Early Tudor Criticism, Linguistic & LiteraryB. Blackwell, 1940 - 177 |
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Strona 55
... Sir Thomas Elyot , explaining a system of education largely drawn from Latin sources , especially from Quintilian , is unable to find a translation of the many technical words required , and is therefore occasionally constrained to ...
... Sir Thomas Elyot , explaining a system of education largely drawn from Latin sources , especially from Quintilian , is unable to find a translation of the many technical words required , and is therefore occasionally constrained to ...
Strona 60
... Sir Thomas Wilson and Sir Thomas Elyot . An educational system like that of the Gouernour has its parallels in the manuals which treat of the general culture requisite to the man of affairs in the world at large , such as Castiglione's ...
... Sir Thomas Wilson and Sir Thomas Elyot . An educational system like that of the Gouernour has its parallels in the manuals which treat of the general culture requisite to the man of affairs in the world at large , such as Castiglione's ...
Strona 109
... Sir Thomas Elyot considers this most important and would instruct the childe in that parte of rhetorike , principally , which con- cerneth persuation . for as moche as it is moste apte for con- sultations.2 Both rhetoric and poetic aim ...
... Sir Thomas Elyot considers this most important and would instruct the childe in that parte of rhetorike , principally , which con- cerneth persuation . for as moche as it is moste apte for con- sultations.2 Both rhetoric and poetic aim ...
Spis treści
The Earliest Tudor Phase I | 1 |
The Translation of the Bible | 23 |
Secular Translation and Translators | 42 |
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allegory Arte of Rhetorique Ascham aureate authors Bible translation boke Cambridge circle Caxton Chaucer Cheke Cicero classical languages comedy contemporary critical Demosthenes diction discussion drama E. K. Chambers Early Tudor period elocutio eloquence England English language Erasmus euery fifteenth Gavin Douglas genres Gouernour grammar school Greek greke Grimald guage hath haue Hawes Ibid importance iudgement John knowledge Latin latyne learning lerned lernynge literary and linguistic literature Lydgate maner matter means mediaeval Middle Ages moche moral Nicholas Udall Plautus poetic poetry poets precept Preface Prologue prose Quintilian reading rede Renascence period rhetoric rhetoricians Richard Sherry rude rules says scholars scholarship Scholemaster scripture sentence Sherry Sir John Cheke Sir Thomas Elyot sixteenth century Skelton speech style Terence theyr Thomas Phaer thyng tion tonge tongue tradition tragedy tyme vernacular vsed Vulgaria Whittinton Wilson wold woordes wordes writers Wyatt