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$30 for the Board; and of a lady who gave him $5 for the same purpose. Mr. E. travelled five hundred and sixty miles, preached sixty-eight times, and collected $61.

"August 13th. (Friday.) Arrived in Bethany, after a dreary and solitary ride through the wilderness, fifteen miles.

"14th. (Saturday.) Preached in the court house, in the afternoon. Very serious attention manifested.

"15th. (Sabbath.) Preached at two o'clock, and again at five. The countenances of many manifested more than ordinary engagedness. This church are entering upon measures to invite Mr. Williams, of Jersey, to take the pastoral care of them.

"18th. (Wednesday.) Preached in a little log cabin at a small settlement, three miles from Bethany. The missionary stations in this neighbourhood are settlements, in the heart of the woods, where six or seven families can be collected together. It is a pleasuse to preach to them, as they are extremely destitute, and very anxious to hear the gospel.

"19th. (Thursday.) At four o'clock, preached at the house of Mr. Buckland, in Canaan, five miles from Bethany. In this place there had never been preaching by a Presbyterian before. Great solemnity manifested. After service the people did not appear disposed to separate. I seized the opportunity for enforcing the truths I had exhibited, by a familiar conversation; some were seriously affected, and I trust the fruits, in a future day will be apparent. They were desirous I should visit them again.

"20th. (Friday.). Preached at Bethany. In this place, the effects of Mr. Camp's labours are evident. They who were called under his ministry appear to walk conformably to the gospel. An entire change has been produced in the habits and manners of the people; giving a lively evidence of the transforming power of divine grace. I am led to believe that my labours at the present juncture, are very seasonable; at least, in building up the faithful, and stimulating the luke

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large audiences, who manifested more than ordinary attention. I have to lament, however, the general listlessness to the concerns of religion Many are involved in a dangerous apathy. Lectured in the evening.

"October 1st. (Friday.) Lectured this evening.

"3d. (Sabbath.) Preached at Newport and Hanover, to overflowing audiences. I take much interest in these stations; the people appear much pleased with the attentions of a missionary.

"10th. (Sabbath.) Preached twice at Pittstown, with an intermission of fifteen minutes, to engaged and solemn audiences. Returned to Wilkesbarre, and lectured in the evening.

"14th. (Thursday.) Preached in the evening at Wilkesbarre. I think I can discover more attention among the people than was evident at the commencement of my mission.

"In the section of country which I have visited, under your commission, generally speaking, there exists but little evidence of genuine and ardent piety. It is true, I observed in but very few individuals, a total abandonment of moral principle or open profligacy of conduct; but in most, the prominent characteristic was, a chilling insensibility to their moral condition in the sight of God. They have lived careless; have reduced their consciences to complete subjection to their unsanctified wills, and-rest contented with their situation.

In my route, I met with some Socinians; a few Swedenborgians, and many, many practical Atheists-who say in their conduct at least, "There is no God." I visited several places.where there had been regularly organized churches; they were generally in a languishing state, and some of them had scarcely an existence. Professed Christians did not manifest that life, vigour and zeal, which should characterize those who have been created anew in Christ Jesus ;-yet still I discovered among them, some who were precious saints of God, who from their soul deplored the absence of vital godliness, throughout the country at large. This lamentable state of things is to be attributed, I apprehend, to the want of regular and faithful ministrations of gospel ordinances. In Luzerne and Wayne counties, there is not one settled minister; and as far as my information extended, but two or three partially settled, over a very considerable extent of country, from Wilkesbarr to Tioga Point.

"The country over which I passed, is generally new and the people comparatively poor; but did they properly appreciate the value of the gospel, they

would undoubtedly, more frequently hear its glorious message. Their destitute state is owing more to a deficiency of inclination to support the gospel, than to a deficiency in pecuniary concerns.

"Wherever I preached, I had considerable congregations; novelty, no doubt induced the attendance of many; but I trust, a desire to learn the truth influenced some. In a number of instances considerable excitement was produced, under the preached word; but aware how frequently such appearances are fallacious, I would not wish to represent to the Board, (for I have not the certain proof) that my ministrations have been peculiarly blest.

"My reception, in every instance, was kind and hospitable; which circumstance compensated in a great measure, for the hardships which are inseparable from a mission through a new country.

"I would inform the Board, that according to my limited ability, I have endeavoured to adhere to their instructions. I discovered on particular inquiry, that the formation of auxiliary societies, in the present depressed state of things, would have been impracticable. Had I succeeded so far, as to have had them organized, I am convinced they would have been short-lived.

"The same unprecedented pressure of the times, prevented me from collecting monies for the society, to the extent I wished. In most of the places I visited, there was scarcely any circulating medium; but I am happy to state, that by the liberality of one individual, and by collections at Wilkesbarre, the Board will be compensated for one half the expenses incurred by this mission.

"In fine, the ground I passed over is good missionary ground; and should the Board at any future time think it advisable to send a missionary to this country, his services will be acceptable, provided he have zeal, prudence, a social disposition, and a talent for preaching plain and practical discourses."

An Actor's Reward.

A London paper of Feb. 19th 1821, says, "Mr. Kean has already

remitted home to Mrs. Kean eleven hundred pounds sterling, as the early net produce of his dramatic harvest in the United States of America." What, then, must he obtain before the termination of his engagements? Liberal, indeed, is the American public to theatrical adventurers; but the Rev. Mr.

Ward, with all his industry, between -Boston and Washington, could obtain for the most benevolent objects, not quite 10,000 dollars.

Had he come on a buffoon's errand, people would have given him, as they do Mr. Kean, probably more than 4,000 dollars a month, for making them laugh! Oh! that they were wise; and would devote the money now expended on pernicious amusements to any truly charitable establishment. Had our Bible, Orphan, Education and Missionary Societies received the sums squandered on an actor, the increase of much vice would have been prevented, and the hearts of thousands would have sung for joy. E. S. E.



It is well known that this celebrated infidel laboured through a long life to diffuse the poison of infidelity. In life he was pre-eminent in guilt, and at death in misery. He had been accustomed for years to call the adorable Saviour-The Wretch, and to vow that he would crush him. He closed many of his letters to his infidel friends with these words-Crush the Wretch;-yet such is the detestable meanness, as well as wickedness of infidelity, that during these efforts to destroy Christianity, he was accustomed to receive the sacrament, and to attend to some other outward acts of religion, that he might be able to deny his infidelity, if accused of it. Such was he in health; but dangerous sickness and approaching death, though they could not soften the hard heart of the hypocrite infidel into real penitence, filled it with agony, remorse and despair.

Voltaire had risen, in poor deluded France, high in worldly prosperity and fame; but the Most High appeared to permit him to rise to the pinnacle of glory, only that he might sink with deeper ruin to, the gulfs below: and thus afford a more impressive warning of the effects of his folly and his sin.

The following awful description has been given of his last hours.

"It was during Voltaire's last visit to Paris, when his triumph was complete, and he had even feared he should die with glory, amidst the acclamations of an infatuated theatre, that he was struck by

the hand of Providence, and fated to make a very different termination of his


"In the midst of his triumphs, a violent bleeding raised apprehensions for his life. D'Alembert, Diderot, and Marmontel, hastened to support his resolution in his last moments, but were only witnesses to their mutual ignominy, as well as to his own.

"Here let not the historian fear exaggeration. Rage, remorse, reproach, and blasphemy, all accompany and characterize the long agony of the dying Atheist. His death, the most terrible that is ever recorded to have stricken the inpious man, will not be denied by his companions in impiety. Their silence, however much they may wish to deny it, is the least of these corroborative proofs, which could be adduced. Not one of them has ever dared to mention any sign given, of resolution or tranquillity, by the premier chief, during the space of three months, which elapsed from the time he was crowned in the theatre, until his decease. Such a silence expresses, how great their humiliation was in his death!

"It was in his return from the theatre, and in the midst of the toils he was resuming in order to acquire fresh applause, when Voltaire was warned, that the long career of his impiety was drawing to an end.”

In spite of all the infidel philosophers who flocked around him, in the first days of his illness, he gave signs of wishing to return to the God he had so often blasphemed. He called for the priest, who ministered to Him, whom he had sworn to crush, under the appellation of the Wretch. His danger increasing, he wrote entreating the Abbé Gualtier to visit him. He afterwards made a declaration, in which, he, in fact, renounced his infidelity. This declaration was signed by himself and two witnesses, one of whom was the Marquis de Villevieille, to whom, eleven years before, Voltaire was wont to write," Conceal your march from the enemy, in your endeavours to crush the Wretch!"

"Voltaire had permitted this declaration to be carried to the Rector of St. Sulpice, and to the Archbishop of Paris, to know whether it would be sufficient. When the Abbé Gaultier returned with the answer, it was impossible for him to gain admittance to the patient. The conspirators had strained every nerve to hinder the chief from consummating his recantation, and every avenue was shut to the priest, whom Voltaire himself had sent for. The demons, haunted every access; rage succeeds to fury, and fury to rage again, during the remainder of his life.

"Then it was that D'Alembert, Dide

rot, and about twenty others of the conspirators, who had beset his apartment, never approached him, but to witness their own ignominy; and often he would curse them, and exclaim: 'Retire! It is you that have brought me to my present state! Begone! I could have done without you all; but you could not exist without me! And what a wretched glory have you procured me?'


"Then would succeed the horrid remembrance of his conspiracy. They could hear him, the prey of anguish and dread, alternately supplicating or blaspheming that God whom he had conspired against; and in plaintive accents would he cry out, Oh Christ! Oh Jesus Christ! And then complain that he was abandoned by God and man. The hand which had traced in ancient writ the sentence of an impious and reviling king, seemed to trace before his eyes, CRUSH THEN, DO CRUSH THE WRETCH. In vain he turned his head away; the time was coming apace when he was to appear be fore the tribunal of Him he had blasphemed; and his physicians, particularly Mr. Tronchin, calling in to administer relief, thunderstruck, retire, declaring the death of the impious man to be terrible indeed. The pride of the conspirators would willingly have suppressed these declarations, but it was in vain. The Mareschal de Richelieu flies from the bedside, declaring it to be a sight too terrible to be sustained; and Mr. Tronchin, that the furies of Orestes could give but a faint idea of those of Voltaire."

In one of these visits the doctor found him in the greatest agonies, exclaiming with the utmost horror, "I am abandoned by God and man." He then said, "Doctor, I will give you half of what I am worth, if you will give me six months life." The Doctor answered, "Sir, you cannot live six weeks." Voltaire replied, "Then I shall go to hell, and you will go with me!" and soon after expired.

Jane Ratcliff.

Jane Ratcliff was born in the year 1638. Her extraordinary faith and piety render her a suitable subject for these memoirs.

In early life she indulged herself in many of the follies and vanities of her time but being awakened to a sense of their fatal tendency, she renounced them, and placed her affections on objects which alone can confer solid and durable enjoyment. We shall pass over the intermediate parts of her circumspect life, and come to the closing scene of it; when she appeared to be much raised above the love of life, and the fears of death.`. The following is an extract from her own ex

pressions, on that solemn occasion. At the same time that they manifest her desire to be released from the sorrows and dangers of mortality, there can be no doubt that it was limited by a humble submission, and pious resignation, to the will of Heaven.

"I desire to die," said she, "because I want, while I live here, the glorious presence of God, which I love and long for; and the sweet fellowship of angels and saints, who would be as glad to see me with them, as I should be to see them about me; and who would entertain me with unwearied delight."

"I desire to die-because, while I live, I shall want the perfection of my nature, and be as an estranged and banished child from my father's house."

I desire to die-because I would not live to offend so good a God, and grieve his Holy Spirit. For his loving kindness is better than life, and he is abundant in mercy to me; and the fear of displeasing him often lies as a heavy load upon my heart."

"I desire to die-because this world is generally infected with the plague of sin, and I myself am tainted with the same disease; so that, while I live here, I shall be in danger of being infected, or of infecting others. And if this world hates me, because I endeavour to follow goodness, how would it rejoice, if my foot should slip! How woful would my life be to me, if I should give occasion to the world to triumph and blaspheme! There are in my nature so many defects, errors and transgressions, that I may say with David, 'Innumerable evils have compassed me about; my iniquities have taken hold on me, so that I am not able to look up.' I therefore desire heaven for holiness, and to the end I may sin no more."

“I desire to die-because nothing in this world can give me solid and durable contentment."

"With regard to my children, I am not troubled: for that God who has given them life and breath, and all they have, while I am living, can provide for them when I am dead. My God will be their God, if they be his and if they be not, what comfort would it be for me to live to behold it? Life would be bitter to me, if I should see them dishonour God, whom I so greatly love."

"I fear not death-because it is but the separation of the soul from the body; and that is but a shadow of the body of death: Romans vii. 24. Whereas the separation of the soul from God by sin, and of soul and body for sin, is death indeed: Isa. lix. 2.”

"I fear not death-because it is an enemy that has been often vanquished;

and because I am armed for it; and the weapons of my warfare are mighty through God, and I am assured of victory.

"I do not fear death for the pain of it; for I am persuaded I have endured as great pain in life, as I shall find in death; and death will cure me of all sorts of pain. Besides, Christ died a terrible death, to the end any kind of death might be blessed to me. And that God who has greatly loved me in life, will not neglect me in death; but will, by his spirit, succour and strengthen me all the time of the combat."

For her comfort in her last hours, she put into the following form some memoirs of the principal mercies and blessings she had received from God.

"How shall I praise God for my conversion! for his word, both in respect of my affection to it, and the wonderful comforts I have had from it? for hearing my prayers? for godly sorrow? for fellowship with the godly? for joy in the Holy Spirit? for the desire of death? for contempt of the world? for private helps and comforts for giving me some strength against my sins? for preserving me from gross evils, both before and after my calling?"

In her last sickness, which was of long continuance, she was deeply sensible of the dangers and miseries that attend our progress through life; and often implored God to remove her into a better world, saying, in the words of David; "Make haste to help me, O Lord, my salvation! Be pleased, O Lord, to deliver me! O Lord, make haste to help me!"-And she was relieved in the tenderest manner : for her spirit departed from the body, when it was thought she had only fallen asleep.

Bishop Butler.

When the bishop lay on his dying bed, he called for his chaplain, and said, Though I have endeavoured to avoid sin and please God, to the utmost of my power, yet, from the consciousness of perpetual infirmities, I am still afraid to die."-"My Lord," said the chaplain, "You have forgotten that Jesus Christ is a Saviour."-"True," was the answer; "but how shall I know that he is a Saviour for me?"—" My lord, it is written, Him that cometh to me, I will in no wise cast out."—"True," said the bishop; "and I am surprised, that, though I have read that scripture a thousand times over, I never felt its virtue till this moment; and now I die happy."

PUBLISHED BY LITTELL & HENRY, 74, South Second St. Philadelphia, At 83 per annum, or $2.50 if paid in advance.




MAY, 1831.




(Continued from page 170.)


All mankind is now fallen into a most woful estate of sin and misery.

The devil abused the serpent, by making him the means of temptation; and man abusing his own faculties, especially his will, brought himself and all his posterity in him, into an estate of sinfulness and misery. Let us consider, 1st, man's mis y in regard to sin itself, and 2dly, in regard to the consequences of sin.

I-1. Every man living is born guilty of Adam's sin. Now the equity of God in laying this sin to the charge of every man, though none of Adam's posterity personally committed it, may appear from the consideration, that God in wisdom and goodness constituted Adam the representative of his race, under the covenant of works; so that had he stood in righteousness, all mankind had stood with him. It is but equitable, therefore, if we should have been partakers of his gains, that we should be also partakers of his loss; and that he, falling, we should fall in him. This dispensation was calculated to promote the safety and quiet of mankind; for had he stood as our covenant head, all fear of losing our happy estate had been prevented; VOL. I.

whereas if every man had been left to stand or fall for himself, as he should appear in the world, each man would ever have been liable to fall, and in fear of falling. Adam was as likely to stand in righteousness for himself and his posterity, as any one would have been for himself; and more so, if he knew that he had charge of the estates of all the millions which should be born. He was the head of mankind, and they the members of that head; so that if the head practise treason, the whole body is found guilty, and must suffer. If these things satisfy not, there is a day coming, in which God will reveal his own righteous proceedings before men and angels.

Oh! that men would consider the nature of original sin, and be humbled by it. Next to the sin against the Holy Spirit, and contempt of the gospel, this is the greatest sin which cries to heaven for vengeance: for now men's sins are committed against God in their base and low estate; but this sin was committed against Jehovah, when man was at the top of his preferment. He was a traitor in the court, among the favourites, and not a rebel on the dunghill. This sin darkened the very sun, defaced the image of God, the glory of God in man, and became the prolific parent of all the swarms of sins, which have since infested the world. It comprehended in itself a fearful apostacy from God, like that of the devil; a horrible rebellion against God, in which man took sides with revolted an2 B

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