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under Dr. Caleb Ashworth, at the
Dissenting Academy at Daventry,
which had been removed to that town
from Northampton in 1752, on Dr.
Ashworth's succeeding Dr. Doddridge
in the Mastership, and which after-
wards returned to the county town on
the resignation, in 1789, of Mr. Bel-
sham, who himself became its master.
A large portion of Mr. Belsham's life
was spent at this establishment, since
he was assistant tutor there in meta-
physics, mathematics, and natural his-
tory till 1778, when he settled at
Worcester; which he quitted in 1781,
and returned to Daventry, in the
double capacity of pastor and principal
or theological tutor. His predecessor
was the Rev. Thomas Robins, who had
succeeded Dr. Caleb Ashworth in 1775,
but who was obliged to resign his
charge, in consequence of having irre-
coverably lost his voice, from preaching
three times on one Sunday whilst la-
bouring under a severe cold: he passed
the remainder of his life with great
humility and contentment in the secular
employments of a bookseller and drug-
gist; and on his death, in 1810, was
commemorated in an epitaph written by
Mr. Belsham, which may be seen in
Baker's History of Northamptonshire,
vol. i. P. 331.

After Mr. Belsham had superintended
the Daventry Academy for about eight
years, his religious views having gradu-
ally receded from Calvinism to Unita-
rianism, he honourably apprised the
trustees of the change, and in 1789 re-
signed both his functions. He pub-
lished, in vindication of his conduct,
"The Importance of Truth, and the
Duty of making an open Profession of
it; represented in a Discourse delivered
on Wednesday, April 28. 1790, at the
Meeting-house in the Old Jewry, Lon-
don, to the Supporters of the new Col-
lege at Hackney; " and "Dishonest
Shame the primary source of Corruption
of the Christian Doctrine; a Sermon
preached at the Gravel-pit Meeting in
Hackney, April 6. 1794." Mr. Belsham
was now Professor of Divinity at the
Hackney College, and the successor of
Dr. Priestley at the Gravel-pit Meeting.
Whilst filling those situations he pub-
lished the following: Knowledge the
Foundation of Virtue, a Sermon 1795.
A Review of Mr. Wilberforce's Treatise,
intituled, Practical View of the pre-
vailing Religious Systems of professed
Christianity. In a Letter to a Lady,

Elements of the

1798, 3d edit. 1813.
Philosophy of the Mind, and of Moral
Philosophy; to which is prefixed, a
Compendium of Logic, 1801. Reflec-
tions and Exhortations, adapted to the
State of the Times; a Thanksgiving
Sermon, 1802. The Character of the
Christian Teacher delineated, a Sermon,
1804. Discourse on the Death of Dr.
Priestley, with a brief memoir of his
life and writings, and a letter from his
son, containing the particulars of his
last illness, 1804. The Progress of
Error concerning the Person of Christ,
a Sermon, 1805. A Discourse de-
livered to the Unitarian Congregation
at Hackney, on the resignation of the
pastoral office in that society, 1805.

Mr. Belsham had accepted the post
of Minister at the chapel in Essex-street
on the resignation of the Rev. John
Disney, D.D. F. S. A. His subse-
quent publications were: Adherence
to Christian Truth recommended, a
Sermon, 1805. Vindication of certain
passages in a discourse on the death of
Dr. Priestley, in reply to the animad-
versions of the Rev. John Pye Smith,
1806. Discourse occasioned by the
Death of the Right Honourable C. J.
Fox, 1806. The Importance of Riglit
Sentiments respecting the Person of
Christ, a Sermon, 1807. The Provi-
dence of God over-ruling the Issues of
War and Conquest, a Sermon, 1807.
A general View of the Evidence and
Importance of Christian Revelation,
1807. Letters on Arminianism, and
other topics in Metaphysics and Re-
ligion, 1808. A Sermon occasioned
by the Death of the Rev. Theophilus
Lindsay, [a former Minister of Essex-
street Chapel,] with a biographical me-
moir, 1808.

The Year of the Jubilee,
a discourse, 1809. Uncorrupted Chris-
tianity unpatronised by the Great, a
discourse on the decease of the Duke
of Grafton, 1811. Letter to Lord
Sidmouth, on the subject of his Bill
relative to Protestant Dissenting Min-
isters, 1811. A Calm Inquiry into the
Scripture Doctrine concerning the Per-
son of Christ; including a brief Review
of the Controversy between Dr. Horsley
and Dr. Priestley, and a summary of
the various opinions entertained by
Christians on the subject, 1811. Rights
of Conscience asserted and defined, in
reference to the modern explanation of
the Toleration Act; a Fast Sermon.
To which are added, Notes and an Ap-
pendix, illustrative of the Toleration Act.

A Discourse occasioned by the death of
Mrs. Lindsay, 1812. Memoirs of the
late Rev. Theophilus Lindsay, M. A.;
including a brief Analysis of his Works,
together with anecdotes and letters of
eminent persons, his friends and cor-
respondents; also, a general view of
the progress of the Unitarian Doctrine
in England and America, 1812. A
Plea for the Catholic Claims, a Sermon,
1813. The claims of Dr. Priestley,
in the controversy with Bishop Horsley,
restated and vindicated, 1814. Letters
to the Bishop of London, in vindication
of the Unitarians, 1815. Review of
American Unitarianism, or a brief His-
tory of the Progress and State of the
Unitarian Churches in America, third
edition, 1815. Reflections upon the
death of Sir Samuel Romilly, in a dis-
course delivered at Essex-street Chapel,
Nov. 8. 1818. Epistles of Paul the
Apostle translated, with an exposition
and notes, in four volumes 8vo. 1823.
In 1814 and 1815 Mr. Belsham car-
ried on a controversy with Bishop
Burgess in the Gentleman's Magazine.
Mr. Belsham had for some years en-
tirely resigned his ministerial functions.
Gentleman's Magazine.

BLANTYRE, Lord, on the morn-
ing of the 23d of September, 1830; at
Brussels, at the commencement of the
struggles which have since occupied so
much of the public attention.

This lamented nobleman was born in
the city of Edinburgh in the year 1775.
His father died when he was but eight
years old; but, happily, this loss was in
a great measure supplied by the tender
and enlightened care of a most excellent
mother, who spared no pains nor ex-
pense to give her children the best edu-
cation, as well as to train them in the
ways of religion and virtue. And in
reward of her exertions, she had the
satisfaction, before her death, of seeing
them rise to a high degree of respect-
ability-three out of four sons having,
after much severe and meritorious ser-
vice in different parts of the world,
attained to the rank of Major-General,
in which character they were presented
together at a levee held by his late Ma-
jesty (to whom Lord Blantyre was well
known) during his visit to Scotland.
After completing his education at Cam-
bridge, his Lordship entered the army
in the nineteenth year of his age; and
so eagerly did he press forward to
acquire, in scenes of danger, the expe-
rience that might enable him to serve


his country with success and honour,
that he repeatedly sold out of one
regiment and bought into another at a
considerable sacrifice of money, and in
one instance of rank also, with a view to
be present in active service. He was
long aide-de-camp to General Fraser in
Portugal; he served in the ill-fated
expedition to Holland; he was chosen
aide-de-camp by General Sir Charles
Stuart in the prospect of that expedition
to Egypt, the command of which after-
wards devolved on Sir Ralph Aber-
cromby; and when the British troops
were withdrawing from that country,
he accompanied Sir John Stuart, who
afterwards acquired such celebrity at
Maida, on his being sent there for the
purpose of making the final arrange-
ments necessary on that occasion; after
which he went on a special mission to
Constantinople. In 1807 he accom-
panied the expedition to the Baltic;
and in 1809 he joined the army in
Spain under Lord Wellington with his
regiment, the second battalion of the
Forty-second, in a high state of disci-
pline; and there he continued to com-
mand it (and not unfrequently the bri-
gade of which it was a part) for about
three years, having been present in the
battle of Busaco, of Fuentes d'Onore,
where he was honourably mentioned in
Lord Wellington's despatch as having
repulsed a regiment of cavalry that had
broken in upon the British infantry; at
the siege of Badajoz, and in almost all
the hard service of that period, till the
once powerful and fine-looking body of
men which he commanded was reduced
to a mere skeleton. And, to show the
sense which the Commander in-Chief
had of its merits, we may add, that a
public order of thanks, of the most
flattering kind, was issued to him and
his regiment on leaving the Peninsula.
On his return from Spain, he lived re-
tired as a country gentleman, attending
chiefly to the improvement of his
estates, till the year 1819, when symp
toms of insubordination having shown
themselves widely in the manufacturing
districts of Scotland, he was solicited by
Lord Liverpool's Administration to
take upon him the office of Lord Lieu-
tenant of Renfrewshire. But, as he
differed somewhat in political opinion
from that Administration, and was at
the same time in delicate health, and
unfortunately averse, from a sort of
constitutional shyness, allied to the
most amiable sensibility, to public ap



pearances, he at first declined the office.
Being, however, pressed by Lord Liver-
pool, who repeatedly wrote to him with
his own hand, he at length consented to
accept of it; but on the express condi-
tion that his doing so was in no respect
to compromise his political indepeud-
ence. It was chiefly owing to his
firm and dignified, but at the same time
cool and conciliatory conduct, that the
county of Renfrew, and especially the
town of Paisley, were saved from being
the scenes of confusion and bloodshed.
In his political opinions, Lord Blantyre
rather leaned to the side of Opposition;
but at the same time he never allowed
any political bias to influence his vote,
which was frankly given to whatsoever
candidate he thought most fit to repre.
sent the Scottish Peerage. He was
himself elected one of their represent-
atives during the administration of
Lords Grenville and Grey. In 1813,
soon after his return from Spain, he
married an amiable young lady, the
grand-daughter of the late Admiral
Lord Rodney, with whom he continued
to live in a state of the greatest domestic
comfort and happiness, and by whom
he had an interesting family of nine
children the youngest, twins, being
born only three months before his un-
timely death. Having paid a visit to
Scotland as soon as he could after the
birth of these infants, (the object of
which was chiefly to accelerate the finish-
ing of his new and elegant mansion at
Erskine, on the Clyde, with a view to
his taking up his residence in it next
summer,) he had just returned to Brus-
sels as the Dutch troops were approach
ing it, and found himself again in the
bosom of his family, who, as may well
be supposed, at that time of general
alarm, received him with the most cor-
dial welcome, and clung to him as their
guardian angel. But, alas! he had
not time to remove them to a place of
safety having gone to a window in
an upper room of his house, and at a
time when no danger was apprehended,
to look out for an instant on the Dutch
troops, who were advancing through the
Rue Royale into the Park, he was
struck in the neck by a musket-ball,
fired obliquely from the corner of the
Park, which divided the carotid artery,
and, by the effusion of blood which it
caused, deprived him in a few moments
of his life, his family of its affectionate
guardian, and society of one of its
brightest ornaments. In addition to

his claims as a public character, this
lamented nobleman was highly distin-
guished for the virtues of private life.
His affectionate and exemplary conduct
as a son, a brother, a husband, and a
father; the excellence of his character,
founded on religious principle, and the
warm sensibilities of his heart, united as
they were in him with a peculiar ele-
gance and sweetness of manner; and
his delicate attentions to every one,
but chiefly to those who needed most to
be encouraged and brought into notice,
endeared him to his relations and friends,
and made him an object of pre-eminent
respect wherever he was known.
New Monthly Magazine.

BOWDLER, Mrs. H., February
25. 1830; at Bath; aged 76.

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This lady was sister to the late Tho-
mas Bowdler, Esq., F. R. S. and S. A.,
the editor of the "Family Shak-
speare; and daughter of Thomas
Bowdler, Esq. by Elizabeth Stuart,
second daughter and coheiress of Sir
John Cotton, the fifth and last Baronet
of Conington in Huntingdonshire, and
great-grandson of the founder of the
Cottonian library. Mrs. Bowdler was
the author of "Practical Observations
on the Revelation of St. John, written
in the year 1775," and published in


Her daughter, the lady now deceased,
was the authoress of "Poems and Es-
says," published at Bath in 1786, in two
vols. 12mo; and of some "Sermons
on the Doctrines and duties of Christi-
anity," of which it is related, that
Bishop Porteus was so pleased with
them, that, under the idea of their
having been written by a clergyman,
he offered, through the publisher, to
confer a living upon the author.

Mrs. Bowdler also edited in 1810,
and through several editions, "Frag-
ments in Prose and Verse, by the late
Miss Elizabeth Smith." As with her
late benevolent brother, the profits of
her publications were generally devoted
to charitable purposes. Gentleman's

BURNABY, William Edwyn, Esq.
of the Temple, Barrister at Law, se-
cond son of the late E. A. Burnaby,
Esq. of Baggrave Hall in the County
of Leicester; 23d August, 1830, at
Hazlebeach Hall, County of North-
ampton, in consequence of the rupture
of a blood-vessel. Mr. Burnaby was
born in December, 1799, educated un-
der private tutors, entered at Trinity

Hall, Cambridge, 1817. He was first
a pupil of Mr. Wilkinson the Special
Pleader, and then of Mr. Tindal (now
the Right Hon. Sir N. C. Tindal,
Lord Chief Justice of the Common
Pleas) from 1820 to 1822; took the de-
gree of LL.B. in 1823; and was
called to the Bar by the Society of Lin-
coln's Inn in Michaelmas Term in that
year; attended the Midland Circuit;
was appointed to the office of one of
the Common Pleaders of the city of
London, 1827, and Junior Counsel to
the Bank, 1829; author of a work in
manuscript on the Civil Law, intended
shortly to be published, upon which he
paid several years attention.
He was
indefatigable in his profession: his va-
lue as a barrister was shown by his
increasing practice on the Midland
Circuit; in one of his causes on the
last Circuit he was highly complimented
by the Judge. His private character
was truly amiable. He was interred in
the family vault, at Hungerton in Lei-
cestershire. - Private Communication.




CAREY, John, LL. D.; December
8. 1829, in Prospect Place, Lam-
beth; aged 73.

Dr. Carey was a gentleman well
known in the literary world. He was
a native of Ireland, whence, at the age
of twelve, he was sent to finish his edu-
cation in a French University. He
does not seem to have appeared as an
author before the publication of his
“Latin Prosody made Easy," in 1800.
That work was honoured by the appro-
bation of those best qualified to appre-
ciate its merit and utility, had passed
through a second edition in 1812, and
a third before 1826, and an abridge.
ment was printed in 1809. It was
succeeded by the following classical and
elementary works: -"Skeleton of the
Latin Accidence, 1803;"" Alphabetic
Key to Propria quæ Maribus, 1805;
"Practical English Prosody and Versi-
fication, 1809; ""Learning better than
House and Land, as exemplified in the
History of a Squire and a Cowherd,
"Scanning Exercises for
young Prosodians, 1812;" Clavis Me-
trico-Virgiliana; "The Eton Pro-
sody illustrated;" "Introduction to
English Composition and Elocution; "
"The Latin Terminations made easy;"
and "The Greek Terminations (in-

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cluding the dialects and poetic licences)
alphabetically arranged, and grammati-
cally explained."

As an editor, Dr. Carey's labours
were very voluminous. In 1803, and
again in 1819, he edited Dryden's
Virgil, in two volumes octavo; he
subsequently accomplished the length-
ened task of editing more than fifty
volumes of the Regent's Classics, as
well as two editions in quarto of Ains-
worth's Dictionary, five of the Abridge-
ment of the same, the Gradus ad Par-
nassum in 1824, the Latin Common
Prayer in Bagster's Polyglott edition,
the Abridgement of Schleusner's Greek
Lexicon, Ruperti Commentarius in
Livium, &c. &c. He translated the
following works: The Batavians, from
the French of Mons. Bitaubé; The
Young Emigrants, from Madame de
Genlis; Letters on Switzerland, from
the German of Lehman; a volume of
the life of Pope Pius VI.; a volume of
Universal History; and revised the old
translation of Vattel's Law of Nations.
He was the editor of the early numbers
of the School Magazine, published by
Phillips; was a contributor to several
other periodicals, and was a frequent
correspondent to the Gentleman's Ma
gazine. His communications to that
miscellany were generally short, and
mostly on classical trifles.

Dr. Carey is styled in some of his
titlepages, "private teacher of the
Classics, French, and Short-Hand."
His residence was for many years in
West-square, Surrey. The last eight
years of his life were cruelly imbittered
by the most distressing and painful
bodily complaints; and the disease
which terminated his mortal career was
of a calculous nature, than which there
is, perhaps, none more excruciating in
the long catalogue of human suffering.
Dreadful, indeed, were the tortures
which he endured; though, to mitigate
their severity, all that skill and expe-
rience could suggest was essayed by
that eminent, able, and benevolent phy-
sician, Dr. Walshman, of Kennington,
who, during a period of six years,
attended him on all occasions, with the
most anxiousand disinterested kindness.

Dr. Carey was twice married; and,
by his second wife (who, as the author
of a novel, entitled "Lasting Impres-
sions," and of numerous pieces of fugi-
tive poetry, is not unknown to the pub-
lic), he has left a very promising boy,
now in his eleventh year.

His remains, followed to their last
resting-place by only four individuals,
allied to him by the closest ties, were
interred in the burial-ground of Saint
George, Hanover-square, in accordance
with the wishes expressed by the de-
ceased.-Gentleman's Magazine.

CHENEVIX, Richard, Esq. F. R. S.
M.R.I.A. and of many of the learned
Societies of Europe; at Paris, April 5,
1830; after an indisposition of only a
few days.

The family of Chenevix was driven
to this country on the revocation of the
Edict of Nantes, and was established
in Ireland by the Right Rev. Richard
Chenevix, who died in 1779, after hav-
ing held for thirty-four years the united
bishopric of Waterford and Lismore.

Colonel Chenevix, brother to the
Bishop, died in 1758. We presume a
second Colonel Chenevix, of the Artil-
lery, who was the father of the subject
of this notice, was a son of the former.
His only daughter was married in 1792
to Hugh Tuite, Esq. and was mother
of the present Hugh Morgan Tuite,
Esq. one of the Knights in Parliament
for the county of Westmeath.

Posssessing great versatility of talent,
and great variety of information, Mr.
Chenevix distinguished himself in dif-
ferent parts of polite literature. It was
in chemistry, however, that he attained
the greatest celebrity; his name justly
ranking as one of the highest among
those who have cultivated the analy-
tical branches of that science.


Mr. Chenevix was elected a Fellow
of the Royal Society in 1801; and in
that and the few next following years
made several communications to that
learned body. The following appear
in the Philosophical Transactions ; —
Observations and Experiments upon
Oxygenized Muriatic Acid; and upon
some combinations of the Muriatic
Acid in its three states, 1802. Analy-
sis of Corundum, and of some of the sub-
stances that accompany it. Analysis
of the Arseniates of Copper and of Iron;
likewise of the red octaedral Copper
Ore of Cornwall, 1801.-Observations
and Experiments on Dr. James's Pow-
der, with a method of preparing, in the
humid way, a similar substance. Ob-
servations on the Chemical Nature of
the Humours of the Eye, 1803. En-
quiries concerning the nature of a me-
tallic substance lately sold in London
as a new metal, under the title of Pal-



ladium.-On the action of Platina and
Mercury upon each other.


To Nicholson's Journal he contri-
buted: - Analysis of a new variety of
Lead Ore, 1801. — Analysis of Mana-
chanite, from Botany Bay. Experi-
ments to determine the quantity of Sul-
phur contained in Sulphuric Acid,
1802. - Researches on Acetic Acid,
and some Acetates, 1810.


Mr. Chenevix's first distinct publica-
tion was,
"Remarks upon Chemical
Nomenclature, according to the prin-
ciples of the French Neologists," 1802,
12mo. He was resident in Paris in
1808, when he published in French, in
the 65th volume of the Annales de
Chimie, "Observations on the Miner-
alogical Systems," containing a vigorous
attack on that of the celebrated Werner,
and a truly philosophical defence of the
rival system of Hauy. They were
translated into English by a member
of the Geological Society; and, Mr.
Chenevix having himself revised the
translation, and added some "Remarks
on D'Abuisson's Reply to the Observ-
ations," were republished in London,
in 8vo. 1811.

In the following year Mr. Chenevix
appeared in a much lighter department
of authorship: "The Mantuan Rivals,
a Comedy; and Henry the Seventh, an
Historical Tragedy," are written in the
spirit of the dramatic authors of the
Elizabethan age.

A posthumous work, in two volumes
octavo, is now announced.
It is en-
titled An Essay upon National Cha-
racter, being an Enquiry into some of
the principal Causes which contribute
to form or modify the Characters of
Nations in the State of Civilization.
The heads of its contents are:-1. Ge-
neral Considerations on the Study of
National Character.-2. On Pride and
Vanity.-3. On the Pride and Vanity
of Nations.-4. On Social Improve-
ment.-5. On Religion.-6. On Mo-
rality. 7. On Government.-E. On
Intellect. -9. On Industry.-10. On
the Military Arts. 11. On Social
Habits. 12. On Patriotism. — 1S.
On the Mutability of National Char-

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Mr. Chenevix was married June 4.
1812, to the Countess of Ronault, but
we believe had no family. Much of his
time and fortune was devoted to literary
and scientific pursuits; and, in an ex-
tensive circle of private friends, he was

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