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2nd Tim. 4: 8, Paul writes, "Henceforth there is laid up for me a Crown of righteousness. . . and not to Me only, but unto All them also that love His Appearing.' In this particular there is not any difference between Paul and all the others who "love His Appearing." It is reasonable to suppose that there will be a very great difference between Paul's standing and rank as manifested at the Judgment Seat, and those of most other members of the same Company.

The same "Crown" is referred to in 1st Peter 5: 4, "A Crown of Glory that Fadeth not away." The dominion over the Kingdoms of the Earth is alluded to by the term "Diadems," as in Rev. 19: 12, "and on His Head were many Crowns," these are the Diadems of the Earth. But the "Crown" of 2nd Tim. 4: 8, 1st Peter 5: 4, is from the Greek "Stephan," and does not indicate dominion over others, but the inheritance of a Royal Deathless Nature. The "Diadems" of the Earth are for a thousand years, the "Stephan" or "Crown of Glory Fadeth Not Away."


When Christ's review of His Household is over, and all the various positions and offices arranged and alloted in the Massive Kingdom of God, the Glorious Convention with the Lord is entered upon. It is by and through this that each member of that Assembly fully enters into the Joy of his Lord.

In Psalm 45: 7, is a description of the State of Christ since His Ascension, "Therefore God, Thy God, hath Anointed Thee with the oil of gladness above Thy fellows." For the long period of the Gospel Age Christ has partaken of this boundless Joy and all this time His "fellows" or Brethren have lived their lives in the associations of Earthly tribulations, and then have passed into the condition of death, there to await their Lord's return.

The full realization of "the Joy of their Lord" is brought by the Master's Revelation of the Plans and

Purposes, together with a perfect exposition of the Glorious Character and Personality of the Father. In Heb. 2: 12, 13, the Apostle quotes a Prophesy from Psalm 22: 22. This Prophecy is to be fulfilled at this Meeting with His People, and will require some time for its full accomplishment. "I will declare Thy Name unto My Brethren, in the Midst of the Church will I sing Praise unto Thee." Manifestly, the gathering of the "Brethren and Church" precedes the fulfilment of this Prophecy.

The wonderful Ministry of Jesus at His First Advent, presented more truth than any mortal mind has apprehended. But Christ declared at the close of His Ministry, "I have yet many things to say unto you, .. these things have I spoken unto you in Proverbs, but the time Cometh when I shall no more speak unto you in Proverbs, but I shall show you plainly of the Father." John 16: 12, 25. That time arrives when Heb. 2: 12, 13, is fulfilled. Before taking any steps toward the settlement of the affairs of the Nations of the Earth, or for the establishment of the Kingdom, Christ commences His Ministry by making perfect the Spiritual education and enlightenment of His "Brethren." He fills the Immortal "Church" with the praises of His Father.

Of necessity great diversity of belief in Divine Truth, together with equally diverse phases of character and spiritual attainments, obtain with the approved members of Christ's Household. Spiritual, Moral and Intellectual Giants like Paul are most exceptional. It is no small cause for thankfulness to know that, "the good soil" is not limited by the generous Master to that which brings forth a hundred fold, but includes that bringing forth sixty and even thirty fold. Matt. 13: 23. "The good ground. . . which also beareth fruit, and bringeth forth, some an hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty." The remarkable differences of belief even amongst the most advanced Bible Students, the attitude of different Companies of believers in Christ to each other on account of these diversities of ideas on Scriptural Teaching, together with the

lessons of human fallibility from the religious history of all the Centuries back to Christ, -, present abundant need for this final teaching of His own people by the One Perfect Teacher. There will be need for all these to "Sit at His Feet and Receive His Words." Deut 33: 3.

The members of this Convention are the Teachers of the Coming Age and Kingdom, as well as the Kings of the Earth. There is to be nothing lacking in their equipment in these connections, and no diversity of doctrine. When Christ's exposition is completed the "whole counsel of God," in the superlative degree, will be manifest to every member of the Household. With One Voice these Immortal and Infallible Teachers will instruct the human race. With such an instrumentality as this, and with such a Teacher as Christ as "Head," the Prophesied spread of Universal Truth will be easily realised. Habak. 2: 14.

Most believers in the Second Advent have some beliefs concerning "the Rapture of the Saints," after their meeting Christ and before the Kingdom is established. This "Rapture" is regarded by many as transpiring while Christ and His People are away from the Earth, and is believed by those holding "Futurist" ideas, to last seven years. As already considered, Christ and His People are on the Earth during the "Rapture" Epoch. They are in the "desert" and in "secret chambers" from the day of His descent to that of the "Coming from Sinai with ten thousands of Saints." No definite time is mentioned in connection with the period of the Rapture and Convention of Immortals. The Divine Nature is never in a hurry. The most important assembly in all human history will show no haste. There will not be any need for interrupted sessions, for Immortals require neither rest nor sleep, and do not need the sustenance of food. "They rest not day nor night," "they serve Him day and night." All time is at their disposal, and Eternity is before them.

When Moses was on Mount Sinai on two occasions of forty days each, he needed no food to sustain him

in the Divine Presence. Exod. 34: 28-33. The people of Israel camped at the base of the Mount, knew of the Conventions on its summit; but, the living generation all over the Earth at the Era of this Convention of Immortals will be ignorant, both of Christ's return and the Assembly of His People, holding Convention with their Lord at the place of His descent. At this period of history, the Nations of the Earth will be involved in Military operations, unequalled in magnitude and of unprecedented significance in all human history. Such a crisis in human affairs is not permitted to develop until the Great Deliverer is Personally on the Earth, and ready to intervene at the stage of events Divinely arranged and revealed.


Sixth Vial Operations. The Drying Up of the Water of the Euphrates River. The Three Unclean Spirits Like Frogs. Preparations for Armageddon. The Anti Jewish Confederacy. The Nations Favourable to the Jews. Sheba, and Dedan, and the Merchants of Tarshish, with all the Young Lions Thereof. The Gradually Developing Eastern Question.


The "thief like" approach of Christ which is identical with the "lightning" like coming of Matt. 24: 27, is definitely located in Rev. 16: 15, as transpiring during the Sixth Vial of the Seventh Trumpet. This event is only one amongst several others associated with this Vial. It is by noting these others that "watching" for the signs of His Approach is made. possible.

The notification of Christ's Approach is associated with an advanced stage of the Sixth Vial period. The other operations of this Vial are Three in number, as outlined in Rev. 16: 12-16. First, the drying up of the Water of the great River Euphrates; second, the going forth of the three unclean spirits like frogs; third, the gathering of the Nations into Armageddon.

Most Expositors of this Book of Revelation who have recognised the historical character of the Work, are agreed that the French Revolution Era marked the "Seventh Trumpet" period, and that the first five Vials of that Trumpet were all fulfilled in the events in Europe, which ended with the downfall of Napoleon the Great in 1815. The French Nation and Country were the domains of the greatest Revolution in human history, and the succeeding Campaigns of Napoleon inflicted such judgments in Europe as completely altered the National and Religious affairs of the world.

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