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June 11, 1909

International Congress of Applied Chemistry.

SECTION VIII.b.-Pharmaceutical Chemistry.
The following papers were communicated:-
P. W. Squire and C. M. Caines-" Standardisation of
Potent Drugs and International Agreement with
regard to it.'

P. MacEwan and G. P. Forrester-"Variations in the
Activity of certain Toxic Drugs, with Suggestions for
an International Enquiry."

P. M. Mardetzchlager-" Ueber die Wichtigkeit einer einheitlichen Untersuchungsmethode in chem. Beziehung aller Medikamente, Droguen u.s.w., aller Pharmacopoeiaen der Erde zur Identitatsnachweisung durch eine Commission aller Staaten."

E. M. Houghton-" Proposed International Standards for the Physiological Action of Heart Tonics of the Digitalis Series."

G. Morselli-" Della necessita die introdurre nelle farmacopee ufficiali il concetto di titolazioni fisiologica per talune droghe e preparati medicinati."

D. L. Howard, B. Howard, and O. Chick-"Standards for Purity of Quinine Compounds in different Pharmacopoeias."


The following resolution was carried unanimously:"That this meeting of the Pharmaceutical Chemistry Section of the International Congress of Applied Chemistry having received and discussed communications by Messrs. Squire and Caines and MacEwan and Forrester, resolves that it is desirable that an international enquiry should be instituted with a view to securing :-(1) Greater uniformity in the commercial supplies of potent drugs and the means for determining the same; and (2) Approximation in the pharmacopoeias of the world to common standards of activity."

W. Hale "Toxicity of Acetanilide Mixtures."

J. P. Remington-"Chemistry of the U.S. Pharmacopoeia from 1820 to 1909."

A. B. Lyons—"Progress in Standardisation of Pharma-
copæial Drugs.'

S. P. Sadtler-" Organic Compounds of the United States

A. Seidell "The Solubilities of the Salicylates of the
U.S. Pharmacopoeia in Aqueous Ethyl Alcohol Solu-
tions at 25°."
"Methods for the Determination of

J. Ubeda y Correal "Les comprimés médicamenteux."

SECTION VIII.c.-Bromatology.

On the systems for the Control of the Food Supply in-
Belgium, Di. Wauters; Germany, Dr. Kerp; Canada,
Dr. McGill; Switzerland, Prof. Schaffer; Netherlands,
Prof. Wysman and Dr. Van Rijn (“ Butter Control").
M. Taffe-"Sur l'analyse des laits saisis."
Messrs. Russell and Arnaud-" The Fat Standard in Milk."
Dr. Bordas-" Sur les catalases et les peroxydases dans le
lait de vache."

The International Commission on the Unification of Analytical Methods have issued the following account of their proceedings:-La Commission s'est reunie les vendredi 28, samedi 29, et lundi 31 mai a 9 h.m., sous la presidence de M. André. Elle a arrete un reglement d'ordre interieur; puis elle a examine et approuve un projet de rapport sur son organisation et ses travaux. Elle s'est ensuite occupee des rapports sur l'unification des methodes d'analyse prepares par MM. André, von Buchka, Chapman, Cribb, Lavalle, Schoepp, Mastbaum, Piutti, Vandevelde, Wauters, Wiley (Voir Seance du samedi 29 de la section de bromatologie). Enfin elle a procede au recrutement de quelques membres nouveaux et a la constitution de son bureau. M. von Buchka a ete elu president; MM. Armand Gautier, Thorpe, Piutti, Schaffer, Wauters, Wiley, Wysman, vice-presidents; M. Vandevelde, secretaire general.

Papers on the composition of brandy and other spirits were communicated by Dr. Girard, M. Guillon, M. Mastbaum, M. Mestre, M. Ordonneau, M. Rocques.


Resolution carried:- "That brandy is a product of the distillation of wine, and the term is synonymous with eau de vie de vin."

SECTION IX.-Photo-Chemistry-Photography.
Dr. Luppo-Cramer-" Ueber die lantenten Bilder der
Rontgenstrahlen und anderer Energiearten."
Prof. Wilder D. Bancroft-" Reversal of the Photographic

M. S. de Prokoudine-Gorsky-" Differents effets des
sensibilisateurs sur les plaques sensibles selon les pro-
prietes des bromures d'argent de l'emulsion."
Maximilian Toch-"Photo-chemical Deterioration of Oil

Dr. C. E. Kenneth Mees-" Report on the Present Condition of Sensitometry."


W. T. Krohn-"International Standard Method of
Marking the Speed of Photographic Dry Plates and
Definition of the Standard Conditions under which
such Speed Tests are to be carried out."

Dr. C. Winther-"On the Eder-solution."


SECTION X.-Electro-chemistry--Physical Chemistry.
G. Donnan and R. Findlay-" Electrolysis of Brine
with the Findlay Cell."

R. Taussig "Prozesse der Kochsalz-Elektrolyse."
L. H. Baekeland-" Three Years' Practice of the Townsend
E. A. Sperry-" Function of Refrigeration in the Lique-
faction of Chlorine." "Chlorine Detinning in Practice."
Cappadoro-" Utilisation of Electrolytic Chlorine for
the Simultaneous Production of Hydrochloric and
Sulphuric Acids."


E. Leriche "Contribution à l'Electrolyse des solutions
salines avec anode de Zinc." "Procédé de Fabrica-
tion Electrolytique du blanc de Zinc."

Prof. Kistiakowsky-"Passivity of Metals."
Prof. Tschugaeff“ Ueber anormale Rotations-dispersion."
Cowper-Coles-"Experiments to Prove that Electro-
deposited Copper has a Similar Crystalline Structure
to Cast Copper."


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SECTION XI.-Law, Political Economy, and Legislation
affecting Chemical Industry.

The following papers were communicated:-
Dr. E. F. Ehrhardt-" Influence of Patent Law on Chemical
Dr. Schweitzer-" Necessity for International Patent and
Trade Mark Legislation."

The following motion was proposed and carried:-
"That international committees be appointed representative
of all the nations party to the Congress to consider and
mark legislation, with a view to international uniformity,
draft proposals for joint international patent and trade
discussion and further action.
such proposals to be laid before the Congress of 1912 for

M. Lojoanio-" Procede de fabrication industrielle de jus
naturel de raisin frais nonfermente Pasteurise."
Dr. Osterrieth-"Die Internationale Markeneintragung."

Dr. OSTERRIETH moved the following resolutions :-"It is desirable that all manufacturing countries, notably Germany, Great Britain, and the United States, adhere to the Madrid Convention concerning international trade mark registration, and that this arrangement should be raised at the next conference in the sense that--(a) Registration of a trade mark at the Berne Bureau should only have a formal effect; (b) that the deposit at the Berne Bureau be independent of registration in the country of origin."-Unanimously carried.

Dr. Julius Ephraim-" Ueber die Founvorschriften fur
Patent-an-meldungen der Chemischen Industrie."
Dr. Baskerville-"Legal Status of Industries giving rise
to Noxious Gases."

The following motion was carried:-" That an International Commission be appointed to establish uniformity in the control of the escape of noxious gases."

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W. D. Harkins (Minonla) "The Smelter Smoke Problem Prof. D. E. Pannain (Via della Zecca, Rome)—" Le in the United States."


SECTION I.-Analytical Chemistry.

The following papers were communicated:

A. Chaston Chapman -" Jaffé's Colorimetric Method for the Estimation of Creatinine."

Robert Adan--"Sur l'unification des méthodes d'analyse des essences résineuses."

F. E. Weston and H. R. Ellis-"Estimation of Sodium Cyanamide and Nitrolim."

G. D. Macdougald -" Improved Apparatus for Rapid Estimation of Specific Gravity."

John Hughes-"The Question of Official Methods of Agricultural Analyses."

SECTION II.-Inorganic Chemistry and Allied Industries. The following papers were communicated:

F. W. Clarke-"Chemical Work of the United States Geological Survey."

J. Bruce Kingsmill-Sulphuric Acid-Recent Improvements in the Method of Intense Working."

F. Raschig-" Bestimmung der schwefligen Säure in den Gasen der Blei-Kammer."

L. Schucht-" Entwicklung der chemischen Tätigkeit auf dem Gebiete der Superphosphatfabrikation." M. G. Levi-"La reazione tra acido borico e coloruro sedico e la sua applicazione tecnica."

H. Bassett-"Phase Relationships of the Calcium Phosphates and their Bearing upon certain Agricultural and Biological Problems."

J. F. Bottomley-"Fused Silica Ware."

variazioni della struttura e della proprieta fisiche delle legne sottoposte alle azioni meccaniche e termiche." Dr. C. H. Desch (London)-"Eutectic Alloys." A. Gorboff (St. Petersburg)" Uber die Gesetzmassigkeit der Zussammensetzung der eutectischer Mischungen." M. Portevin-" Contribution a la discussion sur les eutectiques."

Prof. Guillet-" Emploi de l'amortissment des movements vibratoires pour l'etude des fers et des aciers."

SECTION III.b.-Explosives.

Capt. M. B. Lloyd-" Standardisation of Explosives as regards both the Diameter, Weight, and Strength of Blasting Cartridges."

ridges in respect of their diameters and weights is desir

Resolved :-" That the standardisation of blasting cart

able, and that the details be referred to a sub-committee composed of members having knowledge of both mining and explosives."

Dr. Robert Robertson-" Decomposition of Nitro-glycerin."
G. W. Patterson-" Stability Tests of Smokeless Powders."
C. G. Storm-" Potassium-iodide Starch Paper."
Prof. A. R. Gaspar "Etudes comparatives des divers
Prof. W. Galloway-"Coal-dust."
Richard Forstmann-"Coal-dust Question in Germany."

tests de stabilité."

SECTION IV.a (1).—Organic Chemistry and Allied

M. Padoa-" Fototropia dei fenilidrazoni."
G. Ciamician-"Azioni chimiche della luce."
M. Delepine-" Preparation de l'aldehyde crotonique."
R. Fabinyl-"A New Method for the Exact Estimation of
Nitrogen in Organic Substances."

N. Parravano and G. Tommasi — "T sali dell' acido E. Bulmann-" Isomerism and Spacial Formulæ of the Tiofenilacitico."

W. Parravano-"T tungstati anidri."

A. S. Cushman-"Contribution of Chemistry to the Art of Road Building."

E. C. E. Lord-"Composition and Physical Properties of Slag for Road Building."

P. Hubbard "Examination of Bituminous Road Binders." P. Siedler-"Uber Künstliche Zeolithe und deren Verwendung insbesondere zur Enthätung, Entmanganung und Enteisenung von Wasser."

H. C. Demming -"Some Properties of Cadmium.” L. Hackspill-Sur les alliages du Platine avec les métaux alcalins et avec le Thallium."

J. Perten-" Uber neure Verfahren der Holzimpraegnierung."

L. Marino" Per la conoscenza dei composti sopraossigenati.'

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G. Pollacci-"Azione catalitica del carbonato di potassio sulla azotazione del carburo di calcio."

Cianamic Acids."

E. Mameli" Sulla 45 dinitro-1 2-metilenpirocatechina." "A-Ossi-B-ossialchilderivati delle olefine aromatiche e catena propeniliche." "Formazione di acetofenoni

sostituiti dai del propilbenzolo."

Anna Mammessier-" La tiocanferimide e la canfidina." B. Oddo-" Sull' iodomagnesiopirrolo e il suo impiego par la sintesi dicomposti pirrolici." "Nuovo metodo di preparazione del nitrosobenzolo." "Su alcuni composti organici del mercurio."

F. Konek-Norwall-" Beitrage zur Kenntniss organischer Bisulphide."

P. Biginelli-"Artificial Tannin.”

F. C. Palazzo-"Sulla pseudomeria dell' isatina." "Sulla struttura degli acidi idrossammica."

A. Piutti-" Derivati p-amminofenolici di acidi bicarbonici non saturi."

Oliveri "Sintesi col diazometano, Nuova preparazione del pirazolo."

CHEMICAL NEWS, June 11, 1909

International Congress of Applied Chemistry.


F. B. Power and H. Rogerson-"Chemical Examination | Guiseppe Massobrio (Genoa)" Utilizzazione dei residui of Jalap

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A. Guyot (with M. Gry)-"Sur quelques nouvelles syntheses de vanilline."

C. Bargellini-"Azione dell' acido solforico sulla san


H. A. D. Jowett and F. L. Pyman-" Relation between
Chemical Constitution and Physiological Action, more
particularly as exemplified by the Tropeines, the
Aromatic Arsenic Acids, and the Alkamine Esters."
G. T. Morgan and F. M. G. Micklethwait (with G. S.
Whitby)" Organic Derivatives of Arsenic and

G. T. Morgan and E. A. Cooper-" Germicidal Action of
Arsenic and Antimony Compounds on Bacillus

F. Garelli and G. De Paoli-" Processo di lavorazione industriale della materie grasse colmezzo dell ammoniaca."

SECTION IV.a (bis).-Physiological Chemistry and


L. Hugounenq et A. Morel-"Sur l'hydrolyse des matières Procédés Etude du albuminoides. nouveaux produits de l'hydrolyse des matières albuminoides."

phenomène." "Sur de

H. Stendel-" Ueber die Nucleinsaure."

P. Thomas-"La presence et la recherche de l'émulsine


A. J. J. Vandevelde "Concerning Anti-enzymatic


R. A. Hasselbalch-" Action of Light on Blood and Bloodpigments, Sensitization."

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Prof. P. Petit

SECTION VI.b.-Fermentation.

"L'azote assimilable des Moûts de Bière."

S. Mokrzecki "Chemical Composition of Bile by a New Prof. Windisch-"Ausblicke auf dem Gebiete der Malzerci

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J. C. Cain and P. May-"Colouring Matter of Red Dr. Schonfeld "Die Eigenschaftsbeeinflussungen ober

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R. Fosse Sur les sels de Pyryle.'
J. C. Cain-" Preparation of Monoacetyldiamines of the
Benzidine Type." 'Paranitrosomethyl-ethylaniline:
a New Intermediate Product for the Manufacture of

E. de B. Barnett, T. P. Hilditch, and S. Smiles-" Derivatives of S-phenylphenazothionium."

R. Vidal-" Sur le mecanisme de la coloration et de la teinture."

A. Seyewetz and L. Poizat-" Sur l'oxidation des derives nitres et introses par le persulfate d'antimoniaque." S. von Kapff" Ueber ein neues Verfahren zum Durch

farben dichter Stoffe."

J. Garcon "La bibliographie des industries tinctoriales, leur repertoire analytique universel."

SECTION V.-Industry and Chemistry of Sugar.
Saillard (Paris) —" Composition Minerale de

L. Riviere (Paris)—" Traitement des jus de diffusion et
autres liquides sucrès par l'acide fluosilicique et les
Aluosilicates solubles." "Fabrication et emplois
industriels de mélasses dépotassées." "Transforma-
tion des fluosilicates alcalins en carbonates."
Henri Pellet (Paris) "Sur la purete reelle des petits jus de
diffusion." "Sur la pureté réele et la pureté apparante
dans le contrôle de la sucrerie de cannes et de
betteraves." "Influence de la concentration des pro-
duits purs et impurs sur la détermination de la

D. L. Davoll, jun. (Guantanamo). -"The Analysis of Bagasse."

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SECTION VII.-Agricultural Chemistry.
(Joint Session with Section VI.a).

Prof. Kosutany-"Zur Analyse des Mehles mit Rücksicht auf seine Backfahigkeit."

Messrs. Humphries and Simpson-"Gas-making capacity as a factor in the Estimation of Strength in Wheat and Flour."

Prof. Neumann-"Betrachtungen über die Backfähigkeit der Mehle."

Messrs. Le Clerc and Leavitt-"Influence of Environment on the Composition of Wheat."

Prof. Leather-"Effect of Manures on the Composition of the Grain of Field Crops."

MM. Mamell and Pollacci-"Ricerche sull' assimilazione diretta dell' azoto atmosferico nei vegetali." Prof. von Feilitzen-" Employment of Artificial Cultures of Leguminous Bacteria for Soil Inoculation." Mr. Hutchinson-" Use of Artificial Cultures for the Inoculation of Non-leguminous Plants." Messrs. Hutchinson and Marr-"Changes Induced by the Addition of Carbohydrates to Soils."

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MM. Grimbert and Bagros-"Sur le Mécanisme de la | H. M. Reichenbach-" Photographic Films of Nitrodénitrification chez les bacteries dénitrifiantes indirectes."

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Prof. R. Namias-"Sur un important perfection nement
apporté par M. Danesi aux méthodes et aux machines
pour la photo-collography."

Prof. W. N. Hartley Aids to Photomicrography with
Radiations of Short Wave-length."

A. and L. Lumiere and Seyewetz-" Sur le traitement
simplifie des plaques autochromes et la correction des
erreurs de temps de pose au cours du developpement."
E. Howard Farmer-" Reproduction of Autochromes on

SECTION XI.-Law, Political Economy, and Legislation affecting Chemical Industry.

M. Dupont-Rougier-" Rapport sur le dépôt et l'utilisation des plis cachetés."

Dr. Day-" Work done in the Commission on Inter-
national Standardisation of Petroleum Oil."

Yu Tung Kwai" Present Attitude and Future of Chemical
Industry in China."

The following resolutions were passed and carried

Dr. Sommerville-" Phosphorus in Food-stuffs."
Drs. Goadby and Goodbody-" Lead Absorption and Lead unanimously :-

SECTION VIII.b.-Pharmaceutical Chemistry.

E. Bourquelot-"Emploi de l'emulsine a la recherche des glucosides dans les vegetaux." "Des glucosides cyanhydriques fournissant, dans leur dedoublement, de l'aldehyde benzoique ou de l'acetone."

G. Garbarini-" Purificazione dell' Etere sulforico dai perossidi."

M. Patein-" Contribution a l'etude chimique des serums therapeutiques."

J. Effront" Ueber den Nahrwerth der bei der Zersetzung

der Proteinstoffe mit concentrierten Mineralsauren entstehenden Producte."

L. Carcano-"Dove si fissa l'iodio nella molecola albuminoide vivente."

M. Watanabe-"Constituents of Henbane and Stramonium

Cultivated in Japan." "Constituents of Herba
Scopolia Japonica."

M. Hamburg-"Zur Untersuchung und Beurteilung von

H. Swan-"Suggested Improvement for Preparing Tinc-
ture of Ipecacuanha."

SECTION VIII.c.-Bromatology.

F. W. Beck-" Advantages and Disadvantages of Legally
Binding Standards for Foods and Drugs."
Dr. Albahary-"L'acide oxalique dans le Cacao et le


Dr. Bordas-" Sur la composition des Cacaos."
Norman P. Booth-"Need for a Definition of Chocolate

for Great Britain."

Dr. Girard-" Sur la présence et le dosage d'acide oxalique
dans les Cacaos."

Pierre Dameland-" Présence de l'acide oxalique dans les

M. Menier-" Sur la composition des Chocolats."

Dr. Wauters-" Recherche de la graisse de Coco dans le

SECTION IX.-Photo-chemistry and Photography.
A. J. Newton-" Report on the Present Condition of
Etching Methods."

W. Gamble-" Acid Resists."

Dr. S. E. Sheppard-" Report on Colloid Chemistry in
relation to Photography.'

W. F. Cooper, W. H. Nuttall, and G. A. Freak-" Use of
Agar-agar in Photography."

C. W. Gamble-" Note on Gelatose: Cause of certain

Variations in the Sensitiveness to Light of Mixtures of Gelatose with Alkali Bichromate." "Action of Chromium Compounds on Gelatin, Historic Summary."

"That an International Commission be appointed for the study of technical rules defining requisites, to which should correspond the principal chemical products, commercially known as 'commercial products."

(a) That the work of this Commission should be considered as part of the work of the Congresses of Applied Chemistry."

(b) "That a Sub-section dealing with the Chemistry of Petroleum should in the future be a Sub-section in the Congresses."

should be created an international' dépôt de plis cachetés.”” "That the Congress expresses the wish that there

REPORTS OF PRESIDENTS OF SECTIONS. section held six full sessions, including four joint sessions. Report on SECTION I.: Analytical Chemistry.-This Out of a total of 105 papers presented to the section, 60 have been read and discussed. Some Reports have been received and several resolutions were adopted.

Report on SECTION II.: Inorganic Chemistry and Allied Industries. This section has held seven sittings and one joint sitting with Sections III.b, IV.a, VII., and X., and 47 papers have been read.

Report on SECTION IVa. 1: Organic Chemistry and Allied Industries.-Six sittings of this section have been held, including one joint meeting with Section XIV.b. which 60 have been read at the following meetings:The papers presented to this section amounted to 111, of

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First Sitting: Friday morning, May 28th-Five papers were communicated, and a discussion was initiated on The Prospects of the Tar Industry, having in view the probable increase in the production of tar consequent on the adoption of the by-product coke oven."

Second Sitting: Saturday morning, May 29th-Eight papers were communicated.

Third Sitting: Monday morning, May 31st-Fifteen papers were communicated.

Fourth Sitting: Monday afternoon, May 31st-Joint meeting with Section IV.b. Eight papers were communicated, one of these being from Section IV.b.

Fifth Sitting: Tuesday morning, June 1st-Eighteen papers were communicated.

Sixth Sitting: Tuesday afternoon, June 1st-Seven papers were communicated.

Report on SECTION IV.b: Colouring Matters and their Application.-The section has met on five occasions, and has also held a joint meeting with Section IV.a. The number of communications read (or taken as read) before the section was 52.


June 11, 1909

· International Congress of Applied Chemistry.


Report on SECTION IV.a bis: Physiological Chemistry | earthquake. A complete copy will shortly be presented and Pharmacology.-Five meetings were held, including to the Congress. the joint meeting with Section VI.b. Sixty-six papers (including the demonstrations) were presented. 46 were read.

Of these

Report on SECTION V.: Industry and Chemistry of Sugar. The section held seven sittings. Sixty-eight papers were read before the section, and animated discussions followed most of these papers. Several Committees were appointed to investigate points of special interest and to further unification of methods of general and technical sugar analysis.

Report on SECTION VI.b: Fermentation. - Seven sittings of the section have been held, of these two were joint meetings. Fifty-eight papers have been read and discussed out of 94 printed. A joint meeting with Section IV.a bis was held on Saturday, May 29th. At this meeting demonstrations were given and physiological papers were read. Another joint meeting with Section VI.a was held on Monday, May 31st, at which papers dealing with Starch and Malting were read.

Report on SECTION VII.: Agricultural Chemistry.— Friday, May 28th: Morning Meeting -Four papers were read; Afternoon Meeting-Three papers were read.

Saturday, May 29th-Five papers were read. Monday, May 31st: Morning-Seven papers were read; Afternoon-Eight papers were read.

Tuesday, June 1st: Morning-Five papers were read; Afternoon-Eleven papers were read.

Report on SECTION VIII.a: Hygiene.-The section of Hygiene has held six sessional meetings and two joint sessional meetings during the Congress. Thirty-six papers were presented, and of these 28 were read and discussed. The papers dealing with such subjects as the sterilisation of water by ozone, lead poisoning, the purification of sewage by various methods, and the contamination of sea water by sewage, gave rise to a considerable amount of interesting discussion.

Report on SECTION VIII.b: Pharmaceutical Chemistry. -This section has held five sittings, and also one joint sitting with Section VIII.a. Forty-four communications were submitted (in addition to five at the joint sitting), and of these forty were read and discussed.

Report on SECTION VIII.c: Bromatology.-The Section held in all seven meetings, of which three were joint meetings with Section I. (Analytical Chemistry), in one of which Section XI. (Law, Political Economy, and Legislation affecting Chemical Industry) also joined, and one was on the occasion of a joint discussion with members of the Hygiene Section VIII.a. The meetings were mainly devoted to the discussion of the subjects comprised in the following list, on each of which subjects a number of communications were presented :

I. ". Systems for the Control of the Food Supply."
2. The Composition and Analysis of Brandy."

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3. "The Advantages and Disadvantages of Legally Binding Standards of Composition for Foods and Drugs." Chocolate, its Composition and Analysis."


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5. "The Use of Perservatives in Foods."

In addition to the above meetings, one morning (May 31st) was devoted to the reception of reports from the International Commission for the Unification of Analytical Methods, which body held short sessious on the mornings of May 29th and 31st, and June 1st, between 9 and 10 a.m. On the occasion of the discussion on brandy a resolution was passed embodying a definition of the word "brandy." In all, 42 papers were read out of 85 received or promised.

Report on SECTION IX.: Photochemistry-Photography. -This section has held five sittings and received and discussed 27 papers. Prof. R. Namias, in the name of the Societa Fotografica Italiana, of Florence, has laid before the section a proof copy of an album of photographs of Messina and Reggio illustrating the results of the recent

The following resolutions from the Sections have been passed:

Section I.

i. "En vue d'unifier les méthodes d'analyse et de récherche dans l'essai des essences de produits résineux, le congrès international de chimie appliquée émet le voeu de voir s'établir par les soins de la Section I. un tableau définissant les bases a utiliser dans l'estimation la pureté des sousdits produits et dont l'usage serait fortement recommandé à tous les analystes."

ii. "The Institution of Official Methods for Agricultural Analyses is undesirable, unless subject to periodical revision."

iii. "The seventh International Congress of Applied Chemistry considers that it is desirable to adopt uniform principles in connection with the application of reference tests, and is of opinion that the proposals made by Prof. T. W. Fresenius constitute a suitable basis for these principles."

Section IV.a bis.

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i. "That the Congress requests the various governments to nominate a Commission to make researches, in collaboration with manufacturers, on materials used in the ceramic arts, to encourage the use of substances not containing lead; to restrain the use of lead materials, and to conduct further researches with regard to protective materials for the hygienic use of those engaged in the ceramic industries."

ii. In conjunction with Sections IIIa. and XI. :— "The Congress is requested to appoint a Committee to impress upon the Governments of each country represented at the Congress the importance of adopting a uniform law throughout their respective territories regarding the emission of noxious fumes from chemical and metallurgical works, and of black smoke from works and factories. The Section believes that the abatement of atmospheric pollution will be most rapidly secured by placing the control of all such gaseous emanations in the hands of fully qualified inspectors capable of giving the necessary technical advice to manufacturers. It records its conviction that the dispersal of the pall of smoke covering certain industrial districts in England and elsewhere will be accompanied by enormous benefit to the inhabitants, and will prove an ultimate gain to the manufacturer."

iii. L'epurations des eaux obligation, attendu que les moyens pratiques et chemiques pour la réaliser, ne mangent pas et que l'industriel en retirera benefice." Section VIII.b.

"That this meeting of the Pharmaceutical Chemistry Section of the International Congress of Applied Chemistry having received and discussed communications by Messrs. Squire and Caines and MacEwan and Forrester, resolves that it is desirable that an international enquiry should be instituted with a view to securing-(1) Greater uniformity in the commercial supplies of potent drugs and the means for determining the same; and (2) Approximation in the pharmacopoeias of the world to common standards of activity." "With a view to advancing these objects this meeting urther recommends that the following Provisional Com

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