TO THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION: A TREATISE ON THE DIVINITY OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST; Written originally in FRENCH, AND DEAN of KILLALOE, in IRELAND. A NEW EDITION of the ENGLISH Tranflation, I TIM. iii. 16. GREAT IS THE MYSTERY OF GODLINESS, I JOHN V. 20. WE ARE IN HIM THAT IS TRUE, EVEN IN HIS SON JESUS CHRIST. THIS IS THE TRUE GOD AND ETERNAL LIFE. LONDON: Printed for and Sold by J. HARRIS, N° 79, STOR M DCC LXXVII. LIBRARY NEW-YORK PREFACE, BY THE 7 EDITOR. HE doctrine of our LORD's Eternal Divi- TH the object of long and violent opposition; many learned, ingenious, and able pens have been engaged in defence of that capital truth. Few, however, have repelled the adverfary with those powers of genius, and that force of argument, which were employed by Dr ABBADIE in compofing this admirable Treatife.-Far from contenting himself with dogmatical affertions, and equally far from amufing his readers with curious metaphyfical speculations, on the grand Subjecť of his inquiries; he has recourfe to the teftimony of GOD to that Revelation which JEHOVAH has made of himself in the Bible, and to thofe deductions from it, which are natural, clear, and conclufive A 2 |