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to have the murderer Barabbas pardoned, and thee innocent Jesus put to death,

Thro' all the false accusations, suborned witnesses, and slanderous lies brought against thee by the Jews,

Thro' the shameful plucking off thy clothes, and exposing thy naked body to the view of the multitude,

Thro' the pressing of a sharp crown of thorns on thy sacred head,

Thro' thy being clothed in a purple garment, and having a reed put into thy hand for a sceptre, being exposed to derision as a mock king, Thro' the scoffing salutations, genuflections, and scornful adorations whereby thou wert derided by the Jews and soldiers,

Thro' their spitting on thy divine face, and striking thy sacred head with a reed,

Thro' thy being brought forth to the people, in so deplorable a condition, Pilate saying, Behold the man,

Thro' the horrid clamours of the Jews, and their repeated vociferations of Away with him, Crucify him,

Have mercy upon us.

Thro' that patience wherewith thou heardest the sentence of death pronounced against: thee,

Thro' the carrying of thy heavy cross on thy shoulders to mount Calvary,

Thro' the cruel racking and most painful stretching of thy whole body upon, and the nailing of thy sacred hands and feet to the cross, Thro' the compassion thou hadst on thy sorrowful mother and St. John, standing at the foot of the cross,

Thro' thy charity in praying for thy persecu tors and murderers, and promising paradise and pardon to the thief,

Thro' the seven last speeches thou utteredst during the three hours that thou didst hang on the cross,


Thro the vehement thirst thou didst suffer, and the gall and vinegar thou drankest, Thro' thy last agony, in which thou breathedst forth thy blessed soul into the hands of thy heavenly Father,

Thro' the opening of thy side with a lance, and the blood and water that issued therefrom. Thro' the descent of thy soul into Limbus Patrum, to conquer the devils, and set the ancient Fathers at liberty.

Thro' the taking down of thy dead body from the cross by Joseph and Nicodemus, in or. der to its burial,

Thro' thy glorious resurrection from death to life on the third day,

Thro' thy frequently appearing to thy blessed Mother, to Mary Magdalen, to Peter and to thy apostles, comforting and confirming them during the space of forty days,

Thro' thy admirable ascension into heaven in the sight of thy sacred Mother and thy disciples,

Thro' the miraculous descent of the Holy Ghost in the form of fiery tongues upon thy apostles,

Thro' all thy actions and sufferings during thy thirty-three years' sojourning amongst men, and thro' all that is pleasing to thy divine majesty in heaven or on earth, V. O Lord, graciously hear our prayers. R. And let our cry come unto thee.

Let us pray.

VOUCHSAFE, O almighty and allmerciful God, our Creator, Redeemer, and Sanctifier, to have compassion on us, and on all those who shall humbly present these petitions to the throne of thy mercy, in commemoration of thy sacred life and bitter passion: and we

beseech thee for thy own dear sake to grant our friends and benefactors, and all those for whom we intend or are any ways bound to pray, the pardon of their past offences, and a preservation from future failings; that serving thee faithfully, loving thee fervently, and obeying thee perseverantly, during the remainder of our earthly pilgrimage, we may at length enjoy thy beatifying presence for all eternity in thy heavenly paradise. Amen.

May the blessing of Almighty God, the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, descend upon us, and remain with us for ever. Amen.

The Litany of the most holy Name of JESUS.

LORD, have mercy upon us. Christ, have mercy upon us. Lord, have mercy upon us. Jesus, hear us.

Jesus, graciously hear us.

God the Father of heaven, Have mercy

upon us.

God the Son, Redeemer of the world,
God the Holy Ghost,

Holy Trinity, one God,

Jesus, Son of the living God,
Jesus, splendour of the Father,

Have, &c.

Have mercy upon us.

Jesus, brightness of eternal light,

Jesus, king of glory,

Jesus, sun of Justice,

Jesus, Son of the Virgin Mary,

Jesus, most amiable,

Jesus, most admirable,

Jesus, the mighty God,

Jesus, father of the world to come,
Jesus, angel of the great council,
Jesus, most powerful,

Jesus, most patient,

Jesus, most obedient,

Jesus, meek and humble of heart,
Jesus, lover of chastity,

Jesus, lover of us,

Jesus, God of peace,

Jesus, author of life,

Jesus, example of virtues,

Jesus, zealous lover of souls,

Jesus, our God,

Jesus, our refuge,

Jesus, father of the poor,

Jesus, treasure of the faithful,

Jesus, good shepherd,

Jesus, true light,

Jesus, eternal wisdom,

Jesus, infinite goodness,

Jesus, the way, the truth, and the life,

Jesus, the joy of angels,

Jesus, king of patriarchs,

Jesus, inspirer of the prophets,

Jesus, master of the apostles,


Jesus, teacher of the evangelists,
Jesus, strength of martyrs
Jesus, light of confessors,

Jesus, spouse of virgins,
Jesus, crown of all saints,

Have, &c.

Be merciful' unto us, Spare us,

O Jesus.

Be merciful unto us, Hear us, O Jesus.

From all evil, Lord Jesus deliver us.
From all sin,

From thy wrath,

From the snares of the devil,

From the spirit of fornication,

From everlasting death,

From a neglect of thy holy inspirations, Thro' the mystery of thy holy incarnation,

Thro' thy nativity,

Thro' thy divine infancy,

Thro' thy sacred life,

Thro' thy labours and travails,
Thro' thy agony and passion,
Thro' thy cross and dereliction,
Thro' thy pains and torments,
Thro' thy death and burial,
Thro' thy holy resurrection,
Thro' thy admirable ascension,

Thro' the coming of the Holy Ghost
the Comforter,

In the day of judgment,

Lord Jesus, deliver-us

Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, Spare us, O Lord Jesus.

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