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however, as loosely as one verse with another. The first and last syllables, therefore, of each member are doubtful, and no elision takes place, in case the last letter of one member and the first of the other are vowels. Many are of opinion that these verses, being in effect separate verses, should be printed as such.

20. Versus iambelĕgus, consisting of a versus iambicus dimeter acatalectus (see No. 1), and a versus Archilochius minor (see No. 14):

Tu vi na Torquato | move || consule | pressa me|o.

Epod. 10, 6.

Leva re di ris pectora || sollicitudini | bus.

g. Verses of different feet.

Epod. 10, 10.

21. Versus Alcaicus hendecasyllabus, consisting of an iambus, bacchius, and two dactyls, with a cæsura after the bacchius; a spondee is generally used instead of an iambus:

Dulce et decorum est || pro patri | a mori. iii. 2, 13. Tumultuosum || sollici | tat mare. iii. 1, 26.

The cæsura is neglected in i. 14, 21; i. 31, 5 and 14; ii. 14, 21; iii. 2, 5; iv. 13, 17. In ii. 17, 13, is a hiatus in the cæsura.

22. Versus Alcaicus enneasyllabus, consisting of an iambus, bacchius, and two trochees. A spondee is generally substituted for the iambus:

Ædem que voti vam me mento. 11. 14, 31.

[ocr errors]

In ii. 3, 27, elision takes place between the last syllable and


the first of the succeeding verse, thus removing the syllable apparently superabundant.


Of these various verses nineteen metres or systems are formed by Horace. Sixteen occur in this book.

I. Metrum Asclepiadeum primum, povóxwhov povóorgopov, consisting of a versus Asclepiadeus minor (see No. 8) :

[blocks in formation]

II. Metrum Asclepiadeum secundum, dixwlov diorgopov, consisting of a versus Glyconicus (see No. 7) and a versus Asclepiadeus minor (see No. 8):

i. 3, 30.

iii. 14, 18, 19, 22.

iv. 2.

III. Metrum Asclepiadeum tertium, δίκωλον τετράστροφον, consisting of three versus Asclepiadei minores (see No. 8) and a versus Glyconicus (see No. 7):

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

IV. Metrum Asclepiadeum quartum, Toixolov TεTQάστQoqov,

consisting of two versus Asclepiadei minores (see No. 8), a versus Pherecratius (see No. 6) and a versus Glyconicus (see No. 7):

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

V. Metrum Asclepiadeum majus, μονόκωλον μονόστροφον, consisting of a versus Asclepiadeus major (see No. 9):

i. 10, 16. iv. 9.

|| - ~ ~ - || - - ~

VI. Metrum Sapphicum minus, dixwhov tergάoτgogov, consisting of three versus Sapphici minores (see No. 11) and a versus Adonicus (see No. 13):


i. 2, 9, 11, 17, 19, 25, 27, 32. ii. 2, 4, 7, 13.

iii. 7, 8, 10, 13, 16, 21.

iv. 1, 5, 10.

Carmen Sæculare.

VII. Metrum Sapphicum majus, dixwλor diorgoqov, consisting of a versus Aristophanicus (see No. 10) and a versus Sapphicus major (see No. 12):

[blocks in formation]

VIII. Metrum Alcaicum, toixolov Terqάorqoqov, consisting of two versus Alcaici hendecasyllabi (see No. 21), a versus Alcaicus enneasyllabus (see No. 22), and a versus Alcaicus decasyllabus (see No. 18):

i. 8, 14, 15, 21, 22, 24, 26, 28, 29, 31. ii. 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17. iii. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 12, 15, 17, 20, 23. iv. 3, 8, 13, 14.

IX. Metrum Archilochium primum, dixwhov diorgopov, consisting of a versus hexameter heroicus (see No. 17) and a versus Archilochius minor (see No. 14):

iv. 6.

X. Metrum Archilochium secundum, dixwλov diorgopov, consisting of a versus hexameter heroicus (see No. 17) and a versus iambelegus (see No. 20):

Epod. 10.

XI. Metrum Archilochium quartum, dixwhov divτgopov, consisting of a versus Archilochius major (see No. 19) and a versus iambicus trimeter catalectus (see No. 2):

i. 4.

XII. Metrum Alcmanium, δίκωλον δίστροφον, consisting of a versus hexameter heroicus (see No. 17) and a versus tetrameter heroicus (see No. 15):

i. 6, 23.

XIII. Metrum Iambicum primum, μονόκωλον μονόστροφον, consisting of a versus iambicus senarius (see No. 3):

Epod. 12.

XIV. Metrum Iambicum secundum, dixwλov diorgopov, consisting of a versus iambicus senarius (see No. 3) and a versus iambicus quaternarius (see No. 1):

Epod. 1-9.

XV. Metrum Pythiambicum secundum, dixolov diorgopov, consisting of a versus hexameter heroicus (see No. 17) and a versus iambicus senarius (see No. 3):


Epod. 11.

XVI. Metrum Trochaicum, dixwlov dioroogov, consisting of a versus trochaicus dimeter catalectus (see No. 5) and a versus iambicus trimeter catalectus (see No. 2):

Some consider this metre as μονόκωλον μονόστροφον, in

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