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bave induced some of them, at certain times, to keep in hand a larger quantity of grain than they would otherwise have found it convenient to hold. We know, however, that the general stock of grain in the autumn of 1800 was particularly low. Since, therefore, but a small part of the capital of the farmers, whether borrowed or their own, was then vested in grain, the principal share would probably be laid out on their land, and would increase its produce; for unquestionably the value of a crop obtained from a farm depends chiefly on the sum employed in its cultivation and improvement. Country bank notes have thus added to the general supply of grain, and by doing so, have contributed to prevent a rise in its price; they have probably, in this manner, afforded much more than a compensation for anytemporary advance in price to which they may have given occasion, by enabling farmers to keep a larger quantity in hand. The very possession of a large quantity in hand is to be considered as, in general, a benefit rather than a disadvantage; for it is our chief security against scarcity, and consequently also against dearness. To the want of a larger surplus stock at the end of the years 1799 and 1800 is to be ascribed, in a great degree, the subsequent high price of provisions. The tendency, therefore, of country bank paper to increase generally the stock of grain in the hands of the farmer is to be ranked among the advantages of country banks. The tendency to increase it at the particular time of actual scarcity, is to be classed among the evils which they produce; and it is an inconsiderable evil, which is inseparable from a great and extensive good. To those who are disposed to magnify this occasional evil, it may be further observed, that the farmer is enabled to enlarge his stock by the increase of his own as well as of the general wealth, much more, no doubt, than by the share which he obtains of that particular part of the new capital of the kingdom which is created through the substitution of bank notes for gold; only a portion, therefore, of the mischief complained of is to be referred to country bank notes; it is principally to be ascribed to the growing riches and prosperity both of the VOL. I.

farmers and other inhabitants of the country.

"It is no small additional recommendation of the use of our paper, that the public draws a large yearly revenue from the tax imposed on bills and notes. If paper credit did not exist, a sum equal to that which is thus raised must be supplied by taxes either burthening the industry, or paid out of the property of the people. The public has, since the late additional tax, become a very considerable sharer in the profits of the country bankers' business.

"Since, therefore, a paper medium has served the purposes which have been described, and has been, generally speaking, quite as convenient an instrument in settling accounts as the gold which it has displaced, the presumption in favour of its utility seems to be very great; and, if it could be added, that no other effects than those which have as yet been stated have arisen, or are likely to arise from it, the advantage of it would be beyond dispute. To reproach it with being merely a fictitious thing, because it possesses not the intrinsic value of gold, is to quarrel with it on account of that quality which is the very ground of its merit. Its merit consists in the circumstance of its costing almost nothing. By means of a very cheap article the country has been, for some years, transacting its money concerns, in which a very expensive material had previously been employed. If this were the whole question, the substitution of paper for gold would be as much to be approved as the introduction of any other efficacious and very cheap instrument in the place of a dear one. It would stand on the same footing with the substitution, for example, of cast iron for wrought iron or steel; of water carriage for land carriage; of a steam engine for the labour of men and horses; and might claim a high rank among that multitude of ingenious and economical contrivances to be found among us, by the aid of which we have at tained to the present unrivalled state of our manufactures and commerce." p. 167-171.

The author proceeds "to urge some very solid objections against the system of banking in the country." As it is argued at great length, we can only

give the proposition which contains
the first objection; which is, "The
tendency of country banks to pro-
duce, occasionally, that general fail-
ure of paper credit, and with it that
derangement and suspension of com-
merce, as well as intermission of ma-
nufacturing labour." p. 172.
"Another evil attending the pre-
sent banking system in the country
is the following:

"The multiplication of country banks issuing small notes to the bearer on demand, by occasioning a great and permanent diminution in our circulating coin, serves to increase the danger, lest the standard by which the value of our paper is intended to be at all times regulated should occasionally not be maintained." p. 187, 188.

The arguments in support of the objection are thus closed: "We are apt to think that it is the interchange of the usual gold coin for paper at home, which alone maintains the value of our paper; and we are partly, on this account, much more anxious to detain our gold at home, than we are to discharge, by means of it, an unfavourable balance of trade, and thereby to improve our trade with foreign countries. I apprehend, however, that an unfavourable course of exchange, which the export of our gold would cure, will, in many cases, tend much more to depreciate our paper, than the want of the usual interchange of gold for paper at home. Our coin itself, as has been already remarked, when paper is depreciated, passes not for what the gold in it is worth, but at the paper price; though this is not generally observed to be the case. It is the maintenance of our general exchanges, or, in other words, it is the agreement of the mint price with the bullion price of gold, which seems to be the true proof that the circulating paper is not depreciated." p. 190, 191.

Chap. VIII. Of the Tendency of a too great Issue of Bank Paper to produce an Excess of the Market Price above the Mint Price of Gold.-Of the Means by which it creates this Excess, namely, by its Operation on the Price of Goods and on the Course of Exchange. Errors of Dr. A. Smith on the Subject of excessive Paper. Of the Manner in which the Limitation of the Quantity of the Bank of England Paper serves to

limit the Quantity, and sustain the Value of all the Paper of the Kingdom.


This chapter introduces " third objection to country banks, which is, the influence which their notes are supposed to have in raising the price of articles.

"By the principles which shall be laid down in this chapter, I propose to prove, that, though a general increase of paper has this tendency, the objection, when applied to the paper of country banks, is particularly illfounded.' t. 192.

Chap. IX. of the Circumstances which cause the Paper of the Bank of England, as well as all the other Paper of the Country, to fail of having their Value regulated according to any exact Proportion to the Quantity of Bank of England Notes.

Chap. X. Objections to the Doctrine of the two preceding Chapters answered.

Of the Circumstances which render it necessary that the Bank should impose its oron Limit on the Quantity of its Paper.-Effect of the Law against Usury.-Proof of the Necessity of restricting the Bank Loans, drawn from the Care of the Transfer of Capital to Foreign Countries.

Chap. XI. Of the Influence of Paper Credit on the Price of Commodities. Observations on some Passages of Montesquieu and Hume.-Conclusion.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

mous collection of statues, busts, in-
scriptions, and bas-reliefs, amassed to-
gether in this palace by the care of
the late popes, exhaust admiration.
Let us hope no longer to form collec-
tions like this. We live in an iron coun-
try as antiquaries; it is in Italy alone
we must make researches; never can
we surpass the Romans but in Rome.
I blush a thousand times a day at
those infinitely little relics which
are preserved in our infinitely little
cabinet of antiques, and am ashamed
of having shewn then to strangers.
What must they have thought of the
interest which I took in all those
bronzes of seven or eight inches high,
and of those two or three mutilated
heads, the greatness and scarceness of
which I wanted them to admire?
Why was I not then aware of all


In the Appendix is an account of the different modes of manufacturing and employing glass among the ancients, in which it is observed, that besides the different vessels made of this substance, glass was employed various other ways.

"If we may believe Papus of Alexandria, a writer of the fourth century, Archimedes made a sphere of glass, vitreum cœlum, which represented the motions, distances, and proportions of the heavenly bodies.

"Houses, according to Seneca, were lined with squares of glass, called quadrature vitriæ, (epis. 86.). But who can now endure such homely furniture? Unless his walls shine with large and high priced globes, and the roofs of his apartments are covered with glass, he thinks himself poor and miserable." p. 234.

"Figure to yourself vast apartments, It is also added, "The following I will not say ornamented, but filled, passage in Herodotus leads us to supfilled even to a thronging, with sta- pose that the Ethiopians placed their tues and all sorts of remains; a cabi- dead in glass coffins. "Let us next net almost as large as the cabinet of consider their sepulchres, which are medals, full of busts of philosophers; said to be constructed of glass. When another of busts of emperors; gallery dead, they dry the body, cover it after gallery, corridors, stair-cases, in completely with plaster, and exhibit which nothing is to be seen but grand it ornamented with pictures resemstatues, grand inscriptions, grand bas-bling the deceased. They then dig a reliefs, consular calendars, an ancient plan of Rome in Mosaic colossal, Egyptian statues in basalthus or in black marble. But why mention particulars? We find here ancient Egypt, ancient Athens, ancient Rome." p. 28,


In the thirty second is the following description of a tomb at Rome: "Over one of the side doors of St. Peter's Church are the statue and tomb of Alexander VII. The door is small, and opens, with a curtain before it, to a little corridor, which is rather dark. There Bernini has stationed Death in the act of lifting up the curtain. This hideous figure, suspended at the top of the tenebrous cave, the destructive scythe, the curtain, which by its speedy fall is for ever to conceal from human sight the pope's remains, the attitude of the grim monster, full of impatient mofion, as he ought always to be depicted, with a thousand other accessary ideas, but natural, simple, and grand, all this inspires terror; it fixes our ideas on the tomb open before us, and on that alone, and therefore it is that it produces so forcible an effect."


grave, and cover it with glass, through which the body is visible, neither emitting a disagreeable smell, nor shewing any signs of corruption, &c.

"Thucydides, speaking of the man◄ ner in which the Ethiopians dispose of their dead, says in the third book of his history, some throw them into the river; others preserve them in their houses, after having inclosed them as it were in a coffin of glass.

"I shall cite another passage of the same author, taken from the sacred book. The Ethiopians conduct the funerals of their dead in a very singular manner. The body is first salted to keep it from putrefaction, and then placed in a grave covered with glass, that it may be seen through as we read in Herodotus. But Ctesias Cnidius denies this, telling us that the bodies indeed are salted, but never inclosed in glass; for the likeness of the dead could not in that way be retained, as the body would first become shrivelled and parched, and then totally decay. A hollow statue of gold is therefore cast to contain the body, and this being placed in some conspicuous situation and covered with glass, it may be said that a similitude is exhibited

the funerals of the rich are solemnized, while persons of smaller fortunes are deposited in statues of silver, and the poor in baked clay. Glass is common to all, Ethiopia producing it in such abundance that it is found every where by the inhabitants.

through glass. It is in this manner and about twelve inches wide. Throughout the length of this paper are several columns of writing, distinct from each other, and proceeding from right to left. When finished, it is so rolled up, that in opening the manuscript you perceive the first column or page of the work, and so on as you unrol it, the last being in the inner part of the roll.

"These passages are attended with some difficulty. From one we are led to believe that the glass with which they covered the dead was common glass, and had been cast, while another, affirming that this glass was found in abundance in Ethiopia, gives us reason to suppose nothing more is meant than transparent stone. Bochard, in his Hierozoicon (part post, l. vi. cap. 16.) will not admit that it was this stone, which, according to him, was not sufficiently abundant to supply the tombs of all the dead. Arrian (1. vi. c. 4.) expressly says, that it is only to be found in a corner of Ethiopia. Bochard, after adducing several reasons, tells us, that by the fossile glass mentioned by the ancients we ought to understand a sort of crystal, which is very common in Ethiopia. I am inclined to think, however, that these kind of collins were of ordinary glass, and that Herodotus and Ctesias have injudiciously confounded it with the transparent stone.

"Pliny, speaking of precious stones, (1. xxxvii. sect. 26.) says, they are well imitated in glass, but like other 'counterfeit gems are sure of detec'tion.'

"Trebellius Pollion (in Gallien.) relates, that a lapidary having sold the empress some glass stones for real jewels, she detected the fraud, and as she wished to be revenged, the emperor Gallienus ordered the lapidary to be exposed to a lion, but contrived secretly, that instead of a lion a capon should be put into the cage. The spectators being surprised at so singular a circumstance, the emperor desired they might be told that it was one imposture punished by another." p. 234-238.

On the subject of the antiquities of Herculaneum is the following account: "The different descriptions of things that have been dug out of the ruins of Herculaneum would furnish matter for numerous heads; but I stop at the manuscripts, conceiving them of the greatest importance. To form of them an accurate idea, conceive a strip of paper of an indefinite length,

"The manuscripts of Herculaneum were found in an apartment of a palace that has not yet been thoroughly cleared. They are of Egyptian paper, and of the colour of charcoal. It was a long time before any mode could be devised of unrolling them, and in this dilemma some of them were cut with a knife longitudinally, as we divide a cylinder in the direction of its axis. This mode of proceeding disclosed the writing to view, but completely destroyed the work. The dif ferent strata of the paper adhered so closely together, that in attempting to separate them they were reduced to ashes, and all that could be obtained was a single column or page of a manuscript that consisted, perhaps, of a hundred.

"Under these circumstances a patient and persevering monk suggested the mode of completely unrolling the paper. He made some attempts, which occupied a considerable portion of time, but in which by degrees he was successful. He goes on with his tedious labour, and in the same manner gradually and slowly succeeds. His plan is this. Having found the beginning of the manuscript, he fastens to the exterior edge some threads of silk, which he winds round so many pegs inserted in a small frame. These pegs he turns with the utmost precaution, and the manuscript is imperceptibly unrolled. Little is to be expected from the first few layers of the paper, which in general are either torn or decayed. Before any pages of a work can be obtained, the manuscript must be unrolled to a certain depth, that is, till the part appears that has suffered no other injury than that of being calcined. When a few columns have been thus unrolled, they are cut off, and pasted on linen. For unfolding one of these manuscripts several months are requisite, and hitherto nothing has been obtained but the last thirty eight columns of a Greek work against music, by one Philodemus, who is mentioned by

Strabo and other ancient writers. * His name and the subject of his work were fortunately at the end of the manuscripts. In the course of these thirty-eight columns a few deficiencies occur; but the writing in general is very legible and fine." p. 245-247. From a dissertation on the antiquities of Rome we extract the following description of their mausoleums.

"Augustus exhorted the senators to contribute to the embellishment of Rome, while his successors hardly left them the liberty of adorning their sepulchres. I shall dwell a little on these edifices, the more fully to display the taste and spirit of the Romans in their monuments. I saw at Pallazzolo, on the lake Albanus, a picture, of which I have no where found an explanation. On the front of a rock, close to the lake, are engraved twelve fasces, a curule chair, a sceptre crowned by an eagle, and at the foot of the rock an inscription which is not legible; while on the upper part several pieces of marble are erected in the form of pyramids, in the same manner as the tomb of Mausolus is represented to us. Adjoining the steps, a narrow passage leads to a room eleven feet two inches long, by nine feet six inches wide: the whole is graven, cut, and dug in the rock. It were superfluous to observe, that this monument belongs to the days of the republic. This is evident from the simplicity of the design and solidity of the work: but we must remark, that its form was borrowed either from the Egyptians or Etruscans; for it was equally common to both these nations, and was adopted by the Romans, not only for the tomb of Cestius which still subsists, but for other sepulchres, which time has destroyed. On some occasions, these pyramids were in the shape of cones, and placed on a square basis: such in reality are those seen by the tomb at the lake Albanus, which erroneous tradition has ascribed to the Curiatii.

"Most of the mausoleums constructed about the time of the first

emperors, that of Cecilia Metella for instance, two miles from Rome, that of the Plautian family near Tivoli, and that of Plancus at Cajeta, seem to partake of this form. They are large round towers, placed on square basements. These towers were sometimes surrounded by a range of columns, a circumstance which leads me to suspect that the celebrated temple of the Sybil, seen at Tivoli, with the following inscription L. GELLIO. L. F., was the tomb of the Gellia family.

"These mausoleums are remark

able for a style of simplicity, which was soon relinquished for that increasing magnificence and luxury, which we have traced in the history of ancient monuments. In Strabo's time, that of Augustus was considered as one of the finest edifices in Rome; that of Adrian, the massy part of which forms the Castle of St. Angelo, was decorated with two rows of pillars, and to that of Severus seven rows had been assigned. In fine Heliogabalus caused a tower to be erected, which was to be decorated with gold and precious stones, whence, in case of surprise, he might throw himself headlong, and this, as he said, that he might die in the bosom of luxury.

"The tombs were placed along the highways which led to Rome. Modern refinement would be shocked at such a custom. The Romans wished by this to be always in the presence of posterity, and to induce their heirs to attend to the preservation of monuments thus exposed to the eyes of the public. Those of the principal families bordered the Appian and Flaminian ways, which were the most frequented outlets from Rome to the provinces; the first leading to the south and the east, the second to the north and the west."

This work is comprized in one 8vo. volume of 408 pages.

LXXIX. POEMS, by MRS. OPIE. With a Plate, designed by Opie, engraved by Reynolds.

1793, TH

Mr. Charles Rofini published, in at Naples, the third book of this work, entitled Is Marins, to which Professor Schutz immediately directed his attention, and in 1795 favoured the world with his observations. These are all the fruits that have yet been reaped from the discovery, almost mi raculous, of so many manuscripts.

HE poems in this duodecimo volume are the following: Sonnet to Winter The Dying Daughter to her Mother-Allen Brooke of Windermere-The Maid of Corinth to her Lover-The Mourner-To the Glow-worm-The Negro Boy's Tale-Lines written at Nor

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