Summa Theologiae: Volume 55, The Resurrection of the Lord: 3a. 53-59C. Thomas Moore Cambridge University Press, 26 paź 2006 - 168 The Summa Theologiae ranks among the greatest documents of the Christian Church, and is a landmark of medieval western thought. It provides the framework for Catholic studies in systematic theology and for a classical Christian philosophy, and is regularly consulted by scholars of all faiths and none, across a range of academic disciplines. This paperback reissue of the classic Latin/English edition first published by the English Dominicans in the 1960s and 1970s, in the wake of the Second Vatican Council, has been undertaken in response to regular requests from readers and librarians around the world for the entire series of 61 volumes to be made available again. The original text is unchanged, except for the correction of a small number of typographical errors. |
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Inne wydania - Wyświetl wszystko
Summa Theologiae: Volume 55, The Resurrection of the Lord: 3a. 53-59 C. Thomas Moore Ograniczony podgląd - 2006 |
Kluczowe wyrazy i wyrażenia
angels anima animæ articulus Augustine Augustinus dicit autem cælo cælum causa nostræ Christ Christ's body Christ's resurrection Christo secundum convenit converso Corinthians corporis corpus Christi dexteram Patris dicitur dictum disciples discipulis divine Dominus ejus enim ergo dicendum quod Ergo videtur quod etiam etsi Father fuerit fuit Furthermore gloriam glory habet Hominis human nature ideo idest inquantum ipse Jerusalem Bible Joan John 20 judge judgement judiciaria potestas judiciary power judicium lect Luke 24 Mark 16 modo modum naturæ naturam nihil nisi nostræ omnia pertinet POINT:1 post resurrectionem potest Præterea primo primum ergo dicendum propter quæ quædam quam quantum quia quidem quod corpus rection RESPONSIO resur resurgere resurrectio Christi resurrectionis resurrexit right hand scilicet secundum dicendum quod secundum illud secundum quod sedere ad dexteram sedet sibi sic proceditur:1 sicut soul spiritual St Thomas suæ sunt supra tamen tertia tertium dicendum quod utrum videtur quod Christus virtute