mits, but for that negligence and irregularity which She may encourage or inculcate. Every man, in whatever station, has, or endeavours to have, his followers, admirers, and imitators, and has therefore the influence of his example to watch with care; he ought to avoid not only crimes, but the appearance of crimes, and not only to practise virtue, but to applaud, countenance, and support it. For it is possible that, for want of attention, we may teach others faults from which ourselves are free, or by a cowardly desertion of a cause which we ourselves approve, may pervert those who fix their eyes upon us, and, having no rule of their own to guide their course, are easily misled by the aberrations of that example which they choose for their direction. N° 71. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1750. Vivere quòd propero pauper, nec inutilis annis, For tell me, who makes haste enough to live.-F. Lewis. MANY words and sentences are so frequently heard in the mouths of men, that a superficial observer is inclined to believe, that they must contain some primary principle, some great rule of action, which it is proper always to have present to the attention, and by which the use of every hour is to be adjusted. Yet, if we consider the conduct of those sententious philosophers it will often be found, that they repeat these aphorisms, merely because they have somewhere heard them, because they have nothing else to say, or because they think veneration gained by such appearances of wisdom, but that no idea annexed to the words, and that, according to th blunder of the followers of Aristotle, their soul mere pipes or organs, which transmit sounds, b not understand them. Of this kind is the well known and well-atte position, that life is short, which may be heard am mankind by an attentive auditor, many times abut which never yet within my reach of observa left any impression upon the mind; and perhap my readers will turn their thoughts back upon t old friends, they will find it difficult to call a si man to remembrance, who appeared to know t life was short till he was about to lose it. It is observable that Horace, in his account of characters of men, as they are diversified by the rious influence of time, remarks, that the old mar dilator, spe longus, given to procrastination, and clined to extend his hopes to a great distance. far are we generally from thinking what we often s of the shortness of life, that at the time when it necessarily shortest, we form projects which we del to execute, indulge such expectations as nothing b a long train of events can gratify, and suffer tho passions to gain upon us, which are only excusab in the prime of life. These reflections were lately excited in my min by an evening's conversation with my friend Pro pero, who, at the age of fifty-five, has bought a estate, and is now contriving to dispose and cult vate it with uncommon elegance. His great plea sure is to walk among stately trees, and lie musin in the heat of noon under their shade; he is there fore maturely considering how he shall dispose hi walks and his groves, and has at last determined t send for the best plans from Italy, and forbear planting till the next season. Thus is life trifled away in preparations to do what lever can be done, if it be left unattempted till all he requisites which imagination can suggest are gathered together. Where our design terminates only in our own satisfaction, the mistake is of no great importance; for the pleasure of expecting enjoyment, is often greater than that of obtaining it, and the completion of almost every wish is found a disappointment; but when many others are interested in an undertaking, when any design is formed, in which the improvement or security of mankind is involved, nothing is more unworthy either of wisdom or benevolence, than to delay it from time to time, or to forget how much every day that passes over us takes away from our power, and how soon an idle purpose to do an action sinks into a mournful wish that it had once been done. We are frequently importuned, by the bacchanalian writers, to lay hold on the present hour, to catch the pleasures within our reach, and remember that futurity is not at our command. Τὸ ῥόδον ἀκμάζει βαιὸν χρόνον· ἦν δὲ παρέλθῃς, Ζητῶν εὐρήσεις οὐ ῥόδον, ἀλλὰ βάτον. Soon fades the rose; once past the fragrant hour, But surely these exhortations may, with equal propriety, be applied to better purposes; it may be at least inculcated, that pleasures are more safely postponed than virtues, and that greater loss is suffered by missing an opportunity of doing good, than an hour of giddy frolic and noisy merriment. When Baxter had lost a thousand pounds, which he had laid up for the erection of a school, he used frequently to mention the misfortune as an incitement to be charitable while God gives the power of bestowing, and considered himself as culpable in some degree for having left a good action in the hands of chance, and suffered his benevolence to be defeated for want of quickness and diligence. It is lamented by Hearne, the learned antiquary of Oxford, that this general forgetfulness of the fragility of life, has remarkably infected the students of monuments and records; as their employment consists first in collecting, and afterward in arranging or abstracting what libraries afford them, they ought to amass no more than they can digest; but when they have undertaken a work, they go on searching and transcribing, call for new supplies, when they are already overburdened, and at last leave their work unfinished. 'It is,' says he, 'the business of a good antiquary, as of a good man, to have mortality always before him.' Thus not only in the slumber of sloth, but in the dissipation of ill-directed industry, is the shortness of life generally forgotten. As some men lose their hours in laziness, because they suppose, that there is time enough for the reparation of neglect; others busy themselves in providing that no length of life may want employment; and it often happens, that sluggishness and activity are equally surprised by the last summons, and perish not more differently from each other, than the fowl that received the shot in her flight, from her that is killed upon the bush. Among the many improvements made by the last centuries in human knowledge, may be numbered the exact calculations of the value of life; but whatever may be their use in traffic, they seem very little to have advanced morality. They have hitherto been rather applied to the acquisition of money, than of wisdom; the computer refers none of his calculations to his own tenure, but persists, in contempt of probability, to foretell old age to himself, and believes that he is marked out to reach the utmost verge of H 皮 L ་ human existence, and see thousands and ten thousands fall into the grave. So deeply is this fallacy rooted in the heart, and so strongly guarded by hope and fear against the approach of reason, that neither science nor experience can shake it, and we act as if life was without end, though we see and confess its uncertainty and shortness. Divines have, with great strength and ardour, shewn the absurdity of delaying reformation and repentance; a degree of folly indeed, which sets eternity to hazard. It is the same weakness, in proportion to the importance of the neglect, to transfer any care, which now claims our attention, to a future time; we subject ourselves to needless dangers from accidents which early diligence would have obviated, or perplex our minds by vain precautions, and make provision for the execution of designs, of which the opportunity once missed never will return.. As he that lives longest lives but a little while, every man may be certain that he has no time to waste. The duties of life are commensurate to its duration, and every day brings its task, which if neglected is doubled on the morrow. But he that has already trifled away those months and years, in which he should have laboured, must remember that he has now only a part of that of which the whole is little; and that since the few moments remaining are to be considered as the last trust of Heaven, not one is to be lost. |