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1 He was born at Eisleben A. D. 1483. Nov. 10th.-In the year 1507 he enters the monastery of the Augustinian monks at Erfurt, removes in the following year to Wittenberg, where he teaches first philosophy, and afterwards theology, makes a journey to Rome 1510, and takes his degree of doctor of theology 1512.-Publication of the thesis 1517. Oct. 31st.-Luther is summoned before the Pope-has an interview with Cajetan in Augsburg 1518. Oct.-Interview with Miltitz-Controversy with Eck, Wimpina, and others.-Dispute of Leipsic 1519. June.Excommunication of Luther 1520.-He burns the bull and the papal decrees 1520. Dec.-Diet of Worms under the Emperor Charles V.-Luther's defence on that occasion (1521. April.)He is outlawed, and constrained to take up his abode in the Wartburg (from May 1521 to March 1522.)-He leaves his place of concealment to oppose the prophets of Zwickau.— Further spread of the Reformation in Germany, commencing at Wittenberg. The war of the peasantry, controversy concerning the sacraments, Luther's marriage (1524–1525.)—Visitation of the churches 1527.-Diet of Augsburg 1530.-Luther's residence in Coburg-A period of manifold sufferings and vexations. -His death 1546. Febr. 18th.-Complete editions of his works are: that of Wittenberg, twelve volumes in German (1539–59), and seven volumes in Latin (1545-58); that of Jena, eight volumes in German (1555–58), and four in Latin 1556–58), in addition to which two supplementary volumes were published by Aurifaber. Eisleben 1564. 65.; that of Altenburg, in ten volumes in German (1661-64); that of Leipsic, in twenty-two volumes (1729-40); and lastly, that of Halle, edited by Walch, in twenty-four volumes (1740-50.) See Gieseler iii. 1. p. 3. and Rotermund, H. V., Verzeichniss der verschiedenen Ausgaben der sämmtlichen Schriften Luthers. Bremen 1813. 8.-Luther did not compose a system of doctrinal theology, but others compiled it from his writings. This was done e. g. by Heinrich Majus, Professor in Giessen, who wrote: Lutheri Theologia pura et sincera, ex viri divini scriptis universis, maxime tamen latinis per omnes fidei articulos digesta et concinnata. Francof. ad. M. 1709. with a supplement.) Similar works were composed by Timoth. Kirchner, Andr. Musculus, Theodos. Fabricius, Michael Neander (Theologia Megalandri Lutheri. Eisl. 1587. 12.), Elias

Veiel. see Semler, Einletung zu Baumgarten's Glaubenslehre ií. p. 146. Heinrich, Geschichte der Lehrart etc. p. 248.

2 They are given in Löscher's Reformationsacten i. p. 438 ss. and Herm. von der Hardt, Historia Reformat. litt. P. iv. p. 16. Compare also Gieseler 1. c. p. 24, where the most important theses may be found.

3 For an account of the different collections of sermons, homilies, etc. (Kirchen- und Hauspostill, etc.) see Lentz, Gerchichte der christlichen Homiletik ii. p. 22, 23.-His exegetical works (e. g. his commentary on the Epistle to the Galatians, 1535. 38.) are of use in the history of doctrines.

4 The several controversial writings which he composed in opposition both to the advocates of the old system, and to the real or supposed corrupters of the new doctrines, as well as the reports of public disputations, will be specified in their proper place in the special history of doctrines.

5 Briefe, Sendschreiben und Bedenken, edited by de Wette. five volumes, Berlin, 1825-28.

6 Gebauer, Luther als Kirchenliederdichter. Leipzig 1828. The latest edition appeared under the care of Winterfield 1840. Luther's maxims are for the most part collected in the "Tischreden" (i. e. table-talk), published by Aurifaber, but they require revision.

7 The translation of the Bible was commenced during his residence in the Wartburg, and that of the New Testament was completed 1522. The first German translation of the whole Bible was published by Hans Lufft in Wittenberg A. D. 1534. (compare the editions of 1541. 45.) Further particulars will be found in Panzer, G. W., Entwurf einer vollständ. Gerchichte der Bibelübersetzung Dr M. Luthers. Nürnb. 1783. 8. and the other works on this subject written by Marheinecke, Weidemann, Lücke, Schott, Grotefend, and Mann (Stuttgart 1835.) Compare Gieseler 1. c. p. 109, 110.

8 His original name was Schwarzerd; he was born at Bretten in the Palatinate 1497. Febr. 16th; and delivered lectures in the university of Wittenberg. He was surnamed Præceptor Germaniæ. His lectures on Paul's Epistle to the Romans gave rise to his celebrated work: Loci communes rerum theologicarum seu hypotyposes theologica. 1521 in 4°. in the same year it was

also published in 8°, and passed through upwards of a hundred editions, more than sixty of which appeared during his lifetime. The Loci were several times improved, and from the year 1550 published under the title: Loci præcipui theologici. Comp. Herm. v. d. Hardt, hist. reform. litter. P. iv. p. 30 ss. The latest edition appeared under the care of * Augusti, Lips. 1821. Luther (de servo arbitrio) called the work in question: invictum libellum, non solum immortalitate, sed canone etiam ecclesiastico dignum. Compare the passage quoted from his "Tischreden" by Galle, p. 20. and Strobel, Litterargeschichte von Phil. Melanthons Locis theologicis. Altdorf und Nürnberg 1776. 8. Concerning other doctrinal and polemical writings of Melancthon, see Heinrich 1. c. p. 268 ss. Galle 1. c. Bretschneider, Corpus Reformatorum T. i.-iii.

§ 215.


On the literature compare vol. i. § 13. p. 19. and § 16.

It was Melancthon who was appointed by the newly formed Protestant community to draw up a confession of faith in a concise, clear, and pacific form, on the basis of those doctrines which he, together with Luther and other divines, had determined. From its solemn presentation at the diet of Augsburg (A. D. 1530), it has received the name of Confession of Augsburg (Confessio Augustana.)1 The " The Confutatio" published by the Roman Catholics, in opposition to the Confession of Augsburg,2 gave rise, soon after, to a new symbolical book of the Lutheran Church, the Apology of the Confession, of which Melancthon was the sole author. The Articles of Schmalkald (A. D. 1536-37), composed by Luther, in much bolder terms, followed somewhat later. They completed the series of official

documents and apologies which bore upon the external relations of the new church.5 But in order to establish the internal relations of the Protestant Church on a firm doctrinal basis, both the Catechisms of Luther were added to the collection of symbolical books as normal compendiums. And lastly, in consequence of many and violent controversies respecting the fundamental principles of Protestantism, which arose within the Lutheran Church itself, it was found necessary, after various but unsuccessful attempts to restore peace, to draw up the Formula Concordia (Germ. Concordienformel A. D. 1577), in which the disputed points were considered, and, as far as possible, determined. All these books were now collected into a symbolical canon (A. D. 1580.) the Liber Concordia (Germ. Concordienbuch.) In the course of time this canon acquired so great an authority, that the clergy had to subscribe it as solemnly as Scripture itself.9

1 Confessio Augustana, on the basis of the seventeen articles of Torgau (Schwabach), composed by order of the Prince Elector of Saxony by Luther, Jonas, Bugenhagen, and Melancthon. The original edition was published in German and Latin A. D. 1530 by G. Rhaw (in modern times it was edited by Winer 1825. Tittmann 1830. Twesten 1840.) It consists of twenty-eight articles; in the first twenty-one the principal doctrines (Articula fidei præcipui) are discussed with reference to the Roman Catholic Church, but in moderate terms; the last seven treat of the abusos mutatos. Further particulars (of a literary kind) are given by Winer, comparative Darstellung, p. 13. Gieseler 1. c. p. 243 ss. Many details respecting the origin of the articles, and the elevation of mind experienced by their authors, will be found in the work of Rotermund, Geschichte des Reichstages in Augsburg. Hanover 1829. Concerning the critical part see Weber, Geschichte der Augsburgischen Confession. Francf. 1783. 84. ii. Förstemann, Urkundenbuch, Halle 1833. 35. Rudelbach, A. G, historisch-kritische Einleitung in die Augsburgische Confession. Dresden 1841.

2 It was composed by a number of Roman Catholic theologians (among whom were Eck and Faber), and read aloud (in German) in the diet 1530, Aug. 3rd, but no copy of it was communicated to the Protestant estates. It was only afterwards that Melancthon obtained a copy. It is reprinted in Hase, Libri Symbolici p. 55 ss. (ed. 5th.)

3 The first sketch was composed from memory, as the author possessed no copy of the writing of his opponents, and presented to the Emperor Charles V., A. D. 1530, Sept. 22d. It was afterwards revised, and published 1531, both in Latin and German, together with the confession of Augsburg. The same arrangement is adopted in the apology as in the confession, but the number of articles is reduced to 16. "With regard to its intrinsic worth, this work, no doubt, occupies the first place among the symbols of the Lutheran Church." Winer, p. 16. As early as the times of Ernesti, it was called "a masterpiece in the argument ex dictis Scripturæ ex natura rerum, and consensu patrum," etc. See Ernesti, neue theologische Bibliothek vol. ii. p. 413. It was edited by Lücke in Latin and German, Berl. 1818.

4 They were drawn up in German, in order to be presented at the council summoned by Pope Paul III. (A. D. 1536), and signed by the assembly of Schmalkald (1537. Feb.) The first German edition appeared at Wittenberg 1538. They were republished from a MS. in the Library of Hiedelberg by Dr Phil. Marheinecke, Berl. 1817. 4.-The work consists of three parts: 1. de summus articulis divinæ majestatis; 2. de summis articulis, qui officium et opus Jesu Christi s. redemtionem nostram concernunt; 3. articuli de quibus agere potuerimus cum doctus et prudentibus viris vel etiam inter nos ipsos (Melancthon afterwards added an appendix de potestate et primatu Papae.)

5 On the distinction between those symbolical writings which have regard to external relations, and those which refer to internal relations, see Schleiermacher, über den eigenthümlichen Werth und das Ansehen symbolischer Bücher, in the Reformatorischer Almanach. Vol. ii. 1819. p. 235 ss.

6 In the year 1529, Luther wrote both the Catechismus major (for the use of the clergy and schoolmasters), and the Catechismus. minor (for the use of the people and children), not in order to force a system of doctrines upon the Church, but to supply a prac


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