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poot, July 25, after having had opportu- to stay the progress, even in that city, and nity to look about and get definite impressions in regard to the state of the work. He states:

"To outward appearance, the work in this city is not, on the whole, as encouraging as it was two years ago. The ritualistic movement in Diarbekir, while it has not any open adherents here, so far as I know, has produced a serious disturbing influence. I suppose that there is a needs be' in all these things, and that on the whole it may be an advantage to these infant churches to be put to the test; yet we would gladly shield them from these rude blasts. I cannot doubt that they are the Lord's churches, and that he will take care of them.

"The out-stations, on the whole, are in a very encouraging state. In some parts of the field there are disturbing influences, but as a general rule, the advance during two years has been very gratifying and substantial. In the older communities the legitimate fruit of the gospel is seen in the growth, the increasing thrift and enterprise of the communities, in their self-reliance, the improvement of their schools, and their stability under adverse and disturbing influences."


Reference was made in the Missionary Herald for October, page 318, to the movement at Diarbekir towards Ritualistic Episcopalianism by what is called an "English" party in the church. That movement has greatly troubled the brethren of the Harpoot and Mardin stations, for some time past. The leader in it has been a native pastor, once much beloved and trusted by the missionaries, who became disaffected several years since, has visited England, returned with an English wi e, and seemed likely, a few months ago, to lead his whole church at Diarbekir not only to the adoption of Episcopal forms, but to a decided hostility against the American missionaries. Mr, Wheeler, after being very urgently called to do so several times, by letter and telegram, went from Harpoot to Diarbekir in Feb. ruary last, and spent some months there. It is hoped that something has been done

certainly in other places, of what threatened to be an extended and disastrous division in the Protestant community of Turkey. Something of the character and tendency of the movement appears from the following statements of Mr. Barnum's letter:—

"Mr. Wheeler and I have just returned from a tour of two weeks to the Palu and Geghi districts. The Palu church has been from the first one of the most earnest and efficient churches I ever knew. Some account of it appeared in the Herald for June, 1869. Last year they built a nice chapel and school-rooms, and during the winter they were very happy in view of their unwonted prosperity. Three or four months ago, two of the apostles of ritualism started on a mission from Diarbekir to the churches of this field, with the evident purpose of promoting divisions. The only place where they had any apparent success was in Palu. The church as a whole declared against them; but three of the members—a very unworthy man under discipline, a disaffected helper, who had never been of any value to the church, with the deacon, declared in favor of general baptism. Not meeting with very much favor, they stirred up fifteen or twenty of the young men of the community, outside of the church, to demand and insist upon baptism for their children. This was understood by the church to be but the stepping-stone to the demand for general communion. The church quietly, patiently, but firmly, resisted the demand. This has produced a sad controversy. Some of the malcontents became so violent as to disgust the better portion of their associates and lead them to abandon them. The communion had not been observed for four months, and the church, hearing of our intended visit, thought it a good time to observe it; consequently it was appointed for the Sabbath when we were expected to be there. This announcement incensed the malcontents, and they undertook to prevent it. The three disaffected church-members had proceeded to such lengths in promoting opposition as to lead to their suspension from the privi

leges of the church, and they stirred up the outsiders to demand that there should be no communion until all difficulties and questions of controversy should be settled. The church took the question into careful consideration, and after much prayer, decided to go on with the communion; first, because they could not acknowledge the right of the community to regulate the ordinances of the church; and, secondly, because they well understood that the only chance for reconciliation was the yielding of what they regarded as an important principle.

"We reached Palu on Friday. The pastor of the Heusenik church accompanied us on this tour. On Saturday we had full conferences with both parties, but could effect no reconciliation. The church and the pastor appeared to be willing to do anything that would not compromise their principles, while the opposers were very bitter. The Sunday morning services proceeded as usual. In the afternoon, when the pastor began to spread the table for the communion, the most unworthy of the suspended churchmembers shouted out to him to desist, and at the same time ran up and pulled off the cloth. This was the signal for a protest from half a dozen other persons, who raised a great clamor. Not a word was spoken by the pastor or any of the members of the church, as we had requested them, in case of any confusion, to leave the matter to us, so that the disturbance need not get beyond bounds. We tried in vain to pacify them. It became evident that if the communion were to proceed, we should be obliged to call in the police. As an alternative, we decided to go on with the introductory services, and when the time for the distribution of the elements should come, to request the members of the church to adjourn to the pastor's house, for the administration of this ordinance. We did not announce this purpose, but Mr. Wheeler and I spread the table, and as I gave out the hymn, the one who had taken the cloth rushed up and took the tankard of wine, and carried it to the back part of the chapel. We proceeded with the service just as though nothing had happened, although we were

greatly shocked at this sacrilegious act. Very soon all became quiet, and at the conclusion of our remarks, we asked the church to adjourn to the pastor's house; where, we trust, the Master honored this sorrowing band by his presence at the feast. We left Palu the next forenoon. I have received no word from there since, but we are quite sure that the effect of the disgraceful scene at the Lord's table will be to make the more respectable of the disaffected party ashamed of their company. Such things as these show the animus of the new 'Diarbekir Movement,' which is essentially anti-missionary.

"Our visit in the Geghi district was much more pleasant. While at Geghi itself, the congregation made arrangements for the organization of a church and the ordination of a pastor, in October, we agreeing to pay one fourth of the salary for the first year. The brethren are very hopeful. There is good reason to believe that the formation of a church will give a new impulse to the work in all that region, for it is a hundred miles distant from here, and Protestantism has had the reputation there of having no church ordinances."


On the 29th of June, Miss C. E. Ely, of Bitlis, wrote at Mr. Knapp's request, giving some account of a tour to out-stations with Pastor Simon, from which she had just returned. The whole account is of much interest, but only portions of it can be given here:

Hatred turned to Love. "While at Moosh, I visited at a wealthy Armenian house. Several of the men of the family are persuaded of the truth, but have not yet come out clearly and decidedly on the Lord's side. Two very interesting and promising girls from this house are in our boarding-school. They have been in attendance for a year and a half, their expenses being entirely met by their parents. I had visited at this house before, and was now much impressed with the change in the mother of these girls. In the course of a long conversation, she acknowledged that she formerly hated us, and even after

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sending her daughters to our school, which she had done in obedience to the request of her husband,. she had cherished any but kind feelings towards us. Now, with a touching humility and childlike simplicity, she talked about her spiritual condition, and entreated our prayers and counsel. She spoke very freely of her Armenian friends, and said she was grieved at their inconsistent manner of life, and charged me, that in case her brother and his wife - very worldlyminded people—should come to Bitlis to see Sophia and Aznew,' I should not allow the girls to go and visit them; and begged me so to arrange it that any conversation between the girls and their friends should be in my presence. She said, 'I do not want my girls' minds diverted from their school and stirred up; and I cannot tell you of all that they might hear.' My stay there was rendered exceedingly pleasant by the earnest love of the truth shown by this woman. This family is one of the most influential in all that region. The man (in some department of government employ) is widely known as a defender of Protestantism, and a sower of Bibles and religious books. He does much good in the many villages where he goes, sometimes assisting to rent houses for our helpers, and always taking their part in any local persecution or difficulty that may arise."


"From Moosh we went to our out-station Mogoonk, a pleasant and thrifty village on the plain. Here a steadily advancing and promising work is going on. They have a helper who remains both summer and winter. This preacher, Moses, acts also as an evangelist, visiting other villages, and preaching once in a given number of days at Moosh, Havadoric, and other places. He and his wife appear thoroughly in earnest, and exhibit very commendable self-denial and perseAt a communion season celebrated at Havadoric during my stay there, they were permitted to see the first fruits of their labors gathered into the churcha young man, who has such acquaintance


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with and memory of Scripture, as to recall vividly to our minds the lamented Hohannes, surnamed 'Concordance.'

"One indication of the progress of the work in this village is the recent avowal of seven men, who have publicly declared themselves Protestants. Several young men modestly inquired of the pastor if they might offer themselves as candidates for the training-class. Of one of them pastor Simon remarked, that his whole appearance and conversation reminded him of Christ's commendation of Nathanael — 'An Israelite indeed, in whom there is no guile.""


"It was with reluctance that I left Mogoonk; but I was soon intensely interested in the work at Havadoric. Many of the people of this village spend the summer months several hours distant, among the upper mountains, where they can find pasture for their herds and flocks. We therefore feared it would be impossible for a large number to come together for meetings, but were pleased to learn that they were in the habit of meeting regularly on the Sabbath, for prayer and services. Said they, Our pastor has forsaken us,1 but the Lord never forsakes.' The helpers from Moosh and Mogoonk are able to preach to them occasionally, and there is also a Christian young man at Derkevank, who, we were told, works as a laborer during the week, in his fields, and on Sabbath morning, putting on his clean clothes, walks up to Havadorick, and there preaches to the people. On the Sabbath, the Lord's Supper was administered. With dawn of day might be seen little groups of people hastening down the mountain steeps, looking in the distance, as Pastor Simon remarked, very like ants treading along the narrow paths. Men and youth, and women with their little ones tied to their backs, hurried on and on, moved by the one impulse-'Let us go into the house of the Lord.' On this occasion, three persons were admitted to the church; one a young man from Mogoonk, of whose examination for church-membership the pastor said, 'We felt as though he was a

1 The pastor of this church had recently left for America.

messenger sent from God, and were not a little edified by the narrative of his experience.' When he had finished speaking of the way in which the Lord had led him, a brother said, 'What remains for us to ask? He has already more than answered our questions.' It was a precious season. Though our surroundings were rude, and the people ignorant in the wisdom of this world, yet in many faces shone the light and peace of God, and we felt that we were sitting in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.

"Allow me to add, in closing, that I have never seen more hopeful signs of the progress of the work than now. One great want, among these aroused and inquiring communities, is teachers and preachers; but above all the quickening influences of the Holy Spirit. For this we must repeatedly implore Christians at home to pray."


Miss A. C. Ely reported their school (July 1) as having "a very interesting and promising membership of twentythree." Four are the wives of helpers,

and more than half a score of the others are self-supporting. She states: "We are encouraged by seeing much that is hopeful in their deportment. . . . . They come from their scattered homes, uncouth in look and manner, ignorant to a painful degree, and holding unchecked many pas


sions natural to the human heart. School influences and instructions soon begin to tell on their previously neglected minds and hearts; and O, it is so cheering to see them turning from the ways of ignorance and sin striving after a better and a holy life! We are greatly encouraged in our delightful work. Words fail to express the joy it gives us to labor for these dear pupils."

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Eight Koords, fully armed, came down upon us, and succeeded in getting possession of one baggage animal long enough to abstract my possessions. We made an attempt to drive them off, but finding ourselves the central objects at which four or five guns were aimed, we concluded the better part of valor was to beat a graceful retreat. Our guide, who knew Koordish, was just out of sight, over a hill in advance of us, at the time. soon came up with him, and then turned back again. He shouted at the robbers and they fled, leaving the horse and my bedding, but carrying my satchel and various packages with them."

Micronesia Mission.



MR. WHITNEY wrote from Ebon, February 10th, 1873:

"Sail, ho'! awakens us again, and we see another possibility of communicating to you of our welfare. We are encouraged-yes, that's the word. Everything about is cheering. Everything, shall I say? I mean the majority is overwhelmingly that way. Following the Week of Prayer we have had a precious work, and there are now some seventy who are inquiring after the truth. Some of these are not new comers, but are returning from their wanderings.


"But I took my pen to tell you of the privilege I had yesterday of listening to preaching. The sermon was so good that I propose to give you the substance of it, and I trust it may reach the hearts of some who shall read it from the pages of the Herald.

"First let me explain a little. Jeremia is a person whom you already know, and I need not introduce him to you.1 He returned a few weeks since to spend the time till the Morning Star comes, in study and further preparation for his work on

ited education, who has been acting as a mis1 Jeremia is a Marshall Islander, of very limsion helper for a few years past, on the island of Mejuro.

Mejuro. He brings no mean record for two and more years spent on an island where life was not safe at the outset.

“Our people, who are quite liberal in many respects, have been strangely deficient of late in monthly concert contributions. They are, I have feared, unconsciously imbibing some influences like . those which hold the purse-strings of so many Christians in America. Month after month they let pass, and only a few faithful ones have kept up their regular contributions. Others let theirs accumulate as a debt to God and his treasury, to be paid- when?

"When I asked Jeremia to preach for me last Sabbath, he spoke of his grief at this condition of affairs, and wished to preach to the people about it. He selected for his text the words of John the Baptist, Matt. iii. 8: Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance.'

"He said: "This word which I preach to-day is not my word only; it is the word John preached, and we know that he preached many words good and true, when he came to prepare a way before the Lord Jesus. He said, as in verse 2d, "Repent ye, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." Some had repented and been baptized, and now he teaches them what is their next work.

"I know that for a long time you have heard these words, and I want you to remember that they are words from God. Some of you have just repented, and said that you throw away your sins, all of them; such as stealing, and lying, and fighting, and pride, and adultery, and all kindred evils. You stand up from these, do you? If you do, then hear this word from John, for he said, "Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance.”

"You know if one of you makes his garden he plants first the seed-breadfruit, or cocoa-nut, or pandanus - and then waits for it to grow until the time of fruit. Then he watches for fruit, and is well pleased when any tree bears good fruit. Yes, as he beholds the ripening fruit there is no displeasure, but joy only. But how about the tree that bears nothing but leaves? He will cut it down and burn it.

"You are all like trees in God's garden, and you ought to bear fruit. But what is your fruit? I look around and see you clad in good clothes. What is this; fruit? No, this is only leaves. Leaves are good, and give promise of fruit, but they are not fruit. And what about your cutting off your chignons, and combing your hair smoothly down, the men parting theirs on one side, and the women making their parting straight from their noses; this is not fruit? This is but more leaves. What about throwing away your pipes and tobacco, and leaving off your other bad and sinful habits? These are only more leaves on another branch.

"Where, then, shall we look for fruit? Whatever work is done for God, that is fruit. My brethren, and my little children, I was glad, and my heart rejoiced yesterday, because I saw you all come and clear up around this church. This was like a little branch which is bearing fruit, because it is work for God. Another good fruit is your giving your tribute to God.

“Have you anointed this month yet? If not, it will be well to make it right immediately. [Our contributions are received in cocoa-nut oil, and they speak of "anointing" each new month by bringing their quart promptly, on the first Monday.] If you keep back from God what belongs to him, he will not help you.

"It is my opinion that there are two principal fruits; prayer and almsgiving — a part of which is giving to God for the spread of the gospel- our "aling iju” (monthly concert contribution). God will take note of and remember these fruits. So he said, in the tenth chapter of Acts. You know heaven is far away from earth; then why did God send an angel to Cornelius? That he might tell him that his "prayers, and alms, had come up for a memorial before God."

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