Embracing Travail: Retrieving the Cross TodayBloomsbury Academic, 1 maj 1999 - 224 In Embracing Travail, Cynthia Crysdale explores the mystery of redemption through the central Christian symbol of the cross. Traditionally, the cross has been understood by male theologians as redeeming humankind from sin as arrogant ambition. Yet the difficulties of understanding sin primarily in this way, especially for women and those on the "underside" of history, has been recognized for several decades. Rather, argues Crysdale, by virtue of life experience, people - women as well as men - enter the drama of the cross and resurrection at different points: some through repentance, seeking forgiveness, and others through a courageous claiming of self-identity, seeking healing. In an approach that is both anecdotal and analytical, personal and theological, Crysdale provides a renewed understanding of Christian redemption for preachers and Christian educators as well as the general public. |
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Strona 34
... role of the concrete per- son in knowing , doing , and believing . 32 Thus , while theories of justifica- tion - how the sinner is made righteous in God's sight - continue to be important , the process by which grace transforms people's ...
... role of the concrete per- son in knowing , doing , and believing . 32 Thus , while theories of justifica- tion - how the sinner is made righteous in God's sight - continue to be important , the process by which grace transforms people's ...
Strona 87
... role of voice in claiming redemptive meaning expands the points made earlier about embracing travail . First ... roles as knowers and creators of meaning and value . To identify with Jesus as the crucified , and to discover the ...
... role of voice in claiming redemptive meaning expands the points made earlier about embracing travail . First ... roles as knowers and creators of meaning and value . To identify with Jesus as the crucified , and to discover the ...
Strona 102
... role in making women vulnerable to abuse and suffering . With regard to sin , a few of the culprits include sin as ( 1 ) anger , ( 2 ) disobedience , ( 3 ) pride , and ( 4 ) concupiscence . 21 The exhortation to silence above is implic ...
... role in making women vulnerable to abuse and suffering . With regard to sin , a few of the culprits include sin as ( 1 ) anger , ( 2 ) disobedience , ( 3 ) pride , and ( 4 ) concupiscence . 21 The exhortation to silence above is implic ...
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Kluczowe wyrazy i wyrażenia
abuse action authentic resistance becomes Bernard Lonergan Brown and Bohn chap chapter Christ Christian church claim communion concrete cross crucified crucifixion Crysdale cultural Dead Man Walking death Desire dialectic discover discovery discussion distorted divine domination Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza embodied embracing travail eschatology ethic of control ethic of risk experience faith Feminist Feminist Theology forgiveness God's gospel grace grasp healing hope human husband Ibid images insights insist integration interpretation involves Jesus knowing Linda lives Maryknoll Maya Angelou meaning narrative one's oneself oppression Orbis Books pain Patriarchy perpetrator person Press problem of evil questions redemptive violence religious religious conversion René Girard resistance and surrender responsibility resurrection role salvation Schüssler Fiorenza sense sexual shift sins slaves social solidarity spiritual story suffering tell tension Tesfai theology tion Toronto tradition trans transformation truth understanding University of Toronto victims voice Walter Wink Welch Wink woman Womanist women York