When morn-ing gilds the skies, My heart, awak-ing, cries, Thy name, O God, be praised! 0:4 目 A like at work and prayer, On thee I cast my care: Thy name, 0 God, be praised! 564. I WHEN morning gilds the skies, Thy name, O God, be praised ! 2 Does sadness fill my mind? A solace here I find: Thy name, O God, be praised ! 3 When evil thoughts molest, With this I shield my breast : Thy name, O God, be praised ! Eddy. s. м. The powers of darkness fear, 4 When sleep her balm denies, Thy name, O God, be praised ! 5 Be this, while life is mine, My canticle divine, Thy name, O God, be praised ! 565. I HAPPY the man who knows His Master to obey, Whose life of care and labor flows Where God points out the way. 2 He riseth to his task Soon as the word is given, Nor waits, nor doth a question ask, When orders come from heaven. 3 Nothing he calls his own; Nothing he hath to say; His feet are shod for God alone, And God alone obey. 4 Give us, O God, this mind, Which waits for thy command, And doth its highest pleasure find In thy great work to stand. Stillwater. P. M. [WITH HYMN 566 ONLY.] 566. The Lord is my Shepherd, he makes me re-pose Where the pas-tures in beauty are grow - ing; He leads me a far from the world and its woes, Where in peace the still waters are flow-ing. Heaven is here. Its hymns of gladness Cheer the true be liev-er's way, In this world where sin and sad - ness Of ten change to night our day. Heaven is here: where misery lightened Of its heavy load is seen; Where the face of sor-row brightened By the deed of love hath been; 568. I HEAVEN is here. Its hymns of gladness 2 Where the bound, the poor, despairing, Rather than man's praise or rod : This is heaven, its peace, its beauty, Radiant with the smile of God. Pilgrim. 8s, 7s, D. 569. I KNOW, my soul, thy full salvation; Rise o'er sin, and fear, and care; Joy to find, in every station, Something still to do or bear. Think what Spirit dwells within thee; Think what Father's smiles are thine; Think what Jesus did to win thee : Child of heaven, canst thou repine? 2 Haste thee on from grace to glory, ev'ry station, did to win thee: Murray. 8s, 7s, D. He that goeth forth with weeping, Bear-ing still the pre-cious seed, Nev - er tir - ing, never sleep-ing, Soon shall see his toil succeed: Show'rs of rain will fall from heav - en, Then the cheering sun shall shine; So shall plenteous fruit be giv-en, Thro' an influence all di - vine. 570. I HE that goeth forth with weeping, Soon shall see his toil succeed : Showers of rain will fall from heaven, Then the cheering sun shall shine; So shall plenteous fruit be given, Through an influence all divine. 2 Sow thy seed, be never weary, Let not fear thy mind employ; Though the prospect be most dreary, Thou mayest reap the fruits of joy. Lo! the scene of verdure brightening, See the rising grain appear ! Look again! the fields are whitening; Harvest-time is surely near ! FINE. 571. I YEARS are coming-speed them onward! When the sword shall gather rust, Seers foretold in ancient song. D.S. Something still to do or bear. Think what Spirit dwells within thee; Think what Father's smiles are thine; Child of heaven, canst thou re-pine ? |