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able zeal! But is it to be imagined that in these days, when dancing-masters, and French teachers, " finging men and fing

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ing women," with all the other minifters of fashionable amusement and unbounded pleasure, are in fuch repute, while a liberal and virtuous education, if thought of at all, is thought of only in the next degree,

-can it be reasonably imagined, that under thofe circumftances, perfons qualified as we have just mentioned, should be found, in any confiderable number, willing to fubmit to the fatigue, folicitude, and mortifications, infeparable from the businefs of educating youth with real advantage?—I said, In any confiderable number; for that there are fuch we chearfully acknowledge. May the merciful Father of the world raise up more! They are, without queftion, among the most meritorious members of fociety.

That in our public schools the learned languages are taught with fuccefs, though not without a waste of time which might

well be fpared; that both in them, and in our univerfities, there are mafters and tutors who would reflect credit on the highest literary stations, it were unfair to deny : but is it unfair to affirm, on the other hand, that the morals of young men are often debauched in thofe places; that amidst the forms of regularity, and the show of rules, fhameful diforders are often committed, and folid study deplorably neglected, while not a few of the profeffors content them. felves chiefly with the luxurious enjoyment of that academical wealth which the royal and worthy founders confecrated to the propagation of piety and learning? Are these then the illuftrious feminaries that in former days fent forth fo many men fitted to fhine in every sphere of science and virtue, men that manifested, by their own bright example, to what elevation found knowledge, and ingenuous breeding, can lift the human mind? That there are now alive perfons of different orders, who have difcovered a juft emulation of fuch renown, and are indeed among the lumi

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naries of the age, we gratefully remember: but what serious man can look back on thofe celebrated feats of ancient literature, without a figh to fee them dishonoured by almost every fpecies of modern infignificance; to fee libertines and fribbles iffuing in fwarms from the fame halls, and the fame colleges, where principle and manhood were wont to refide? How much better for them, and for fociety, if fuch youths had been bred in the lap of fimple nature! Have we not met with plain untutored boys, who, in comparison of them, were heroes and philofophers?

Without entering into a detail of the education in vogue, I would only afk, Whether its general tendency is not to make our youth gay inftead of fober, vain inftead of modeft, fmatterers rather than fcholars, and smooth rather than polite; at the utmost, pleasing triflers, and plaufible infignificants, inftead of useful characters and amiable companions; to form coxcombs and coquettes, not eftimable

men and attractive women; to accomplish them as good dancers, instead of good citizens, and teach them to dress well, rather than to act wifely? For my part, I am far from wondering at the frivolous and vitiated turn of the age. How fhould it be otherwise, when worldly maxims are fo much more inculcated than religious truths, and the punctilios of behaviour than the rules of morality; when the acquifition of languages is preferred to the exercife of reafon and the attainment of wifdom, the little outfide appearances of breeding and complaifance, to that real courtesy which is the refult of a kind difpofition, prompting decent respect and fweet attention; when fpecious fentiments take place of genuine principles, and a fuperficial uncertain honour, of an invariable and thorough integrity;-in short, when the knowledge of the world is confidered as the chief fcience, and the cultivation of the Virtues is forced to give way to the ftudy of the Graces?

Poor Chesterfield! Such was thy wretched

fyftem for the education of a darling and only fon! What pity thy agreeable talents» had not been more worthily and more. happily directed!

That celebrated man certainly poffeffed a brilliant and eafy wit, much elegance and fluency of pen, with a good share of tafte, and a confiderable tincture of learning. His remarks on a variety of topics. are both sprightly and juft. Many of his inftructions are fenfible and important. He was well acquainted with that part of of the fpecies which he had feen; not in-. deed the best of either fex, as is fufficiently. apparent from his representations of both, of the female especially. His frank confeffions of former follies and vices deferve commendation; and it is impoffible not to, be pleased with the warmth and benignity. of his paternal affection. But what, after all, was his main concern for its object? Why truly, that this fon, about whofe figure and fortune he was immoderately ■ VOL. II.


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