunter, Mason, Norris, Pearce, Smith, Sumner, Thompson of Kentucky, and Toucey-17.


A message was received from the President of the United States, by SIDNEY WEBSTER, Esq., his Secretary, and on motion of Mr. GWIN, the Senate proceeded to the consideration of Executive business. After some time the doors were reopened.


Mr. HOUSTON submitted the following resolution:

Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to contract with Henry Johnson, the inventor, for the construction in the Senate Chamber of his new mode of taking the yeas and nays: Provided, The entire cost of construction shall not exceed the sum of $1,500 to be paid out of the contingent fund of the Senate.


Mr. HAMLIN. I submit the following resolution:

Resolved, That there be printed for the use of the Senate five thousand additional copies of the report of the Secre tary of State relating to the commercial regulations with foreign nations.

I ask the consideration of that resolution at this time. I will state very briefly what it is.

A SENATOR. Has it been reported from the Committee on Printing?

Mr. HAMLIN. It has the approbation of that committee. I had an interview with a late Secretary of State [Mr. Webster] on this subject at the last long session of Congress, the result of which was that during that session, on the 19th of July, I submitted a resolution calling upon the State Department to furnish the Senate with such information as it could, relating to the subjects named in the resolution. The report has been submitted to the Senate. It will form a little volume of about one hundred pages. It is a very valuable work, showing, as it does, the regulations of foreign commerce of almost every foreign nation. As the expense of printing it will be very little, and as the resolution meets the approbation of the Committee on Printing to which I have submitted it, I trust the Senate will adopt it. The resolution was considered by unanimous consent, and agreed to.


Mr. CHASE. I move that the Senate proceed to the consideration of the resolution which I submitted yesterday in regard to Executive sessions. The motion was agreed to. The resolution is as follows:

"Resolved, That the sessions and all proceedings of the Senate shall be public and open, except when matters com municated in confidence by the President, shall be received and considered, and in such other cases as the Senate by resolution from time to time shall specially order; and so much of the 38th, 39th, and 40th rules as may be inconsistent with this resolution is hereby rescinded."

Mr. CHASE. I suppose every Senator understands the object of this resolution. With the permission of the Senate I will so far modify its terms as to make it take effect after the present session of Congress and submit it to a vote with a very few remarks.

It changes the existing rule to this extent: The present rule requires the consideration with closed doors of treaties and nominations, and all confidential communications of the President. The proposed amendment requires that all sessions and all proceedings of the Senate shall be open and public, except in such special cases as the President or Senate from time to time shall decide to be proper for secret consideration. The proposed change would substitute for the general

Special Session-Open Executive Sessions.

rule of secrecy in respect to several classes of subjects the general rule of publicity, with such exceptions as particular exigencies shall from time to time require.

As the rules now stand all treaties are considered in secret session, and so are all nominations, and all communications marked confidential. Should the rules be altered as proposed by the resolution I have had the honor to submit, the injunction of secrecy will be confined to such treaties as may be specially communicated in confidence by the Executive and to such nominations as the Senate in the exercise of a sound discretion may deem it necessary, from considerations affecting private character or the public service, to discuss in privacy.

There is a large class of treaties legislative in their character, and including very important public considerations, which ought to be publicly debated. There is no reason why they should be considered in secret session. On the contrary, in respect to treaties of this character it is quite desirable that the public should be informed, and fully informed as to their provisions and as to the debates and votes here upon them. So also many, and indeed almost all, nominations are confirmed or rejected upon principles of public or party policy, without reference to private character. I see no reason why debates and votes upon these should not be public. Whenever any questions involving moral character are raised, it will be in the power of any committee or any member to move that the doors be closed.

There can then be no objection to the adoption of the resolution upon either of the grounds generally relied on by the advocates of secret sessions. Those grounds are, first, that secrecy is frequently necessary to the success of important negotiations with foreign countries, and that this secrecy would be impossible if the treaties should be debated and voted upon in public. There may be some force in this, but the objection does not touch the proposed amendment. The President has charge of foreign negotiations and is the best judge of the occasions on which secrecy is required, and whatever he thinks proper to communicate in confidence will still be treated as confidential, if the rule which I propose should be adopted.

The second ground of objection is that private character should not be made the subject of public debate. I will not say that this objection would not deserve consideration if the proposed rule imperatively required the public consideration of all nominations without exception. But it does not. It expressly excepts from its operation those special cases in which the Senate by resolution may enjoin secrecy. Such orders will be made when the nature of particular cases make such orders necessary or proper. In all other cases where the action of the Senate is determined by general or purely political considerations, the people have a right to know the character of our discussions and the reasons of our votes. Our institutions are based upon the principle of publicity and responsibility-secret sessions are exceptions to these general principles; these exceptions should be confined within the narrowest practicable limits, and reduced to the smallest possible number.


upon a treaty, it would be supposed that there was something especially delicate in our foreign relations. From this, considerations might be derived affecting the supposed probability of peace or war, and also the credit, and it may be the stocks, of the country, and in order to prevent suspicion, we should be forced to go into open session, and consider in public what ought to be considered in private.

I do not believe that any sensible amount of mischief has arisen from the fact that our deliberations upon nominations and treaties have been secret. I believe we have deliberated with quite as much regard for public interest under the seal of secrecy, when we were really advising and consulting the President in regard to its matters, as we should have done if we had thrown open the doors and subjected our debates and our votes to popular scrutiny. I believe it is far safer to adhere to the rule than to make the change which is now proposed.

Mr. BORLAND. I am sorry to differ from my friend from Virginia in supposing that any detriment can come to the public interest of this country by subjecting anything and everything to public scrutiny. I cannot conceive the case of a treaty or anything else in which injury could come to the public interest by opening them to full inspection.

Mr. HUNTER. Does the Senator think it would be better to expose the deliberations of the President and Cabinet council to public scrutiny?

Mr. BORLAND. I should have no objection to it so far as they could be made public. I do not believe, as an American citizen and an American Senator, that any public officer of the Government has the right to utter sentiments affecting the public interest, which are not properly before the public for the inspection of every man in it. That is the ground on which I stand; and I stand upon it, because I believe the popular intelligence is sufficient to discuss wisely and properly every question that may come before the country. As to a man's private affairs, he may do as he pleases. The public have nothing to do with them, so far as they relate to him and his family; but so far as relates to the public interests of society, and the public interests of this country, whether on our own soil, or as they will stand in relation to foreign countries, I believe no man has a right to express a sentiment, or do any act which every man in this country, who has the rights and responsibilities of a citizen, who is to bear the burden of the Government, and whose interest is to be affected by its action, has not a right to know. That is my view of the relations between the public officers of this Government, whether legislative, executive, or judicial, and the people. I cannot conceive that this Government can properly be administered upon any other ground, unless we deny to the people the requisite amount of intelligence, patriotism, and honesty to give a fair consideration to all questions, and dispose of them as the interests of the country require.

These are the general considerations on which I stand in relation to this matter. Gentlemen seem to think that there is something sacred in a man's private character. I admit that there is, yet when he comes forward as an applicant or candidate for public favor, there is nothing that the public has not a right, and ought not to be permitted to know.

Mr. HUNTER. It seems to me that this proposes a very important change in our rules, and one which I fear would be very mischievous. As it now stands, the general rule is that when Exec-Sir, utive communications are made in reference to treaties and nominations, our deliberations are to be in secret, unless we choose to order otherwise. If we do make the deliberations public, that is the exception. This proposes to reverse the rule, and require that all discussions shall be public unless the President or we, on account of special considerations, choose to make them secret. The result will be that we shall have no more secret sessions in relation to these matters. It involves a total change of the rule. It will lead to that result, because if, upon the question of a nomination, the Senate chooses to say that its consideration shall be secret, immediately it will be proclaimed to the world that the man has been accused, and he will desire to know of what he has been accused, and how he can defend himself.

So, too, in relation to treaties. If, contrary to the general rule, which this proposes, to consider them in public, we should go into secret session

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is there anything more sacred in the character of an individual who comes before the Senate, nominated by the President for an office under this Government, than there is in the character of an individual who goes before a State Legislature for a seat on this floor, or before the people for a seat in the other House of Congress, or for a place in a State Legislature, or for a governor, judge, or anything to which the people are electable? I conceive not; and whoever supposes at home or anywhere but here, when a man becomes a candidate for office that his character is so sacred that we cannot talk about it in public? What do our newspaper presses do with every man's character who places himself before the public as a candidate for office? They examine him in every particular. They hold him up to the gaze of the public. If he has faults, they make them known; and they ought to be made known. Why then should the character of a man who wants to be a foreign minister, an auditor, a treasurer, a secre

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