Obrazy na stronie

Wide, the villains march, 61.

was his parish. 2.

Widening, ever, slowly silence all,555.
Widow of fifty, here's to the, 379,
some undone, 149.

weeds appears, in, 387.
Widow's heart to sing, 590.

Widowed wife and wedded maid, 453.
Wielded at will, 197.

Wife and children impediments to
great enterprises, 137.
Cæsar's, above suspicion, 624.
dearer than the bride, 321.
giving honour unto the, 617.
honest, can see her beauty in, 393.
love your neighbour's, 520.
of thy bosom, 587.
the weaker vessel, 617.
true and honourable, 85.
widowed, and wedded maid, 453.
with nine small children, 585.
Wifly patience, flour of, 3.
Wight, if ever such, were, 127.

O base Hungarian, 22.
Wild and willowed shore, 447.
by starts it was, 333.
in their attire, 89.
in wools, when, 229.

passion-waves lulled to rest, 501.
thyme blows, bank where the, 35.
waves saying, what are the, 561.
with all regret, 551.

Wilderness a lodging-place, 605.
choice grain into this, 171.
lodge in some vast, 330.
love in such a, 444.

of single instances, 555.

of sweets, 191.

Wild fowl, concerning, 51.

Wile, children with endearing, 341.
Wiles, simple, praise blame, 404.

wanton, cranks and, 204.

Will, be there a, 382.

complies against his, 220.
current of a woman's, 253.
executes a freeman's, 511.
for if she, she will, 251.
for the deed, 651.
free, fixed fate, 183.
glideth at his own sweet, 410.
Honeycomb, 252.

I should have my, 573.
left free the human, 287.
my poverty but not my, 82.
not when he may, 552.
one man's, to live by, 18.
or won't, a woman, 261.
pay thy poverty not thy, 82.
puzzles the, 111.

reason pinders, 116.
serveth not another's,


Will, star of the unconquered, 536.
state's collected, 373.
temperate, reason firm, 405.
to do the soul to dare, 450.
torrent of a woman's, 261.
unconquerable, 178.
wielded at, 197.

William, you are old Father, 426.
Willie Winkie, wee, 556,

Willing, the spirit indeed is, 610.
to wound, 281.

Willingly let it die, 210.

Willow, lake where drooped the, 527.
Willowed shore, wild and, 447.
Willows, harps upon the, 595.
Willowy brook, 401.

Wills and fates so contrary run, 113.
to do or say, 194.

Win a woman with his tongue, 21.
the good we oft might, 24.

the trick, when in doubt, 634.
they laugh that, 130, 649.

us to our harm, 90.

us with honest trifles, 90.
wouldst wrongly, 91.

Wince, let the galled jade, 114.
Wind and his nobility, betwixt the, 57.
bayed the whispering, 310.
blow, come wrack, 100.
blow thou winter, 44.

bloweth where it listeth, 611.
blows, tell which way the, 156.
breathing of the common, 412.
crannying, save to the, 474.
dances in the, when she, 227.
dry, dry sun, 6.

estridges that with the, 60.
fly upon the wings of the. 591.
God gives, by measure, 161.
God tempers the, 322.

he that observeth the, 601.
hears him in the, 269.
hollow blasts of, 294.
hope constancy in, 470.
idle as the, 88.

ill blows the, 642.

ill, turns none to good, 6.

ill, which blows no man good, 642.
large a charter as the, 43.

let her down the, 129.

may the east, never blow when he
goes a fishing, 157.
or weather, 435.
passeth over it, 594.
run before the, 357.
sits the, in that corner,
sorrow's keenest, 410.
stands as never it stood, 6.
streaming to the, 180.


strumpet, beggared by the, 38.
tears shall drown the, 92.

gat follows fast, 446.
and cid harper, 569.
Lave sown the, 605.

Per storm against the, 476.
wn the, away, 119.

"ll every, 325.

en hill. 444.

ng beat, with many a, 205.

e, wile and, 474.

ap lays with toil, 66.

see them on their, 464.

'ning-sheet of Edward's race, 327.
snew shall be their, 443.

ŵ new like a pillory, each, 219.
Sght through yonder, 78

f the east, the golden, 77.
tirin at the, cryin' at the lock, 556.
Windowed raggedness, 122.
Windows of the sky, 303.

storied, richly dight, 207.
that exclude the light, 331.

Winds and waves on the side of the

ablest navigators, 355.

blew great guns, though, 381.
blow, crack your cheeks, 122.
blow till they have wakened death,


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Wing, as a bareless, 474.

turice fie. 3€1.

Cast & Crimson, 327.

damp my intended, 144.
dropped from an angel's, 415.
human sai take, 4-3.

the dart, plucked to, 462.

Winged Cupid is painted bund, 34.
hours of Cass, +42

sea-girt cita del, 472.
the shaft, 479.

Wings, all speel to thy, 184.
chickens under her, €19.
clip an angels, 382.
flies with swylor's, 71.
girt with golder, 199.
healing in 1, ***
in tears, dip their,
lend your. 28.


lends corruption lighter, 275.
lets grow her, 2010.

like a dove, où that I had, 393.
love without Lis, 490.

of all the winds, 7

of borrowed wit, 155.

of night, fails from the, 137.
of silence, float upon the, 199.

of the morning. 595

of the wind, fly upon the, 501.
of winds came flying, on, 281.
on wide waving, 372

riches make themselves, 598.
sailing on obsccue, 431.
shadow of thy, 391.

shail tell the matter, C1.

spreads his light, 256.

that which hath, 601.

Winning, world worth the, 225.

Windy side of the law, keep on the, 51. | Winking Mary-buds, 134.

Wine, a cup of hot, 76.

a new friend is as new, 606.
and I'll not look for, 147

flown with insolence and. 179.
for thy stomach's sake, 616.
good, needs no bush, 46.
invisible spirit of, 128.

is a good familiar creature, 128.
is a mocker, 597.

like the best, 602.

look not thou upon the. 598.

of life is drawn, 94.

old, to drink, 630.

old, wholesomest, 168.
our gobiets gleam in, 542.
sudden friendship springs from,


sweet poison of misused, 199.
that maketh glad the heart, 594.

Wins not more than honesty, 74.
Winter comes to rule, 32.

in his bounty, no. 133.
in thy year, no. 377.

is past, for lo the, 602.
lingering chills the lap, 333.
loves a dirge-like sound, 408.
my age is as a lusty, 42.

of our discontent, 69.

ruler of the inverted year, 362.
when the dismal rain, 69.
wind, blow blow thou, 44.

Winter's fury, withstood the, 292.

day, sunbeam in a. 209.
head, crown old, 169.
Wipe a bloody nose, 245.

my weeping eyes, 255.
Wiped away the weeds, 532.
our eyes of drop, 43.

Wiped with a little address, 359.
Wisdom, all men's, 634.

and false philosophy, 183.
and wit are born with a man, 156.
and wit are little seen, 260.
apply our hearts unto, 594.
at one entrance, 186.

erieth without, 595.
finds a way, 382.

is better than rubies, 596.
is humble, 364.

is justified of her children, 608.
is the gray hair unto men, 606.
is the principal thing, 595.
man of, the man of years, 265.
married to immortal verse, 423.
mounts her zenith, 374.
nearer when we stoop, 421.
of many, wit of one, 634.
of our ancestors, 352.

price of, is above rubies, 590.
shall die with you, 590.
the prime, 193.
therefore get, 595.

vain, all and false philosophy, 183.
wake, though, 186.

will not enter, 528.

with mirth, who mixed, 342.
world is governed with little, 156.
Wisdom's aid, friend of pleasure, 336.
gate, suspicion sleeps at, 186."
part, this is, 309.

self oft seeks solitude, 200.
Wise above that which is written, 613.
all that men held, 170.

amazed temperate and furious, 94.
and masterly inactivity, 335.
as serpents, 608.

as the frogs, 306.

Bacon or brave Raleigh, 284.
be not worldly, 159.

coffee makes the politician, 279.
convey the, it call, 22.

do never live long, 71.
exceeding, fair-spoken, 75.
father knows his own child, 38.
follies of the, 312.

folly to be, 326.

for cure on exercise depend, 223.
good to be merry and, 641.
great men are not always, 590.
histories make men, 138.
in his own conceit, 599.
in show, 209.

in their own craftiness. 589.
in your own conceits, 613.
little, the best fools be, 144.
made lowly, 418.
man is strong, 598.
man's son, every,
men's counters, words are, 155.

Wise passiveness, 416.

saws and modern instances, 44.
son maketh a glad father, 596.
spirits of the, sit in the clouds, 63.
the only wretched are the, 241.
the reverend head, 255.

to talk with past hours, 263.
to-day, be, 262.
type of the, 407.

with speed, be, 266.

words of the. 602.

Wisely, one that loved not, 131.
tell what hour o' the day, 215.
worldly, be, 159.

Wiser and better grow, 234.

for his learning, no man is, 156.
in his own conceit, 599.
in their generation, 611.
than a daw, no, 67.
Wisest brightest meanest, 272.
censure, mouths of, 127.
man who is not wise, 404.
men, relished by the, 331.
of men, Socrates the, 197.
second thoughts are, 23).
virtuousest best, 194.
Wish and care, man whose, 288.
her stay, who saw to, 193
his religion an anxious, 506.
not what we, 332.

was father to that thought, 64.
Wished she had not heard it, 126.

Wishes, all their country's, 336.
that I had clear for life, 245.
in idle, fools supinely stay, 382.
lengthen like our shadows, 265
sober, never learned to stray, 329.
soon as granted fly, 448.
stilled, be my vain, 396.
Wishing, content myself with, 319.
of all employments, 264.

Wit, a man in, 289.

Although he had much, 215.
among lords, 315.

and wisdom are little seen, 260.
and wisdom born with a man,
brevity is the soul of, 108.
brightens, how the, 278.
cause that, is in other men, 62.
devise, write pen, 31.
eloquence and poetry, 173.
enjoy your dear, 202.
hast so much, 252.

her, was more than man, 224.
high as metaphysic, 215.
in his little finger, 644.
in the combat, 462.

in the very first line, 342.
invites you, his, 357.
is a feather, 272.

is out when age is in, 29.


Wit, men of, will con descend, 246.
Liracle instead of, 27.

DOGS, DOC worth a leke. 3
De für so much room. 212
Do room for beads so rtle. 212
of one, wisdom of many. 604.

OD ALS, all men's wisdom, 634.
pity por, shall lure it back. 571
plentiful lack of, 1.8

Fat his whrie, in a jest, 152.
skirmish of, there's s. 2.
80 Darrow human, 276.
that can creep. 251.
to mortify a, 253.

too fine a point to your, 574.
too proud for a, 342.
true, is nature, 277.
whole nation void of, 334.

will come, and fancy, 290.
will shine, 223.

wings of borrowed, 155.
with dunces, 285

Wit's end, at their, 594.

Witch hath power to charm, 101.

the world with noble horseman-
ship, 61.

Witchcraft, hell of, 136.

this only is the, I have used, 126.
Witchery of soft blue sky, 409.
Witching time of night, 114.
Witchingly instil a sweetness, 303.
With thee conversing, 159.

thee, no living. 252.

too much quickness, 274
Wither, leaf also shall not, 591.
Withered and shaken, 512

and so wild in their attire, $9.
when true bearts lie, 458.
Withering fled, hope, 481.
on the ground, 291.

on the stalk, maidens. 417.
on the virgin thorn. 33.
Withers are unwrung. 114.
Within, I have that, 12.
is good and fair, 437.
one of her, 651.

that awful volume, 43.

they that are, would fain go out,

Without thee I cannot live, 505.

Thee we are poor, 33.

they that are, would fain go in, 145.
Witnesses, cloud of, 616.

Wits, dunce with. 285.

encounter of our, 70.
great, will jump. 641

home-keeping youth have homely.

lord among. 315.

to ma iness near allied, 221.
Witty in myself, I am not only, 62.

[ocr errors]

! Witty it shall be. 299.

to talk with. 163.

words though ne'er so, 14.
Wizards that peep. 63.

Woe. Altama murmurs to their, 342
amid severest. 35.

awaits a country, 449.

checkered paths of joy and. 319.
day of, the watchful night, 424.
deepest notes of. 37.

doth tread upon another's heel,115.
eloquence to, 451.

every, a tear can claim, 479.

feel another's, 258.

fig for, a fig for care, 141.
Cave signs of, 195.
heritage of, 482.

is life protracted, 311.

is me to have seen what I have, 112.
luxury of, 462.

man of, not always a, 447.

meit at others), 258, 1

mockery of, 289.

pilot of my proper, 482.
ponderous, 243.

rearward of a conquered, 135.
saber tints of, 331.

silence in love bewrays more, 14.

sleep the friend of, 424.
some degree of. 321.
source of my bliss and, 342.
succeeds a woe, 165.

tears of, smiles of joy, 461.
touch of joy or, 323.

trappings and suits of, 102.
weight of, bowed down by, 527.
Woe-begone, so, so dead in look, 2
Woes cluster. 23.

Galileo with his, 476.

rare are solitary. 23.

shall serve for sweet discourses. 81.
tear that flows for others, 372
unnumbered, 290,

Wold not when he might, 582.
Wolf dwell with the lamb. 63.
on the foid, like the, 482.

Wolves, silence ye. 285.

Woman a contradiction at best, 275.

among all those, not found a, 6).
and may be woord. 77.

believe a, or an epitaph, 470.

born of, 590.

brawling, in a house, 597.

contentious, 599.

could play the, with mine eyes, 28.
dark eye in. 475.

destructive damnable deceitful,237.
died, saint sustained it, 29.
don't become a young, 378.
excellent thing in. 124.
frailty thy name is, 103.

Woman, fury of a disappointed, 248.
good name in man and, 128.
how divine a thing, may be made,

I hate a dumpy, 486.

in her first passion, 487.
in our hours of ease, 450.
in this humour wooed, 70.
is at heart a rake, 274.
laborin' man and laborin', 565.
laid old Troy in ashes, 237.
lays his hand upon a, 393.
lost Mark Antony the world, 237.
lovely woman, 0, 237.
loves her lover, 487.

man delights not me no nor, 109.
man that is born of, 590.
moved, a fountain troubled, 47.
nature made thee to temper man,

of her word, honest. 38.
one that was a, 118.
perfect, nobly planned, 405.
perfected,earth's noblest thing,564.
preaching, 316.

scorned, no fury like a, 257.
she is a, 67, 77.
smiled, till, 441.

still be a, to you, 258.

stoops to folly, when lovely, 344.
such duty, oweth to her husband,

supper with such a, 296.
take an elder, let the, 49.
take some savage, 549.

that deliberates is lost, 249.

that seduces all mankind, 294.
therefore may be won, 77.
therefore may be wooed, 77.
therefore to be won, 67.
what mighty ills done by, 237.
will or won't depend on 't, 261.
win with his tongue, 21.

Woman's breast his favourite seat,


eye, such beauty as a, 32.
eyes, light that lies in, 459.
faith and woman's trust, 453.

looks, my only books were, 459.
love, brief my lord as, 113.
mood, fantastic as a, 451.
nay stands for naught, 135.
praise, sweeter sound of, 523
reason, none but a, 21.

whole existence, love is, 487.
will, current of a, 253.
work is never done, 584.
Womanhood and childhood, 537.
Womankind, faith in, 551.
Womb of morning dew, 11.

of nature, wild abyss the, 185.

Womb of pia mater, in the, 32.
of the morning, 619.
of uncreated night, 182.
Women, alas the love of, 487.
and brave men, 473.
bevy of fair, 196.

find few real friends, 321
framed to make, false, 127.
hear these tell-tale, 71.
in their first passion, 575.
like princes, 321.

men and, merely players, 44.
pardoned all, the, 489.
passing the love of, 588.
pleasing punishment of, 27.
seven, take hold of one man, 603.
sweet is revenge to, 485.
weak, went astray, 241.

when Achilles hid himself among,

wish to be who love their lords, 335.
words are, deeds are men, 162.
Women's eyes are books, 32.
weapons water-drops, 122.
Won, grace that, 193.

nor lost, neither, 321.

not unsought, 193.

she is a woman therefore to be, 67.
showed how fields were, 340.

though baffled oft is ever. 479.

was ever woman in this humour,

Wonder, all mankind's, 235.

grew, still the, 341.

how the devil they got there, 280.
nine days, 645.

of an hour, 472.

of Juliet's hand, white, 81.

of our stage, the, 148,
what I was begun for, 584.
where you stole 'em, 245.
without our special. 97.
Wonderful is death, 492.

most wonderful, 45.
yet again, 45.

Wonderfully and fearfully made, 595.
Wondering for his bread, 362.
Wonders, hair on end at his own,

that I yet have heard, 86.
to perform, his, 364.
Wondrous kind, makes one,
pitiful, it was, 126.

strange, this is, 108.

strong, ye are, 475.

sweet and fair, so, 175.

Won't, if she, she won't,




Wonted fires, e'en in our ashes, 330.
Woo, men are April when they, 46.
her, and that would, 126.
Wood, deep and gloomy, 406.
desk's dead, 430.

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