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Gortynians, near the promontory | Leon, on the fouth-eaft fide of Crete; famous for a temple of Aefculapius, in imitation of that of Cyrenaica, Paufanias, Lebenaeus, both the epithet and gentilitious name, Philoftratus.

LEBINTHOS, Strabo, Ovid, Mela; a fmall ifland near Calymne to the fouth-west, and one of the Sporades.


LECHAEUM, Strabo; Lecheae, arum, Pliny; the weft port of Corinth, on the bay of that name, which the Corinthians ufed for their Italian trade, as they did Cenchrae for their eaftern or Afiatic; fituate below the city, and thinly inhabited; with two walls, like legs or arms, carried down for twelve fladia on each fide the road, Strabo. LECTON, or Lectum, Homer, Thucydides, Livy, Pliny; a promontory of Troas, the extremity of mount Ida, running out into the fea, Stra bo; oppofite to the north part of Lefbos; feparating Aeolia from Troas, Pliny.

LECYTHUS, Thucydides; a town of the Chalcidians, in the island Eu boea.

LEDERATA. See LITERATA. LEDUS, or Lacdus, Mela; a river of Gallia Narbonenfis. Now the Les, or Lez, running not far from Montpelier into the Mediterranean. LEGIO VII. GEMINA, Infcriptions; in Ptolemy Germanica, which is fuppofed erroneous, as all the Infcriptions have Gemina, a town or station of that legion in the Af tures. Now Leon, capital of the province of that name in Spain. W. Long. 65', Lat. 43°. Another Legio, a town of Galilee; from which Jerome determines the diftances of the places in Galilee; not a barė encampment, though the name might originally be owing to that circumstance; it lay fifteen miles to the west of Nazareth; between mount Tabor and the Mediterranean. Now thought to be Legune, Reland.

LEGUM, Ptolemy; a town in the fouth-west of Sicily, on the left or eaft fide of the Halycus. Now commonly called Mocharta, Cluverius.

LELANTUS CAMPUS, Strabo; a plain of Euboea, to the north of Chalcis, with fprings of hot waters, adapted to the cure of diseases, and used by Cornelius Sylla.

LELEGEIS, idos, Pliny; the ancient name of Miletus, from the Leleges, the firft inhabitants of it. LELEGES, Strabo; from Lelex, a people of Afia, of Greek original; the name, denoting a collection of people, Strabo, Euftathius: they firft occupied the islands, then paffing over to the continent, they fettled partly in Myfia, on the.SinusAdramyttenus, and partly in that part of Ionia next Caria. There were Leleges alfo of Laconica, Strabo, Ovid. LELEGIA, Paufanias; Laconica, fo called of old, from Lelex, king in that part of Peloponnefus. Lelegeius, Ovid, the epithet. LEMANIS, or Lemannis, Antonine,

Notitia Imperii; a port of the Cantii in Britain. Now Lime, Camden.

LEMANUS LACUS, Caefar; a lake of the Helvetii, which tranfmits the Rhone, called also Laufonius. Now the Lake of Geneva, or Laufanne, extending from east to west, between Savoy to the fouth, and the Vaudois and Swifferland to the north.

LEMINCUM, Antonine; a town of Gallia Narbonenfis. Now Chamberry, capital of Savoy. E. Long. 6° 45', Lat. 45° 40'. LEMNUS, Pliny, Stephanus ; a noble ifland in the Egean fea, near Thrace, called Dipolis, from its confifting of two towns, into the forum of which mount Athos cafts its fhadow at the folftice, Pliny; is in compass an hundred and twelve miles, id. An island facred to Vulcan, Val. Flaccus. Famous for its aftringent earth, called Lemnia, used for confolidating wounds, Galen. LEMOVICES, Caefar; a people of Aquitania, fituate between the Bituriges Cubi to the north, the Arverni to the east, the Cadurci to the fouth, and the Pictones to the weft. Now the Lemofin, and La Marche. LEMOVICUM. See AUGUSTORI


LEMOVII, Tacitus; a people of Germany,

many, placed with the Rugii, on the Baltic, between the Oder and Vistula, and who in the lower age, according to Cluverius, came to be called Heruli, because he finds them joined with the Rugii, without any mention made of the Lemovii. LENTIA, Notitia ; a town of Noricum, fituate on the right or fouth fide of the Danube. Now Lintz, capital of Upper Auftria. E. Long. 14, Lat. 48°.

LEON, tis, Thucydides, Livy; a village or place near Syracufe, about a mile to the north. LEON, Ptolemy; a promontory of Crete, fo called from its form, fituate on the fouth fide of the island, near Leben. Allo another of Euboea. See ARTEMISIUM. LEONICA, Pliny, Ptolemy; a municipum, Coin; a town of the Editani, in the Hither Spain; to the east of Ergavica. Leonicenfes, the people, Pliny.

LEONTINI, or um, Scylax, Mela, Pliny; Leontium, Ptolemy; a town of Sicily on the fouth-fide of the riverTerias, twenty ftadia, Scylax, forty, Cluverius, from the Ionian fea. Leontini, the people, Livy. The territory, called Campi Leontini, was extremely fertile, Cicero: thefe were the Campi Laeftrigonii, anciently fo called, Pliny, alfo Xuthia, from their ancient owner, Xuthus, Diodorus. The ancient feat of the Laeftrigons, according to the commentators on the poets. The name Leontini is from Leo, the impreffion on their coin being a lyon. Now called Lentini, a town fituate in the Val di Noto, in the fouth-east of Sicily. LEONTINUS SINUS, a bay of the Ioni

an fea, to the east of Leontini, into which the Terias and Pantagias fall, Vibius.

LEONTIUM, Polybius, Strabo; one of the twelve towns of Achaia, whether on, or more diftant from the bay of Corinth uncertain. Leontium of Sicily. See LEONTINI. LEONTOPOLIS, Strabo; a town of the Lower Egypt, in the Delta, on that branch of the Nile which is called Bufiriticus, a town fo denominated from the lions there kept, as objects of religious worship. LEONTOPOLITES NOMOS, Ptolemy;

a Nomos in the Delta; fo called from Leontopolis.

LEONTOS FLUVIUS, Ptolemy; a river of Phoenicia, to the fouth of Berytus, running from east to west into the Mediterranean: on which probably stood Leontus Oppidum, Pliny; or Leonton, Strabo. LEPINUS, Columella; a mountain famous for its wine; on which stood Signia, a town of Latium. LEPONTII, Caefar, Pliny; a people of Rhaetia, whom Pliny joins with the Salaffi; Leipontii, Strabo; from the fable of their being left behind by Hercules; a branch of them was called Viberi, fettled at the fource of the Rhone.

LEPREUM, Strabo, Ptolemy; a town.

of Tryphalia, or Triphylia, a fouthern district of Elis.

LEPRIA, Pliny; a fmall island near Ephefus, in the Egean fea.

LEPSIA, Pliny; one of the twenty fmall islands on the coaft of Caria, called Argiae.

LEPTE, Pliny; a promontory of Egypt, on the Arabian Gulf, to the north of Berenice.

LEPTIS MAGNA, called alfo Neapolis, Strabo, Ptolemy; a town of the Regio Syrtica, fituate between Abrotonum and the river Cyniphus: a colony called Victrix Julia, Coin; a town built by the Phoenicians, Saluft; either the Sidonians, id. or Tyrians, Pliny. Leptitani, the people, Salluft; allies of the Romans in the Jugurthine war, id. Caefar. LEPTIS, furnamed Parva, Ptolemy; by way of diftinction; yet though fo called, a fplendid city, free, and enjoying immunities, Pliny, Hirtius. Often fimply called Leptis; a town of Byzacium, to the foutheaft of Adrumetum, on the Mediterranean. Leptitani, the people, Hirtius.


LERIA, or Leros, Strabo; one of the Sporades, near Patmos. Of the inhabitants of which Phocylides faid, they are all bad to a man, except Patrocles; but Patrocles is of Leria. They were Milesian colonists, Strabo.

LERINA, Pliny; called Planafia, Strabo; one of the two fmall islands over against Antipolis, Pliny. Call

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ed alfo Lerinus, and Lirinus. Now St. Honorat, on the coaft of Provence, fcarce two leagues to the fouth of Antibes.

LERNA, Ptolemy; not far from Argos, on the confines of Laconica; fuppofed to be a town of Laconica, but on the borders of Argolis; the pofition which Paufanias allots to it, near Temenium, on the fea; without adding whether it is town, river, or lake. According to Strabo it is a lake, fituate between the territories of Argos and Mycenae, in contradiction to Paufanias. If there was a town of this name, it feems to have stood towards the fea, but the lake to have been more inland. The Scholiaft on Pindar fays, others think, that Lerna, is a town; Mela more boldly, Lerne, a well-known town on the Sinus Argolicus. And Statius by Lerna feems to mean fomething more than a lake. This, however, is the lake, in which, as Strabo fays, was the fabled Hydra of Hercules: therefore called Lerna Anguifera, Statius. The lake runs in a river or ftream to the fea, and perhaps arifes from a river, Virgil. From the lake the proverb, Lerna Malorum, took its rife, because, accord. ing to Strabo, religious purgations were performed in it. Or according to Hefychius, because the Argives threw all their filth into it. Lernaeus, the epithet, Pindar, Virgil.

LERO, Strabo; one of the two small iflands in the Mediterranean, oppofite, and nearer to Antipolis than Lerina, and half a mile diftant from it to the fouth. Now S. Margarita, over-against Antibes,on the coaft of ...Provence.

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LEROS. See LERIA. LESA, Ptolemy; a town in the fouthweft of Sardinia: near which were the Aquae Lefitanae, id. LESBI, Antonine; a town of Mauretania Caefarienfis, fituate between ..Saldae and Sitifi.

LESBOS, or Lebus, Strabo; Lesbia, Plautus; an inland on the coalt of Troas and Myfia, in the Hither Afia; inhabited by Aeolians, Scy. lax; taking its name from Lefbos, grandfon of Aeolus, Diodorus Si

culus. In length from north to fouth five hundred and fixty stadia, Strabo; in compafs fifteen hundred, id. A noble and pleasant ifland, Tacitus: famous for the fertility of its foil, the generousness of its wines, and the beauty of its women: the native place of Sappho the poetefs. Anciently called Lafia, Pelafgia, Aegira, Aethiope, and Macaria, Pliny. Lebius, and Lefbous, the epithets, Horace. Lesbia regula, Ariftotle; a proverbial laying, for bringing down the rule to our actions, inftead of our actions up to the rule. The island is now called Lesbos, or Metelin. E. Long. 26o 30', Lat. 38° 30'.


LETANUM, Diodorus; a town on the coaft of the Propontis, built by the Athenians.

LETHAEUS, Strabo; a river of Crete, running through Gortyna into the African fea. Another Lethaeus, Strabo; of Ionia, falling into the Meander, and rifing in the Pactyas, a mountain in the territory of Ephefus.


LETHON. See LATHON. LETOA, Ptolemy; an island on the fouth of Crete.

LETOIA, Pliny; Lotoa, Ptolemy; an ifland fituate in the Ionian fea between Cephallenia and Zacynthus. LETOPOLITES NOMOS. See LATONAE URBS.

LETUS MONS, Livy, Val. Maximus; a part of the Apennine, in Liguria. Now il Monte di S. Pelegrino, in the territory of Lucca. LETUSPOLIS. See LATONAE URBS. LEVACI, Caefar; a people of Belgica.

Now fuppofed to be la Love, a tract in Artois, Sanfon. LEVAE FANUM, Peutinger; a temple of the goddess Leva, in the island of the Batavi, in Gallia Belgica. LEUCA, Ammian ; a geographical measure of length among the later Gauls; which, according to Jornandes, who calls it Leuga, contained fifteen hundred paces, or one mile and a half. Hence the name of league, now reckoned at three miles. In the lower age called Leuva, Jerome, Beda.



LEUCA, ae, Lucan; orum, Strabo; a fmall town of Calabria, near the Promontorium Japygium, the most fouthern extremity of Calabria. Now S. Maria di Leuca, of Calabria Citra.

LEUCA, ae, Mela; Leuca, orum, Strabo; a town of Ionia, fituate near Phocaea, on the Hermus. LEUCADIA, formerly called Neritis, Pliny; and a peninsula of Acarnania, Homer; Leucas, Strabo, Thucydides, Florus, Ovid; but afterwards, by cutting through the ifthmus, made an island, Strabo, Livy, as it is at this day; called S. Maura.

LEUCAE, arum, Livy, Polybius; a

town of Laconica, on the Sinus Laconicus, near Acriae, and Boeae. LEUCARUM, Antonine; a town of Britain. Now Loghor, in South Wales, Camden. LEUCAS, ados, Thucydides, Mela; formerly called Neritos, Strabo ; Neritum, Pliny; a town of Leucadia, or Leucas, Florus, Ovid, Strabo; fituate near a narrow neck of land, or ifthmus, on a hill, facing the east and Acarnania; the foot or lower part of the town is a plain, lying on the fea, by which Leucadia is divided from Acarnania, Livy: though Thucydides places Leucas, more inward in the island, which was joined to the continent by a bridge, Strabo. An illustrious town, Mela; the capital of Acarnania; and the place of general affembly, Livy. Leucadii, the people, Thucydides, Livy.

LEUCASIA, Pliny, Strabo; Leucofia, long, Strabo, o fhort, Ovid; fo called from the Syren there buried, of kindred to Aeneas, Dionyfius Halicarnaffaeus. An island overgainst the Sinus Paeftanus, in the Tufcan fea, Pliny. Now Licofa, Baudrand.

LEUCASIA, Paufanias; a river of Mes fenia, running into the Balyra. LEUCATA, Virgil; Leucate, Livy, Florus, Virgil; a promontory of Leucadia; according to Strabo, a white rock projecting into the fea, towards Cephallenia: on which ftood a temple of Apollo, Propertius, Virgil; furnamed Leucadius, Strabo. Famous for being the lait

refort of defpairing lovers; from which they took a leap into the fea, as Sappho is faid to have done, id.

LEUCATA, Mela; a town of Gallia Narbonenfis. Now Leucate, in Languedoc, on the Mediterranean. E. Long.2° 4o, Lat. 43° 5.

LEUCE. See ACHILLEA. LEUCE, Diodorus Siculus, Pliny; a fmall island, or rather a rock on the north fide of Crete. Now S. Teodoro, Baudrand.

LEUCE ACTE, See LEUCOGAEUS. LEUCI, Strabo; white mountains, fi

tuate on the weft fide of Crete, which at a distance appear like white clouds, Solinus; and which are the Dictynnaeus and Cadiftus. Now called i Monti di Sfacia, Bellonius.

LEUCI, Caefar, Strabo ; Leuci Liberi, Pliny; a people of Belgica, to the north of the Lingones; fituate between the Mofelle and the Meufe; commended for their skill at darting or shooting, Lucan. LEUCIMMA, Strabo, Ptolemy; Leucimna, Thucydides, Pliny; a promontory on the eaft fide of Corcyra, over-against the island called Sybota. Now il Capo Bianco, Sophi


LEUCOGAEUS, Pliny; a hill fituate between Puteoli and Neapolis inCampania, abounding in fpelt and fulphur. New l'Alumera, Sanfelice. Whence there were alfo fprings, called Leucogaei fontes, the waters of which gave firmness to the teeth, clearness to the eyes, and proved acure in wounds, Pliny. LEUCOGAEUS, Strabo; called alfo Leuce Acte, Ptolemy; a place of Marmarica, on the Mediterranean, fituate between Paraetonium to the welt, and Alexandria to the east. Now Riva Bianca, Moletius. LEUCOLLA, Pliny; a promontory of Pamphylia. Leucolla, Strabo; a port of Cyprus.

LEUCOPETRA, Cicero; fo called from its white colour, Strabo ; a promontory of the Bruttii, in the territory of Rhegium, Cicero; the termination of the Apennine, Strabo. The outmoft extremity of the Bruttii, or the modern Calabria Ultra; as the Japygium is of the ancient CalaSs 2 bria,

bria, or the modern Calabria Citra. LEUCOPHRUS, Xenophon; a temple of Diana, and lake, fituate between Tralles and the Meander, in Lydia. LEUCOPHRYS, Diodorus Siculus, Lycophron; the aucient name of the ifland Tenedos. LEUCOPOLIS, Pliny; a maritime town of Caria, on a bay of the diftrict of Doris.

LEUCOSIA. See LEUCASIA. LEUCOSYRI, Strabo; the ancient name of the Cappadoces, Pliny; called alfo Syri, Herodotus.

LEUCOSYRUS, Stephanus; the ancient name of the river Pyramus, in Cilicia.

LEUCOTHEA, Mela, Pliny; an island in the Tufcan fea, near Capreae; not mentioned by any other authors. LEUCTRA, Pliny; Leutrum, Strabo, Plutarch; a fmall town of Laconica, fituate on the Meffenian bay, a colony from Leuftra in Boeotia, Strabo. One of the towns of the Eleuthero-Lacones, Paufanias. LEUCTRA, orum, Strabo; a town of Boeotia, to the weft of Thebes, or lying between Plateae and Thef piae, where the Lacedaemonians, had a great defeat given them, by Epaminondas the Theban general. This battle, fought in a large plain, is called Leuttrica pugna, Nepos. LEUGA, or Leuva. See LEUCA. LEVI. See LAEVI. LEXOBII, Lexovii, Caefar; a people

of Gallia Celtica, fituate at the mouth of the Sequana. Now the Lieuvin, in Normandy, Baudrand. LIBA, Polybius; a town of Mefopotamia, fituate between Nifibis and the Tigris.

mount Olympus, where it verges towards Macedonia, Paufanias : hence the Mufes are called Libethrides, Virgil. Strabo places on Helicon, not only Hippocrene, and the temple of the Mufes, but also the cave of the nymphs Libethrides. LIBETHRIUS MONS, Paufanias; a mountain of Boeotia, diftant from Coronea forty ftadia; where ftood the ftatues of the Mufes, and of the nymphs, furnamed Libethriae. A mountain probably conjoined with,or at least very near toHelicon. LIBIAS. See BETHARAN.


LIBISOCA, Ptolemy; Libifofa, Antonine; which feems to be the true name, confirmed by Infcription; Libifofona, Pliny; a town of the Oretani, in the Hither Spain, fituate on the road between Laminium and Caefaraugufta; diftant feven miles from the fprings of the Anas, and called in an Infcription, Colonia Libifofanorum.

LIBNA, Jofhua; a facerdotal city in the tribe of Judah, a place of ftrength, as appears from Sennacherib's laying fiege to it, 2 Kings xix. Ifaiah xxxvii. In Jerome's time a village, called Lobna, in the territory of Eleutheropolis. LIBNIUS, Ptolemy; a river of Ireland, which Camden takes to be the Liffey; Ware, the Sligo. LIBOCUS, Ptolemy; a river of Ireland. Now the Bay of Sligo, Camden LIBONOTUs, Pliny; a mid wind blowing between the fouth and fouth-weft.

LIBORA, Ptolemy. See AEBURA.

LIBANOTUS, Pliny; the fame with LIBS, bis, Pliny; the fouth-weft

Libonotus, which fee.

LIBANUS. See ANTILIBANUS. LIBARNA, Pliny, Ptolemy; Libarnum, Antonine, Peutinger; a town of Liguria, midway between Genoa and Dertofa. Now lying in ruins, near Arqua, on the borders of the territory ofGenoa, Cluverius. LIBERALITAS JULIA. See EBORA. LIBETHRA, Pliny; the fountain of fong. Mela; fituate in Magnefia, a diftrict of Macedonia, annexed to Theffaly, Pliny; diftinct from the town Libethra, which stood on


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