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scenery, is enraptured by the poetical descriptions which present a transcript of all that had so often charmed the imagination.

Our author also shews the influence of taste upon fashion, and observes, "Taste rejects whatever is incongruous; it requires fitness and harmony, and therefore taste will always reject

When Nature charms, for life itself is the affectation of singularity. It will


The elevated sentiments and sub. lime ideas of the poet give, on the other hand, a number of new associations, which are henceforth called up by the scenes of nature, and become to the mind of sensibility a new and inexhaustible source of delight.

"By the ideas associated with them, a thousand sounds that are in themselves indiferent, nay, some that are rather in their natures disagreeable, become pregnant with delight. I have for this last half hour been leaning on my elbow, listening to the distant tinkling of a sheepbell, a sound so perfectly in unison with the surrounding scenery, as to appear enchantingly beautiful. Upon reflection, I believe it to be just such a bell as is tied to the pie-man's basket, which I have often in town deemed an execrable nuisance.


different emotions which it now excites can only be resolved into the different trains of ideas with which the sound is associated." 317-319.

This reasoning is applied to music and the fine arts, and further illustrated thus:" Every person of taste, who has heard the Messiah of Handel at Westminster-abbey and at the play-house, must be sensible of the advantage with which this sublime composition was heard at the former place, where every object tended to produce associations in unison with the tone of the performance. At the play-house, these associations were forcibly broken, trains of discordant ideas obtruded themselves on the mind, and thus the effect was lost.

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always for this reason adopt the mode of the present fashion; but it will adopt it under such limitations, as are agreeable to its general principles. Wherever cultivated taste prevails, one general sentiment, whether of simplicity or magnificence, will pervade the scene. In the furniture of the house, in the economy of the table, the same predominant idea will be expressed; and every ornament will be rejected, that does not give additional force to the expression. If inanimate objects can be so disposed as to produce an undivided emotion, surely the decorations of the human form ought to be able to produce the same effect. Their true taste must revolt with inexpressible disgust from whatever does not perfectly harmonize with the character. Where purity, modesty, and virtue, dwell in the heart, it is not taste that will decorate the form with the fleering dress of the wanton.

"A knowledge of the principles of taste would teach our sex to preserve the appearance of modesty at least, even if the reality were wanting. In female beauty, I believe no one will deny, that softness graced with dignity, modesty, gentleness, and purity, are ideas that perfectly harmonize with the object. Let these associations be broken by discordant images, and the emotion of beauty will be no longer felt.

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But,' says Miss Pert, young men are strangers to the emotions of taste, to please them other associations must be excited. By dressing ་ in the stile of women of a certain description, we call up trains of • ideas favourable to passion.'

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True, young woman; but know that she who glories in this species of conquest, degrades herself beneath the rank of those she imitates, and stands upon the brink of a precipice, with nothing but a little pride betwixt her and destruction. Few, however, very few of the numbers who adopt modes of dress incongruous with sentiments of modesty, are influenced by any other motive than the desire of being in the very extreme of fashion. The cultivation of taste would mo

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Letter XII. Character of those who object to the Cultivation of the Reasoning Faculty in the Female Sex.-Other Objections stated and examined. Means to be employed in preparing the Mind for the Exercise of Abstraction. Among other instances St. Paul's Discourse at Athens is employed by the author to define a suitable mode of reasoning; the nature of the subject is described, and in both letters the use of abstract reasoning is applied in general, and its peculiar advantages for domestic purposes clearly evidenced in particular.

Letter XIII. REFLECTIONS. Dif. ferent Applications of the Term.-Sense in which it is at present used.-Advan tages of Reflection.-Foundation of it to be laid in early Life.-Inutility of Reflection, when not exercised under the Influence of religious Principle. Illustrations. Conclusion.

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The principal part of this letter is occupied in shewing how far the ad. vantage to be derived from the exercise of reflection is increased or diminished by religious principle; on which subject Miss H. argues, I presume it will on all hands be admitted, that whatever tends to aug ment the benevolent affections, and to destroy the influence of the malevolent passions, has likewise a tendency to increase the happiness of the individual and of society. When a person, whose notions of moral obligation are founded on the selfish principle, takes a view of the operations of his own mind, and perceives the unworthiness of the motives by which his best actions have been sometimes influenced; when he is made sensible of the errors of his judgment, and the fallacy of his reasoning; what is the result? Instead of humbling himself before the Searcher of hearts, and imploring the divine assistance, he looks round upon the world, and in the follies and VOL. I.

the crimes of others, finds excuse and consolation. A sense of his own. weakness diminishes not the force of pride, or abates the arrogance of presumption. If obliged to confess that some appear to act more wisely or more virtuously than himself, it is to superior cunning, or superior good. fortune, that he attributes the difference. The knowledge of his own motives produces suspicion with regard to the motives of others. The consciousness of his own erroneous. judgment begets scepticism with re gard to their opinions. These feel-. ings and associations are not of a nature to inspire benevolence, they are, on the contrary, intimately allied to all the malignant and dissocial passions.

"Very different is the improvement that will be made by the man, of religious principle, from the con scientious exercise of the power of reflection. A sense of the many instances in which he has been influenced by those passions which it has been his endeavour to subdue, will beget contrition and humility: conscious that his actions are known to the world, while his contrition and repentance are unknown to all, save GOD and his own heart, he will naturally suppose it to be the same with others, and will, accordingly, be inclined to pity rather than to censure. The difficulty he finds in keeping his good resolutions, and in acting up to the calm decisions of enlightened judgment, will lead him to reverence and esteem those whose conduct evinces a greater degree of energy and consistency; while, at the same time, it will render him careful of attributing bad motives to all who are guilty of improper conduct. In tracing the source of his erroneous judgments, he will discover so many associations originating in circumstances over which he had little.or no controui, that he will view the prejudices of others with as much candour as he considers their actions. Never will the person who is capable of the exercise of philosophical reflection, presume to take the prerogative of judgment from the Most High; never will he arrogantly decide upon the acceptance or reprobation of a fellow mortal, on account of the speculative opinions he may have embraced. Every emotion excited, every affection produced, by T

serious reflection, are (while reflection is exercised under the impression of religious principle) of the benevolent class. Humility, diffidence, earnest desire of divine assistance, hope towards GOD for future aid from a sense of former mercies, and love and gratitude springing from the same source, are each allied to benevolence. Wherever devotion produces affections of an opposite tendency, there we may assure ourselves reflection has been uncultivated." p. 421


This work, on a subject highly interesting to the feelings of every parent, concludes with some very serious reflections; and the author has subjoined a few notes and observations at the end, tending to elucidate or confirm particular passages in the preceding Letters.

XXXVIII. The CONSTITUTION of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Civil and Ecclesiastical. By FRANCIS PLOWDEN, Esq. Price



liberty or right of locomotion never was transferred from the individual; and, therefore, the state cannot, without some special reason, prevent the emigration of her members. Every man is at liberty to withdraw himself from any particular society; but he is not free to disturb, overturn, or destroy the government of that society, of which he is a member.” p. 18.

This chapter concludes with Price's opinion of the deference due to the civil magistrate.

Chap. IV. Of temporal, human, or civil authority, contains a definition of authority, and its necessity; that it proceeds from God-is temporal and spiritual. The source of distinctions among men considered; and the permanence of the moral laws of society, on which the author infers, "No community, nor civil power, nor human legislative body, can directly impose any conscientious obligation upon individuals: that directly and immediately arises from God's general injunction to all mankind, to obey the powers that are, for the preservation of the (Concluded from page 115.) moral order established in the disChap. III. Of the State of Society. pensation of his providence. An HE origin of society is represent- Englishman in China, as to any conas little ed to have arisen from man's scientious obligation, is sensibility of his own insufficiency, bounden by the laws of England, or and his application to his neighbour the commands of the King of Engfor assistance, which formed men land, as if he were a native of Caninto distinct bodies, each having its ton. And on the other hand, a Chiown respective views and interests. nese, whilst in London, is as consciSubsistence, preservation, and de- entiously obliged to submit to the fence, enforced the necessity of order laws of England, and to obey the and government. This is followed by King of England, as if he had been the formation of the body politic, ac- born within the liegeance of his Macording to Locke; and a description of jesty. But where God vouchsafed the political and civil state: on which immediately to interfere in the apthe author insists, "That the real basis pointment of rulers, and in the forof the political and civil power which mation of laws, the conscientious exists in each state, is the original obligation of submitting to them was agreement, compact, or contract of absolute: I presume, therefore, that the society or community, which a Jew, during the time of the theoforms that state, to depute and dele- cracy, could not, by quitting Judea, gate the rights which were with them have conscientiously thrown off his individually in the state of nature, to obligation of obeying the divinely those whose duty it should become to appointed ruler of Israel, or of subrule, protect, and preserve the committing to the Jewish laws which munity." The existence and renewal were enacted immediately by God, of such compact is next considered. and personally bound every Jew, in The liberty of individuals shewn to whatever part of the world he might be compatible with the power of the have been." p. 24. civil magistrate. The relative nature of the rights of each community. On the subject of emigration we meet with the following argument: "The

The Author maintains the position, that all civil or political power is from the people, and argues, that though government is enjoined by God, yet

the way in which, and the person by whom, they are to be governed, is left to the appointment of the people.

This chapter concludes with Sydney's principles and St. Chrysostom's opinion on this subject.

Chap. V. Of the sovereign power of a state, and of passive obedience and non-resistance.-The Author describes an absolute monarchy, which vests the power in one person, and he contends that passive obedience and non-resistance are applicable only to such a government; observing, "the power of a constitutional king of Great Britain is commensurate with the known line of the law: beyond this boundary, his power extends not." After reasoning on the subject, he closes the chapter with the following illustration of his position, that passive obedience and non-resistance is not applicable to our constitution; "If a king of this country, as was imputed to James I. were to attempt to make or repeal laws of his own authority, and force them upon his subjects, in such attempts he ought to be resisted; as much as the House of Commons ought to be resisted, should they pretend, by a vote or act of their House only, to repeal or alter the statutes of the realm. If, because one constituent part of this Constitution have a portion of lawful power annexed to it, we are not to resist any usurped power that such constituent part may choose to assume, and which the constitution has not given to it, there will be an immediate subversion of the whole constitution, whenever one of the three parts of it shall be bold enough to exercise power which it has not. Such was the power assumed by the House of Commons in the days of Oliver Cromwell, which operated as a temporary extinguishment of the constitution." p. 37.

Chap. VI. Of the general constitution and government of Great Britain. In this chapter the constitution is defined; its advantages, and the basis of its security pointed out.

Chap. VII. Of the king as the supreme executive power. This chapter explains the natural and political capacity of the king, his duties, the foundation of his title, the sovereignty of power, and where resident. As Mr. Plowden considers, that kings do not derive their authority immedi

ately from God, but the appointment of the people, jure divino and indefeasible hereditary right are controverted. In his political capacity it is asserted, the king never dies; is not subject to infancy, as in case of regency every act is done in, and signed with his name; he can do no wrong; from whence arises the responsibility of ministers, who are liable to impeachment. Monstrans de droit and petition of right illustrated. Controul of legislature with regard to prerogatives. Dispensing power. King's representative capacity; he is the fountain of honour, justice, and mercy; generalissimo. In addition to these observations on subordinate prerogatives, the mutiny bill, standing army, pensions, admirable checks on the crown, and the civil list, close this chapter.

Chap. VIII.

Of the House of Peers. In this chapter we find the origin, history, privileges, and judicial power of the House of Peers: with a representation of the peculiar excellence of an aristocratical consti


Chap. IX. Of the House of Commons. The members of the House of Commons described, their num bers, gradual increase, and privileges. Parliamentary reform, and reasons against it: gradual improvement of state of representation exemplified from history. Reasons for reform. Importance of free elections. Present abuses. Propriety of compelling parliamentary attendance. Qualifications of electors and elected. Proceedings at elections considered as unsuitable to the importance of the subject. In addition to these topics, the chapter concludes with shewing the importance of a free House of Commons.

Chap. X. Of the collective legislative body. The sovereign power of Parliament is explained. The force of an act of parliament with the rights and securities of British subjects.

Chap. XI. Of the revolution of 1688, and its principles and effects. Our Author enters upon the subject with condemning a temporizing spirit, by which men are influenced to direct their actions to the prevailing spirit of the day he gives the his tory of the revolution, details the circumstances accompanying it, and shews the effects produced by it.

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The conduct of King James is stated and considered at large, with other political occurrences.


Chap. I Of the choice, and the civil sanction and establishment of religion. On liberty of conscience it is argued, that "One of the natural rights, which each individual retains independently of the society of which he is a member, is the uninterrupted intercourse of the soul with its Creator. We need not recur to schoolmen to understand or admit this universal maxim of religion, that our dependance upon the Creator demands a grateful acknowledgment of our existence, and an unqualified resolution to follow the light and grace, which God may communicate to us. In this man cannot be controlled by other human beings, collectively or individually, who stand in the same predicament of exclusive responsibility to their Creator. The right, therefore, which each individual possesses of this free and uninterrupted communication and intercourse with his Creator, is essentially paramount to all human, civil, or political power whatever.


"Every human being is under an indispensible obligation of adopting that religious cult, or mode of worship, which, after due deliberation in the sincerity of his heart, he thinks his Creator requires of him; it follows of course, that a society composed of such individuals must, collectively taken, be under the same duty and obligation." p. 187. It is also maintained, that the truth of religion is not af fected by the establishment of it, and that while submission to the laws enforcing the established religion is enjoined, so far as relates to our paying Laxes for the support of it, and not resisting it, yet, we are at liberty to exercise religious worship, in the way we conceive to be most agreeable to the will of God.

Chap. II. Of the nature and effects of spiritual power, with reference to the state of it before and since the establishment of Christianity. Our Author professes to treat religious opinions historically not polemically, and descants upon the Jewish theocracy, and the separation of the spiritual and civil powers under Chris

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"To a candid observer of events it appears to be not the least striking feature of God's providence over his church, that for the first three hundred years it subsisted without the actual protection of any civil power, or without any civil sanction or establishment of any sort of alliance or incorporation with the state. As, therefore, during this space of time, it received no civil establishment whatsoever, it seems fair to conclude, that such establishment was neither necessary for its institution or continuance. Few will contend that the Christian religion was less perfect during the three first centuries after its institution, than it has been since that period. Nor do I conceive that many of unbiassed thoughts are convinced of the utility or advantage which the Christian religion has received by being sanctioned and supported by the civi magistrate.

"The scriptural accounts of the first propagation of the Gospel are pointed, in marking its independence upon any, and its aptitude to all avil governments, by collecting together into the first sheaf of the Christian harvest, individuals of the most distant, discordant, desperate, and hostile states, such as Jews, Greeks, Romans, Parthians, &c. But the example of our divine legislator himself is still a more striking lesson of the independence of his doctrines and laws upon any civil power or authority: he assumed or exercised none in his own person; and on no occasion did he call in aid of his mission the arm of the civil magistrate. He did every thing in the reverse: he kept up the appearance and the reality of poverty from the cradle to the cross: he humbled himself, washing the feet of his disciples: when the multitude would make him a temporal king, he absconded, and made his escape: he would not execute the office of a judge, or administer temporal justice; he declined to arbitrate upon civil matters between individuals; he paid taxes to the Roman emperor, and permitted himself to be judged and executed by the executive govern

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