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Papal Infallibility, This course pursued by Pius IX.; in defining the
Immaculate Conception, in 1849, 502

The definition of Papal Infallibility the act of a
General Council, 502

Paraguay, Jesuit missions in, 637

Papias, 54

Parish, 568

Passionists, The, 389

Patriarchs, 510

Patriarchal Churches, 510-512

Patrician, 173 note

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dignity conferred on Charles Martel by the Pope, 181
Patrick, Saint, Apostle of Ireland, 78

Patrimonies of the Church, 165

How administered by St. Gregory the Great, 167
Paul, Saint, 21, 22, 59–62

Paul the Deacon, 166 note

Paul III., Pope, convenes the Council of Trent, 365, 370
Paul's, Saint, Cathedral, London, 648-651

Pearson, John, Bishop of Chester, 67 note

on Saint Peter in Rome, 67, 68

Peasants' War, The, 326, 327

Pelagius, 96 note

Heresy of, 96

Penitentiaries, Major and Minor, 507, 597
Pentapolis, The, 172 note

Pepin, receives Pope Stephen III., 190

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is made Patrician of Rome, 190

replaces Childeric III., as King of France, 190, 191
marches into Italy to aid the Pope, 192

conquers Astolphus, King of the Lombards, 192, 193
The Deed of donation of, 190

Cities and territories comprised therein, 194, 195
Petavius on Chronology, 63 note

Peter, Saint, Catholic belief regarding the Primacy of, 14
Scriptural proofs of the Primacy of, 8 et seq.

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Precedency of, over the other Apostles, 10 et seq.
Early Fathers on the Primacy of, 26

Councils on the Primacy of, 104, 109, 152, 367, 495, 496
Protestant writers on the Primacy of, 23

Origin of the name Peter, 9 note

Exclusive privileges of, 13

transmitted all his power and privileges to his suc-

cessors, 14

Preaching of, before going to Rome, 49

founds the see of Antioch, 47

appoints Evodius his successor at Antioch, 47, 51

goes to Rome, 18, 51

first sojourns with the Jews in Rome, 52

removes to the house of Pudens, 52

Peter, Saint, dwells therein seven years, 53

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baptizing in Rome, 53 note

"The Preaching of Peter," a very ancient work, 49 note
authorizes Mark to write his Gospel, 54

writes his First Epistle, 55

Praise of this Epistle by Erasmus and Grotius, 55

dates it from "Babylon," as Rome was then commonly
called, 55

Second Epistle of, 55, 59

sends Mark to found the see of Aquileia, 56

sends Mark to found the see of Alexandria, 56

sends many others to found sees in various countries, 57
travels much, founding Churches, 58

appoints auxiliary bishops of Rome, 58

is compelled to leave Rome, A.D. 49, 19, 58
is present at the Council of Jerusalem, 19, 58
head and director thereof, 19, 20

Acquiescence of all in decisions of, 19-21
Intercourse of with Saint Paul, 21-23
reproved by Saint Paul, at Antioch, 21, 22
Humility and exemplary moderation of, 22
arrested by order of Nero, 60

escapes from prison, 61

has a vision of our Lord, 61

returns to prison, 61
is crucified, 61

Interment of, 61 note

Year of death of, 62

Date of foundation of the Church of Rome by, 63, 64
Bishop of Rome twenty-five years, 63, 64

Feast of his Chair at Antioch, 48 note

at Rome, 63

Chair used by, preserved in his Basilica, 651
First five successors of, 71 note

Ancient writers on the Martyrdom of, 62

Eighteenth Centenary of Martyrdom celebrated, 475
His being at Rome, denied by a few Protestants, 64

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et seq.

asserted by Protestant divines of
high repute, 65-68

proved by ancient monuments, 68

Peter's, Saint, Basilica, 648-651, 650 note

Pence, 80 note

Peter Damian, Saint, 543 note

Peter Lombard, 305 note

Peter de Luna.

Petrarch, 267

See Benedict XIII.

Philip I. of France, and Gregory VII., 237
Philip Augustus and the Interdict, 260 note
Philip Landgrave of Hesse. See Hesse

Philip le Bel, 265

Philo Judæus, 56

met Saint Peter in Rome, 57

Photius and the Greek Schism, 132, 133 et seq.

Pisa, Council of, 278

Pius I., 115

Pius VI., 421 note

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condemns the "Civil Constitution of the Clergy," in France,

421, 422

Intrepidity of, 422

Brutal treatment of, by the French, 426, 427
carried off, a prisoner, 427

meets the deposed King of Sardinia, 427
edifying sentiments of, 427, 428

death of, at Valence, 428

Pius VII., 430 note

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Concordat of, with France, A.D. 1801, 431

makes extraordinary changes in the Church of France,

431, 432

goes to Paris, to crown Napoleon, 433, 434

Slights passed on, by Napoleon, 434, 435, 436

Firmness of, 437

refuses to annul Prince Jerome's marriage with Miss
Patterson, 437

States of, invaded by France, 437

a prisoner in Rome, 438

adopts the Berlin and Milan decrees, 439
refuses to make war against England, 439
deprived of his territories by France, 439
protests against this spoliation, 440
excommunicates Napoleon, 440, 441

dethroned, and carried off, a prisoner, 441, 442
Brutal treatment of, 443, 444

at Savona three years, 442

at Fontainebleau a year and a half, 442

kept ignorant of passing events, 445

urged to make concessions to Napoleon, 445
visited by the Emperor at Fontainebleau, 446

signs preliminary articles of Concordat of 1813, 446
Principal articles of Concordat considered, 447 note
addresses letter of revocation to Napoleon, 448
liberated from captivity, 449

returns to Rome, 449

Sympathy for, by three non-Catholic sovereigns, 449

especially the Prince Regent of England, 450
Friendly relations of, with England, 450

Territories all restored to, by Treaty of Vienna, 451
Works of Art restored to, 451

Pius IX., Early history of, 453


elected Pope, 454


Pius IX. grants a political amnesty, 462

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Extent of Papal States, early in reign of, 455
after 1861, 462

Revolution of 1848, 463, 464

Assassination of Count Rossi, 464
flees to Gaeta, 464

aided by Austria and France, 465
restored to his throne, 465

issues his Motu Proprio of 1849, 456

New organization of his States by, 457

Relative numbers of clergy and laity in government of, 458-


Revenue and Expenditure of States of, 461

Strength of Pontifical Army under, 461

Great reforms of, in Papal States, 457, 463
witnesses events of 1859, 462

deprived of the Legations, 462, 465

rejects the Convention of Napoleon III. and Victor Emanuel,
regarding the Papal States, 466, 467

States of, invaded by Garibaldi, 467

Invaders expelled by the French, 467

Important letter to, from King Victor Emanuel, in 1870, 468
Reply of, to the king, 469

Papal States invaded by the King, 469

Rome taken, 470

The Plébiscite, 470

The King assumes the government, 470, 471
Royal decree regarding the Pope, 470

The Law of Guarantees, 471 note

Appeal of, to Victor Emanuel, against the conscription of the
clergy, 656

collects the suffrages of the Bishops, dispersed, on the
Immaculate Conception, 472

defines the dogma thereof, 472

Remarkable scene on the occasion, 472

re-establishes the Hierarchy in England and Wales, 471

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in Holland, 471

terminates the schism in Goa, 471

Canonization of the Japanese Martyrs by, 473
Denunciation of prevailing errors by, 473

Interesting reply of the Sacred College and Bishops to, 473,


issues his Encyclical Quanta Cura, and the Syllabus, 474
celebrates the Eighteenth Century of the Martyrdom of
Saint Peter, 475

convokes the Vatican Council, 497

defines the dogma of Papal Infallibility, the Sacred Council
approving, 498

Platina, the Papal biographer, 559 note

Polycarp, Saint, 74 note

Polycarp, Saint, visits Rome to confer with Pope Anicetus, 74
Poor Law, The, in United Kingdom, 394

Pope, Origin and meaning of the title, 5-8

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the title applied to bishops generally, in the early ages, 5
exclusively attributed to the Bishop of Rome, from the
ninth century, 6

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Catholic doctrine about the Pope, 5, 8

The Pope deemed Anti-Christ by Protestants, I, 2

Devotion of Catholics of all ages and nations to the Pope, 4
of many, formerly Anglicans, to the Pope, 4
Supreme power and jurisdiction of the Pope symbolized by
the Keys, 14

All ecclesiastical causes to be referred to the Pope, 97, 121, 123
presides, either in person or by his legates, at all General
Councils, 90

The Dogmatic letter of the Pope, the authority and guide of
General Councils, 99

The approval and confirmation of the Pope, essential to the
validity of the decrees of councils, 88, 89, 120, 121, 123, 125
Office of the Pope, to communicate decrees, thus ratified, to all
the churches, 89

Rescript of the Pope, conclusive, 97

Care of all the churches, devolving on the Pope, 118

in former times, always consulted his council of bishops, in
important cases, 122 note, 248 note

The Primacy of the Pope, fully established, early in fourth
century, 124, 125

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strongly advocated by Melancthon, 345, 346,


by Grotius, 346 note
by Leibnitz, 499

Definition of, at Council of Florence, 152

The Bishops of Dardania thereon, A.D. 492, 127
Appeals to the Pope, 115, 116, 117-123, 128, 204
No appeals from the Pope, 115, 128, 204
Benediction of, "Urbi et Orbi," 613

should enjoy complete personal and political independence, 664
Popes, Relations of, with Emperors, 213

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Power of, in the Middle Ages, 248-251

Excommunication and deposition of princes by, 248, 249, 250
the saviours of society in the Middle Ages, 619

preserved Europe from total barbarism, 620

send missionaries to evangelize various countries, 78, 79
became temporal rulers against their will, 168

Popes the arbiters of sovereigns, 248, 249, 250

Guizot thereon, 249

Coquerel thereon, 249

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Voltaire thereon, 249

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Ancillon thereon, 620
Leibnitz thereon, 621

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