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dom, than of the vain honours and perishing riches of the world; and lastly, that we may rot be circumvented by the crafts and wiles of the enemy, who never ceases to endeavour our destruction. Give us, O Lord, spiritual prudence to discern, courage to resist, patience to suffer, and constancy to persevere. Give us, rather than any worldly comfort, the sweet consolations of the Holy Ghost, and pour into our souls the all-pervading love of thy holy name. Make us to continue in virtue and godliness, and never to give over thy service, till thou bringest us to our reward in thy kingdom.

In all pious customs and holy duties, in our honest and necessary employments, confirm and strengthen, oh Lord, both our souls and bodies.

Is our life anything but a pilgrimage on earth towards the new Jerusalem, to which he that sits down or turns out of the way can never arrive?

Oh Jesus, make us always consider thy blessed example-through how much pain and how little pleasure thou didst press on to a bitter death— that being the way to a glorious resurrection.

Make us, divine Redeemer, seriously weigh those severe words of thine, that he only who perseveres to the end shall be saved.

May thy divine assistance remain always with us, and may the souls of the faithful departed, through thy mercy, rest in peace. Amen. Let us bless the Lord.

Thanks be to God.


IN the name of the Father, and of the Son,

and of the Holy Ghost.-A.


O Lord, open thou our lips.-A. And our mouths shall declare thy praise.

Let us adore the Glory of the Lord.-A. Let us adore the God of our Salvation.

The King of Heaven inviteth us and graciously calleth us into his sacred presence; to him we owe all the days of our lives; let us give, at least, this one to his service.-A. Let us adore the Lord of Glory.

Always are the angels assembled in their choirs above; always are the saints ready with their hymns; behold now the church also prepareth her solemn offices, and summoneth all her children to bring in their tribute of prayer and praise.-A. Let us adore the God of our salvation.

Come, let us rejoice before the Lord; let us sing joyfully to God our Saviour; let us make haste to approach his presence, and proclaim his praises; for great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised; in his hands are all the ends of the earth.-A. Let us adore the God that made us.

Let us adore, and fall down, and lament before the Lord that made us: for he is the Lord

our God, and we are his people and the sheep of his pasture.-A. Let us adore and fall down before him.

To-day, if ye shall hear his voice, harden not your hearts, but listen awfully to his word, and bend your knees before his holy altars.-A. We will adore the Lord of glory, we will worship the God of our salvation.


UR Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name: Thy kingdom come: Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread: And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us: And lead us not into temptation: but deliver us from evil. Amen.


Oh almighty and eternal God, grant to us an increase of Faith, Hope, and Charity; and that we may deserve to obtain what thou promisest, make us to love what thou commandest, through Christ our Lord. Amen.



E most firmly believe there is one only true and living God; but that in this one God there are three persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost; That the Son took to himself the nature of man from the Virgin Mary's womb, by the operation of the power of the Holy Ghost; and that in this our human nature he was cruci

fled and died for us; that afterwards he rose again, and ascended into heaven; whence he shall come to reward the just with everlasting glory, and to inflict everlasting punishment on the wicked. Moreover we believe whatsoever else the catholic church proposeth to be believed; and this, because God, who is the sovereign truth, which can neither err, nor lead into error, hath revealed all these things to this his church.— A. Grant, O God, that we may humbly receive, and firmly hold fast, all those truths which thou hast revealed and thy church hath proposed to our belief.

Ан Астор НОРЕ.

GOD, relying on thy almighty power, and

thy infinite mercy and goodness; and because thou art faithful to thy promises, we trust in thee that thou wilt grant us forgiveness of our sins, through the merits of Jesus Christ thy Son; and that thou wilt give us the assistance of thy grace, with which we may labour to persevere to the end in the diligent exercise of all good works, and thus deserve to obtain the glory which thou hast promised in heaven.-A. This hope, thus grounded on thy mercy, thy power, and thy promises, still more, O God, confirm and strengthen in us.



E love thee, O God, with our whole hearts and above all things, because thy infinite

perfections are most worthy of our love, and because thou art infinitely good to us. For thy sake also, we desire to love every neighbour as we do ourselves; we renounce every thought which is contrary to that love of one another, by which men are known to be the disciples of thy Son; we forgive all who have any ways injured us, and we beg thy grace and mercy for all the world.-A. Thus only, O Lord, can we satisfy our duty and thy commandments to love thee above all things, and our neighbour as ourselves.

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GOD, who art infinitely holy, and ever hatest sin, we beg thy pardon for all our offences against thee; we detest them all, and are sorry for them, because they are displeasing to thee, O God of infinite goodness: by thy grace we are resolved to sin no more, and we will avoid those occasions which may lead us into sin.-A. Wherefore, O God, we come before thee this day, to beg pardon of all our past transgressions, and to implore thine assistance for the time to come.

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