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Various Readings: LVII. 4 all þi pertis A. LVIII. Heading in red letters. LIX. 1 crist A. 2 god A. saluiour A. 7 Jugement A. LX. 2 blasfemacioun A.

3 Is A. 6 counsait A. 7 ffor A. 6 Pilot A. leid A.

Notes: V. 466. All pi pertis, as the MS. reads, is nonsense; his evidently had to be inserted for pi: Lust is burning in thy breast, pain pierces all his parts.

V. 467. Regressis (abbreviated in the MS.), had returned with ruth to the mind at that time, if thou hadst been present at his passion and seen all his pains.

V. 473. Meiss v. a. To mitigate.

V. 477, 478. Show thyself plainly to us as the Son of God, the promised Saviour.

V. 485. The alteration of blasfemacion, as the MS. reads, into blasfeming was required by the rhyme.

V. 489. Here again instead of the form leid, as the MS. reads, the Past. Part. form led was required by the sense as well as by the rhyme.

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Notes: V. 493. In pat art, as the MS. reads, must have here the same meaning as airt, viz. a particular quarter of the earth, quarter of the heaven (cf. Burns, Of a' the airts the wind can blaw). V. 494. In caus etc. In a case of sentence of death to show this sentence to him.

V. 497. As bund to deid, which required a sentence of death.

V. 500. Pervertand, part. perverting, viz. the people.

V. 506, 507. Lauchfull, adj. Lawful. To forthink v. a. To repent of.

V. 509. The word [body] is wanting in the MS. This trait is not related in the Gospel (of St. Mathew in this case), but only in the Acts of the Apostles (I, 18). It is also mentioned in the Legend of Judas (Early English Poems and Lives of Saints, edited by F. G. Furnivall, Berlin 1862, 8o, p. 111), v. 141, 142:

His wombe toberste amidde atuo po he schulde deye,

His guttes fulle to grounde, menie men hit iseye.

V. 511. The words and falset, which spoil the metre, probably were added by the scribe. What is the meaning of pervinst?

Na cherite nor piete gart þaim schaw,

Bot gret malice gart þair hert indure,
That bai thocht euer be pai pilgrames pure

In strang landis þe fame for to gar fle,
As fals propheit þai had gart him de.


In be tolbuth Pilat enterit in,

Callit on Crist, and sperit, gif he wes king
Crist ansuerit, inquirand first at him,

Gif of himself or vthiris rehersing

He sa inquirit, gif he as prince suld ring?
Pilat ansuerit: I am na Jow to knaw,

Thy awne pepill hes brocht þe to my law.


MS. A, fol. 19 a. Crist said: My kinrik into his warld is nocht;
Bot heir I come to schaw be verite;

As wardly king to regne, and I had thocht,
My ministeris had maid debait for me,
Quhilkis fra pe Jowis gret iniquite

Had me defendit, and keipit fra þair handis,
Thairfor to regne I come nocht in þir landis.


Pilat to be Jowis zeid agane,

Sayand: Na causs I find to gar him de.





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Various Readings: LXV.-LXVI. printed by Laing. 1 tolbuth [then] L. Pilot A. In A. 2 crist A. 4 utheris L. 6 Pilot A. 7 þie to A. LXVI. 1 my A. The letters ny with the vertical part of a t over the y are written before nocht, but crossed out again. LXVII-XCVII. omitted by Laing. LXVII. 1 Pilot A. 2 na A. 4 ffor A. 6 galale A. LXVIII. 1 ffra Pilot A. galalie A. 2 herod A. him sone be A.

Notes: V. 514. Gart, praet. t. of to gar, to cause.

V. 516, 517. Pure, adj. poor.

in foreign countries.

pe fame for to gar fle, to cause the fame, the rumour, to be spread

V. 528. and I had thocht, if I had thought.

V. 536. To commoue v. a. To bring into a state of commotion, to offend, to displease.

Denkschriften der phil.-hist. Classe. XLVIII. Bd. I. Abh.


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MS. A, fol. 19 b. Within þi mynd remember, man, at terce,
How to Pilat þai him brocht agane.

His gret diseis with all hert reherss,

His lang laubour, his pacience and his pane.
Thai will nocht ceiss, quhill þat þai se him slane,
On him to luk þair stomok sair it stoundis,
cry his deth, quhill all be tolboith soundis.


Off be kindschip of Herod and Pilat


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Various Readings: 4 ffor A. 5 herod A. LXIX. The heading in red letters, also the first letter of the first line, which is written in thick letters (not in capitals, the first and the second letter I excepted). 1 VIthin A. 2 pilot A. LXX. 1 herod and pilot A. 2 richt blith A. 5 cruely A. LXXI. 1 It A. 3 pilot A. 4 barrabas A.

Notes: V. 546. To eik, v. a. To augment.

V. 552. To stound, v. a. To ache (Jamieson), it aches their inclination, i. e. they dislike merely to look at him.

V. 554, 556. The rhyme Pilat : had proves that Pilat must be the right reading, as in the latter part of the MS., not Pilot, as the spelling always was in the preceding stanzas. — The reading richt blith in A cannot be right, as it would not be in conformity with the sense of passage. We have printed nocht blith instead of it: They were not glad of the kindness of Herod and Pilat.

V. 564. The rhyme requires here either to read to have Barraban, or Barrabas to han. We have preferred the former reading which occurs again in v. 564.

Thai cryit all: Tak him out of our sycht,
And Barrabam gif ws now for our rycht.


MS. A, fol. 20 a. Pilat said: Quhat ewill hes he done?
I haue him fund in all richt innocent.
Thai cryit: Tollie away! take him sone!
Crucifigy thai cryit with ane assent:
Than Pilat thoucht, be pepill to content,
Him to scurge, quhill he pair passioun mesit.
He wes begillit, na thing bot ded paim plesit.


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LXXIII. 1 ffor A. spulzeit to be A. all written over abair, as it originally was, the a being crossed through. 6 in his A. 7 Is 1. mannis E A. LXXIV. 4 Irne A. 5 ffra A.

Various Readings: 6 tak A. LXXII. 1 Pilot A. quhat A. 2 Innocent A. 3 tollie A. 5 pilot A. LXXIII, LXXIV. The scribe has forgotten to colour the initials of each verse in these two stanzas, as he has done mostly in the poem.

6 Hum A.

5 ffor A.

Notes: V. 570. Tollie away! take him away!

To mese, meis,

V. 573. Possibly we should read him [for] to scurge for the sake of the rhythm, although verses in which the first syllable is wanting are not of very rare occurence in this poem. v. a. To mitigate.

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V. 575. Spulzeit to pe does not give a sense. We therefore have printed po pe instead. Possibly po his is the right reading.

V. 581. Scheyne s. must signify here the faculty of seeing.

V. 585. Downg, past. part. of to ding v. a., to drive, beat.

V. 587. Spirit is used here in a peculiar sense, viz. in that of feeling, sensitive faculty.

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