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thing to fubdue his paffions, than to the house of feafting, where the joy and gaity of the place is likely to excite them→→→→ That whereas the entertainments and careffes of the one place, expofe his heart and lay it open to temptations the forrows of the other defend it, and as naturally fhut them from it. So strange and unaccountable a creature is man! he is fo framed, that he cannot but purfue happiness and yet unless he is made fometimes miferable, how apt is he to mistake the way which can only lead him to the accomplishment of his own. wifhes!

This is the full force of the wife man's declaration. -But to do further juftice to his words, I would endeavour to bring the fubject ftill nearer. For which purpose, it will be neceffary to ftop here,


and take a tranfient view of the two places here referred to, the house of mourning, and the house of feafting. Give me leave therefore, I befeech you, to recall both of them for a moment, to your imaginations, that from thence I may appeal to your hearts, how faith-.. fully, and upon what good grounds, the effects and natural operations of each upon our minds are intimated in the text.

And firft, let us look into the house of feasting.

And here, to be as fair and candid as poffible in the defcription of this, we will not take it from the worft originals, fuch as are opened merely for the fale of virtue, and fo calculated for the end, that the difguife each is under not only


gives power fafely to drive on the bargain, but fafely to carry it into execu

tion too.

This, we will not fuppofe to be the cafe-nor let us even imagine, the house of feafting, to be fuch a fcene of intemperance and excefs, as the house of feafting does often exhibit ;- but let us take it from one, as little exceptionable as we can where there is, or at least

nothing really criminal,

appears but where

every thing seems to be kept within the vifible bounds of moderation and fobriety.

Imagine then, fuch a houfe of feaft

ing, where either by confent or invitation a number of each fex is drawn together for no other purpose but the enjoyment and mutual entertainment of each other, which we will fuppofe fhall arise


from no other pleasures but what custom authorises, and religion does not abfolutely forbid.

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Before we enter let us examine, what must be the fentiments of each in-. dividual previous to his arrival, and we fhall find that however they may differ from one another in tempers and opini ons, that every one feems to agree in this that as he is going to a houfe dedicated to joy and mirth, it was fit he fhould diveft himself of whatever was likely to contradict that intention, or be inconfiftent with it. That for this purpose, he had left his cares his ferious thoughts -- and his moral reflec+ tions behind him, and was come forth from home with only fuch difpofitions. and gaiety of heart as fuited the occafioni. and promoted the intended mirth and


jollity of the place. With this preparation of mind, which is as little as can be fuppofed, fince it will amount to no more than a defire in each to render himself an acceptable guest, let us

conceive them entering into the house of feasting, with hearts fet loofe from grave restraints, and open to the expectations, of receiving pleafure. It is not necef fary, as I premised, to bring intemperance into this fcene or to fuppofe fuch an excefs in the gratification of the appetites as fhall ferment the blood and fet the defires in a flame: Let us admit no more of it therefore, than will gently ftir them, and fit them for the impresfions which fo benevolent a' commerce will naturally excite. In this difpofition thus wrought upon beforehand and already improved to this purpose, - take notice, how mechanically the thoughts D


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