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Will. Levinz of S. John's Coll. Thom. Gourney

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and Jack Glendall of Brafnofe, (the laft of which › Mr. Low took with him to make the company fport, he being a witty and boon Companion,) Joh. Hill, Fellow of Allf. coll. Efay Ward of Ch. Ch. Hen. Flower of Wadham Coll. &c. These were not performers, only the laft. There were others, but their names I have forgot,

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The day of Restoration of K. Ch. 2. obferved

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in all or most places in England, particularly at Oxon. which did exceed any place of it's bignefs. Many from all parts flocked to London to fee his entrie, but A. W. was not there, but at Oxon. where the jollity of the day continued till next morning. The world of England was perfectly mad. They were freed from the chaines of Darknefs and Confufion, which the Presbyterians and Phanaticks had brought upon them; yet fome of them feeing then what mischief they had done, tack'd about to participate of the univerfal joy, and at length clos'd with the Royal partie.

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A. W. began to perufe the MSS. in Ball. Coll. Jun. 8. Libr. and afterwards at leifure times he perused the MSS. in other College Libraries. *

The Uncle by the Mother's fide of A.W. named Harcourt Pettie, Mr. of A, and fometimes of Gloc. hall, died at Bister in Oxfordshire, after he had spent a fair Estate left to him by his Father Rob.


*See Wood's MSS. in Mus. Ashm. 8490.




Jul. 18.



Pettie, Gent. which Eftate was the Mannour of Wiveold or Wyfald between Henley and Reading, and a larg Farme at Cotfford neare Bifter before mention'd. He was buried in Bister Church.

In the latter end of June the antique Marbles, which the great Selden had left to the University, were fet up in the Wall, which parts the Area lying before the Convocation-house dore and Canditch. But when the Wall was pul'd downe, to make room for the Theater, the Marbles were laid afide for the present. Afterwards when the Theater was built, they were fet up on the Wall that encompaffes it. Each of them hath the letter S. engraven or painted, to distinguish them from Howard's, which have an H. on them.

D'. Edw. Reynolds, late Deane of Ch. Ch. was elected Warden of Merton Coll. by vertue of the King's Letters fent thereunto, dat. Jul. 7.

At Meyfey-Hampton in Gloceftershire to visit his Kinsman Hen. Jackson, Bach. of Div. and Rector of that towne. He heard from him many ftories of his contemporaries in Corp. Ch. Coll.

At Fairford neare Meyfey-Hampton, where Mr. Will. Oldfworth, the Impropriator, did with great curtefie fhew him the beautiful Church there, and the most curious paynted Windows, fet up in the raigne of K. Hen. 7. The faid Church S'. Edmund Thame, Kt. (who died 1534a) did finish, having been begun by his father Joh. Thame, Efq;.

See the IId. Vol. of Leland's Itin. p. 18.


who died an. 1500. It may compare with any Country Church in England for it's admirable Structure. It is built Cathedral wife, and hath a stately Tower standing in the midst of it, adorn'd with Pinacles, and S[c]ulptures of men's Faces and Armes. The Church is also adorn'd with Pinacles, and hath a fair roof: and in it is an Organ Loft, where hath been a tunable fet of Organs. The Windows confift of several Scripture Stories, verie well painted confidering the time when done: and the excellency of them is defcrib'd in a Copie of Verses in a book, called University Poëms.

Dr. Joh. Wallis, the Keeper of the Univerfitie Registers, Muniments, Writings, of the faid Universitie, did put into the hands of A. Wood the Keys of the School-Tower, and the Key of the Room where the faid Regifters &c. are repofed, to the end that he might advance his efurient Genie in Antiquities, especially in thofe of the faid Universitie. This was done, at the requeft of D'. Ralph Bathurst, and on purpose to promote his generous defigne. Here he layd the foundation of that book, which was 14 yeares after publifhed, viz. Hift. et Antiq. Univ. Oxon. He was fo exceedingly delighted with the place and the choice Records therein, and did take fo much paynes for carrying on the work, leaft the Keys fhould be taken away from him, that a great alteration was made in him. About 2 months after his entrance

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O&. 4.


into the faid Tower, his Acquaintance took notice of the falling away of his Cheeks, the chang of the redness in them to white, &c. Yet he was very cheerfull, contended and healthfull, and nothing troubled him more than the intermiffion of his Labours by eating, drinking, fleeping, and fomtimes by Company which he could not avoid. Afterwards Dr. Wallis feeing his diligence, he told him, that he might carry home with him fuch books and writings that he wanted, which he did.

He was with Dr. Savage of Balliol Coll. and he told him, that he should peruse his Collection which he had made of the faid Coll. within a quarter of an yeare after, when then he fhould have finish'd b them.

Joh. Glendall, Mr. of Arts and Fellow of Brafn. Coll. died, and was buried at the upper end of S. Marie's Chancell in Oxon. He was a Minister's Son of Cheshire, had been the witty Terra-filius of the Universitie in 1655, at which time the Acts were kept in S. Marie's Church. His Company was often defired by ingenious men, and therefore thrown out at a reckoning. He was a great Mimick, and acted well in feveral Playes, which the Scholars before acted by stealth, either in the Stone house behind and Southward from Pembroke Coll. or in Kettle hall, or at Halywell Mill, or in the Refectory at Glocefter hall. A. W. was well acquainted with him, and delighted in his Company.

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Charnell Pettie, Efq;. fomtimes, High Sherriff Feb. XI of Cxfordsh. and Kinsman to A.W, died at StokeLyne neare Bifter in the Houfe of his Grandfon Ralph Holt, Efq;. He was buried in the Church there.

D'. E. Reynolds * refign'd his Wardenship of Merton Coll. having been lately promoted to the See of Norwich.

Edward Reynolds, Son of Austin Reynolds one of the Cuftomers of Southampton, was born in the Parish of Holyrood within the faid Borough of Southampton in Nov. 1599, bred up in Grammar Learning in the Free-School there, founded by K. Edw. 6. in the 7th Year of his Reign, be came one of the Poftmafters of Merton Coll. in 1615, and Probationer Fellow in 1620. After he had taken the Degree of Master, he entred into Holy Orders, and became a noted Preacher, afterwards Preacher to the Honourable Society off Lincoln's Inn and Rector of Braunfton or Braynton in Northamptonshire. At the breaking out of the grand Rebellion 1642, he fided with the Prefbyterian Party, and in the Year 1643 he became one of the Affembly of Divines. In 1646, he was appointed by the Parliament one of the Six Ministers to go to and fettle in Oxon. to preach the Scholars into Obedience to the faid Parliament; afterwards he was Dean of Ch. Ch. at which time he became Dr. of Divinity by actual Creation. But being forced to leave his Deanery in the latter end of 1650, because he refufed to take the independent Engagement, he retired to his former Cure for a time. When the fecluded Members were reftored to fit in Parliament, they reftored him to his Deanery of Ch. Ch. on the Eleventh of March 1659, with hopes to continue there and carry on the Prefbyterian Discipline. In the May following, (1660) when his Majefty was at Canterbury, he was admitted his Chaplain, and, after his Reftauration, preached feveral times be



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