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ACETUS, his character, Number 422.

Admiration, a pleasing motion of the mind, N. 413.
Affectation, the misfortune of it, N. 404; described 460.
Almighty, his power over the imagination, N. 421; Aristotle's

saying of his being, 465.

Allegories, like light to a discourse, N. 421; eminent writers

faulty in them, ibid.
Allusions, the great art of a writer, N. 421.

Amazons, their commonwealth, N. 433; how they educated
their children, 434; their wars, ibid. they marry their male
allies, ibid.

Americans used painting instead of writing, N. 416.
Amity between agreeable persons of different sexes dangerous,

Ν. 400.

Amoret, the jilt reclaimed by Philander, N. 401.
Ann Boleyn's last letter to King Henry VIII, N. 397.
Ancients in the East, ther way of living, Ν. 415.
Appearances, things not to be trusted for them, N. 464.
Applause (public) its pleasure, N. 442.
April (month of) described, N. 425.
Arabella, verses on her singing, N. 443.

Architecture, the ancients perfection in it, N. 415; the great-

ness of the manner, how it strikes the fancy, ibid. Of the
manner of both ancients and moderns, ibid. the concave
and convex figures have the greatest air, ibid. every thing
that pleases the imagination in it, is either great, beautiful,
or new, ibid.

Art, (works of) defective to entertain the imagination, N. 414;;
receive great advantage from their likeness to those of Nay
ture, ibid.

August and July (months of) described, N. 425..

Ef 2


BABEL, (Tower of) N. 415.

Bacon (Sir Francis) prescribes his reader a poem or prospect, as
conducive to health, N. 411; what he says of the pleasure
of taste, 447.

Bankruptcy, the misery of it, N 428, 456.
Bar oratory in England, reflection on it, N. 407.
Basilius Valentinus, and his son, their story, N. 426-
Baxter, (Mr.) his last words, N. 445; more last words, ibid.
Bayle, (Mr.) what he says of libels, N. 451.

Bear-Garden, a combat there, N. 436; the cheats of it, 449.
Beauty heighted by motion, N. 406.

Beauty of objects, what understood by it, N. 412; nothing males
its way more directly to the soul, ibid. every species of sen-
sible creatures has different notions of it, ibid. a second kind
of it, ibid.

Beggars, the grievance of them, N. 430.
Belvidera, a critique on a song upon her, N. 470.

Belus, Jupiter, (Temple of) N. 415.

Birds, how affected by colours, N. 412.

Blast, (Lady) her character, N. 457.

Bluemantle, (Lady) an account of her, N. 427.

Buck, (Timothy) his answer to James Miller's challenge, N,


Buffoonery, censured, N. 443.

Business (men of) their error in similitudes, N. 421; of learn-

ing fittest for it, 469.

Bussy d'Amboise, a story of him, N. 467.


CAESAR lost his life by neglecting a Roman augur's caution,

Ν. 395.

Cælia, her character, N. 404.

Calisthenes, his character, Ν. 422.

Calumny, the ill effects of it, Ν. 451.

Camilla's letter to the Spectator from Venice, N. 433; how ap-

plauded there, ibid.

Cartesian, how he would account for the ideas, formed by
the fancy, from a single circumstance of the memory, N.

Cato, the respect paid him at the Roman theatre, N. 446.
Chamont's saying of Monimia's misfortune, N. 395.
Charity-schools to be encouraged, N. 430.

Charles II. his gaieties, N. 462.

Charms, none can supply the place of Virtue, N. 395.
Children, their duty to their parents, N. 426; ill education of

them fatal, N. 431.

Chinese laugh at our gardens, and why, N. 414.
Chremylus, his character out of Aristophanes, N.464.
Cicero, his genius, N. 404; the oracle's advice to him, ibid.
what he says of scandal, 427; of the Roman gladiators,


Clarendon (Earl of) his character of a person of a troublesome
curiosity, N. 439.

Cleanthes, his character, Ν. 404.

Cleopatra, a description of her sailing down the Cydnos, N.


Cloe, the idiot, N. 466.

Colours, the eye takes most delight in them, N. 412; why the
poets borrow most epithets from them, ibid. only ideas in the
mind, 413; speak all languages, 416.

Comedies, (English) vicious, Ν. 446.
Commonwealth of Amazons, N. 433.

Compassion civilizes human nature, N. 397; how to touch it,


Company, temper chiefly to be considered in the choice of it, N.


Concave and convex figures in architecture have the greatest air,
and why, N. 415.

Confidence, the danger of it to the ladies, Ν. 395.
Coverley (Sir Roger de) his adventure with Sukey, N. 410;

his good humour, 424.

Conversation, an improvement of taste in letters, N. 409.
Country life, why the poets in love with it, N. 414; what Horace

and Virgil say of it, ibid. rules for it, 424.

Courage wants other good qualities to set it off, N. 422.

Court and city, their peculiar ways of life and conversation, N.


Critics (French) friends to one another, N. 409.
Cuckoldom abused on the stage, N. 446.

Curiosity (absurd) an instance of it, N. 439.

Custom a second nature, N. 437; the effect of it, ibid. how to
make a good use of it, ibid. cannot make every thing pleas-
ing, 455.

Cynthio and Flavia break off their amour very whimsically, N.



DACINTHUS, his character, N. 462.

Dainty, (Mrs. Mary) her memorial from the country infirmary,

Ν. 429.

Damon and Strephon, their amour with Gloriana, N. 423.
Dancing displays beauty, N. 466; on the stage faulty, ibid. the

advantages of it, ibid.

Dangers, past, why the reflection of them pleases, N. 418.
Day, the several times of it, in several parts of the town, N,

Deluge, Mr. W........n's notion of it reproved, N. 396.
Defamation, the sign of an ill heart, N. 427; papers of that kind
a scandal to the government, 451; to be punished by good
ministers, ibid.

Denying, sometimes a virtue, N 458.
Deportment, (religious) why so little appearance of it in England,
Ν. 448.

Descriptions come short of statuary and painting, N. 416;
please sometimes more than the sight of things, ibid. the
same not alike relished by all, ibid. what pleases in them,
418; what is great, surprising, and beautiful, more accept-
able to the imagination than what is little, common, or de-
formed, ibid.

Desire, when corrected, N. 400.

Devotion, the noblest buildings owing to it, N. 415.

Diana's cruel sacrifices condemned by an ancient poet, N..


Dionysius's ear, what it was, N. 439.

Discourse in conversation not to be engrossed by one man, N.


Distracted persons, the sight of them the most mortifying thing

in nature, N. 421.

Dogget, how cuckolded on the stage, N. 446.
Domestic life, reflections concerning it, N. 455.
Doris, Mr. Congreve's character of her, N. 422.
Drama, its first original a religious worship, N. 405.
Dream of the seasons, N. 425; of golden scales, 463.

Dress, the ladies extravagance in it, N. 435; an ill intention in

their singularity, ibid. the English character to be modest,
in it, ibid.

Drink, the effects it has on modesty, N. 458..


EASTCOURT, (Dick) his character, N. 468.
Editors of the classics, their faults, N. 470.

Education of children, errors in it, N. 431; a letter on that sub-

ject, 455; gardening applied to it, ibid.

Emblematical persons, N. 419.

Employments, whoever excels in any, worthy of praise, N.


Emulation, the use of it, Ν. 432.

Enemies, the benefits that may be received from them, N. 399.
English naturally modest, N. 407, 435; thought proud by foreign-

ers, N. 432.

Enmity, the good fruits of it, N. 399.

Epictetus's saying of sorrow, N. 397.

Equestrian ladies, N. 435.

Error, his habitation described, N. 460; how like to truth, ibid.
Essay on the pleasures of the imagination, from N. 411 to 421.
Ether, (fields of) the pleasures of surveying them, N. 420.

Evergreens of the fair-sex, N. 395.

Euphrates river contained in one bason, N. 415.

Exchange (Royal) described, Ν. 454.


FAIRY writing, N. 419; the pleasures of imagination that
arise from it, ibid. more difficult than any other, and why.
ibid. the English the best poets of this sort, ibid.

Faith, the benefit of it, N. 459; the means of confirming it,

Fame, a follower of merit, N. 426; the palace of it described,

439; courts compared to it, ibid.

Familiarities indecent in society, N. 429.

Fancy, all its images enter by the sight, N. 411.
Fashion, a description of it, N. 460.

Father, the affection of one for a daughter, N. 449.

Flavilla spoiled by a marriage, N. 437.

Faults (secret) how to find them out, N. 399.

Fear (passion of) treated, N. 471.

Feeling, not so perfect a sense as sight, N. 411.

Fiction, the advantage the writers have in it to please the imagina-

tion, N. 419; what other writers please in it, 420..

Fidelia, her duty to her father, N. 449.

Final causes of delight, in objects, N. 413; lie bare, and open,

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