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Grant that I may serve thee this day in spirit and truth, by faith, hope, and love; give me prudence to direct my steps to thee, justice to regulate my conduct to my neighbors, fortitude to carry me safe through all difficulties and dangers, and temperance to restrain me from all unlawfu pleasures and passions; teach me to be meek an humble of heart, and to deny myself, and to take up my cross and follow thee; and in all things to know and to do thy holy will.

6. Intercession.

Have mercy on the whole Church militant upon earth; exalt her by the gifts of thy grace to all her members; give her saints for her chief bishops and other prelates; propagate her faith throughout the whole world; extirpate all heresies, schisms, errors, and abuses; convert all poor sinners to thee; grant perseverance to all that are in thy grace, in whose prayers and good works I desire to be associated; let thy right hand assist and protect all the clergy and religious, and all apostolical missionaries throughout the world, that they may all faithfully promote thy cause, and shine like lights to the rest of the faithful. Have mercy on all Christian kings and princes, and on all magistrates and men in power, that they may all fear, love, and serve thee and reverence thy Church. Have mercy on this nation, and remove from us those scourges which our manifold sins have deserved, and bring back our wandering steps to the ways of peace and truth. Have mercy on my parents, relations, friends, and benefactors, and on all those for whom I am more particularly bound to pray, or who have desired my

prayers, on my superiors; on all those who are under my charge; on all those whom I have injured, or to whom I have given scandal, by word, action, or bad example. Have mercy also upon my enemies; forgive them their sins, and fill both their hearts and mine with thy charity. Comfort al hose who are in affliction, sickness, or pain; assist all that are in slavery or captivity; defend all that are under temptation, and grant a happy passage to all that are in their agony; grant to us all relief in our respective necessities, the remission of all our sins, the grace of final perseverance, and life everlasting. Remember also, O Lord, all the faithful departed that have slept in thy faith and in thy grace, and especially those whom I am more particularly bound or accustomed to pray for; deliver them from all their pains, and grant them rest, light, and peace everlasting, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

7. Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

O blessed Virgin Mary, unspotted Mother of my God and Saviour Jesus Christ, be thou a mother to me, since thy adorable Son has been pleased to call us all his brethren, and to recommend us all to thee, in the person of his beloved disciple. Take me and mine under thy holy protection, and con ually represent to the eternal Father, in our be aalf, the merits of the death and passion of thy Son car Saviour.

8. Prayer to all Saints and Angels.

O all ye glorious angels and saints, and you in particular, my holy patrons, N. and N., happy citiens of the heavenly Sion, pray for us poor childrep

of Eve, to our common Lord, by the merits of our common Mediator, that we may ever love him and serve him here, till we come with you to love, praise, and enjoy him for all eternity.

9. Prayer to your Guardian Angel.

Angel of God, who art my guardian, enlighten. guard, direct, and govern me, who have been committed to thee by the supernal clemency. Amen. Glory be to the Father, &c.

[blocks in formation]

Christ have mercy.

[blocks in formation]

Christ have mercy.
Lord have mercy.
Lord have mercy.
Christ hear us.

Christ graciously hear us.
God the Father of heaven,
God the Son, Redeemer
of the world,

God the Holy Ghost,
Holy Trinity, one God,

Jesus, Son of the living

Jesus, Splendor of the

Have mercy on us.

This Litany is taken, word for word, from the latest editions of the Paradisus Anime and the Caleste Palmetum, in which latter manual i declared to have been indulgerced by Pope Sextus V., July 11, 1587

Have mercy on us

[blocks in formation]

Jesus, Brightness of eter na. light,

Jesus, King of glory, Jesus, the Sun of justice, Jesus, Son of the Virgin Mary,

Jesus, most admirable, Jesus, the mighty God, Jesus, the Father of the world to come,

Jesus, the Angel of great counsel,

Jesus, most powerful, Jesus, most patient, Jesus, most obeident, Jesus, meek and humble of heart,

Jesus, Lover of chastity, Jesus, our Beloved, Jesus, the God of peace, Jesus, the Author of life, Jesus, the example of all virtues,

Jesus, the zealous Lover of souls, Jesus, our God, Jesus, our Refuge, Jesus, the Father of the poor,

Jesus, the Treasure of

the faithful, Jesus, the Good Shepherd,

Jesus, the true Light,
Jesus, the Eternal Wis

Jesus, infinite Goodness,
Jesus, our Way and our

[merged small][ocr errors]

Jesu, Gaudium Angelo


Jesu, Magister Apostol


Jesu, Doctor Evangelist


Jesu, Fortitudo MartyTull,

Jesu, Lumen Confesso


Jesu, Puritas Virginum,

Jesu, Corona Sanctorum
Propitius esto.
Parce nobis, Jesu.
Propitius esto.
Exaudi nos, Jesu.

Ab omni peccato,
Ab ira tua,
Ab insidiis diaboli,

A spiritu fornicationis,

A morte perpetua,
A neglectu inspirationum

Per mysterium sanctæ
Incarnationis tuæ,
Per Nativitatem tuam,
Per Infantiam tuam,
Per divinissimam Vitam

Per Labores tuos,
Per Agoniam et Passion-

em tuam, Per Crucem et Derelictionem tuam,

Miserere nobis.

Libera nos, Jesu.

Jesus, the Joy of Angels.

Jesus, the Master of the Apostles,

Jesus, the Teacher of the Evangelists,

Jesus, the Strength of Martyrs,

Jesus, the Light of Confessors,

Jesus, the Purity of Virgins,

Jesus, the Crown of all Saints,


Be merciful.
Spare us, O Jesus.

Be merciful.

Graciously hear us, O Jesus.

From all sin,

From thy wrath,

From the snares of the devil,

From the spirit of fornication,

From everlasting death, From neglect of thy inspirations,

Through the mystery of
thy holy Incarnation,
Through thy Nativity,
Through thine Infancy,
Through thy most divine
Through thy Labors,
Through thine Agony
and Passion,
Through thy Cross and

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