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These are all copies of the Pars Hyemalis of the 1526 issue, printed for Gaschet of York. E and B are in York Cathedral Library (x. P. 7, and x. P. 25), K in the Bodleian (Gough 59), L in the British Museum, and C belongs to Philip Davies Cooke, Esq., of Owston Hall, Doncaster. E (to take one as a type of the class) has the following title page: Breviarium ad usum insigis (sic) Metropolitane ecclesie Eboracensis: una cum Pica diligentissime accuratissimeque recognitum et emendatum : in preclara Parrhisiensi academia in edibus videlicet Ffrancisci Regnault impressum: ac expensis honesti viri Joannis Gascheti: in predicta Eboracensi civitate commorantis: hic suum capit exordium pro tempore hyemali. Anno nostre reparationis 1526. This title-page is on a j not paged. (1) Temporale. aj to t 8 b in eights (a iiij is wrongly signed G iiij). The service for Easter Eve ends on t 8 b. (2) Kalendar. First folio signed †1. 8 folios. (3) Psalter and Commune. Second series of Signatures. A to P 4 in eights. (4) Sanctorale. Third set of signatures. A to G, all in eights. The imprint which follows the register of signatures on G. 8 b is as follows: Finit pars hyemalis tam de tempore quam de sanctis breviarii ad usum insignis ecclesie Eboracensis Parisiis impressum arte ac pervigili cura Francisci Regnault Alme universitatis Parisiensis librarii jurati in vico sancti Facobi e regione maturinorum sub signo elephantino commorantis. Anno domini millesimo quingentesimo xxvj, decimaquinta mensis Octobris. In E, between the Commune and the Sanctorale, is interposed the service for the feast of the Visitation of the B. Virgin. The same service is in B and L, introduced not before, but after the Sanctorale. Its rubric notices the fact that the York Convocation in 1513 ordered its use: but it had been printed in the Sarum books at a much earlier date. This service will be found in the Appendix to Vol. ij. of the Breviary. It consists of 8 folios: the first signed with a maltese cross, and the verso of the last folio is illustrated with a woodcut representing 7 or 8 bishops standing and dictating to a scribe, who is seated on a bench writing at a lectern. This volume E has on the first leaf of each octave through the book the signature.

title Ebo. has 2 columns to each page and 35 lines to each column. Where it is cited, except in the Kalendar, in our reprint, it represents all the five copies of this same edition. It is whole bound in brown calf, has the stamp of York Minster Library on the side, and on the flyleaf next before the titlepage has this inscription: Biblice Decani & Capituli Ebor. Dono Dedit Rokby Scott Clicus, 1733. Its size is six inches by four. Of B, K, and C the same description as that given of E will hold good. L (British Museum, C 35 b) is the copy which belonged to Mr. Gordon, by him bequeathed to Dr. Raine. It has in MS. on the flyleaf the following: 'Bre'viary according to the use of York, an extremely rare book. 'On the 9 June, 1534, Hen. viij. issued a proclamation com'manding the pope's name to be erased out of all prayers and 'Church Books; in compliance with which the then possessor ' of this Book has erased the word "papa" throughout, as I 'have also observed in various MS. Missals &c. And in Sep. 1538, he issued another proclamation for the abolition of 'counterfeit Saints; to comply with which the owner has crossed 'out various passages and also cut out 4 leaves containing the Festum S. Thome à Becket—I leaf in the Translatio sancti 'Willelmi-and one leaf in the Festum S. Cuthberti.' There is also this second note: 'Wants the following leaves, sig. e ́ vij. viij. f j. ij. in Pars I. and g j. (it should be G j.) in part 3.' To this should be added that folio i I is also wanting, and it is added in the catalogue. Strangely enough, on G 7 b and two following leaves the lections for S. Wilfrid are not erased.

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This volume, unhappily deficient, represents the Pars Estivalis corresponding to the former volumes of the P. Hyemalis. It gives us the only text we have of that portion of this 1526 edition. It has neither title-page nor colophon nor Kalendar and the whole of the Temporale and Psalter is gone, and much of the Commune. The first folio now remaining is M j. (the service being the Commune plurimorum confessorum): M and N in eights, and O in tens, with one hiatus, probably of 1 folio. The Sanctorale begins a new series of signatures from aa to vv, all in eights on vv 8 b the service is that of S. Edmundi Archiepiscopi (16 Nov.).



Thence to S. Saturninus the contents are lost, and there is no Festum Visitationis B. M. V. On 6 August is the service for the Transfiguration, to which M. Fothergill has appended a note in MS., 'not in the MS. Brev. Ebor.,' which same note is added to the service for the next day, 'In festo nominis Jesu.' It is to be recognised as a York book from having the feast of S. William (8 June), that of S. Wilfrid (12 Oct.), and of the translation of S. John of Beverley (25 October). In size it is 5 inches by 3 wide: it is bound like E, with the York Library stamp on it.


This, with its fellow volume N, in the British Museum, gives us the latest known arrangement and text of the York Breviary. They are therefore of great value : and being very correctly printed, are most useful for collation. G (Pars Hyemalis) was bought by Dr. Gott at the Saville sale in 1860. In the Catalogue of the sale the following notice was added: ··· A diminutive and excessively rare volume, in black and 'red letter, of an impression of which no other copy is known to 'exist. With the exception of a portion of the last leaf being 'torn away to the extent of the last six lines, it is in beauti'ful condition, and in old binding. It possesses, on the title, 'the autograph of "Henricus Comes Arundell," &c. In spite of the assertion here made, we may safely affirm that there is another copy of this impression, viz. N, which is the Pars Estivalis, answering to this; for, although there is no date in N to prove it is of the year 1533, it is clear by comparing in each the parts which are common to both, that they both belong to the same edition. The title-page in G is as follows:

Breviarium insignis ac metropolitane ecclesie Eboracensis una cum Pica (quod vulgo dicitur) diligentissime emendatum : et in Parisiorum Academia expensis Francisci Regnault ejusdem universitatis bibliopole jurati: et honesti viri Joannis Gascheti in predicta Eboracensi civitate commorantis impressum. Pars Hyemalis. Venit Parisiis Francisco Regnault sub insigni Elephantis e regione Maturinorum, 1533. The Colophon (which is on h h 4, the last page of the Sanctorale) is as follows: Finit pars Hyemalis tam de tempore quam de sanctis breviarii ad usum insignis ecclesie Eboracensis.

Parisiis impressi arte ac pervigili cura Francisci Regnault universitatis Parisiensis librarii jurati / in vico sancti Jacobi e regione maturinorum sub signo elephantis commorantis. Anno domini millesimo quingentesimo xxxiij. vicesima secunda die mensis Augusti.

Except for the Kalendar, and for a slight portion torn off the last leaf, it is complete: bound in calf, and in excellent preservation. The size is not 4 inches by 7, as stated in the sale catalogue, but 4 by 3: it has double columns, and 36 lines in each column. (1) Temporale, aj to v 8 b, all in eights. (2) Kalendar gone. (3) Psalterium and Commune. Aj to P8 b, all in eights, numbered in right-hand corner of the page from Fo. j to Fo. cxx. (4) Sanctorale, from S. Andrew to Wilfridi episcopi et confessoris, aaj to hh 4. This is the edition probably noticed by P[hilippe] D [eschamps] in his Dictionnaire de Géographie, col. 441, 442, where he says that Gachet at Paris in 1533 reprinted en très petit format' the York Breviary which he had before printed in 1526.


This is the Pars Estivalis of the same edition as G, but as it lacks the title-page, there is no positive proof of the fact. It has, what G lacks, the Kalendar. It is incomplete, for all the 8 folios sign. a, at the beginning of the book, and for all the feasts between All Saints Day and S. Saturninus: and so lacks the Colophon. In the Museum Catalogue it is thus described: 'Note. Register A-T, 12. 8 unnumbered leaves, ' and A-P, AA-TT. Parts 1 and 3 are without pagina'tion. Imperfect, wanting Title-page, and all before Sig. B, 'H 8, O 1 8, and all after Sig. TT. O 2–7 are much mutilated.'

It has the name of the late Dr. Raine in it, to whom it passed' By the Will of James Gordon.' It was purchased by the Museum in 1859. (1) Temporale, begins on B j (signature title Ebo. on first folio of each octave), from B to S in eights, and T in twelves. (2) Kalendar, 8 folios, with no signature nor paging. (3) Psalter and Commune, from A to P, all in eights, but O j is wanting and O 8, and the other six folios of O are all torn across at the bottom. (4) Sanctorale. From AA to TT, all in eights, ending abruptly in the middle of the second Vespers of All Saints Day. In the British

Museum Catalogue the conjectural date of 1520 is assigned to it, and in Dr. Henderson's list of York Service Books, that of 1530; but, as stated above, it must be given to the year 1533. It has, like G, double columns, with 36 lines in each column, and in size is 4 inches by 3.


This is a copy of the whole Breviary, in two volumes, but made up of more than one edition, and with a Sarum Kalendar. There is no title, and no imprint in either volume. The date 1524, which is put on the outside by the binder, is got from the table for finding the golden number in the Kalendar, where it is the first year of the series of nineteen. This, however, gives no authority whatever: for this Kalendar is not of York use, and is printed in a type unlike all York books known. A Kalendar, one exactly similar to it, is found in a Sarum Breviary of 1524, now at Oscott, printed at Paris for Fr. Byrckman.1 Certainly the main portions of these two volumes (in fact, all of the Pars Hyemalis, and the Psalter and Sanctorale of the P. Estivalis) are of an edition later than this date. Most probably this book came out about 1555, in the reign of Philip and Mary.

Pars Hyemalis. (1) Temporale. AA to RR all in eights. [Note.—FF is wrongly bound up after GG, and LL before HH.] AA begins the Advent Rubric, with no title-page. (3) Psalterium. a to k, all in eights, and numbered from Fo. I to Fo. lxxx. Commune. aa to ff, all in eights. (4) Sanctorale, from S. Andrew to S. Wilfrid. A to H in eights and I in four. There are two sizes of type used, and each page has two columns with thirty-three lines to a column. Pars Estivalis. (1) Temporale. (This is of a later edition than the rest of the volumes.) Signatures. aa to rr all in eights and ss in four. (nn iij. and nn iiij. are wrongly printed mm iij. and mm iiij.) There is but one type used and in each column of this part of the book there are 35, not 33, lines. This temporale resembles greatly the edition of 1526, printed by Regnault. (2) Kalendar. 8 folios, of Sarum use, with the 'Envoi' of Constantinus

1 The credit of this discovery is due to Mr. Bradshaw, and I have verified its correctness.

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