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lawyers and politicians. To this aristocracy art, learning, and science have contributed sparse ingredients, but these mostly chosen for celibacy or childlessness. A remarkable body of men, nevertheless; with an average "horsepower," as Samuel Butler would have said, far exceeding that of any random sample of the middle-class. If only man could be reproduced by budding what a simplification it would be! In vegetative reproduction heredity is usually complete. The Washington plum can be divided to produce as many identical individuals as are required. If, say, Washington, the statesman, or preferably King Solomon, could similarly have been propagated, all the nations of the earth could have been supplied with ideal rulers.

Historians commonly ascribe such changes as occurred in Athens, and will almost certainly come to pass in the United States, to conditions of life and especially to political institutions. These agencies, however, do little unless they are such as to change the breed. External changes may indeed give an opportunity to special strains, which then acquire ascendancy. The industrial develop ments which began at the end of the eighteenth century, for instance, gave a chance to strains till then submerged, and their success involved the decay of most of the old aristocratic families. But the demagogue who would argue from the rise of the one and the fall of the other that the original relative positions were not justifiable | altogether mistakes the facts.

Conditions give opportunities but cause no variations. For example, in Athens, to which I just referred, the universality of cultivated discernment could never have come to pass but for the institution of slavery which provided the opportunity, but slavery was in no sense a cause of that development, for many other populations have lived on slaves and remained altogether inconspicuous.

The long standing controversy as to the relative importance of nature and nurture, to use Galton's "convenient jingle of words," is drawing to an end, and of the overwhelmingly greater significance of nature there is no longer any possibility of doubt. It may be well briefly to recapitulate the arguments on which naturalists rely in coming to this decision both as regards races and individuals. First as regards human individuals, there is the common experience that children of the same parents reared under conditions sensibly identical may develop quite differently, exhibiting in character and aptitudes a segregation just as great as in their colours or hair-forms. Conversely all the more marked aptitudes have at various times appeared and not rarely reached perfection in circumstances the least favourable for their development. Next, appeal can be made to the universal experience of the breeder, whether of animals or plan.s, that strain is absolutely essential, that though bad conditions may easily enough spoil a good strain, yet that under the best conditions a bad strain will never give a fine result. It is faith, not evidence, which encourages educationists and economists to hope so greatly in the ameliorating effects of the conditions of life. Let us consider what they can do and what they cannot. By reference to some sentences in a charming though pathetic book, "What Is, and What Might Be," by Mr. Edmund Holmes, which will be well known in the Educational Section, I may make the point of view of us naturalists clear. I take Mr. Holmes's pronouncement partly because he is an enthusiastic believer in the efficacy of nurture as opposed to nature, and also because he illustrates his views by frequent appeals to biological analogies which help us to a common ground. Wheat badly cultivated will give a bad yield, though, as Mr. Holmes truly says, wheat of the same strain in similar soil well cultivated may give a good harvest. But, having witnessed the success of a great natural teacher in helping unpromising peasant children to develop their natural powers, he gives us another botanical parallel. Assuming that the wild bullace is the origin of domesticated plums, he tells us that by cultivation the bullace can no doubt be improved so far as to become a better bullace, but by no

means can the bullace be made to bear plums. All this is sound biology; but translating these facts into the human analogy, he declares that the work of the successful teacher shows that with man the facts are otherwise, and that the average rustic child, whose normal ideal is "bullacehood," can become the rare exception, developing to a stage corresponding with that of the plum. But the naturalist knows exactly where the parallel is at fault. For the wheat and the bullace are both breeding approximately true, whereas the human crop, like jute and various cottons, is in a state of polymorphic mixture. The popu lation of many English villages may be compared with the crop which would result from sowing a bushel of kernels gathered mostly from the hedges, with an occasional few from an orchard. If anyone asks how it happens that there are any plum-kernels in the sample at all, he may find the answer perhaps in spontaneous variation, but more probably in the appearance of a long hidden recessive. For the want of that genetic variation, consisting probably, as I have argued, in loss of inhibiting factors, by which the plum arose from the wild form, neither food, nor education, nor hygiene can in any way atone. Many wild plants are half-starved through competition, and transferred to garden soil they grow much bigger; so good conditions might certainly enable the bullace population to develop beyond the stunted physical and mental stature they commonly attain, but plums they can never be. Modern statesmanship aims rightly at helping those who have got sown as wildings to come into their proper class; but let not any one suppose such a policy democratic in its ultimate effects, for no course of action can be more effective in strengthening the upper classes whilst weakening the lower.

In all practical schemes for social reform the congerital diversity, the essential polymorphism of all civilised communities must be recognised as a fundamental fact, and reformers should rather direct their efforts to facilitating and rectifying class-distinctions than to any futile attempt to abolish them. The teaching of biology is perfectly




We are what we are by virtue of our differentiaThe value of civilisation has in all ages been doubted. Since, however, the first variations were not strangled in their birth, we are launched on that course of variability of which civilisation is the consequence. We cannot go back to homogeneity again, and differentiated we are likely to continue. For a period measures designed to create a spurious homogeneity may be applied. attempts will, I anticipate, be made when the present unstable social state reaches a climax of instability, which may not be long hence. Their effects can be but evanescent. The instability is due not to inequality, which is inherent and congenital, but rather to the fact that in periods of rapid change like the present, convectioncurrents are set up suck that the elements of the strata get intermixed and the apparent stratification corresponds only roughly with the genetic. In a few generations under uniform conditions these elements settle in their true levels

once more.

In such equilibrium is content most surely to be expected. To the naturalist the broad lines of solution of the problems of social discontent are evident. They lie neither in vain dreams of a mystical and disintegrating equality, nor in the promotion of that malignant individualism which in older civilisations has threatened mortification of the humbler organs, but rather in a physiological co-ordination of the constituent parts of the social organism. The rewards of commerce are grossly out of proportion to those attainable by intellect or industry. Even regarded as compensation for a dull life, they far exceed the value of the services rendered to the community. Such disparity is an incident of the abnormally rapid growth of population, and is quite indefensible as a permanent social condition. Nevertheless, capital, distinguished as a provision for offspring, is a eugenic institution, and unless human instinct undergoes some profound and improbable variation, abolition

of capital means the abolition of effort; but as in the body the power of independent growth of the parts is limited and subordinated to the whole, similarly in the community we may limit the powers of capital, preserving so much inequality of privilege as corresponds with physiological fact.

At every turn the student of political science is confronted with problems that demand biological knowledge for their solution. Most obviously is this true in regard to education, the criminal law, and all those numerous branches of policy and administration which are directly concerned with the physiological capacities of mankind. Assumptions as to what can be done and what cannot be done to modify individuals and races have continually to be made, and the basis of fact on which such decisions are founded can be drawn only from biological study.

A knowledge of the facts of nature is not yet deemed an essential part of the mental equipment of politicians; but as the priest, who began in other ages as medicine-man, has been obliged to abandon the medical parts of his practice, so will the future behold the schoolmaster, the magistrate, the lawyer, and ultimately the statesman, compelled to share with the naturalist those functions which are concerned with the physiology of race.




By Prof. WILLIAM J. POPE, M.A., LL.D., F.R.S.,
President of the Section.

THE British Association has been firmly established as one of the institutions of our Empire for more than half a century past. The powerful hold which it has acquired probably arises from the welcome which every worker in science extends to an occasional cessation of his ordinary routine-a respite during which the details of the specific inquiry in hand may be temporarily cast aside, and replaced by leisurely discussion with colleagues on the broader issues of scientific progress.

The investigator, continually occupied with his own problems and faced with an ever-increasing mass of technical literature, ordinarily finds little time for reflection upon the real meaning of his work; he secures, in general, far too few opportunities of considering in a philosophical sort of way the past, present, and future of his own particular branch of scientific activity. It is not difficult to form a fairly accurate survey of the position to which Chemistry had attained a generation ago, perhaps even a few years ago; probably no intellect at present existing could pronounce judgment upon the present position of our science in terms which would commend themselves to the historian of the twenty-first century. Doubtless even one equipped with a complete knowledge of all that has been achieved, standing on the very frontier of scientific advance and peering into the surrounding darkness, would be quite incompetent to make any adequate forecast of the conquests which will be made by chemical and physical science during the next fifty years. At the same time, chemical history tells us that progress is the result in large measure of imperfect attempts to appreciate the present and to forecast the future. I therefore propose to lay before you a sketch of the present position of certain branches of chemical knowledge and to discuss the directions in which progress is to be sought; none of us dare cherish the conviction that his views on such matters are correct, but everyone desirous of contributing towards the development of his science must attempt an appreciation of this kind. The importance to the worker and to the subject of free ventilation and discussion of the point of view taken by the individual can scarcely be over-estimated, The two sciences of Chemistry and Physics were at one


time included as parts of the larger subject entitled Natural Philosophy, but in the early part of the nineteenth century they drew apart. Under the stimulus of Dalton's atomic theory, Chemistry developed into a study of the interior of the molecule, and, as a result of the complication of the observed phenomena, progressed from stage to stage as a closely reasoned mass of observed facts and logical conclusions. Physics, less entangled in its infancy with numbers of experimental data which apparently did not admit of quantitative correlation, was developed largely as a branch of applied mathematics; such achievements of the formal Physics of the last century as the mathematical theory of light and the kinetic theory of gases are monuments to the powers of the human intellect.

The path of Chemistry, as an application of pure logical argument to the interpretation of complex masses of observations, thus gradually diverged from that taken by Physics as the mathematical treatment of less involved experimental data, although both subjects derived their impetus to development from the speculations of genius. It is interesting to note, however, that during recent years the two sciences, which were so sharply distinguished twenty years ago as to lead to mutual misunderstandings, are now converging. Many purely chemical questions have received such full quantitative study that the results are susceptible to attack by the methods of the mathematical physicist; on the other hand, the intense complication perceived during the fuller examination of many physical problems has led to their interpretation by the logical argument of the chemist, because the traditional mathematical mode of attack of the physicist has proved powerless to deal with the intricacies exhibited by the observed facts.

The progress of Chemistry during the last century has been mainly the result of the co-ordination of observed facts in accordance with a series of hypotheses each closely related in point of time to the one preceding it. The atomic theory, as it was enunciated by Dalton in 1803, was a great impetus to chemical investigation, but proved insufficient to embrace all the known facts; it was supplemented in 1813 by Avogadro's theorem-that equal volumes of gases contain the same numbers of molecules at the same temperature and pressure. These two important theoretical developments led to the association of a definite physical meaning with the idea of molecular composition, but ultimately proved insufficient for the interpretation of the ever-increasing mass of chemical knowledge collected under their stimulus. A further great impetus followed the introduction by Frankland and Kekulé, in 1852 onwards, of the idea of valency and the mode of building up constitutional formula; the conception of molecular constitution thus arose as a refinement on the Daltonian notion of molecular composition. In course of time the theoretical scheme once more proved insufficient to accommodate the accumulated facts, until, in 1874, van't Hoff and Le Bel demonstrated the all-important part which molecular configuration plays in the interpretation of certain classes of phenomena known to the organic Chemist.

During the early days of chemical science-those of Dalton's time and perhaps also those of Frankland and Kekulé-we can believe that chemical theory may have lacked the physical reality which it now seems to us to present; the attitude of our predecessors towards the theoretical interpretation of their observations was rather that described by Plato :-"As when men in a dark cavern judge of external objects by the shadows which they cast into the cavern." In the writings of the most clearsighted of our forerunners we can detect an underlying suspicion of a possibility that, at some time or other, the theory by means of which chemical observations are held together may undergo an entire reconstruction; a very few years ago Ostwald made a determined attempt to treat our science without the aid of the molecular hypothesis, and, indeed, suggested the desirability of giving the Daltonian atomic theory decent burial.

The last ten years or so has seen a change in this | The rapid growth of Organic Chemistry as a classified attitude. The development of Organic Chemistry has revealed so complete a correspondence between the indications of the conception of molecular constitution and configuration and the observed facts, and recent work on the existence of the molecule, largely in connection with colloids, with radio-activity, and with crystal structure, is so free from ambiguity, that persistence of doubt seems unreasonable. Probably most chemists are prepared to regard the present doctrine of chemical constitution and configuration as proven; although they may turn a dim vision towards the next great development, they have few misgivings as to the stability of the position which has already been attained.

subject contrasted strongly with that of Inorganic Chemistry, in which the collection of a great variety of detailed knowledge incapable of far-reaching logical correlation formed the most striking feature; in fact, the extension of the conclusion, proven in the case of carbon compounds, that the Frankland Kekulé constitutional formulæ must be translated into terms of three-dimensional space, to compounds of elements other than carbon, did not immediately follow the application of the theory to this element. Twenty years ago, indeed, the idea prevailed that carbon compounds differed radically from those of other elements, and we were not prepared to transfer theoretical conclusions from the organic to the inorganic side of our subject. In 1891, however, Le Bel stated that he had found optical activity associated with asymmetry of a quinquivalent nitrogen atom; although the experimental work upon which this conclusion was founded is now known to be incorrect (Trans. C. S., 1912, ci., 519), the conception thus put forward was important, as suggesting that the notion of space-configuration could not be restricted logically to methane derivatives. When it was proved in 1899 that benzylphenylallylmethylammonium iodide could exist in a right- and left-handed configura. tion, it became necessary to admit that the spacial arrangement of the parts of a chemical molecule, pre

to ammonium salts (Pope and Peachey, Trans. Chem. Soc., 1899, lxxv., 1127).

The demonstration that optical activity, or enantiomorphism, of molecular configuration is associated not only with the presence of an asymmetric quadrivalent carbon atom, but also with that of a nitrogen atom attached to five different radicles, was the result of an improvement of technique in connection with the study of optical activity; previously the resolution into optically active components of a potentially optically active basic substance had been attempted with the aid of naturally occurring optically active weak acids of the general type of d-tartaric acid. The application of the strong d- and l-bromocamphorsulphonic acids and the d- and l-camphorsulphonic acids to such purposes rendered possible the isolation of the optically active substances containing no asymmetric atom other than one of quinquivalent nitrogen. The resolution of asymmetric quaternary ammonium salts of the kind indicated was rapidly followed by the preparation of optically active substances in which the enantiomorphism is associated with the presence of an asymmetric sulphur, selenium, tin, phosphorus, or silicon atom; compounds of the following constitutions were thus obtained in optically active modifications:

Let us consider how far the study of Organic Chemistry has hitherto led us; we may pass over the gigantic achievements of those who in past generations determined constitution and performed syntheses, thus making the subject one of the most perfect examples of scientific classification which exist, and turn to the question of molecular configuration. In 1815 Biot observed that certain liquid organic substances deflect the plane of polarisation of a transmitted ray of light either to the right or to the left; half a century later Pasteur and Paternò pointed the obvious conclusion, namely, that the right or left-handed deviation thus exerted must be due to a corresponding right- or left-handedness in the configura-viously restricted to methane derivatives, must be extended tion of the chemical molecule. A scheme representing such right or left-handedness, or enantiomorphism, was first enunciated by van't Hoff and Le Bel upon the basis of the previously established doctrine of chemical constitution; briefly stated, the idea suggested was that the methane molecule, CH4, was not to be regarded as extended in a plane in the manner represented by the Frankland-Kekulé constitutional formula, but as built up symmetrically in three-dimensional space. The carbon atom of the methane molecule thus occupies the centre of a regular tetrahedron, of which the apices are replaced by the four hydrogen atoms. A methane derivative, in which one carbon is separately attached to four different univalent atoms or radicles of the type CXYZW, should thus exist in two enantiomorphous configurations, one exhibiting right- and the other left-handedness. The inventors of this daringly mechanistic interpretation of the far less concrete constitutional formulæ were able to interpret immediately a large number of known facts, previously incomprehensible, by means of their extension of the Frankland-Kekulé view of constitution. They showed that every substance then known, which in the liquid state exhibited so-called optical activity, could be regarded as a derivative of methane in which the methane carbon atom was attached to four different univalent atoms or groups of atoms; a methane carbon atom so associated is termed an asymmetric carbon atom. It is of interest to note that the van't Hoff-Le Bel deduction resulted from the discussion of the behaviour of organic substances of some molecular complexity; the optically active substances then known were mostly the products of animal or vegetable life, and among them none occurs which contains less than three carbon atoms in the molecule. Lactic acid, CH3.CH(OH).CO OH, is practically the most simple optically active substance of natural occurrence; it contains twelve atoms in the molecule, and it has only recently been found possible to associate optical activity with a much more simply constituted substance, namely, chloriodomethanesulphonic acid, CHCH. SO3H, the molecule of which contains less than 5 per cent of carbon and only nine atoms, four more than the minimum number, five, which theoretically can give rise to optical activity (Pope and Read, Trans. Chem. Soc., 1914, cv., 811).

The working out of the practical consequences of the doctrine of the tetrahedral configuration of the methane carbon atom by von Baeyer, Emil Fischer, and Wislicenus is now a matter of history; the acquisition of masses of experimental data, broad in principle and minute in detail, placed the van't Hoff-Le Bel hypothesis beyond dispute.


C6H5 C2H5 CH3

C6H5 CH3



CH3 cí CH2.CO.OH



C6H5 C2H1


C2H5 CH3


[ocr errors]

C2Hs C2H2



C3H7 C3H7

In all this work, and amongst all the varied classes of optically active compounds prepared, it was in every instance possible to indicate one particular quadrivalent or quinquivalent atom in the molecule which is separately attached to four or five different atoms or radicles; the enantiomorphism of molecular configuration may be

detected, in fact, by the observation that such an asymmetric atom is present. It must, however, be insisted that the observed optical activity is the result of the enantiomorphism of the molecular configuration; the asymmetry of a particular atom is not to be regarded as the cause of the optical activity but merely as a convenient geometrical sign of molecular enantiomorphism. In 1874 van't Hoff realised that molecular enantiomorphism and optical activity might conceivably exist without the presence of an asymmetric carbon atom, and suggested that compounds of the type

[blocks in formation]


were obtained (Perkin, Pope, and Wallach, Trans. Chem. Soc., 1909, xcv., 1789; Perkin and Pope, Trans. Chem. Soc., 1911, xcix., 1510). The consideration of the constitution of these substances shows no carbon atom which is attached to four different groups, but a study of the solid model representing the molecular configuration built up in accordance with the van't Hoff Wislicenus con clusions reveals the enantiomorphism.

It is of some importonce to note that the configurations assigned in such optically active substances as have been mentioned above, on the basis of the experimental evidence, are of as symmetrical a character as the conditions permit; the K-kulé formula for methane, CH4, in which all five atoms lie in the same plane, is not of so highly symmetrical a character as the van 't Hoff Le Bel configuration in which the four hydrogen atoms are situate at the apices of a regular tetrahedron described about the carbon atom as centre. Some influence seems to be operative which tends to distribute the component radicles in an unsymmetrical molecule in as symmetrical a manner as possible; recent work indicates, however, that this is not always true. During the past few years Mills and Bain (Trans. Chem. Soc., 1910, xcvii., 1866) have shown that the synthetic substance of the constitution



can be resolved into optically active modifications. The conclusion is thus forced upon us that the trivalent nitrogen atom in such compounds is not environed in the most symmetrical manner possible by the surrounding com ponents of the molecule; the experimental verification which the conclusions of Hantzsch and Werner, con cerning the isomerism of the oximes, thus derive, constitutes the first really direct evidence justifying their acceptance.

Quite recently, and by the application largely of the optically active powerful sulphonic acids derived from camphor, Werner has made another great advance in connection with the subject of optical activity. He has obtained a number of complex compounds of chromium, cobalt, iron, and rhodium in optically active modifications. The foregoing brief statement probably suffices to indicate the progress which has been made during the last twenty years in demonstrating that the atoms or radicles associated in the chemical molecule do not lie in one plane but are disposed about certain constituent atoms in three-dimensional space; careful study of the present stage of progress shows that we must attribute to mole cular configuration, as determined by modern chemical methods, a very real significance. It can no longer be supposed to possess the purely diagrammatic character which attached to the Frankland-Kekulé constitutional formulæ; it seems to be proved that the men who deve loped the doctrine of valency were not merely pursuing

an empirical mode of classification, capable of various modes of physical interpretation, but were devising the main scheme of a correct mechanical model of the chemical universe.

The development of a branch of science such as that now under discussion is, to a considerable extent, an artistic pursuit; it calls for the exercise of manipulative skill, of a knowledge of materials, and of originality of conception, which probably originate in intuition and empiricism, but must be applied with scientific acumen and logical judgment. For reasons of this kind many gaps occur in our present knowledge of the subject; although so many important conclusions find an unshakable foundation on facts relating to optical activity, we have as yet no clear idea as to why substances of enantiomorphous molecular configuration exhibit optical activity. Great masses of quantitative data referring to optical activity have been accumulated; something has been done towards their correlation by Armstrong, Frankland, Pickard, Lowry, and others, but we still await from the mathematical physicist a theory of optical activity comparable in quantitative completeness to the electro-magnetic theory of light. Until we get such a theory it seems unlikely that much further progress will be made in interpreting quan. titative determinations of rotation constants.

That aspect of stereochemistry which has just been so briefly reviewed represents a situation which has been attained during the natural development of Organic Chemistry by methods which have now become traditional; progress has been made by the application of strictly logical methods of interpretation to masses of experimental data, and each new conclusion has been checked and verified by the accumulation of fresh contributions in the laboratory. The sureness of the methods adopted could not fail to lead to the intrusion of stereochemistry into adjacent fields of scientific activity; bio-chemistry, the study of the chemical processes occurring in living organisms, is already largely dominated by stereochemistry, and the certainty with which stereochemistry has inspired us as to the reality of the molecular constitution of matter is exerting a powerful influence in other branches of natural science. Quite possibly, however, the acquaintance which every chemist possesses of the great progress already made upon one particular set of lines is to some extent an obstacle to his appreciation of new directions in which further great stereochemical advances may be anticipated.

A little reflection will show that the study of the relation between the crystalline form and chemical constitution or configuration of substances in general may confidently be expected to lead to important extensions of our knowledge of the manner in which the atoms are arranged in molecular complexes. The earlier crystallographic work of the nineteenth century led to the conclusion that each substance affects some particular crystalline form, that the regular external crystalline shape is an expression of the internal structure of the crystal, and that a determination of the simpler properties-geometrical, optical, and the like of a crystalline material constitutes a mode of completely characterising the substance. Later work during the last century demonstrated that the properties of crystalline substances are in entire harmony with a simple assumption as to the manner in which the units or particles of the material are arranged; the assumption is that the arrangement is a geometrically "homogeneous one, namely, an arrangement in which similar units are uniformly repeated throughout the structure, corresponding points presenting everywhere a similar environment. The assumption of homogeneity of structure imposes a definite limitation upon the kinds of arrangement which are possible in crystals; it leads to the inquiry as to how many types of homogeneous arrangement of points in space are possible, and to the identification of these types with the known classes of crystal symmetry. The final conclusion has been attained that there are 230 geometrically homogeneous modes of distributing units, or points representing material particles, throughout space; these, the so-called

230 homogeneous "point-systems," fall into the thirty-two | density of packing of the centres, the distance separating types of symmetry exhibited by crystalline solids. The nearest centres is a maximum. Two homogeneous solution of the purely geometrical problem here involved | arrangements of points fulfil this condition, and these was commenced by Frankenheim in 1830, and finally com- exhibit the symmetry of the cubic and the hexagonal pleted by Barlow in 1894; it brings us face to face with crystalline systems. the much larger stereochemical problem-that of determining what the units are which become homogeneously arranged in the crystal, why they become so arranged, and in what way a connection can be established between chemical constitution and crystal structure.

Since the conception of homogeneity of structure alone is clearly insufficient for the interpretation of the more advanced problem, some further assumption must be made as a foundation for any really comprehensive attempt to collate the quantities of isolated facts bearing upon the subject. Of the many assumptions which have been made in this connection only one, which may now be stated, has as yet proved fruitful in the sense that it serves to corre

Since the nature of the two arrangements of points is not easily realised by mere inspection, the systems must be presented in some alternative form for the purpose of more clearly demonstrating their properties; this is done conveniently by imagining each point in either arrangement to swell as a sphere until contact is made with the neighbouring points. The two arrangements then become those shown in Figs. 1 and 2, and are distinguished as the cubic and hexagonal closest-packed assemblages of equal spheres; they differ from all other homogeneous arrangements in presenting maximum closeness of packing of the component spheres. The equilibrium condition previously remarked-that, with a given density of distribution of

[graphic][graphic][merged small]

late large numbers of known experimental facts, and that it indicates the way to the discovery of fresh facts. The assumption is that each atom in a crystalline structure acts as a centre of operation of two opposing forces: (a) a repellent force, attributable to the kinetic energy of the atom, and (b) an attractive force, both forces, like gravity, being governed by some inverse distance law. Such an assumption forms an essential part of the classical work of Clerk Maxwell and van der Waals on the kinetic theory of gases and liquids. Its application to solid crystalline substances, where it must be applied in conjunction with the principle of structural homogeneity, was made by Barlow and myself in 1906.

The operation of the assumption just stated is readily visualised by considering the simplest possible case, that, namely, of a crystalline element, each molecule of which consists of but one atom and in which all the atoms are similar. Consideration of this kind of case shows that the set of identically similar centres of attracting and opposing forces will be in equilibrium when one particular simple condition is fulfilled; the condition is that, with a given

FIG. 2.

the force centres in space, the distance separating nearest is a maximum-is revealed in the assemblages of spheres as the condition that the spheres are arranged with the maximum closeness of packing.

A further step is yet necessary. Each point in the arrangements considered is regarded as the mean centre of an atom of the crystalline element, but the assumption originally made states nothing about the magnitude of the atom itself; it is therefore convenient to regard the whole of the available space as filled by the atoms, without interstices. This is conveniently done by imagining tangent planes drawn at each contact of sphere with sphere, so partitioning the available space into plane-sided polyhedra, each of which may be described as the domain of one component atom. The twelve-sided polyhedra thus derived from the cubic and the hexagonal assemblages represent the solid areas throughout which each atom exercises a predominant influence in establishing the equilibrium arrangement.

(To be continued).

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