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be remedied, before "this ministry" can answer the high purposes of which it is capable. Having had a pretty fair opportunity of becoming acquainted with the regulations, practices and feelings of various societies, in Massachusetts. New Hampshire, and Maine, I think myself qualified to judge as accurately of this matter, as laymen in general. And let it be here remarked, that Lattribute the errors, which i shall attempt to expose, to the most innocent of all causes that are manifestly injurious in their effects.

One leading error in the calculations of a newly organized Society, is, a determination to employ some popular and long experienced preacher, or none. Many people have the notion, that their prosperity depends altogether on the number that happens to countenance some of their first meetings; than which nothing could be more incorrect. There is something, it is true, peculiarly gratifying to the pride and ambition of religious associations, to see multitudes thronging the place of worship, and then, as the saying is, "to have the ministerial work done up, in proper style." But the question is, whether it is good policy, to be set on having an old, popular preacher a few sabbaths, rather than to employ a man of good acquirements, though of less experience and celebrity, for a much longer time. By employing an older preacher at great expense, the funds are at once exhausted, and the society is left in disorder and inactivity; whereas, had a young man been encouraged, a meeting might have been maintained twice or thrice as many Sabbaths, and probably much more to the benefit and increase of the society. What propriety is there in engaging a person from a great distance, at an enormous expense, to preach a few Sabbaths, when there is not the least prospect of ever obtaining his constant services? The extra-excitement

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produced by such labors, are generally succeeded by a re-action highly unfavorable to the society, by preventing the usefulness of less eminent gifts; or rather, by leaving the people in a state of inactivity and languor. It never argues any thing in favor of our common cause, to hear of mighty movements, when the people of neighboring villages turned out en masse, to hear the Rev. Mr. Famous, or Rev. Br. Pleaseall, and listened to a trim-my-course sermon, with all devouring attention, exclaiming at the close, "It was the voice of a god, and not of man." Such things among Universalists, answer to what are called "revivals" among the orthodox, methodists and free willers. The effects of such preaching are commonly as evanescent as they are dazzling. They are unlike the genuine, permanent increase of the gospel truth, which is compared to the slow, silent growth of a "mustard-seed" and an "ear of corn," and not to the mushroom that comes to maturity in one night, and disappears in the morning.

Another error, not much less to be deprecated, is, that in some instances, young Preachers are employed for a certain number of Sabbaths, but it is a part of the engagement that they shall exchange, at least, one day of four with some aged or popular minister. What, let me ask, brethren, can be more disheartening and discouraging to a young man of talents? Such things at the oustet, paralize the energies of his soul. He cannot come before his employers, with any degree of confidence, or hope of usefulness. He sees himself undervalued at the very beginning; and can never act himself, under such circumstances.

It is no uncommon thing to hear people inquire of their preacher, how long it will be before the time will arrive for the exchange to take place; and excuse themselves for having neglected public worship, by saying the

distance is too great to the Meeting-house, for them often to attend, unless they can have an opportunity of hearing "some of our great guns!” Are not such things as wounding to the feelings of a young minister, whose soul is alive to the interests of religion, as they are inexcusable in those who broach them? How can it be expected that the "striplings of our Israel" will ever rise to eminence, if their youthful exertions are thus treated with contempt? An exchange of ministerial services is proper, and, if prudently brought about, may be highly useful. But when exchanges take place to gratify a few religious idlers, and to call out the members of a society that would otherwise neglect the house of worship, and this too, under such circumstances as to wound and discourage the heart of a youthful preacher, over whom the game is played, they are not only useless, but extremely hurtful in their general tendency. Such improprieties, brethren, cannot be too cautiously avoided.

The next error which I shall mention, is the expectation of many, that because they have a new minister, they shall therefore hear a new sermon, or a sermon abounding with new and original ideas. This mistake cannot be too palpably marked, as it is one of almost universal recognition. I was present at a meeting, a short time since, at which a senior preacher delivered a discourse before one of his young brethren, who had been his student in theology. His discourse was good, to be sure, but of the cominon-place character, without even an attempt at originality. He spake in a positive, declamatory style, on the "love of God, the death of Christ, and the salvation of the world." No sooner was the audience dismissed, than a general hum-buz commenced, and a louder chit-chat followed, in commendation of the sermon. Some of them pronounced

it "the greatest piece of work" they ever heard--others said, "it ought to be printed"-and not a few, that, "if they could hear such preaching, they would subscribe five times as much as they had, and go to meeting every Sabbath :" and all this, mind you, in the presence and hearing of a most worthy and promising young man, whom the society had employed, for a few sabbaths, for a scanty recompense. What think you, gentle reader, must have been his feelings on witnessing the extravagant compliments which were paid to his senior brother, for a common-place, every day discourse? Could he stand before that audience, or the moiety of it which might see fit to attend worship on the succeeding Sabbath, (for this was Friday evening,) and speak with any confidence, energy, or hope of being useful? Must he not have been aware, that however richly his sermon might be interspersed with original arguments, it would appear "nothing worth" in the eyes of those, who were accustomed to estimate a performance according to the age, reputation, and popularity of the preacher, and not by analyzing its real merits?

But it is a fact, which, in my opinion, will be obvious to all candid and capable observers, that a visiting minister is much more likely to dwell on familiar and well understood points of doctrine, than one who is statedly laboring in the society. Hence, if I wished to attend meetings from motives of curiosity, I would by all means, hear the minister of the parish. He is under a sort of necessity, from the circumstances of his situation, to bring from his treasury, something new as well as old. Whereas it is not so with a stranger. He can be heard with every expression of attention and deference, which is requisite to enkindle his zeal and animation, while repeating an old discourse, which has been preached in twenty different places.

These improprieties are not exhibited for the contemptible purpose of pointing out motes in a brother's eye; nor to answer mere personal ends, as I am neither a young preacher, nor the father of such a one. No, dear, brethren, my object is of a higher, nobler character. It is to remind all whom it may concern, that great encouragement should be given to those young Elishas in the vineyard, on whom the burthen of labor must soon devolve, as the Elijahs are called hence.


is to induce a constant attendance on public worship, and not expect to build up a society by occasional meetings, rousing sermons, and moonlight revivals. Our cause is to be permanently established by a regular ministry, regular attendance, regular attention and a regular life and conversation. May God add his blessing for the Redeemer's sake. Amen.

For the Repository.


Mr. Editor-I send you Archbishop Newcomb's explanation upon three very important passages of scripture-they are taken from his new translation of the New-Testament. The question will only arise, What were the religious sentiments of that great man?

Page 61. And these shall go away into everlasting punishment. "The word here rendered punishment properly signifies correction inflicted for the benefit of the offender. And the word translated everlasting is often used to express a long but indefinite duration. This text, therefore, so far from giving countenance to the harsh doctrine of eternal misery, is rather favorable to the more pleasing and more probable hypothesis of the ultimate restitution of the wicked to virtue and

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