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new meeting, even among the captives in Algiers, where one Friend has a public testimony among them; and intimation given by letters out of America, that things are generally well with Friends in those parts. All which being considered, we have great cause to prize the Lord's power and goodness, and to pray for the continuance of his love, and increase of his wisdom, government, and peace among you, of which there shall be no end. Signed on the behalf of the said meeting, by


By whom also printed (with the advice of some Friends,) for expedition hence to the Quarterly Meetings, and thence also only to the Monthly Meetings; by them only to be communicated, as they shall see a service.


Dear Friends and brethren,

Whom the Lord Jesus Christ hath quickened and made alive, that you might serve the living God in his new and living way, and worship him in his spirit and truth:

Now, dear Friends, all keep in the unity of God's holy spirit, which is in the bond of peace. And in the same spirit of God, be all of one mind, and one judgment. And in the same spirit feel the love of God shed in your hearts, which bears and endures all things which love, nothing below is able to separate you from. And in this love of God, the body of Christ (which he is the head of) is edified.


And now, dear Friends, the wonderful mercy, and goodness, and power, and blessed presence of the Eternal Immortal God, hath been manifest this year in all our meetings, and Friends wonderfully preserved by his special divine providence in this difficult and suffering time. The Lord our God is worthy to have all the praise, glory and honour; for his presence and power was manifest beyond words! Blessed be his name forever. And therefore that all may walk worthy of his blessings and mercies! And that all may keep and walk in Christ Jesus, the sanctuary! For in him is peace and safety; who destroys the destroyer, the enmity, and adversary. For Christ is your sanctuary in this day of storm and tempest; in whom you have rest and peace. And therefore, whatever storms and tempests do or should arise within or without, Christ your sanctuary is over

them all who has all power in heaven and earth given unto him; and none is able to pluck his lambs and sheep out of his Father's or his hand, who is the true shepherd: neither are any able to hurt the hair of your head, except it be permitted by his power, for your trial. And therefore rejoice in his power; the Lamb of God; who hath the victory over all, both within and without. He by whom all things were made, and is over all; the First and the Last; the Amen; and the faithful and true witness in all his, males and females; the heavenly rock and foundation for all the believers in the light and all the children of the day to build upon, to stand sure.

And we do understand that in several counties are many in prison; and several under great sufferings, by spoil made on their goods; but the Lord doth greatly support them by his eternal arm of power.

And we are glad to hear in several counties that they have set up a meeting to look into sufferings; by which they may collect them all true, and so to lay them before the justices of sessions and judges of assizes, according to former advice.

And seeing the Lord's power hath supported faithful Friends in all their sufferings, we again remind you, that your sufferings from time to time be carefully collected, and truly stated; meet also to be laid before the supreme authority, and published in print, as there shall be occasion. Inasmuch as the frequent printing of the most grievous sufferings hath been divers times proposed, there is a necessity of the greater care and exactness in this


And it was matter of comfort and refreshment to us, to hear the testimonies of Friends of the general prosperity of truth, and unity and peace among Friends in the most counties in England and Wales. Divers tender epistles from Friends in prison were read; aud this meeting was sensible of the Lord's power and tender care in supporting of them in their sufferings and deep trials. And also an epistle from Friends of the Quarterly Meeting at Amsterdam was read; intimating their christian care, love, and unity, and the prosperity of truth both in Holland and Ger


The accounts relating to the redemption of captives, and Friends in sufferings, &c. were inspected; and all things found very plain and clear to satisfaction, and no need of a further sup ply at present.

And where in any county any Friends have had advantage, by entering appeals against informers, &c. that they keep a record thereof, attested by the clerk of the peace, or some other person

of note: and that they send a true copy thereof to the Meeting for Sufferings here.

Here were some tender Friends from Dantzick, Frizeland, Holland, Norway, Scotland, Ireland, and from America. And we understand that Friends keep up their meeting in Algiers in Turkey. And some Friends are going to the Yearly Meeting in Holland. And there is another Yearly Meeting settled at Dantzick; by which we understand that they are in unity, and the Lord's blessed presence is among them, and his truth spreads and prospers.

So with our dear loves, and salutation in our Lord Jesus Christ (who is our and your life) unto all the faithful every where, we rest, your dear Friends and brethren.

Signed on the behalf of the said Meeting, by



Dear and Faithful Friends,

After the salutation of our tender and constant love in our Lord Jesus Christ, in whom is our life and salvation, these things following are recommended to you and your christian care from our said meeting.

Dear Friends,

We being sensible of the great sufferings and heavy pressures which Friends in many parts of this land have long lain under, and are still continued upon them, and in some parts increased; great industry and endeavours have been from time to time used, and many applications made for relief. And of late some Friends of London meeting with some stop in making application for suffering Friends throughout the nation; and being advised by authority, that it would be more proper for the sufferers themselves to make their complaints, &c. on this consideration it is thought most proper and convenient, that all particular accounts of any great or extreme sufferings, which require speedy applications or complaint to the king, &c. after carefully drawn up, and signed by the respective sufferers, and the truth thereof (if possible) certified by some other faithful Friends, of the same county or neighbourhood, known here; that then they be brought up by one or two understanding sound Friends, that may be capable to present the said sufferings and grievances, as aforesaid, if need require; having knowledge of the particular cases thereof, that they may

be the better able to give account of the most material circum. stances: Friends here of our Meeting for Sufferings being willing to assist them in all extreme cases.

It is also desired, that all accounts of sufferings which require application either to the king or council, or particular ministers or persons of quality here, may be true, and signed before sent up, and recommended as aforesaid; and that none be sent up unsigned.

A general application to the king, in behalf of suffering Friends throughout the nation (comprehending their cases on which their sufferings depend,) was offered and proposed to this meeting for Friends' concurrence to be presented, if they see meet to follow it with particular complaints and applications, either now, or hereafter which being approved, it was left to Friends to consider of till the next day, with desires then to know their minds concerning the same. Which being again made mention of the next day, and Friends not being ready at present to follow it with fresh complaints, it was advised that they might report the same to their respective Quarterly Meetings for Sufferings in the counties; that, as you see cause, upon any extreme or severe suffering, you may prepare account thereof, to be presented as before directed.

Two letters sent from Friends of Dantzick, dated the 20th of the Second Month, 1684, were read; signifying their strait confinement; being prisoners in the house of correction there, under extreme hard usage and cruelty; forced to lie upon straw, in this late extreme sharp winter. They have been shackled or chained together, two and two, by their hands; and by the magistrates (the senate of that place) sentenced to be kept and fed with bread and water only for their sustenance. Also, an epistle from the Quarterly Meeting at Amsterdam, dated the 3d of the Second Month, 1684, was read; recommending the distressed case of the said prisoners at Dantzick to this our meeting. And Friends of Holland having done much for them, &c. in their suffering necessities, manifold imprisonments, and banishments, this meeting could do no less than concur with said Friends of Holland; and in christian bowels and tenderness, order something towards the relief of the said suffering Friends in Dantzick, as formerly, to be sent by Friends of Holland. And we were moved, in the love of God, by epistles to encourage and strengthen these our extreme suffering brethren in their christian and faithful testimony.

An account being given by a meeting here, ordered to inspect the accounts of Friends that are captives in Algiers, &c. intimat.


ing that what was charitably contributed formerly towards their redemption, and left for that service, is in a great part expended for the redemption of many, and the rest thereof is well nigh engaged for the redemption of several Friends more that have long remained captives; some whereof have been under extreme hardships, as violent beating, and other cruelties, by their pat


These things tenderly considered, a collection for their redemption was proposed, and unanimously agreed upon by this meeting, that the same should be, and is hereby, tenderly recommended to the Quarterly Meetings of Friends in their respective counties throughout England and Wales: and that the same likewise be, and is hereby, recommended to Friends in Ireland, Scotland, Barbadoes, and Jamaica, to afford their christian and friendly assistance in contributing to the same service. And what shall be contributed for this service, to be returned to William Shewen, John Dew, William Chandler, Charles Bathurst, Theodore Ecclestone, and John Edge, or any of them, in London. And although,dear Friends, we are not insensible that many families of faithful Friends in this nation are greatly oppressed, and exposed to suffering and spoil at this time for truth's holy testimony, and the name of Jesus, and thereby disabled to help others in distress; yet considering that the suffering at present falls not so heavy upon many others, whom the Lord has replenished with outward substance, which he has made them stewards of; we hope the Lord will open their hearts to consider the calamities and extremity of the said captives and suffer


Mention being made by some Friends, before they went hence, of the want of the printers sending books into their country as formerly; and we understanding that there is the like omission in some other counties; we recommend and leave it to Friends in their respective Quarterly and Monthly Meetings to consider of, and to order and settle that business in their own respective counties and to correspond with the printers here for books of truth, and take care for the spreading of serviceable books and papers, as heretofore, in truth's service, that there be no further neglect in that case.


Many serious and living accounts and testimonies were given by Friends from their respective counties, of the prosperity of the work of the Lord, the spreading of truth, and of the love, unity and peace that is generally among Friends, and the increase thereof in several counties, and the sense of the presence of the Lord God among all faithful Friends; though in some places much suffering and persecution, yet in other places more

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