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fore not only the interest, but the pleasures are every where reciprocal. I shall give one strong instance within my knowledge.

"I beg leave to premise, that it is not my intention, but as little as possible, to lug myself into view; but as the character in which I travelled brought forward the best observations it will be in my power to make, there would be a kind of affectation in qualifying by allusion what can never have such strong force as when plainly told as a fact. I arrived at Margate at an inauspicious time for the encouragement of a public entertainment. I had, however, a very capital night; but a lady at Ramsgate, who took it into her head to be very angry, because I had not given that place a preference, went very great lengths indeed to spoil my sport. She sent cards of invitation to all the inhabitants of Margate, whom she could eligibly invite, and thought herself perfectly sure of the officers of a regiment which had that morning arrived; but she was deserted by every body, officers, pioneers, and all, nay eyen by many of the inhabitants of her own town, and was obliged to range her splendid apartments alone, while my place was crowded.

"At Sandwich I was honestly informed that I must not hope for success, for that a lady was to have a christening, and had invited the whole place, and that the engagements had been for some time made. I acquiesced in the propriety of the objection, and was preparing for my departure to Deal, when I received a message, that as I had no other night to spare, the lady had put off the christening, and with equal industry and liberality had dispatched fresh cards to all her friends, requesting their company at my rendezvous, giving for a reason, that she might take another opportunity of christening her child; but she understood that there could not possibly, according to my arrangement, be any other opportunity of seeing me. Without enquiring how far I merited the notice of either of these ladies, I think there could not be a stronger instance of caprice on one side, or consistency on the other.

"Sandwich, however, after all, must appear very dull to strangers, for though it has great capabilities, the inhabitants are more indepen

dent than spirited; and, by possessing internal content, are like men who prefer a certain competency, rather than incur the risk too often run by venturing for a large fortune. The three castles of Sandown, Wolmer, and Deal, are in your view at different times before you arrive at Deal, which, in my idea, is a very pretty town. It is composed of three streets in parallel lines, not unlike the new town of Edinburgh, except that the houses at Deal are only handsome, those at Edinburgh magnificent. Deal is a true seaport. The communication with ships in the Downs gives the sailors perfectness in nautical knowledge, more of which is to be learnt in Channel service in a week, than on the open sea in six months. It is owing to this that the Deal men, whose forms are wonderfully compact and athletic, are such expert pilots; and as to their expedition in embarking troops, there are not such boatmen perhaps in the kingdom, and therefore certainly not in the world. Before we quit Deal, it will be proper to remark that it has often been thought feasible to construct a harbour for the safety of ships which occasionally ride at anchor in the Downs, and which, in spite of every precaution, are too often exposed to great, and sometimes inevitable, danger.

"Nature seems to have designed the flat shore between Sandwich and Deal for that purpose, and in 1744, a proposal to that effect was submitted to parliament, by a petition presented by Mr. Fane but though the scheme appeared not only plausible, but even expedient, it was rejected in favour of the harbour of Ramsgate, which can never be rendered completely effectual.-From Deal we go upon the edge of the cliffs, which are romantic and precipitous, with the French coast full in view, to Dover, whose cliff Shakspeare has so strongly described. It is, however, infinitely less tremendous than many other objects, but it well demonstrates the animated mind of our glorious bard, who, in writing so interestingly on Dover, shews how he would have done justice to a description of the frightful Eagle-craig in Borrowdale, or

*We omit a note here that has nothing to recommend it but the profane dialect of a sailor, which the author seems to have mistaken for wit.

the perpendicular descent of the towering Ben Lomond. Dover, however, is singularly situated, and its inhabitants are a most curious and extraordinary compound, having been chequered by English or French emigrants, who, time out of mind, from necessity or pleasure, have passed and repassed that strait, to which we are indebted for our matchless grandeur, and our enviable glory. Here, and indeed at every other sea-port, I had an opportunity of witnessing the whimsical original playfulness of the sailors. A party of them in a post-chaise took it by turns to throw a large stone fastened to a rope backwards and forwards, in imitation of heaving the lead: another set bought all the gingerbread at an old woman's stall, on purpose to set a parcel of hungry boys to scramble for it; and one day a sailor, who had noticed that the ladies were accustomed to ride on borseback, fastened a doll to a jackass, and whipt it through the streets; though, had it been necessary, I have no doubt but the same sailor would have risked his life, and have been thankful for the opportunity, to have protected any one of those he had the wanton folly to ridicule. I have made it a constant remark, that sailors are timid and respectful admirers of female modesty; and, whatever may be their freaks in their cups, it is very rarely indeed, that we hear of a premeditated insult, or in fact any other conduct, from even the lowest of them, than admiration and respect towards women of real delicacy. I hope it will not appear inviduous if regard to truth obliges me to notice, that the same cannot be generally said of soldiers; but, adieu-my letter is too long. In my next I shall take leave of Kent.

Leicester-place, Nov. 18, 1800.


"Yours with perfect truth and sincerity, C. DIBDIN." p. 36-39.

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Collyer. The Memoir itself is very short, being only any enlargement of the account given of this celebrated sculptor, in the Gentleman's Magazine for September 1799.

Mr. B. it appears, was an artist formed by nature, and not by education, having been apprenticed to painting on porcelain; but the accidental sight of some models of different sculptors inspired a passion for that art which nothing could impede, and raised him to the top of his profession. It would be injustice to Mr. B. however, not to add, that he excelled as much in copying the Christian virtues in his own character, as he did in giving "the human form divine" to marble.

From works of so easy purchase it is not our custom to give extracts, but we cannot forbear presenting our readers with the following anecdotes:

"At the time he was putting up the monument of Lord Chatham, a minister, to whom Mr. B. was an utter stranger, was walking through the Abbey, and coming unseen, tapped Mr. B. on the shoulder, saying,

Take care what you are about, you 'work for eternity,' alluding to the story of Zeuxes. It happened the next morning that Mr. B. heard this gentleman deliver a discourse from the pulpit, and watching him in his passage to the vestry, he came behind him, and tapping him in a similar manner, said, Take care what you are about-you work for eternity'." p. 48-9.

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"While Mr. B. was walking one day in Westminster Abbey, he observed a person standing before his principal work, who seemed to pride himself on his taste and skill in the arts, and who was exuberant in his

remarks. This monument of Chatham,' said he to Mr. B. (whom it is evident he mistook for an ignorant stranger), is admirable upon the

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whole; but it has great defects.'I should be greatly obliged,' said Mr. B. if you would be so kind as to point them out to me.' Why ' here,' said the critic, and theredo you not see? bad-very bad!' at the same time employing his stick upon the lower figures with a violence that was likely to injure the work. But,' said Mr. B. I should

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be glad to be acquainted why the parts you touched are bad?" He found, however, nothing determinate in the reply; but the same vague

assertions repeated, and accompanied with the same violence. I told Bacon,' said he, repeatedly of this, while the monument was forming-I pointed out other defects, but I could not convince him.'What then, you are personally acquainted with Bacon' said Mr. B. "O yes,' replied the stranger, I have been intimate with him for many years. It is well for you then,' said Mr. B. taking leave of him, that your friend Bacon is not now at your elbow, for he would not have been well pleased at seeing his work so roughly handled'." p. 25. It will readily be believed that Mr. B. had a talent for invention, which he sometimes indulged in the composition of apologues, of which the following is given by Mr. Cecil as a specimen.



"A Mirror, placed in a painter's udy, thus vaunted itself against a Design on the Easel: Can you,' says the Mirror, covered with blots and scratches, pretend to vie with me, who exhibit so precise an image of every thing that comes before me! and where the variety is as great, ( as the resemblance is exact. I 'grant,' replied the Canvas, that all my excellence consists in faithfully returning whatever is comImitted to my charge; but it might serve as a check to your pride to consider, that after you have been the companion of the wisest and best of characters, you are ready to ' admit a fool, or embrace a harlot.

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schools of industry at Kendall, with an Appendix, containing, No. 1. The Bishop of Durham's Charge to Churchwardens. 2. Plan of instruction at the Kendal schools of industry. 3. Reports of the sub-committee appointed by the fever institution, to direct the white-washing, with quick lime, of those dwellings of the poor in which infection has lately subsisted. 4. Reverend James Cowe's charge to the master of the workhouse at Sunbury. 5. Effects of the intemperate use of spirituous liquors. 6. Regulation of the Bishop Auckland female friendly society.

From the report of a Sunday friendly society for the aged poor, which originated in the advice of the Bishop of Durham we extract the pleasing intelligence, that this society "was established on the 2d day of September 1798; it consists of six aged women, thirteen aged men, and one blind man. The anniversary meeting for the distribution of their funds is on Christmas day; their object, the observance of the sabbath, the study of the Scriptures, and the promotion of frugality and good neighbourhood. They make a point of attending church regularly-of partaking of the sacrament, whenever administered of discountenancing improper pastimes on Sunday,-and, as far as may be, of dissuading others day. from the profanation of that sacred

assisted by the clergyman of the paThey meet every Sunday evening, rish, who reads to them some portion and exposition of the Scriptures. They make a weekly contribution out of their earnings, to accumulate till the end of the year, allotting and setting apart of it one tenth as a charitable fund for the relief of their indigent neighbours, who are not members of the society. They also engage themselves to do every thing they can to promote good-will, good neighbourhood, and Christian charity one among another.

"By their rules, any inhabitant of of age, or upwards, may be a member Bishop Auckland, who is sixty years of the Society. Their subscriptions are generally one penny a week :—if under seventy the member is entitled at Christmas to receive double his subscription; being the amount of what he has contributed, and as much more: if between seventy and eighty, threefold; if between eighty

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The intelligence this volume contains, of the schools at Kendal, will, we are assured, be highly gratifying to our readers, when they are in formed, that "the schools of industry at Kendal, contain one hundred and twelve children; whereof thirty of the larger girls are employed in spinning, sewing, kuitting, and in the work of the house; and the thirty-six younger girls in knitting only. Eight boys are taught shoe-making, and the remaining thirty-eight are engaged in what is called card-setting— the preparing the machinery for carding wool; an occupation apparently difficult and intricate, but easily learnt, and peculiarly adapted to little children. For the industry schools there are two mistresses for knitting and spinning, at eight shillings a week each; and a master shoemaker, whose salary (arising out of an allowance of two-pence a pair for finishing the shoes, and, in fact, deducted out of his scholars' earnings) amounts to twelve shillings a week. For the reading and writing school there is a master, aged eighteen, at half a guinea a week, and an usher, a boy of fourteen, who was allowed eighteen pence a week, but in consequence of superior offers is now engaged at three shillings a week. These two, with the assistance of the upper and more intelligent boys, supply all the requisite instruction for these industry schools, where one hundred and twelve children are educated and fitted for useful life. The expence of the whole establishment, in salaries, fires, candles, rent, and every other incidental charge (furniture, premiums, and school wages being deducted) has amounted in

The furniture and fitting up has cost 4.46. 18s. 14d.; the amount of the premiums is £.23. 14s. O.; and the school Wages, received of the scholars, and in fact paid out of their earnings, £.95. 13s. 94d.

-This is for two years.

two years to only £. 110. 1s. 2d.; or £.55. Os. 7d. a year." p.251.

"The g e girls schools are now, except as to their attendance on the reading school, entirely under the direction of a committee of ladies, who regularly visit and superintend them, and have produced an apparent difference in the cleanliness of their apart ments, and in their personal appear. ance. The original plan for the instruction of them in the different kinds of kitchen-work is in part executed. Breakfast is provided at the school daily, except on Saturdays and Sundays, for above forty scholars, each of whom pays fourpence halfpenny a week; a sum which will barely defray the expence of provisions without the fuel. The elder girls are employed, in rotation, to assist in preparing breakfast and in washing the utensils."


"The mode of teaching the chil dren their letters is deserving of attention. They are taught first to copy the capital letters in sand, from a printed card, beginning with the most simple forms, as I, II, T, &c. and proceeding to those that are more complex. They then learn to copy the smaller letters in the same way, and in alphabetical order. It is very curious to observe with what readi ness and correctness the youngest of these children will form these letters in the sand, and how willingly they will make the knowledge of them a matter of amusement and self gratification.

"A set of maps having been presented and hung up in the school, Dr. Briggs adopted the idea of encouraging and stimulating the attention of the children, by giving them every week, some easy lessons in practical geography. Those who have not visited these schools may pro bably doubt (as I did) of the propriety of making this a part of the education. of poor children. Upon attending this morning, however, I have had reason to appreciate highly the effects of this addition to their instruction, espe cially when I have considered, that these children might hereafter be placed in mercantile or naval situa tions, where this knowledge would be of essential use to them. I found, indeed, that those who answered best upon this examination, were the same

who carried off the prizes of industry; and I had reason to believe, that from the information and pleasure which they received in this instance, they transferred a spirit and energy to all their other occupations.

The queries were not put in an arranged series; but were varied in expression and order, and were always applied to the maps around them.-Nothing could exceed the air of intelligence, and the eagerness and correctness with which the children gave their answers, but the rapidity and precision of the questions * put by DANIEL, THE USHER OF THE SCHOOL (a boy of fourteen years of age, whom Dr. Briggs, then present, directed to make the examination) and the severe impartiality with which he passed on to the next child, if there was the least delay or mistake

in the answer.

"In the introduction of geography into his schools, Dr. Briggs had another very important object in view -that of preparing the minds of the children for a system of RELIGIOUS INSTRUCTION on a similar plan, so as to enable them to give a reason of the faith that is in them, whenever they may be assailed by SOPHISTRY AND INFIDELITY." p. 255-257.

In the Appendix is the report of the sub-committee of the fever institution, established last summer, in which it appears, rooms neglected to be cleaned are liable to retain infec. tion. We think it desirable to make the means they used as extensively known as possible, which was the washing of rooms supposed contagious with hot lime.

The female friendly society at Bishop Auckland promises fair to be a beneficial plan for the industrious female, and worthy of imitation, but the nature and limits of our plan forbid us to give the particulars.

* I am ashamed to say, that I lost some part of the instruction, which I might have obtained from Daniel's questions, and the children's answers; for I could not help endeavouring to calculate exactly the precise quantum of service, which Daniel, when he can be spared, may be of in the metropolis, by finishing the education of our men of high rank and learning, in practical geography, before they set off on their travels.

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wherein is exhibited the whole Art
and Mystery of brewing the various
Sorts of Malt Liquor; with practical
Examples upon each Species. Toge-
ther with the manner of using the
Thermometer and Saccharometer elu-
cidated by Examples, and rendered
easy to any Capacity, in brewing
London Porter, Brown Stout, Read-
ing Beer, Amber, Hock, London Ale,
Windsor Ale, Welch Ale, Wirtemburg
Ale, Scurvy-Grass Ale, Table Beer,
and Shipping Beer. By ALEX.
MORRICE, Common Brewer.
pp. 180. 10s. 6d. H. D. Symonds.




HE very copious title given by the Author renders analysis unnecessary, and perhaps we should not have introduced the present work in this part of the Epitome, had it not been to gratify our friend John Bull with the history of his favourite beverage, which is as follows:

"History of the London Brewery, from the Beginning of King William's Reign to the present Time.

"IN the beginning of KingWilliam's reign, the duty on strong beer, or ale, was is. and 3d. per barrel: the brewer then sold his brown ale at 16s. per barrel, and the small beer (which was made from the same grains) at 6s. per barrel. These were mostly fetched from the brew-house by the customers themselves, and paid for with ready money; so that the brewer kept but few servants, fewer horses, had no stock of beers or ales by him, no purchasing of leases of public houses, no bad debts, and but a trifling number of casks, and his money, consequently, returned before he either paid his duty, or for his malt. The victualler then sold this ale for two pence per quart. Soon after, our wars with France occasioned further duties on this commodity. I think that, in 1689, 9d. per barrel more was laid upon strong beer, and 3d. per barrel on small beer. In 1690, the duty was advanced 2s. and 3d. per barrel on strong beer, and 9d. per barrel upon small; and in 1692, an additional duty of 9d. per barrel was laid upon strong beer only. At this period the brewer raised his price from 16s. to 18s. and 19s. per barrel; and the victualler raised his price to

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