Some one one has festlyrics justly send that the literary works of of Lord Lord whole are more varied learning for remarkable for superficial fertility • The Art of thinking appeared Elements in 1762. HENRY HOME OF KAMES. Henry Home = Ford Kame Sankita 1696 EDITED BY JOHN FROST, Α. Μ. FROST, A. M. 178.2 imperfectly educater tus native Commy Bapoi ADVERTISEMENT OF THE AMERICAN EDITOR. In preparing the present abridgment of Lord Kames's Elements of Criticism for publication, free use has been made of Jamieson's abridgment, published in London in 1823. It has been found necessary, however, to deviate from his plan in several particulars. The size of the book has been considerably reduced, by omitting portions of which the practical utility was not sufficiently apparent to justify their being retained in a work intended for general use. All quotations of which the delicacy was in the slightest degree questionable, have been omitted, as also quotations in the ancient and foreign languages. Certain of the terms used by Lord Kames in explaining the passions and emotions, have been altered with reference to the advanced state of intellectual philosophy.. 3 |