THE SATIRES OF DECIMUS JUNIUS JUVENALIS. THE THIRD EDITION, CORRECTED AND ENLARGED. ΠΙΔΑΚΟΣ ΕΞ ΙΕΡΗΣ ΟΛΙΓΗ ΛΙΒΑΣ. THE SATIRES OF DECIMUS JUNIUS JUVENALIS. THE THIRD EDITION, CORRECTED AND ENLARGED. ΠΙΔΑΚΟΣ ΕΞ ΙΕΡΗΣ ΟΛΙΓΗ ΛΙΒΑΣ. ADVERTISEMENT TO THE THIRD EDITION. THE unprecedented kindness of the publick has agreeably disappointed the expectations with which the Advertisement to the Second Edition of the SATIRES OF JUVENAL was closed, and enabled me to appear before them again, in a Third Edition. I please myself with hoping that such favour has not been wholly lost upon me. The translation has been assiduously revised, some additions have been made to the notes, and not a few lines, which the approbation of friends has taught me to think better of, than I once did, restored from the quarto edition. A complete translation of the SATIRES OF PERSIUS is now subjoined, for the first time: an account of this will be found in its place. Νου. 22, 1817. |