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separated, and that she had invited the Chancellor very often lately, to try and accomplish it, but they were stupid, and told her it could not be done. It appeared to me that, at this time, her Royal Highness's mind was bent upon the accomplishment of this purpose; and it would be found, I think, from Lord Eldon and the others, that she pressed this subject close upon them, whenever they were at Montague House; for she told me more than once she had.* Her Royal Highness, before she put the letter by, said, "I always keep this, for it is ever necessary, I will go into the House of Lords with it myself. The Prince of Wales desires me in that letter to choose my own plan of life, and amuse myself as 11.ke; and also when I lived in Carlton House, he often asked me why I did not select some particular gentleman for my friend, and was surprised I did not." She then added, "I am not treated at all as a Princess of Wales ought to be. As to the friendship of the Duke of Gloucester's family, I understand that Prince William would like to marry either my daughter or me, if he could. I now, therefore, am desirous of forming a society of my own choosing, and I beg you always to remember, all your 'life, that I shall always be happy to see you. I think you very discreet, and the best woman in the world, and I beg you to consider the Tower always as your own; there are offices, and you might almost live there, and if Sir John is ever called away, do not go home to your family; it is not pleasant after people have children, therefore always come to my Tower. I hope to see you there very soon again. The Prince has offered me sixty thousand, if I'll go and live at Hanover; but I never will. This is the only country in the world to live in." She then kissed me, and I took my leave.

While I had been in the round Tower in Montague House, which only consists of two rooms and a closet on a floor, I had always my maid and child slept within my room, and Sir John was generally with me; he and ali my friends having free permission to visit. Mr. Cole (the page) slept over my room, and a watchman went round the Tower all night. Upon my return home, the same apparent friendship continued, and in one of her Royal Highness's visits she told me, she was come to have a long conversation with me, that she

*The Chancellor may now, perhaps, be able to grant her request.

N. B. The passage contained in this Note is, in the authenticated Copy transmitted to the Priness of Wales, placed in the margin.

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had been in a great agitation, and I must guess what had happened to her. I guessed a great many things, but she said no to them all; and then said I gave it up, for I had no idea what she could mean, and therefore might guess my whole life without success. "Well then, I must tell you," said her Royal Highness, 5 but I am sure you know all the while. I thought you had completely found me out, and therefore I came to you, for you looked droll when I called for ale and fried onions and potatoes, and when I said I eat tongue and chickens at my breakfasts; that I was as sure as my life you suspected me; tell me honestly did you not?" I affected not to understand the Princess at all, and did not really comprehend her. She then said, "Well, I'l tell; I am with child, and the child came to life when I was breakfasting with Lady Willoughby. The milk flowed up into my breast so fast, that it came through my muslin gown, and I was obliged to pretend that I had spilt something, and go up stairs to wipe my gown with a napkin, and got up stairs into Lady Willoughby's room, and did very well, but it was an unlucky adventure."

I was indeed most sincerely concerned for her, conceiving it impossible but she must be ruined, and I expressed my sorrow in the strongest terms, saying, what would she do? she could never carry such an affair through; and I then said, I hoped she was mistaken. She said no, she was sure of it, and these sort of things only required a good courage; that she would manage very well; but though she told me she would not employ me in the business, for I was like all the English women, so very nervous, and she had observed me so frightened a few days past, when a horse galloped near me, that she would not let me have any thing to do for the world. The Princess added, "You will be surprised to see how well I manage it, and I am determined to suckle the child myself" I expressed my great apprehensions, and asked her what she would do if the Prince of Wales seized her person when she was a wet nurse? She said she would never suffer any one to touch her person. She laughed at my fears, and added, "You know nothing about these things; if you had read Les Avantures du Chevalier de Grammont, you would know better what famous tricks Princesses and their ladies played then, and you shall and ous read the story of Catherine Parr and a Lady Douglas of those times; have you never heard of it?" She then related it, but as I never had heard of it, I looked upon it as her own invention to reconcile my mind to these

kind of things. After this we often met, and the Princess often alluded to her situation and to mine, and one day as we were sitting together upon the sofa, she put her hand upon her stomach, and said, laughing, "Well, here we sit like Mary and Elizabeth, in the Bible." When she was bled, she used always to press me to be bled, and used to be quite angry that I would not, and whatever she thought good for herself, always recommended to me. Her Royal Highness now took every occasion to estrange me from Sir John, by laughing at him, and wondering how I could be content with him; urged me constantly to keep my own room, and not to continue to sleep with him, and said, if I had any more children she would have nothing more to say to me. Her design was evident, and easily seen through, and consequently averted. She naturally wished to keep us apart, lest in a moment of confidence I should repeat what she had divulged, and if she had estranged me from my husband, she kept me to herself. I took especial care, therefore, that my regard for him should not be undermined. I never told him her situation, and, contrary to her wishes, Sir John and I remained upon the same happy terms we always had.

It will scarcely be credited (nevertheless it is strictly true, and those who were present must avow it, or perjure themselves), what liberty the Princess gave both to her thoughts and her tongue, in respect to every part of the Royal Family. It was disgusting to us beyond the power of language to describe, and upon such occasions we always believed and hoped she could not be aware of what she was talking about, otherwise common family affection, common sense, and common policy, would have kept her silent. She said before the two Fitzgeralds, Sir Sidney Smith, and ourselves, that when Mr. Addington had his house given him, his Majesty did not know what he was about, and waved her hand round and round her head, laughing, and saying, "Certainly he did not; but the Queen got twenty thousand, so that was all very well.". We were all at a loss, and no one said any thing. This was at my own house one morning; the rest of the morning passed in abusing Mr. Addington (now Lord Sidmouth), and her critiques upon him closed by saying, "It was not much wonder a peace was not lasting, when it was made by the son of a quack doctor." Before Miss Hamond, one evening at my house, she said, "Prince William is going to Russia, and there is to be a grand alliance with a Russian Princess, but it is not very likely a Russian Princess will marry the grandson of a washer

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woman." Sir Sidney Smith, who was present, begged her pardon, asserted it was not so, and wished to stop her, but she contradicted him, and entered into all she knew of the private history of the Duchess's mother, saying, "she was literally a common washerwoman, and the Duchess need not to take so much pains and not expose her skin to the open air, when her mother had been in it all the day long." When she was gone, Sir John was very much disgusted, and said, her conversation bad been so low and ill-judged, and so much below her, that he was perfectly ashamed of ker, and she disgraced her station. Sir Sidney Smith agreed, and confessed he was astonished, for it must be confessed she was not deserving of her station. After the Duke of Kent had been so kind as to come and take leave of her, before he last left England, upon the day I mention ed, she delivered her critique upon his Royal Highness, saying-" He had the manners of a Prince, but was a disagreeable man, and not to be trusted, and that his Majesty had told him, 'Now, Sir, when you go to Gibraltar, do not make such a trade of it as you did when you went to Halifax."" The Princess repeated, 66 upon nry honour it is true; the King said, 'do not make such a trade of it.'" She went on to say, "the Prince at first ordered them all to keep away, but they came now sometimes; however, they are no loss, for there is not a man among them all whom any one can make their friend."

As I was with the Princess one morning in her garden-house, his Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland waited upon her. As soon as he was gone she said, "he was a foolish boy, and had been asking her a thousand foolish questions." She then told me every word of his secrets, which he had been telling her; in particular, a long story of Miss Keppel, and that he said, the old woman left them together, and wanted to take him in, and therefore he had cut the connexion. She said she liked his countenance best, but she could trace a little family likeness to herself; but for all the rest they were very ill-made, and had plumb-pudding faces, which she could not bear. His Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge was next ridiculed. She said, "he looked exactly like a serjeant, and so vulgar with his ears full of powder." This was her Royal Highness's usual and favourite mode of amusing herself and her company. The conversation was always about men, praising the English men, reviling all English women, as being the ugliest creatures in the world, and the worst, and always engaged in some project or other, as the impulse of the moment might

prompt, without regard to consequences or ap pearances. Whether she amused other people in the same way, I know not, but she chose to relate to me every private circumstance she knew relative to every part of the Royal Family, and also every thing relative to her own with such strange anecdotes, and circumstantial accounts of things that never are talked of, that I again repeat, I hope I shall never hear again; and I remember once in my lyingin-room, she gave such an account of Lady Anne Wyndham's marriage, and all her husband said on the occasion, that Mrs. Fitzgerald sent her daughter out of the room, while her Royal Highness finished her story.

Such was the person we found her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales, and as we continued to see her character and faults, Sir John and myself more and more, daily and hourly, regretted that the world could not see her as we did, and that his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales should have lost any papularity, when, from her own account (the only account we ever had) she was the aggressor from the beginning, herself alone; and I, as an humble individual, declare, that from the most heartfelt and unfeigned conviction, that I believe if any other married woman had acted as her Royal Highness had done, I never yet have known a man who could have endured it; and her temper is so tyrannical, capricious, and furious, that no man on earth will ever bear it; and, in private life, any woman who had thus played and sported with her husband's comfort and her husband's popularity, would have been turned out of her house, or left by herself in it, and would deservedly have forfeited her place in society. I therefore again beg leave to repeat, from the conviction of my own unbiassed understanding, and the conviction of my own eyes, no human being could live with her, excepting her servants for their wages; and any poor unfortunate woman, like the Fitzgeralds, for their dinner; and I trust and hope her real character will some time or another be displayed, that the people of this country may not be imposed upon.

The Princess was now sometimes kind and at others churlish, especially if I would not fall into her plans of ridiculing Sir John. About this time, one day at table with her, she began abusing Lady Rumbold (whom she had invited to see her a few days before, to give her letters of recommendation, if she went to Brunswick), and as the abuse was in the usual violent vulgar style, and I had never seen Lady Rumbold but that one morning when she was her Royal Highness's guest, and cared nothing about her, I did not

join in reviling her and Miss Rumbold. Sir Sidney Smith was present, and as there appeared a great friendship between the Rumbolds and him, I thought it not_civil to him to say any thing, and one always conceives, in being quite silent, one must be safe from offending any party. I was, however, mistaken; for, observing me quite silent, she looked at me in a dreadful passion, and said, "Why don't you speak, Lady Douglas? I know you think her ugly as well as us-a vulgar common milliner; Lord Heavens! that she was; and her daughter looks just like a girl that walks up the street." I suppose she expected by this thundering appeal, to force me to join in the abuse; but it had a contrary effect upon me. I chose to judge entirely for myself, and I was determined I would not: therefore, when she had raved until she could go on no longer, I said I did not think her ugly; it was a harsh term.-I thought her manner very bad, and that she was very ill dressed: but when young, I thought she must have been a pretty woman. This was past her power of enduring, which I really did not know, or I would have remained silent. She fixed her eyes furiously upon me, and bawled out, "Then you're a liar, you're a liar, and the little child you're going to have will be a liar." I pushed my plate from me, eat no more, and remained silent, and my first impulse was to push back my chair and quit the house, but the idea that I should break up the party from table, and make a confusion, and also my not being able to walk home, and my carriage not being ordered until night, left me in my chair. The conversation was changed; at last Sir Sidney said again, “Well, these ladies have had a severe trimming, they had better not have come to Blackheath; and there sits poor Lady Douglas, looking as if she were going to be executed." As I was very far advanced in my pregnancy, it agitated me greatly, and I remained aloof and very shy all the evening. When I afterwards wrote to Sir Sidney Smith for Sir John, upon some common occurrence, I said, "I do not like the Princess's mode of treating her guests; her calling me a liar was an unpardonable thing, and if she ever speaks upon the subject to you, pray tell her I did not like it, and that if I had been a man, I would have rather died than have endured it; that it is a thing which never, by any chance, occurs to a lady; on a repetition of it I will give up her acquaintance." It seems Sir Sidney Smith spoke to the Princess on the subject; for two days before I was confined, she made me a morning visit with the two Fitzgeralds, and, after having sat a short time, said, "I

said positively she should not come, and locked the door nearest him to keep her out. Miss Cholmondely and Miss Fitzgerald were drove home, and her Royal Highness and Mrs. Fitzgerald stopped. Upon my giving a loud shriek she flew in at the other dcor, and came to me, doing every thing she possibly could to assist me, and held my eyes and head. The moment she heard the child's voice she left me, flew round to Doctor Mackie, pushed the nurse away, and received the child from Doctor Mackie, kissed it, and said no one should touch it until she had shewn it to me. Doctor Mackie was so confused and astonish ed, that, although an old practitioner, he left the room, without giving me any thing to re

custom, and the uurse gave me what she thought best; by which omission, however, I was not subject to faint away, but it was cer tainly a new mode of proceeding where life is at stake, and shewed more curiosity than tenderness for me. Before my little girl was brought to me, I observed her Royal Highness stood holding it, that Mrs. Fitzgerald, the nurse, and herself, were all intent, and speak

find you were very much affronted the other, the party. He wrote that I had a head ache, day at my house, when I called you a liar; and begged leave to remain at home, and the I declare I did not mean it as an affront; Princess believed it, and went to town; but Lord Heavens! in any other language it is upon her return, at five o'clock in the afterconsidered a joke; is it not, Mrs. Fitzgerald?" noon, she called before she went home to dress, meaning that in Germany it is a very good to ask after me, and finding how it was, wantjoke to call people liars (for Mrs. Fitzgeralded to run up into the room, but Doctor Mackie does not know any language but German and English); Mrs. Fitzgerald absolutely said, yes. They made me very nervous, and I burst into tears, and told the Princess I only wished her to understand such a thing was never done, and was far from desiring her to apologize to me; that I had now forgiven and forgotten it, though I confess, at the time, I was very much hurt, and very much wounded; that as I never heard of its being thought a joke in any country, I was not the least prepared to receive it in that light; for that, in this country, ladies never used the expression, and men only to shew their greatest contempt; that I never bore malice twelve hours in my life, and there was an end of the matter. The Fitzgeralds sat by, sometimes as audience, approv-cruit my strength and avert fainting, as is the ing by looks; sometimes as orators, begging me not to cry (after they had all made me), and praising her Royal Highness as the most magnanimous, awiable, good, beautiful, and gracious Princess in the world. In short, they tormented me till they made me quite hysteri cal, and the Princess began then to be frightened, and they all got up to look about the room for hartshorn, or something of that kind to give me the Princess crying, "Give hering together, as if there was something pecusomething, give her something; she is very much shook, and her nerves agitated; she will be taken ill." They gave me some water, I believe, and I did all I could to recover my spirits; but I felt in pain, and Sir John came in soon after, and as I knew it would hurry him if he saw me ill, 1 appeared as cheerful as I could, and they all went away, the Princess taking no notice to him. Her Royal High-off. I recollected that, although I never, ness had always said, she would be at my lying in from the beginning to the end, aud commanded me constantly to let her know, saying, "I have no fear about me, and I would as soon come over the heath in the middle of the night as in the day; I shall have a bottle of port-wine on a table to keep up your spirits, a tambourine, and I'll make sing." I was unwell all the night after her Royal Highness had been with me, and remained so all the next day; and next mora ing, by six o'clock, was so ill that Doctor Mackie, of Lewisham, who was to attend me, was sent for. In he forenoon I begged Sir John to write a more to Montague House, where it so happened I was to have dined with

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liar in its appearance; the circumstance alarmed me, fearing it was born with some defect, and I asked eagerly to see it, and if all was right. The Princess upon this brought it to me, and said it was a remarkable large fiue child, and they were only looking at a mark it had upon its left breast, certainly a very large one, and a little on its eyes, but it would go

when in a pregnant state, was subject to whims, longing, as thinking it very trouble. some and foolish, yet I felt obliged, in this instance, to believe the old-received opinion to be correct; for it happened, that during my visit at Montague House in March, I was one Sunday morning very much incommoded by pains in my chest and stomach, and her Royal Highness made Mrs. Sander give me some warm peppermint water; there was raspberryice in the desert the same day, and I had just began to eat mine, when the Princess looked at me, and said, "My dear Lady Douglas, you baye forgotten the pain you were in this moruing;" and, turning to her page, ordered him to take away my plate.

Mr. Cole, the page, removed the plate, and | I can never describe my disappointment; 1 was almost inclined to remonstrate, although there was a large party of strangers, and I did express a desire to retain it, but the Princess would not allow of it: and as she had appoint ed herself to the sole management of me, I was obliged to be quiet: my uneasiness, however, became extreme, and forgetting every thing but the ice in question, I asked a Mr. Hamer, who sat next to me, to be so good as to ask for some ice, and, by dint of asking him to do so, I at length induced him, and at last he asked Lady Townshend for some more ice. I immediately took my spoon, and stooping a little, so that the flowers upon the plateau concealed me in part from the Princess, eat all Mr. Hamer's ice, while he looked on laughing, and put his plate a little nearer to me, that it might not look so odd. The following day 1 eat eight glasses of raspberry-ice at once, and was very well after it; and from that time sought it every where, and eat of it voraciously; and I cannot help attributing the marks of my little girl to the circumstance. Her Royal Highness then kissed me, begged me to send for her whenever I liked, and she would come; desired I might have plenty of flannel about me, of which she had sent me some by Mrs. Fitzgerald, and then went home to dinner. I know not what she said or did among her party at home, but Miss Cholmondely often said she should never forget the Princess on that day. All the month of August the Princess visited me daily; in one of these visits, after she had sent Mrs. Fitzgerald away, she drew her chair close to the bed, and said, "I am delighted to see how well and easily you have got through this affair; I, who am not the least nervous, shall make nothing at all of it. When you hear of my having taken children in baskets from poor people, take no notice that is the way I mean to manage: I shall take any that offer, and the one I have will be presented in the same way, which, as I have taken others, will never be thought any thing about." I asked her, how she would ever get it out of the house? but she said," Oh, very easily." I said it was a perilous business; I would go abroad if I were her: but she laughed at my fears, and said she had no doubt but of managing it all very well. I was very glad she did not ask me to assist her, for I was determined in my own mind never to do so, and she never did make any request of me, for which I was very thankful. I put the question to her, who she would get to deliver her? but she did not answer for a minute, and then said," I shall get a person over; I'll ma

nage it, but never ask me about it; Sander
was a good creature, and being immediately
about her person and sleeping near her room,
must be told; but Miss Garth must be sent
to Germany, and the third maid, a young girl,
kept out of the way as well as they could." I
suggested, I was afraid her appearance at St.
James's could not fail to be observed, and she
would have to encounter all the Royal Fa-
mily. Her reply was, that she knew how to
manage her dress, and by continually increas-
ing large cushions behind, no one would ob-
serve, and fortunately the birth-days were
over until she should have got rid of her ap
pearance. In this manner passed all the time
of my confinement, at the end of which she
sent Mrs. Fitzgerald to attend me to church;
and when I went to pay my duty to her Royal
Highness, after I went abroad again, she told
me, whenever I was quite stout, she would
have the child christened, that she meant to
stand in person, and I must find another god-
mother; Sir Sidney Smith would be the god.
father. I named the Duchess of Atholl, as a
very amiable woman, of suitable rank, and
said, that as there had been a long friend-
ship betwixt Sir John's family and the Atholl
family, I knew it would be very agreeable to
him. Finding they were gone to Scotland, we
wrote to ask her Grace; and she wrote word
she would stand godmother with great plea-
sure, and enclosed ten guineas for the nurse.
The Princess invited Sir Sidney Smith, and
Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Smith, and Baron Her-
bert, and Sir John Douglas, to dine with her.
Miss Cholmondely and the two Fitzgeralds
were with her Royal Highness, and in the
evening they all came; I staid at home to re-
ceive her. The clergyman from Lewisham
christened the child; the Princess named it
Caroline Sidney.
As soon as he was gone
(which was shortly after the ceremony was
over), the Princess sat down upon the carpet-
a thing she was very fond of doing, in prefer-
ence to sitting upon the chairs, saying, it was
the pleasantest lively affair altogether she had
ever known. She chose to sit upon the carpet
the whole evening, while we all sat upon the
chairs. Her Royal Highness was dressed in
the lace dress which, I think, she wore at
Frogmore fete-pearl necklace, bracelets, and
armbands, a pearl bandeau round her head,
and a long lace veil. When supper was an-
nounced, her Royal Highness went in and took
the head of the table, and eat an amazing
supper of chicken and potted lamprey, which
she would have served to her on the same
plate, and eat them together. After supper
she called the attention of the party to my

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