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which you wanted, they have supplied. 18 For they have refreshed both my spirit and your's. Know them therefore that are such.

19 The churches of Asia salute you. Aquila

verunt: refecerunt enim et meum spiritum, et vestrum. 18 Cognoscite ergo qui hujusmodi sunt.

Salutant vos Ecclesiæ Asia. Salutant vos in Domino 19 multum Aquila et Priscilla, cum domestica sua ecclesia: and Priscilla with their domestical church apud quos et hospitor. Salutant vos omnes fratres. 20 salute you much in our Lord. 20 All the brethren salute you. Salute one another in Salutate invicem in osculo sancto. Salutatio mea manu 21 a holy kiss. 21 The salutation with mine own hand, Paul's. If any man love not our Lord Jesus Christ, be he anathema, Maran atha. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. 24 My charity be with you all in Christ Jesus. Amen.

Pauli. Si quis non amat Dominum nostrum Jesum 22
Christum, sit anathema, Maran Atha. Gratia Domini 23
nostri Jesu Christi vobiscum. Charitas mea
omnibus vobis in Christo Jesu. Amen.

cum 24

[blocks in formation]

Benedictus Deus et Pater Domini nostri Jesu Christi, 3 Blessed be the God and father of our Pater misericordiarum, et Deus totius consolationis: Lord Jesus Christ, the father of mercies, and God of all comfort, who comforteth us in all qui consolatur nos in omni tribulatione nostra: ut 4 our tribulation: that we also may be able to comfort them that are in all distress, by the possimus et ipsi consolari eos, qui in omni pressura exhortation wherewith we also are exhorted sunt, per exhortationem, qua exhortamur et ipsi a Deo. of God. For as the passions of Christ Quoniam sicut abundant passiones Christi in nobis: ita 5 abound in us: so also by Christ doth our comfort abound. And whether we be in et per Christum abundat consolatio nostra. Sive autem 6 tribulation, for your exhortation and salvation: whether we be exhorted, for your extribulamur pro vestra exhortatione et salute, sive conhortation and salvation, which worketh the solamur pro vestra consolatione, sive exhortamur pro toleration of the same passions which we also do suffer: 7and our hope is firm for you: vestra exhortatione et salute, quæ operatur tolerantiam knowing that as you are partakers of the earundem passionum, quas et nos patimur: ut spes 7 nostra firma sit pro vobis: scientes quod sicut socii passionum estis, sic eritis et consolationis.

passions, so shall you be of the consolation also.

8 For we will not have you ignorant, brethren, concerning our tribulation, which happened in Asia, that we were pressed above measure above our power, so that it was tedious unto us even to live. But we in

Non enim volumus ignorare vos fratres de tribula- 8 tione nostra, quæ facta est in Asia, quoniam supra modum gravati sumus supra virtutem, ita ut tæderet nos etiam vivere. Sed ipsi in nobismetipsis responsum 9

raiseth up the dead, 10 who hath delivered and doth deliver us out of so great dangers: deliver


that gift which is in us, may be given by

the testimony of our conscience, that in sim

conversed in this world: and more abun

mortis habuimus, ut non simus fidentes in nobis, sed ourselves had the answer of death, that we be not trusting in ourselves, but in God who 10 in Deo, qui suscitat mortuos: qui de tantis periculis nos eripuit, et eruit: in quem speramus quoniam et II adhuc eripiet, adjuvantibus et vobis in oratione pro nobis: ut ex multorum personis, ejus quæ in nobis est 12 donationis, per multos gratiæ agantur pro nobis. Nam gloria nostra hæc est, testimonium conscientiæ nostræ, quod in simplicitate cordis et sinceritate Dei: et non in sapientia carnali, sed in gratia Dei conversati sumus 13 in hoc mundo: abundantius autem ad vos. Non enim alia scribimus vobis, quam quæ legistis, et cognovistis. 14 Spero autem quod usque in finem cognoscetis, sicut et cognovistis nos ex parte, quod gloria vestra sumus, 15 sicut et vos nostra, in die Domini nostri Jesu Christi. 15 Et hac confidentia volui prius venire ad vos, ut secun16 dam gratiam haberetis: et per vos transire in Macedoniam, et iterum a Macedonia venire ad vos, et a vobis deduci in Judæam.


Cum ergo hoc voluissem, numquid levitate usus sum? Aut quæ cogito, secundum carnem cogito, ut 18 sit apud me EST, et NON? Fidelis autem Deus, quia sermo noster, qui fuit apud vos, non est in illo 19 EST, et NON. Dei enim filius Jesus Christus, qui in vobis per nos prædicatus est, per me, et Silvanum, et Timotheum, non fuit EST et NON, sed EST in illo 20 fuit. Quotquot enim promissiones Dei sunt, in illo EST: ideo et per ipsum Amen Deo ad gloriam 21 nostram. Qui autem confirmat nos vobiscum in 22 Christo, et qui unxit nos, Deus: qui et signavit nos, et 23 dedit pignus Spiritus in cordibus nostris. Ego autem testem Deum invoco in animam meam, quod parcens vobis, non veni ultra Corinthum: non quia dominamur fidei vestræ, sed adjutores sumus gaudii vestri: nam fide statis.


in whom we hope that he will yet also us, you helping withal in prayer for us, that by many men's persons, thanks for many in our behalf. For our glory is this, plicity and sincerity of God, and not in carnal wisdom, but in the grace of God, we have dantly towards you. 13 For we write no other things to you, than that you have read and know. And I hope that you shall know unto the end: "as also you have known us in part, that we are your glory, as you also our's in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. And in this confidence I would first have come to you, that you might have a second grace: 16 and by you pass into Macedonia, and again from Macedonia come to you, and of you be brought on my way into Jewry.

17 Whereas, then, I was thus minded, did I

use lightness? Or the things that I mind, do with me, It is, and It is not?' 1s But God is I mind according to the flesh, that there be faithful, because our preaching which was to you, there is not in it, It is, and, It is not. For the Son of God, Jesus Christ, who by us was preached among you, by me and It is not, but, It is, was in him. 20 For all Sylvanus and Timothee, was not, It is, and, the promises of God that are, in him It is: therefore also by him, Amen to God, unto our glory. 21 And he that confirmeth us with you in Christ, and that hath anointed us, God: who also hath sealed us, and given the pledge of the Spirit in our hearts. And I call God to witness upon my soul, that sparing you, I came not any more to Corinth, we are helpers of your joy; for in the faith you stand.

24 not because we overrule your faith: but,

Statui autem hoc ipsum apud me, ne iterum in 2 tristitia venirem ad vos. Si enim ego contristo vos: And I have determined with myself this et quis est, qui me lætificet, nisi qui contristatur ex same thing, not to come to you again in 3 me? Et hoc ipsum scripsi vobis, ut non cum venero, is it that can make me glad, but he that is sorrow. For if I make you sorry: and who tristitiam super tristitiam habeam, de quibus oportuerat made sorry by me? And this same I wrote to you: that I may not, when I come, have me gaudere: confidens in omnibus vobis, quia meum sorrow upon sorrow, of the which I ought to 4 gaudium, omnium vestrum est. Nam ex multa tribu- rejoice: trusting in you all, that my joy is latione, et angustia cordis scripsi vobis per multas and anguish of heart I wrote to you by many the joy of you all. 4 For of much tribulation lacrymas: non ut contristemini: sed ut sciatis, quam but that you may know what charity I have 5 charitatem habeam abundantius in vobis. Si quis more abundantly toward you. 5 And if any autem contristavit, non me contristavit: sed ex parte, man hath made sorrowful, not me hath he made sorrowful, but in part, that I burden 6 ut non onerem omnes vos. Sufficit illi, qui ejusmodi not all you. To him that is such a one, 7 est, objurgatio hæc, quæ fit a pluribus: ita ut econ- this rebuke sufficeth that is given of many: 7 so that contrariwise you should rather trario magis donetis, et consolemini, ne forte abun- pardon and comfort him, lest perhaps such

tears: not that you should be made sorry:

an one be swallowed up with over great dantiori tristitia absorbeatur qui ejusmodi est. Propter 8

sorrow. 8 For the which cause I beseech

you that you confirm charity toward him. quod obsecro vos, ut confirmetis in illum charitatem. For therefore also have I written that I Ideo enim et scripsi, ut cognoscam experimentum 9 may know the experiment of you, whether in all things you be obedient. 10 And whom vestrum, an in omnibus obedientes sitis. Cui autem 10 you have pardoned anything, I also. For, aliquid donastis, et ego: nam et ego quod donavi, si

myself also that which I pardoned, if I par

Christ, that we be not circumvented of


doned anything, for you in the person of quid donavi, propter vos in persona Christi, ut non II Satan; for we are not ignorant of his cogita- circumveniamur à satana: non enim ignoramus cogitationes ejus. Cum venissem autem Troadem propter Evangelium 12 Christi, et ostium mihi apertum esset in Domino, non 13 12 And when I was come to Troas for the habui requiem spiritui meo, eo quod non invenerim

Gospel of Christ, and a door was opened

spirit, for that I found not Titus my brother, sum in Macedoniam. Deo autem gratias, qui semper 14 unto me in our Lord, 13 I had no rest in my Titum fratrem meum, sed valefaciens eis, profectus but bidding them farewell, I went forth into Macedonia. 14 And thanks be to God, who triumphat nos in Christo Jesu, et odorem notitiæ suæ always triumpheth us in Christ Jesus, and manifesteth the odour of his knowledge by manifestat per nos in omni loco: quia Christi bonus 15 us in every place. 15 For we are the good odor sumus Deo in iis, qui salvi fiunt, et in iis, qui saved, and in them that perish. 16 To some pereunt: aliis quidem odor mortis in mortem: aliis 16 indeed the odour of death unto death: but autem odor vitæ in vitam. Et ad hæc quis tam these things who is so sufficient? 17 For idoneus? Non enim sumus sicut plurimi, adulterantes 17 we are not as very many, adulterating the verbum Dei, sed ex sinceritate, sed sicut ex Deo, coram word of God, but of sincerity, and as of God, before God, in Christ we speak. Deo, in Christo loquimur.

odour of Christ unto God in them that are

to others the odour of life unto life. And to

Incipimus iterum nosmetipsos commendare? aut 3 numquid egemus (sicut quidam) commendatitiis episBegin we again to commend ourselves? or tolis ad vos, aut ex vobis? Epistola nostra vos estis, 2 do we need (as certain) epistles of commenda- scripta in cordibus nostris, quæ scitur, et legitur ab tion to you, or from you? 2Our epistle you are, written in our hearts, which is known omnibus hominibus: manifestati quod epistola estis 3 and read of all men: 3 being manifested that Christi, ministrata a nobis, et scripta non atramento, you are the epistle of Christ, ministered by us, and written not with ink, but with the sed spiritu Dei vivi: non in tabulis lapideis, sed in Spirit of the living God: not in tables of tabulis cordis carnalibus. Fiduciam autem talem 4 stone, but in the tables carnal of the heart. And such confidence we have by Christ to habemus per Christum ad Deum: non quod sufficientes 5 God: not that we be sufficient to think any- simus cogitare aliquid a nobis, quasi ex nobis: sed sufficiency is of God. Who also hath made sufficientia nostra ex Deo est: qui et idoneos nos fecit 6

thing of ourselves, as of ourselves: but our

us meet ministers of the new testament: not

of Moyses, for the glory of his countenance,

in the letter, but in the Spirit. For the ministros novi testamenti: non littera, sed Spiritu: letter killeth but the Spirit quickeneth. littera enim occidit, Spiritus autem vivificat. Quod si 7 7And if the ministration of death, with letters figured in stones, was in glory, so that the ministratio mortis litteris deformata in lapidibus, fuit children of Israel could not behold the face in gloria; ita ut non possent intendere filii Israel in that is made void: how shall not the minis. faciem Moysi, propter gloriam vultus ejus, quæ tration of the Spirit be more in glory? For evacuatur: quomodo non magis ministratio Spiritus 8 much more the ministry of justice aboundeth erit in gloria? Nam si ministratio damnationis gloria 9 in glory. 10 For neither was it glorified, est: multo magis abundat ministerium justitiæ in the excelling glory. "For if that which is gloria. Nam nec glorificatum est, quod claruit in hac 10 made void, is by glory: much more that parte, propter excellentem gloriam. Si enim quod II evacuatur, per gloriam est: multo magis quod manet, in gloria est.

if the ministration of damnation be in glory:

which in this part was glorious, by reason of

which abideth, is in glory.

12 Having therefore such hope, we use much

Habentes igitur talem spem, multa fiducia utimur: 12 confidence: 13 and not as Moyses put a veil et non sicut Moyses ponebat velamen super faciem 13 might not behold his face, which is made suam, ut non intenderent filii Israel in faciem ejus, void, but their senses were dulled. For quod evacuatur, sed obtusi sunt sensus eorum. Usque 14

upon his face, that the children of Israel

until this present day, the self-same veil in the lecture of the old testament remaineth

in hodiernum enim diem, idipsum velamen in lectione veteris testamenti manet non revelatum, (quoniam in unrevealed (because in Christ it is made void),


15 Christo evacuatur) sed usque in hodiernum diem, 15 but until this present day, when Moyses is read, a veil is put upon their heart. 16 But legitur Moyses, velamen positum est super cor eorum. when he shall be converted to our Lord, the 16 Cum autem conversus fuerit ad Dominum, auferetur veil shall be taken away. 17 And our Lord is a Spirit. And where the Spirit of our 17 velamen. Dominus autem Spiritus est: ubi autem Lord is, there is liberty. 18 But we all, be18 Spiritus Domini: ibi libertas. Nos vero holding the glory of our Lord with face omnes, revealed, are transformed into the same revelata facie gloriam Domini speculantes, in eandem image from glory unto glory, as of our Lord's imaginem transformamur a claritate in claritatem, Spirit. tamquam a Domini Spiritu.


4 Ideo habentes administrationem, juxta quod miseri-
2 cordiam consecuti sumus, non deficimus, sed abdicamus
occulta dedecoris, non ambulantes in astutia, neque
adulterantes verbum Dei, sed in manifestatione veritatis
commendantes nosmetipsos ad omnem conscientiam
hominum coram Deo. Quod si etiam opertum est
Evangelium nostrum: in iis, qui pereunt, est opertum:
4 in quibus Deus hujus sæculi excæcavit mentes infide-
lium, ut non fulgeat illis illuminatio Evangelii gloriæ
5 Christi, qui est imago Dei. Non enim nosmetipsos 3
prædicamus, sed Jesum Christum Dominum nostrum:
6 nos autem servos vestros per Jesum: quoniam Deus,
qui dixit de tenebris lucem splendescere, ipse illuxit
in cordibus nostris ad illuminationem scientiæ claritatis
7 Dei, in facie Christi Jesu. Habemus autem thesaurum
istum in vasis fictilibus: ut sublimitas sit virtutis Dei,
8 et non ex nobis. In omnibus tribulationem patimur,
sed non angustiamur: aporiamur, sed non destituimur:
9 persecutionem patimur, sed non derelinquimur: dejici-
10 mur, sed non perimus: semper mortificationem Jesu
in corpore nostro circumferentes, ut et vita Jesu
II manifestetur in corporibus nostris. Semper enim nos,
qui vivimus, in mortem tradimur propter Jesum: ut
et vita Jesu manifestetur in carne nostra mortali.
12 Ergo mors in nobis operatur, vita autem in vobis.
13 Habentes autem eundem spiritum fidei, sicut scriptum
est: Credidi, Propter quod locutus sum: et nos credi-
14 mus, propter quod et loquimur: scientes quoniam qui
suscitavit Jesum, et nos cum Jesu suscitabit, et con-
15 stituet vobiscum. Omnia enim propter vos: ut gratia
abundans, per multos in gratiarum actione, abundet in
16 gloriam Dei. Propter quod non deficimus: sed licet
is, qui foris est, noster homo corrumpatur: tamen is,
17 qui intus est, renovatur de die in diem. Id enim,
quod in præsenti est momentaneum et leve tribula-
tionis nostræ, supra modum in sublimitate æternum
18 gloriæ pondus operatur in nobis, non contemplantibus
nobis quæ videntur, sed quæ non videntur. Quæ enim

to every conscience of men before God.

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cording as we have obtained mercy, we fail Therefore having this ministration: acnot, but we renounce the secret things of adulterating the word of God, but in manidishonesty, not walking in craftiness, nor festation of the truth commending ourselves And if our Gospel be also hid, in them that perish it is hid, in whom the God of this world hath blinded the minds of the infidels, that the illumination of the Gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, might not shine to them. For we preach not ourselves, but Jesus Christ our Lord: and us, your servants by Jesus: because God, that commanded light to shine of darkness, he hath shined in our hearts, to glory of God, in the face of Christ Jesus. the illumination of the knowledge of the But we have this treasure in earthen the power of God, and not of us. In vessels, that the excellency may be of all things! we suffer tribulation, but are destitute: we suffer persecution, but are not forsaken: we are cast down, but we perish not: 10 always bearing about in our body the mortification of Jesus, that the life also of Jesus may be manifested in our bodies. For we that live, are always delivered unto death for Jesus: that the life mortal flesh. 12 Death then worketh in us, also of Jesus may be manifested in our but life in you. 13 And having the same spirit of faith, as it is written, I believed, for the which cause I have spoken; we also believe, for the which cause we speak also: 14 knowing that he which raised up Jesus, will raise up us also with Jesus, and set us with you. 15 For all things are for you: that the grace abounding by many in giving of thanks, may abound unto the glory of God. 16 For which cause we fail not: but although that our man which is without, corrupt: yet that which is within, is renewed from day to day. 17 For that our tribulation which presently is momentary and light, worketh above measure exceedingly an eternal weight of glory in us, we not considering the things that are seen, but that are not seen. For the things that

not in distress: we want, but are not

be seen, are temporal: but those that be not videntur, temporalia sunt: quæ autem non videntur,

seen, are eternal.

eternal in heaven. 2 For in this also do we

habitation that is from heaven: 3yet so, if we

dened: because we would not be spoiled, but

æterna sunt.

Scimus enim quoniam si terrestris domus nostra 5 For we know that if our earthly house of hujus habitationis dissolvatur, quod ædificationem ex this habitation be dissolved, that! we have a Deo habemus, domum non manufactam, æternam in building of God, a house not made with hand, cœlis. Nam et in hoc ingemiscimus, habitationem 2 groan, desirous to be overclothed with our nostram, quæ de cœlo est, superindui cupientes: si 3 be found clothed, not naked. For we also tamen vestiti, non nudi inveniamur. Nam et qui 4 that are in this tabernacle groan, being bur- sumus in hoc tabernaculo, ingemiscimus gravati: eo overclothed, that that which is mortal, might quod nolumus expoliari, sed supervestiri, ut absorbeatur be swallowed up of life. And he that maketh us to this same, is God; who hath quod mortale est a vita. Qui autem efficit nos in hoc 5 given us the pledge of the Spirit. Being ipsum, Deus, qui dedit nobis pignus spiritus. Audentes 6 bold therefore always, and knowing that while we are in the body, we are pilgrims igitur semper, scientes quoniam dum sumus in corpore, from God, ( for we walk by faith, and not by peregrinamur a Domino: (per fidem enim ambulamus, 7 sight) but we are bold, and have a good will to be pilgrims rather from the body, and to et non per speciem.) Audemus autem, et bonam 8 be present with our Lord. And therefore voluntatem habemus magis peregrinari a corpore, et we endeavour, whether absent or present, to please him. 10 For we must all be manifested præsentes esse ad Dominum. Et ideo contendimus 9 before the judgment seat of Christ, that sive absentes sive præsentes placere illi. Omnes enim 10 every one may receive the proper things of the body, according as he hath done, either nos manifestari oportet ante tribunal Christi, ut referat unusquisque propria corporis, prout gessit, sive bonum, -sive malum.

good or evil.

11 Knowing therefore the fear of our Lord,

we use persuasion to men: but to God we
are manifest. And I hope also that in your
consciences we are manifest.
12 We com-

Deo autem manifesti sumus. Spero autem et in conScientes ergo timorem Domini hominibus suademus, II scientiis vestris manifestos nos esse. Non iterum 12 mend not ourselves again to you, but give commendamus nos vobis, sed occasionem damus vobis you occasion to glory for us: that you may gloriandi pro nobis: ut habeatis ad eos, qui in facie have against them that glory in face, and not in heart. 13 For whether we exceed in mind, gloriantur, et non in corde. Sive enim mente excedi- 13 to God: or whether we be sober, to you. mus, Deo: sive sobrii sumus, vobis. Charitas enim 14 14 For the charity of Christ urgeth us:

and rose again. 16 Therefore we from hence

judging this, that if one died for all, then all Christi urget nos: æstimantes hoc, quoniam si unus were dead; 15 and Christ died for all; that they also which live, may not now live to pro omnibus mortuus est, ergo omnes mortui sunt: themselves, but to him that died for them et pro omnibus mortuus est Christus: ut, et qui vivunt, 15 forth know no man according to the flesh. jam non sibi vivant, sed ei, qui pro ipsis mortuus est And if we have known Christ according to et resurrexit. Itaque nos ex hoc neminem novimus 16 the flesh; but now we know him no more. secundum carnem. Et si cognovimus secundum carnem Christum: sed nunc jam non novimus.

17 If then any be in Christ a new creature: the old are passed, behold all things are made new; 18 but all of God, who hath reconciled

us to himself by Christ: and hath given us the ministry of reconciliation. 19 For God indeed was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself, not imputing to them their sins, and hath put in us the word of reconciliation. 20 For Christ therefore we are legates, God as it were exhorting by us. For Christ we beseech you, be reconciled to God. 21 Him that knew no sin, for us he made sin: that we might be made the justice of God in him.

And we helping do exhort, that you receive not the grace of God in vain. (For he

Si qua ergo in Christo nova creatura, vetera trans- 17 ierunt: ecce facta sunt omnia nova. Omnia autem ex 18 Deo, qui nos reconciliavit sibi per Christum: et dedit nobis ministerium reconciliationis. Quoniam quidem 19 Deus erat in Christo mundum reconcilians sibi, non reputans illis delicta ipsorum, et posuit in nobis verbum reconciliationis. Pro Christo ergo legatione fungimur, 20 Obsecramus pro tamquam Deo exhortante per nos. Christo, reconciliamini Deo. Eum, qui non noverat 21 peccatum, pro nobis peccatum fecit, ut nos efficeremur justitia Dei in ipso.

Adjuvantes autem exhortamur ne in vacuum gratiam 6 saith, In time accepted have I heard thee: Dei recipiatis. Ait enim: Tempore accepto exaudivi 2

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