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NESS; or the History of Miss Richmore. By MRS. PRUDENTIA HOMESPUN.

vels, plays, and romances, which are LX. THE SORROWS OF SELFISHgreedily read by young persons of both sexes, to the no small injury of their moral and religious sentiments.' We conceive, however, these evils

be avoided, by placing the miset under the direction as a judici choice of

ous parent.

"To counteract the evil influence of these institutions, the best mode seems to be the establishment of BOOK SOCIETIES, into which no works should be admitted but such as are adapted to inform the mind, and are favourable to morality and religion. Books of entertainment should not be excluded, provided they are innocent, and recommend good principles. Too much cannot be said in favour of these institutions; for as the people will, and indeed ought to be encouraged to read, it is the duty of those, who have the power and opportunity to do it, to direct this laudable inclination in the best channel, and to such objects as may improve the mind to the best advantage. Every person, who is engaged in the office of instructing others, ought to set an example in forming, supporting and directing societies on a cheap and popular scale. Even in country villages the practice should be encouraged; and I do not see why the respectable farmers ought to be excluded from such an obvious and easy method of acquiring information. Let all those, who possess the means, lend a helping hand, and bestow liberally towards the cultivation of the human mind; and as they have freely received, so let them freely give. Many well disposed persons are in the habit of giving away good books among the poor; and societies, for that purpose, are pretty extensive in this country. But, though the piety of the design is to be commended, as having for its object the information and moral improvement of mankind, yet it appears to me, that this object may be better attained by lending, than by giving away books. In the one case, it is almost certain that the book will be read, because the time that it is to be kept is limited; but, in the other, it will most likely be just dipped into, and then be laid aside for a more 'convenient season,' which, perhaps, never arrives." p. 33-36.

HIS little book is intended to

T excite in the juvenile find suit able ideas of the disposition expressed in the title, by a train of striking and natural incidents, at once impressive and improving; the design of the author may be clearly discovered by a perusal of the following Address, which is prefixed to the work.

"If the history of this little work were detailed at length, it would be found to be more interesting than that of many large compositions. A very amiable young family requested the author to turn her attention to the fabrication of books for children; but while she delayed the execution of this task, partly from the close attention which the revisal of a long work required, and partly from an apprehension that her style and manner were not well suited to this apparently humble, but useful and difficult species of writing, one of those promising children, who had urged this request with peculiar earnestness and endearing simplicity, was suddenly removed from a world of pain and trial, to the regions of innocence and bliss. The wishes of a departed friend cannot be forgotten by a feeling mind; and the author's first attempt at juvenile instruction may be regarded as a tribute to the memory of Miss Eliza S▬▬ S——.

"Some difficulties have attended the publication of this little story. It was objected to, as too dismal for children; and it was represented that the most suitable method of instructing youth was, to set before it the certain rewards and advantages of virtue, instead of depicting the pains and punishments of vice. Life, it was observed, should be dressed in gay and pleasing colours, or the young pilgrim will be disgusted at the commencement of his journey.

"Authors are generally too blind to their own defects to be good judges of the merit of their productions; but an opinion which respects the most proper method of general instruction may be fairly canvassed. Perhaps, if the doctrine of the ultimate temporal prosperity of virtue was thoroughly analyzed, it would be found to branch from that false philosophy which has

infected every species of education, ever since fashion determined it to be absurd, preposterous, fanatical, and even immoral, to give children an early knowledge of Christian Religion. While the Bible and Testament were familiar to our little offspring, they knew that vice often prospered, while the righteous, of whom the world was not worthy, were tormented, afflicted, persecuted, and smitten down. They would have laughed at the moralist, who told them of the certainty of good men meeting their reward on earth, and by referring to the histories of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and other favoured prophets, apostles, and martyrs, they would have confuted the assertors of a positive terrestrial retribution, and taught them the scripture doctrine of seeking a reward for our good actions in the silent recesses of our own hearts, namely, in that peace of God which passes understanding, arising from the hope of a better state of existence.

"Let us here ask the Deist, is not the scripture account of the manner of God's dealing with men realized by what we see passing before us in the world? Is the tottering wall' reserved to crush an infamous Charteris?' Is the bullet only directed to pierce the bosom of the guilty or the impious? Why then did Abercromby fall, while those who have broken all moral and religious ties flourish like a green bay tree,' as did the ungodly of old? Nothing is more contrary to general experience, than the expectation that virtue is sure to be rewarded by visible prosperity.

"Does the author then insinuate, that such prosperity will be the portion of vice? By no means. She only wishes to withdraw the attention of ber young readers from what is adventitious and mutable, by fixing it on what is inherent and permanent. Our own bosom is the seat of tranquillity or anguish. If all is peace there, the storms of adversity cannot overwhelm us: if that abode be disturbed by the intrusion of guilt, prosperity cannot subdue the ever-gnawing worms of remorse. The good may be afflicted;

the wicked man must be miserable.

"Virtue, considered in a political and general view, is most likely to lead to honour and opulence. But let the Christian remember, that the Governor of the universe often thinks

fit to try his faithful servants, and chastens the son whom he receives. The advantages of such correction must be evident to all who recollect that this life is a state of probation. Philosophism denies the fact, and affirms the possibility of an earthly paradise, a pure uninterrupted, yet sublunary felicity. No wonder then that she should endeavour to prevent young minds from being imbued with the wholesome truth, that man is born to suffer. Such a lesson, though confirmed by experience, and taught by revelation, must be too degrading to suit the feelings of a free and independent being.*

"To all parents and guardians, who are not tainted by the poison of infidelity, the author earnestly recommends these few, plain, and infallible rules:-Build your system of education on the basis of religion: remember, that the promises and threatenings of Christianity are not temporal, but eternal; and that it is not a mere formulary of manners, or a code of external observances, but an active principle, intended to prepare us for heaven. Do not, therefore, limit your instructions to what is expedient. Do not affect to be wiser than your Ma. ker; and, above all, avoid those systems of morals which are contrary to revelation. By attending to the lessons of holy writ, and, above all, to the sublime doctrine of immortality, you will send your children into the world with just notions of human life; you will prepare them to act and suffer; you will fit them for disappointments; you will enable them to bear that most severe of all trials, prospe

*Every serious person must lament the striking alteration which has taken place in

the fabrication of children's books within these few years; formerly the writers of these bagatelles remembered that they were addressing the offspring of christian parents. They frequently enforced their observations by quotations from scripture; they recommended a punctual performance of religious duties; and they reminded their young readers, that they were immortal beings. It is jects are now avoided. Our nurseries are not from accident, but design, that these sub

stored with very liberal publications, equally adapted to the instruction of Jews, Turks, Pagans, or Infidels. No degree of cleverness in the composition, however superlative it may be, can atone for this insuperable contamination.

rity, with humble gratitude and self possessing prudence, and you will prepare them to endure calamity with dignified patience. Teach them not to expect much: instruct them to think justly of themselves and kindly of others, and you will do more to meliorate the condition of the human race, than a legion of theophilanthro-kind my father has ever been to me. pists." . iii-xi.

Duty' repeated Mr. Vallaton, How can a mind so enlightened as Julia's talk of duty, that bugbear of the ignorant? I would almost as ⚫ soon hear you talk of gratitude.' 'Indeed,' answered Julia, I cannot help thinking that there is some ' regard due to duty. You know how

My mother too, whose very soul 'seems wrapt up in me, who knows no pleasure but in promoting mine. Is it possible that I do not owe them LOSOPHERS. In three volumes. Byvinced me, is out of the question ; 'some duty? Gratitude, you have con


ELIZABETH HAMILTON, Author of" The Letters of a Hindoo Rajah." 12mo. pp. 1100.

'but indeed I cannot help thinking that there is in this case something 'due to duty.'

THIS work exposes the false prin- And is this,' retorted Mr. ValTHIS ciples and injurious tendency of laton, in a chiding tone, is this all modern philosophy, by a delineation the progress you have made in the of natural and striking characters, new philosophy* Do not you know and a deduction of inferences from that duty is an expression merely the avowed sentiments of modern implying the mode in which any bephilosophers; by a train of incidents, ing may be best employed for the in which is displayed an affecting general good? And how, I pray you, contrast between the necessary con- ⚫ does your humouring these old peosequences of infidelity, and the in-ple conduce to that great purpose?

Ah, Julia! there are other methods in which you might employ your time far more beneficially.

fluence of genuine religion upon the mind. The author evidently conceives that inculcating religious principles in early life is the best fortification to Truth,' said Mr. Myope, who repel the assaults of infidelity; and had been attentively listening to their that a mind destitute of religious conversation, 'truth, fair citizen, knowledge is very likely to be infa-obliges me to declare that Mr. Valtuated by its specious pretences.

laton is in the right. We are not,

• you

must remember, connected with one or two percipient beings, but with a society, a nation, and in some respects with the whole fa

The variety of incident, and diversity of character, with which these volumes abound, deeply interest the attention of the reader, who is frequently relieved from philosophic dis-mily of mankind. To esteem any cussion by rural and domestic scenes, individual above his deserts, because which convey the most useful instruc- he is in some manner related to us, tion, in the pleasing guise of a dramatic or has been in any wise serviceable form. ' in promoting our happiness, is flaThe following conversation de-grant injustice. What magic is there scribes the way in which a designing villain contrives to alienate the affections of a dutiful girl from her pa


"I could not get away sooner, indeed,' cried Julia, eager to justify herself from the charge of unkind. ness. You know,' continued she, the general bad state of my father's health; but he has been indisposed 'even more than usual for this fort'night: and when he is ill, nothing appears to sooth his pain so much as my reading to him; and knowing the pleasure it affords him, I cannot possibly be so undutiful as to de'prive him of it.'


*"The frequent plagiarisms of our author have been particularly objected to by some of my learned friends, who informed me, that by perusing the works of Mr. Godwin, and some of his disciples, I should be enabled to detect the stolen passages, which it

would be but honest to restore to the right task they imposed upon me. If I have failed owner. Alas! they knew not what a heavy in its execution, I humbly hope Mr. Godwin and his friends will accept of this apology; and while they recognize, in the speeches of Mr. Vallaton, the expressions they have themselves made use of, that they will have the goodness to forgive me, for not having always correctly pointed out the page from whence they have been taken."

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giving an account of some circumstances attending his funeral, which we think will prove acceptable to our readers.

"I need not apologize to you, my dear Harry, for being led into a subject, which, though the most important, as well as the most exalted, of which human beings can treat, it is, I know, deemed a breach of 'politeness to hint at even to a friend; but shall confess, that the impression made upon my mind by the conver

as to your regard for them, philoso-sation I held with Captain Delmond, phy should teach you to consider only-how can these old people be'nefit society? What can they do for the general good? And then plac'ing beside them some of those whose 'extensive faculties, whose great 'powers, enable them to perform the glorious task of enlightening the world, say, whether justice, pure unadulterated justice, will not point out where the preference ought to 'fall?'

Well,' rejoined Julia, I declare I never thought of it in this light before. Every new proof of affection, which I received from my father and mother, has always so endeared them to my heart, that I have thought, if I could lay down my life 'for them, it would be too little for all their goodness to me.'

How unworthy of the ened mind of Julia is such a senti'ment!' exclaimed Vallaton. But

I hope you will soon get the better of these remains of prejudice, and in ardent desire for the general good, lose this confined individuality

' of affection.'

'Indeed I shall never lose my affection for my parents,' returned Julia; I should hate myself if I 'did.'

on his death-bed, has given an unusual degree of solemnity to the train of my ideas. Indeed the misfor'tunes of that unhappy family, as well as the misery that has overtaken 'some others of this place, so evidently originate in false impressions received of religion as a gloomy and illiberal system of superstition, that I cannot cease from deploring the neglect of early information on this important point, as the foundation of those mistaken prejudices that are fraught with consequences so fatal to the happiness of society.

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While Captain Delmond was 'taught to idolize the name of honour as the palladium of human virtue, religion was presented to his mind as a mean and inferior principle, incapable of inspiring noble sentienlight-ments in the soul of a gentleman. 'Had not the avenues to investigation been thus pre-occupied by prejudice, he would have discovered that honour, which is nothing more than a nice susceptibility to the cen sure or applause of mankind, is nei 'ther so grand in its views, so extensive in its operation, nor so noble in its object, as that principle which teaches the heart to appeal for its purity and integrity, not to the purblind judgment of our fellow mor tals, but to a Being of infinite purity and perfection. While performing a part on the busy stage of life, Cap'tain Delmond found honour competent to the purpose of gaining him the flattering approbation of the 'multitude, which was reverberated by self-applause; but when he proAn elopement with the base se- 'posed it as the sole principle of ac ducer is the consequence of similar tion to his daughter, when he deprinciples to those instilled in the 'prived her mind of the supporting above quotation, which is the means aid of religion, and desired her to of the death of Julia's father, a deli- 'consider the intrinsic excellence of neation of whose character appears 'virtue as its own sure and only rein the following extract from a letter,ward, he was not aware how liable

"Mr. Vallaton, afraid of pushing the matter too far, changed the discourse; but in every subject that was introduced, artfully contrived to bring in such allusions to the purpose of his argument as he thought best calculated to work on the ardent imagination of his fair and unsuspecting pupil." Vol. I. p. 37-41.

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'she was to be taught by sophistry athat are any way above the world;

'definition of virtue very opposite to

his. Had a proper value for the mo

but it may be of use to her for all that; and so, as I hear you are go

rality of the gospel, enhanced bying to look into my master's papers,

its gracious promises and elevated views, been instilled into her tender mind, his child, his darling Julia, would not have brought down the grey hairs of her father with sorrow to the grave.

The remains of this unhappy gentleman were yesterday consigned to their parent dust in military state, and with a degree of magnificence, 'an ostentatious parade of pomp and ,'grandeur, that, in my opinion, was ill suited to the occasion. After the 'conclusion of the ceremony, Gene'ral Villers and a Major Minden, (a *man of large fortune, who, it seems, had made proposals to Miss Delmond) politely waited on the poor forlorn,and disconsolate widow, and took their leave of her in terms of the most courtly civility. I expected "that the General, who was no stranger to the poverty to which she was reduced, would have come forward 'with some generous offer of pecuni'ary assistance. But no: the Gene'ral's generosity was completely expended in producing the parade of half an hour's procession; and I greatly question whether he ever does Mrs. Delmond the honour of 'another visit.

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and to see what can be made out for my poor mistress, I thought it best to tell you to take my pension into the account.'

Your pension, Quinten ! and what 'do you reserve for yourself.'

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Nothing but what I can earn by my own labour. Thank GoD, I am not yet past working! you see how well I have dressed the Captain's garden. It was I that made that pretty serpentine walk for Miss Julia, and planted all them flowers, of which she used to be so fond. Alas! that I should ever live to see the day of her deserting them! Oh, 'who would have thought it! such a pretty creature as she was, and so mild-spoken, and so good to every body, that she should after all go for to break her father's heart.'

Well, but honest Quinten, you do not consider that you are now in the decline of life, and cannot long be ' able to labour as you have done!'

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I know it, sir, I am growing old apace; but Sam Smith, the old gar'dener at Bensfield, is ten years older than I am, and he still keeps his place. I am a stouter man than he at any time. And so d'ye see, I am determined not to touch a farthing ' of this here Chelsea pension while I am able to lift a spade. Did not I get it by the good word of my master; and who, then, has so good a right to it as his widow? Here are twelve guineas besides, which I humbly beg you will fall on some means to make her accept, for I know she would not touch it if she thought it came from me. So pray 'don't let her know who sent it; for folks in affliction ought to be mighty tenderly dealt with so as not to hurt their pride-feelings, I believe my young mistress would have called it, but I am not learned enough to know the difference.'

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'After the departure of these great 'gentlemen, I was called out of the 'room by Quinten, the Captain's old 'domestic, on whose face was painted the, sincerity of sorrow; he beckoned 'me into the back parlour, and having once or twice, with a stroke of his, hard hand, driven away the 'tears that fell upon his furrowed 'cheek, I thought, sir, said he, when 'I saw the lid of the coffin screwed down upon my good master, that I had lived too long. When I heard 'the hammer knock upon the last 'nail, my heart so sunk at every 'stroke, it made a coward of me, and I should have been glad to have skulked to the quiet garrison of Honest, worthy Quinten! cried 'death! but then, when I thought of I, grasping his hand, thou hast a my poor mistress, and remembered heart that doth honour to thy spehow my poor dear master loved her, 'cies, and principles that are more 'I scorned to be so cowardly as to de-estimable than all the learning in the

'sert my post, when, by fighting with life a little longer, I might save her 'from being stormed by want. I

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world. At a period when neither talents nor learning shall avail, thy gratitude and thy virtues shall exalt

'know all I can do is but a trifle-athee to glory!' 118-125. Vol 3.

nothing, as a body may say, to folks VOL. I.

Some of the expressions which Julia


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