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into the state of the country, and the means by which it might be improved; and if we were to suppose, that the facts necessary to enable any government to judge what measures it ought to attempt, were once collected, it would probably be desirous of having them arranged, nearly in the following order:

"The first part would naturally state the geographical circumstances of the country, its situation, extent, soil, climate, divisions, advantages natural and incidental, and other points of a similar nature.

"The second object would be to ascertain the population of the country, comparing the present with the former state of its population, explaining the causes of its increase or decrease in the different districts, pointing out the manner in which the people were divided, according to their sex, age, professions, and other particulars.

"The third point would be to discover how the people acquire the means of their subsistence; to what extent they depended on agriculture, fisheries, manufactures, or commerce, and what were the indirect sources of income on which they relied.

"The next point would naturally be to inquire into the laws and public establishments of the country, and to see how far they were capable of improvement; how the people were governed; what checks there were to prevent bad government or oppression; whence arose the public revenue; how the laws were administered; how the sanctions of religion were observed; how the health of the people was watched over; and what institutions were established for the education of youth, and other public purposes.

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There are also many miscellaneous objects of inquiry which such a government would be desirous of having under their view, namely, the language of the people, the arts and sciences cultivated by them, their morals, manners, customs, &c.

"And if all these important particulars were laid before a wise and beneficent government, in one connected report, drawn up on proper data; permit me to ask, would there be any difficulty for them to ascertain the ultimate object of the whole in quiry, namely, how the interest of their nation could best be promoted, and how

the general state and circumstances of the people could best be improved?

"Deeply impressed with the advantages to be derived from statistical inquiries on the principles above detailed, I was led to engage in a long and extensive correspondence with a most respectable body of men, the clergy of the church of Scotland, by whom, (or by some other correspondent, when they were prevented, by any unforeseen and unavoidable circumstance, from transmitting their reports) I was furnished, without the exception of a single parish, with a minute and particular description of the different districts where they respectively resided. From such an unexampled mass of important information, and from various other authorities which it will be in my power to consult, I trust I shall be enabled to prepare an account of North Britain, according to the system above sketched out, whence the advantages to be derived from such inquiries will be sufficiently apparent. Fortunate if it should tend to promote the improvement of my native country, but still more so, should it furnish an example, which other nations might be disposed to imitate, and from which the improvement of political society in general, and the happiness of the species at large, might be promoted.


It is only necessary to add, that the great improvements recently made, in the various sciences and arts, can only be attributed to that anxiety for establishing facts, which is a peculiar distinction of modern times. Since science and art have rested, not on visionary theory, but on the sure basis of investigation and experiment, they have been carried to a height, of which anciently they were supposed incapable. It is by pursuing the same method in regard to political disquisitions, by analysing the real state of mankind, and examining, with anatomical accuracy, and almost chemical minuteness, the internal structure of society, that the science of government can alone be brought to the same state of perfection. By such inquiries, when properly conducted, and wisely acted upon, every individual in a great political community, may be enabled to enjoy as much real happiness in this world, as the imperfect condition

of human nature will admit; and may
indulge the pleasing hopes, of par-
taking in those superior blessings,
which revelation teaches us, a truly
virtuous character will inherit beyond
the grave.
p. 17-22.

From the last Essay, which is on longevity, a subject generally interesting, we beg leave to present our readers with the following:

"Rules tending to promote long life. "We shall now proceed to state such rules as have been followed by those who have attained great age, as they may furnish some hints that may be serviceable to others.

"The plan laid down by the celebrated Cornaro, is well known, and the abstemious manner in which he lived, has often been recommended to the imitation of others; but I question much whether many would wish to lead the same life, for the sake of mere existence. Life is no longer desirable than whilst it can be enjoyed with some degree of satisfaction, and it is of little consequence, if a person merely vegetates, whether he lives or not.

"Without entering therefore into various particulars, fitter for the discussions of experimental philosophy, than for real life, (as weighing the food taken, &c. &c.) we shall proceed to mention the rules which have been found the most effectual, and which are the most likely to be carried into practice. They may be classed under the following heads:1. Food. 2 Clothing. 3. Habitation. 4. Labour or exercise. 5. Ilabits or customs. 6. Medicine; and, 7. Disposition of mind.


"1. Diet. The importance of wholesome food, for the preservation of health and long life, and the avoiding of excess, whether in eating or drinking, need not be dwelt upon. Some instances, indeed, are tioned of persons who have continued to commit excesses, and have lived long; but these are to be considered in no other light than as exceptions from a general rule; and it may reasonably be contended, that if such persons lived to a great age, notwithstanding their intemperance, they would have lived much longer had they followed a different course.


2. Clothing. It is equally unnecessary to detail at any length, the

necessity of warm clothing, more especially in advanced life, and during the cold seasons, as the best mode of preventing a number of diseases to which old men are particularly exposed, and which, by no other means can be avoided.

"3. Habitation. The health of every individual must greatly depend on the place where be resides, and the nature of the house which he inhabits; and as it has frequently been remarked, that the greatest number of old people die in winter, and that many individuals, in a weak and consumptive state, are obliged to fly to warmer climates as the only means of safety, it has thence occurred to Dr. Pearson, that it would be of service both to the aged and to the consumptive, to have houses erected, of such peculiar construction that the air could always be preserved, not only pure, but nearly of the same, and of rather an elevated temperature, so that the invalids who resided in them should never be affected by the vicissitudes of the seasons. Such an idea, it must be admitted, cannot be a general remedy or resource, but it is well entitled to the attention of those who are in affluent circumstances, by some of whom, it is to be hoped, an hospital for the aged and the consumptive will be erected, and the experiment fairly tried, both for their own sakes, and for that of human nature in general.

4. Exercise and labour. That either exercise or moderate labour is necessary even to aged persons, for the purpose of preserving the human frame in order, can hardly be questioned, provided any great exertion is avoided, than which nothing is . more likely to destroy the springs of life, particularly when these become feeble. Travelling in moderation also, from the change of air and scene, ras been found of great use.

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5. Habits and customs. In the next place, good health, and consequently longevity, depends much on personal cleanliness, and a variety of habits and customs, or minute attentions, which it is impossible here to discuss. It were much to be wished, that some author would undertake the trouble of collecting the result of general experience upon that subject, and would point out those habits, which, taken singly, appear very tri

fing, yet when combined, there is every reason to believe, that much

additional health and comfort would arise from their observance.

6. Medicine. It is a common saying, that every man, after the age of 40, should be his own physician. This seems, however, to be a dangerous maxim. The greatest physicians, when they are sick, seldom venture to prescribe for themselves, but generally rely on the advice of their medical friends. Persons who pretend to be their own physicians,, are generally much addicted to quack ery, than which nothing can be more injurious to the constitution. It is essential to health, that medicines should never be taken but when ne. cessary, and never without the best advice, in regard to the commencement, which ought not to be too long delayed, otherwise much benefit cannot be expected from them; and also with respect to nature or sort, quantity, and continuance.

"At present, the powers of physic, it is generally acknowledged, are extremely bounded. The medical art, however, is probably still in its infancy, and it is impossible yet to say, to what perfection it may reach, not only in consequence of the new improvements which chemistry daily furnishes, but also of those which may be made, by the discovery of new and valuable plants, in countries either already known or hitherto unexplored, and indeed the new uses to which old medicinal plants may be applied. Perhaps such discoveries will be much accelerated, when, instead of being left to the zeal and industry of individuals, they shall meet with that public encouragement and protection, to which they are so peculiarly well entitled.

"7. Disposition of mind. In the last place, nothing is more conducive to longevity than to preserve equanimity and good spirits, and not to sink under the disappointments of life, to which all, but particularly the old, are necessarily subjected. Indeed, this is a point which cannot be too much inculcated, for experience sufficiently demonstrates, that many perish from despondency, who, if they had preserved their spirit and vigour of mind, might have survived many years longer." p. 436-440.

Sweden, Finland, and Lapland.

(Continued from page 341.)

HAP. XIII. Our travellers arrive

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Finland, at the town of Abo,

describe the city, library, and university. The custom for providing subjects for anatomy is thus expressed. Their school of anatomy is in considerable repute; it is not likely to want subjects for dissection, since, by a particular regulation, all such persons as hold lands or pensions from the crown are bound to leave their bodies to be dissected at the anatomical theatre. If the same law had been extended to physicians and surgeons, it would have appeared less rational. I made acquaintance with professor Porthaan, who shewed us every thing of any value in the library, and with great politeness gave us all the information in his power respecting our route through Finland. He also made us a present of some dissertations he had written on different subjects concerning that country." p. 206.

The principal buildings, inhabitants, and commerce, finish this chapter.

Chap. XIV. begins with their departure from Abo towards the North, and describes the nature of travelling in Finland thus: "In order to be free for the future from the trouble of changing our baggage at every stage, we had provided ourselves with sledges of our own. We purchased them at Abo, and they were of the same description as those which the peasantry made use of. The winter had been extremely severe; but there had not fallen a great quantity of snow in comparison of former years. A March sun, and some days thaw, had made it disappear entirely in many places. The sledge was often suddenly stopped, and the poor horse made repeated efforts, without effect, to drag it over the naked and sandy soil, which sunk under his feet with a sort of disagreeable crackling noise. We were every moment obliged to leave the stedge, and walk on foot till we came to ground covered with snow, or to a frozen lake or river. This mode of travelling at last became extremely tiresome, but having no alternative, we endeavoured to submit to it cheerfully. In many

places the snow had been melted in the middle of the road, but still remained on the side and at the edges of the ditches. In those situations not unfrequently the love of ease induced us to try the expedient of risking the sledge on the edge of the ditch, which constantly gave way, and our indolence availed us nothing. The horse was unable to keep in the precise line, and constantly drawing to one side or to the other, we were every now and then overturned in the ditch, and plunged over the ears in the snow.

"This species of sledge, being extremely-narrow, is very easily overturned; but as it is at the same time very low, the fall is accompanied with no manner of danger, and when the road is in a proper state it goes, very steadily and safely; but when the sun has begun to melt the snow, and this partial thaw, as often happens, is succeeded by a fresh attack of the frost, then there is formed on. the declivities of the road a polished mirror of ice, which occasions much trouble and difficulty to the traveller. The sledge in descending never keeps a direct line, but is hitched out of its proper direction by the smallest accident when turned side-ways, it slips all at once out of the road, and is overturned either into the ditch or against a tree, and sometimes twists the horse, and throws him down along with it. We were often obliged to get out of the sledge, but our boots being too slippery to support us on an inclined plane of smooth ice, we were reduced to the necessity of sit. ting down, and sliding gently to the bottom of the descent." p. 216



In the road from Abo to Yervenkyle, notice is taken of the habitations, &c. of the peasantry. houses of the peasants are well built, and the stranger finds every where lodging and beds; and he may be tolerably accommodated, if he have the precaution to carry some conveniences along with him. You are received with great hospitality; the peasant furnishes you with whatever he has got to eat, though, in general, he can only offer you fresh and curdled milk, salt herrings, and perhaps, as beforementioned, a little salt meat. In comparison with those who travel among them they are poor, but in relation to themselves they are rich, VOL. I.

since they are supplied with every thing that constitutes, in their opinion, good living. If they have more money than they have immediate use for, they lay it up for some unforeseen emergency, or convert it into a vase, or some other domestic utensil. You must not be surprised in Finland, if in a small wooden house, where you can get nothing but herrings and milk, they should bring you water in a silver vessel of the value of fifty or sixty rixdollars. The women are warmly clad; above their clothes they wear a linen shift, which gives them the air of being in a sort of undress, and produces an odd though not a disagreeable fancy. The inside of the house is always warm, and indeed too much so for one who comes out of the external air, and is not accustomed to that temperature. The peasants remain in the house constantly in their shirt sleeves, without a coat, and with but a single waistcoat; they frequently go abroad in the same dress, without dread either of rheumatism or fever. We shall see the reason of this when we come to speak of their baths. The Finlanders, who accompany travellers behind their sledges, are generally dressed in a kind of short coat made of a calf's skin, or in a woollen shirt, fastened round the middle with a girdle. They pull over their boots coarse woollen stockings, which have the

double advantage of keeping them warm, and preventing them from slipping on the ice.

"The interior of the peasant's house presents a picture of considerable inierest. The women are occupied in teasing or spinning wool for their clothing, the men in cutting faggots, making nets, and mending or constructing sledges.", p. 218, 219.

Arriving at Yervenkyle, among other things the author particularly describes the manner of living among the peasantry thus: "Before taking leave of Yervenkyle, we wished to be made acquainted with the economy of our host, and to ask him some questions respecting the ex pences of his family, and the price of provision in this part of Finland. Wood costs but the trouble of cutting it down and transporting it. The wages of the day labourers are high, being from twelve to sixteen skillings. Our honest peasant had the appearance of being very much at his ease. 3 G

What pleasure is it to see a happy peasantry. He had six cows, which had produced him as many calves, and eight goats. The small twigs of the birch tree, which the goats feed on in winter, give a delicious odour to the place in which they are kept. He had besides eight lambs and three horses. The cows afforded, him a pail of milk each day. A cow is sold for five or six rixdollars, a calf for two, a goat for one, a roe. buck only costs sixteen skillings. Wheat does not thrive here. Rye is five and a half rixdollars the barrel. We asked him if he had ever eaten bread made of the bark of a tree, or if he had ever been obliged to feed his cows with their own dung, mixed and seasoned with a little salt, meal, and straw; but he had been fortunate enough not to have experienced any of these hardships. The Darlicarlians, however, have been reduced to such extremities on different oc


"The farmstead of this good and happy man consisted of the house, which he himself occupied with his family. To the right of this there was a small building, expressly allotted to strangers, in which he lodg

to the left were places for cattle.
In speaking of the dwelling of a Fin-
nish peasant, I think I shall gratify
the reader by the annexed engrav-
ing, representing the inside of the
house, where at the same time a scene
of domestic amusement is exhibited,
which is not unfrequent among the
Finnish peasantry. One of the men
is playing on the national instrument
of Finland, called the harpu (which
will be described more particularly
hereafter) while two other men, be-
ing seated opposite each other, and
having their hands locked toge-
ther, accompany the instrument with
their song and the motion of their
bodies, raising each other alternately
from their seats. The other part of
the company enjoy the scene as spec-


"The simple accommodation, ease, and contentment of this hospitable Finlander, forms a striking contrast to the excessive luxury of the great in Europe. It seems impossible to behold the agricultural state of life without feeling attachment to it; and though I am not insensible to the pleasures and blessings which luxurious ages produce, yet when refine

ment in society give rise to such feverish and pernicious desires, as induce great landed proprietors to fly from the country to overgrown cities, and forfeit their influence, independence, and estates, for worthless pageantry and frivolous baubles; and when, by folly less excusable than Esau's, they involve in their ruin thousands of industrious members of society, we unavoidably overlook many cares and anxieties which must attend this artless scene of life, and forget the exquisite enjoyments of polished societies."

Chap. XV. Departing from Yervenkyle, they proceed through a large forest eighty miles long, the full extent of which they traversed. Here the author notices the devastations made in these woods by fire and wind; as also that the disagreeableness of travelling in many places by land induced them to prefer the more perilous circumstances attending their journeying over lakes and rivers.

"It was between Tuskola and Gumsila," says the author, "that we found travelling on the river harassing and dangerous, but for the assistance of two peasants, who undertook to serve us as guides, and point out to us the places of the river where the ice was strongest and in the best condition to support us. Between Tuskola and Gumsila the river is extremely rapid, and the current being stronger in some places than in others, the ice in those parts is of a slender texture, so that it was necessary, in order to ensure our safety, to have a perfect knowledge of the direction of the current in summer. Our guides went before us in their sledge, and we followed close behind them with all the precision which an affair of such delicacy and importance requires. Having come to a part of the river which was almost entirely open, we thought it would be imprudent to attempt to pass it. We had, however, no alternative, but either to return and travel five or six miles by land, with all its known inconveniences, or passing hard by a house, to make our horses leap a barrier, and drag the sledge over a heap of stones, till we should arrive again at the ice of the same river. We chose to prefer this last mode of proceeding; the horses cleared the barrier; we all gave our assistance to lift up the sledge and throw it on the other

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