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open the feals, 177-179. the vifions of the fix feals confidered;
180-195. the feventh feal opened, 199. it comprehends more
events than the former feals, 200. the feven trumpets, 200—
271. vifion of the great red dragon, 274-283. of the ten
horned beast, 233-291. of the two horned beast, 291–301.
the feven vials, 312-312. the fall of spiritual Babylon or
Rome, 222-348. the millennium, 348-358. the general
refurrection and judgment, and new heaven and earth, 360,

Roman empire compared to a terrible beaft without a name, I.
260-263. this beaft had ten horns, 263. these ten horns or
kingdoms where to be fought, 265. the opinion of authors
about them, 265, &c.

Rome, that church a surprising mystery of iniquity, II. 150. its
herefies and fchifms of long continuance, 150. the power of
the pope of Rome foretold in fcripture, 151. when Rome was
governed by the Exarch of Ravenna, 207. resembles Egypt in
her punishment as well as in her crimes, 315. her fall
compared to Babylon, 322. her ftate and condition, 322.
the character of the great whore of Babylon, more proper
to modern than ancient Rome, 324. her fitting upon a
fcarlet-colored beaft with feven heads and ten horns, 325.
her ornament, 325. her inchanting cup, 326. her in-
fcription upon her forehead, 326-328. her being drunk
with the blood of the faints, 328, 329. what fignified by the
seven heads and ten horns, 331-335. the prophecies relating
to the church of Rome the most effential part of the Revela
tion, 374. its corruptions and innovations foretold, 374-
378. her clergy like the Scribes and Pharifees in feveral
inftances, 380-382. their ufurped power foretold, and the
place and perfons pointed out, 374, 382-387. the time of its
power foretold, 387. its destruction will certainly come, 391—



SALADIN, proclaimed fultan in Egypt, II. 66. befieges and
takes Jerufalem, ibid. compels the Chriftians there to redeem
their lives, ibid.

Saracens defcended from Ifhmael, I. 22, 31. as locufts over-
fpread the earth, II. 209. when they made their greatest con-
quefts, 215. See Arabians.

Sardis, the capital of Lydia, II. 171. at present in ruins, 172. in a
deplorable ftate as to religion, ibid.

Savonarola, his zealous preaching and writing against the vices of
the Roman clergy, II. 267. endures imprifonment, tortures
and death with conftancy, ibid.

Sawtree, a parish priest, first burnt for heresy in England, II. 263.


Scopas, his great fuccefs in Cale-Syria and Palestine, I. 353. is
afterwards forced to furrender to Antiochus, 354.

Scotus Johannes, writes upon the Eucharift by the command of
the emperor, II. 243. his opinion against the doctrin of tran-
fubftantiation, ibid. invited to England by king Alfred, and
preferred, ibid.

Scriptures, the fulfilment of the prophecies a convincing argument
of their divinity, I. 178. friendly to liberty, 180. and the love
of our country, 334.

Seals, the book fealed with feven feals, II. 179. the Son of God
only found worthy to open it, ibid. the feven feals fignify fo
many periods of prophecy, ibid. the first memorable for con-
queft, 180. the fecond its commencement and continuance,
182-184. the third feal for what characterized, 184. the
fourth feal for what diftinguished, 187. the fifth feal remark-
able for the tenth general perfecution, 190-192. the fixth
feal for great changes and revolutions, 192, 193. its con-
tinuance from Conftantine to Theodofius, 199, the seventh
feal diftinguished by the founding of feven trumpets, 200, 201.
feals foretold the ftate of the Roman empire before it became
Chriftian, 201.

Seleucida and Lagidæ, not the fourth kingdom mentioned in
Daniel, I. 240, 261, 264.

Seleucia, renders Babylon defolate, I, 172, is called Babylon by
feveral authors, ibid.

Seleucus, the first of Syria a moft potent king, I. 341, 342.
Seleucus Ceraunus, his fhort and inglorious reign, I. 347.

Seleucus Callinicus, his fons and their pompous. appellations,

I. 346.

Seleucus Philopator, fucceeds his father Antiochus, I. 360. a
raifer of taxes all his days, ibid. fends his treasurer to commit
facrilege in the temple of Jerufalem, 361. is deftroyed by him,
Septimius Severus, a just and provident emperor, II. 185, &c.
Shalmanefer, carried the ten tribes into captivity, I. 142.
Shaw (Dr.) his account of the Arabians, I. 32. of Palestine, 131,
132. of Tyre, 199, 200.

Shem and Japheth, their good behaviour on their father's
drunkenness, I. 6. the bleflings promised upon them and their
pofterity, 14. how fulfilled both in former and latter times,
15, 16. II, 400. the promises of Japheth's dwelling in the tents
of Shem explained and fulfilled, I. 16, 17.

Sherlock (Bp.) his exposition of Jacob's propliecy chiefly followed,
I. 55, &c.

Shiloh, fhown to be the Meffiah in the various fenfes of the
word, I. 57-59.


Sidon, an ancient city, celebrated by Homer and other poets, I.


Simeon and Levi, Jacob's prophecy about these two tribes, and
how fulfilled, I. 52, &c,

Smyrna, the fecond epifle to the feven churches addreffed to
them, II, 169. its fituation and commerce, ibid. its present
ftate as to religion, ibid.

Soul, that it grew prophetic near death, an opinion of great anti-
quity, I. 49, 50.

South and North, kings of, who to be understood by them, I. 341,
397, 398.

Star out of Jacob, and a scepter out of Ifrael, that prophecy ex-
plained, I. 76-81.

Spirit, the gifts and graces of the Holy Spirit often described by
fprings of water, I. 299.

Spon (Dr.) his remark about the church of Philadelphia, II.


States or nations, feldom ruined without preceding figns,
II. 25, 26, many awful figns from the fins of this nation,


Sulpicius Severus, his expofition of Nebuchadnezzar's dream,
I. 250, 251.


TACITUS, his account of the prodigies before the deftruc-

tion of Jerufalem, II. 18.

[ocr errors]

Tamerlane, his great conquefts, II. 67. vifits Jerufalem, ibid.
Tertullian, his opinion of the Man of Sin, II. 114. of the millen-
nium, 356.

Theodoret, too much promotes the worship of faints, II. 137,


Thuanus, his character of the Waldenses, II. 255–257. his ac-
count of their fufferings and difperfion, 257, 258.

Thyatira, a Chriftian church formerly there, this denied by fome
heretics, II. 171. its prefent condition an effect of the divine
judgments for their fins, ibid.

Titus, furrounds Jerufalem with a wall, II. 32. commands the
city and temple to be deftroyed, 57. his wonderful preserva-
tion at the siege, 78.

Toledo, that council ordered the children of the Jews to be taken
from them, I, 112,

Trajan and Severus, their attempts against Arabia repelled in an
extraordinary manner, I. 30. the wars and flaughters in the
reigns of Trajan and his fucceffors, II. 182. the Jews fubdued
by him, ibid.


Trofly, that council's good regulations, II. 245. differs from the
fpiri and principles of the council of Trent, ibid.

Trumpets, the feven periods diftinguished by the sound of seven
trumpets, II. 200. filence of half an hour previous to their
founding, ibid. forefhow the condition of the Roman empire
after it became Chriftian, 201. the defign of the trumpets,
ibid. the events at the founding of the first trumpet, 201, 203.
at the founding of the fecond, 203, 204. at the founding of
the third, 205, 206. at the founding of the fourth, 206, 207.
the three following diftinguished by the name of the woe-
trumpets, 208. the events at the founding of the fifth, 209—
217. at the founding of the fixth trumpet, 218. an account of
the seventh trumpet, 269, &c.

Turks, a part of Daniel's prophecy fuppofed to refer to the de-
ftruction of their empire, 1. 405–409. their four kingdoms
on the river Euphrates, II. 218, 219. their numerous armies,
efpecially their cavalry, 222. their delight in fcarlet, blue and
yellow, 223. the ufe of great guns and gun-powder among
them, 223, 224. their power to do hurt by their tails, 224. See

Tyre, prophecies concerning it, I. 180-202. Its fall predicted
by Ifaiah and Ezekiel, 180. the prophecies relate to both old
and new Tyre, 180, 181. a very ancient city, 182. the daughter
of Sidon, but in time excelled the mother, 183. in a florishing
condition when the prophet foretels her deftruction for her
wickedness, 184. the particulars included in the prophecies
about it, 184, 185. the city taken and deftroyed by Nebuchad-
nezzar and the Chaldeans, 185-187. the inhabitants to pass
over the Mediterranean, but to find no reft, 188-190. the
the city to be reftored after feventy years, 190-192. to be
taken and destroyed again, 192-197. the people to forsake
idolatry and become converts to the true religion, 194, 195,
the city at laft to be totally deftroyed and become a place for
fifhers to spread their nets upon, 197. thefe prophecies to be
fulfilled by degrees, 197. a fhort account from the time of
Nebuchadnezzar to the present time, 197-199. the accounts
given by three writers, 199, 200. this account concluded with
reflections upon trade, 200, 201.


VIALS, feven, a preparatory vifion to their being poured
out, II. 312-315. thefe feven plagues or vials belong to
the last trumpet, and not yet fulfilled, 313, 314. feven angels
appointed to pour out the feven vials, 314, 315. the com-
miffion to pour them out, 315. the first vial or plague, 316,


the fecond and third, 316, 317. the fourth, $18. the fifth, 318.
the fixth, 319, 320. the seventh and last, 320, 321.

Vitrimga, his opinion about a paffage in Balaam's prophe y, I.
77. a most excellent commentator upon Ifaiah. 195. one of
the best interpreters of the Revelation, II. 154.

Voltaire, his account of the present state of Palestine, I. 128. an
agreeable yet a fuperficial writer, II. 152.


Aldenfes and Albigenfes, witneffes for the truth in the
twelfth century, II. 252. their rife and opinions, 252-
254. teftimonies concerning them, 254-257. are very much
perfecuted, and fly into other countries, 257. pronounce the
church of Rome to be apocalyptic Babylon, 306.

Warburton, his expofition of the far out of Jacob, and fcepter
out of Ifrael, I. 80. his account of the figurative language used
in foretelling the deftruction of Jerufalem, II. 52, &c.
Wetstein, his explication of the Man of Sin refuted, II. 99, 100.
complimented his understanding to cardinal Quirini, 100.
Wheeler, his account of Smyrna, II. 169. he esteems an English
prieft an evangelift, 170. his obfervation about the judgments
on the seven churches of Afia, 174.

Whitby, his fcheme about the Man of Sin perplexed and confused,
II. 97. and refuted, 97-99. profeffes not to understand the
Revelation, 152.

White Horse, our Saviour cometh forth riding on one, II. 345.
a token of victory over his enemies, 347.

White Throne, the general refurrection and judgment reprefented
by it, II. 360.

Wickliff, preaches against the doctrins and lives of the clergy,
II. 261. his books read in the colleges at Oxford, ibid. after his
death his doctrins condemned, books burnt, and body dug up
and burnt, 263. his followers however not difcouraged, ibid.
Witneffes, protest against the corruptions of religion, II. 231.
why faid to be two witneffes, ibid. to prophefy in fackcloth
during the grand corruption, ibid. the character of these
witnesses, and of the power and effect of their preaching, 232,
233. their passion, death, refurrection, and afcenfion, 233-
235. the prophecy about the witneffes applied by fome to
John Hufs and Jerome of Prague, 235, and by others to the
Proteftants of the league of Smalcald, 235, 236. alfo to the
maffacre of the Proteftants in France, 236, 237. others to
later events, to the Proteftants in the valleys of Piedmont,
237. an hiftorical deduction fhewing true witneffes against the
church of Rome from the feventh century to the Reformation,
238, &c. witneffes in the eighth century, 239-241. in the

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