other Villages brought under his Obedience, &c. p. 91, 92. Writes a long Letter to the Arch Deacon, p. 92. Sails to Narame, and baulk'd in his defign, how, p. 93, 94. Receives the Arch-Deacon's Letter of Submiffion, p. 94. Orders him to Subfcribe ten Articles, p. 94, 95, 96. Goes to Cochim, and why, p. 96, 97. Receives advice of the King of Cochim's having begun a War with the Caimal, p. 97. Diffwades him from it by threats, and what pafs'd between them, P. 99, 100, 101, 102, 103. Writes to the King of Mangate to forcethe Arch-Deacon to fubmit, p. 103. He submits, and is received, but defires to Sign the Articles privately, p. 104, 105. Agreed to, ibid. The Arch-Bishop returns to Cranganor, p. 107. Composes the Decrees of the Synod, and engages the Princes to affift him thereat, ibid. His trick to fecure the Major Vote in the Synod, ibid. and 108. Father Simon's Reflection upon him, ibid. Comes to Diamper the grhof June, and what he did,ibid. Antonio Galvam, with the help of Francifco de Caftro, faid to convert five Kings in the Island of Mazacar, p. 28. He first dif covered the King of Portugal's Title to the Clove, c. ibid. Arch-Bishop: See Aleixo de Mene leixo de Menezes, p. 45. Alfembles a Synod at Angamale, and why, p. 45. Afraid of the Arch-Bishop's coming into the Serra, p. 47. Subfcribes the Creed of Pius IV. and why, p. 52. Meets the Arch-Bifhop at Cockim, p. 57, 58. Wherein he was to comply, p. 57. His Attendance, p. 58, 59. The refult of their Meeting, p. 59. Deferrs to meet the ArchBifhop at Vaipicotta, and why, P. 60. His Speech to the Chriftians of St. Thomas, p. 62,63. Flings out of the Church of Paru in a Paffion, and why, p. 66. Shut up in a House at Cheguree, denying to fee the ArchBishop, p. 67. The Arch-Bifhop makes him fair Promises, p. 68. Whereupon he perIwades the People andCaçanares to treat with the Arch-Bishop, ibid. His Difcourfe with the Arch-Bishop, and the Arch-Bifhop's Anfwer, p. 69, 70. Pretending himself fick at Canbur, he returns to Chegaree, p. 71. Orders an Edict to be publifhed, and why, P. 79Pretends to fubmit and Sign Articles, p. 94, 95, 96, 98. but makes delays, p. 98. The King of Mangate against his fubmitting, ibid. The Arch-Deacon refolves to throw himself at the Arch Bishop's Feet, but defires to wait upon him at fome other place than Cranga nor, p. 104. Meets him at Vaipicotta in the Jefuits College, and fubmits, p. 104. B. B. Babylon anciently subject to the the hands of Priests to be Or- C. Caçanar, the Oldeft, warns the P. 79. p. 83 Caimal of Angamale waits upon the Arch-Bishop, who prefents him, p. 106, 107. Carturte, High Mass perform'd there with Mufick, which put the Caçanares and People quite out of conceit with the Roman Worship, p. 80, 81. Catalogue of the Viceroys of the Indies, p. 110. And of the Prelates, Bishops, and ArchBishops of Goa and Bishops of Cochim, P. III, 112, Cheguree, the Inhabitants thereof Article with the Arch-Bifhop, P. 70 Chriftians introduce the nfe of р. ба Church of Mangate fill'd with Houfhold Goods and Women, and why, P. 67 Clement VIII. his Briefs against Mar-Abraham, P. 40. Cochim, King thereof griev'd at Dom Aleixo's defign upon Cunahle, endeavours to diffwade him from it by Stratagem, p. 54,55without fuccefs, ibid. whereupon he makes War upon the Caimal, and why, ibid. Coulaon, a Fortress belonging to the Portugueze, Crufado Bull brought into the Indies by Francifco Faria a Dominican Friar, Cunable a strong Fortress poffefs'd by Mahometan Pyrates, P. 52. P. 71. P. 44. Rome with a Book and Letter, F. ** P. II. a Mar Abraham fucceeds Mar Jo- P. 44. to Babylon foranotherCoadjutor, .but hiuder'd by the Diligence of the Arch-Bishop, ibid. His Death, Mar Jofeph, Bishop of the Chriftians of St. Thomas, p. 11. Taken Prisoner and fent to Pertu gal, &c. p. 12. Finds favour /with the Queen Regent, and is fent back, ibid. Promifes to reduce his Diocess to the Roman Obedience, ibid, Returns to Goa, p. 19. Denies to preach the Roman Doctrines in his Bishoprick, ibid. and pretends. revelation for it,ibid. For which the Arch-Bifhop is angry with him, ibid. His Bishoprick divided, p. 20. Complains of MarAbraham to the Portugueze, ibid. Profeffes the fame Doctrines he abjured in Portugal, P. 22. Mar Simeon, Patriarch of Babylon, P. 18. Another Mar Simeon, Mar Abraham's coadjutor,inveigled by the Francifcans to go to Rome for Orders, p. 38, 39. Leaves one Jacob his Vicar-General in his Abfence, ibid. Examined before the Inquifition, and declared by Pope Sixtus V. not to be in Orders, ibid. Put into the Hands of Dom Aleixo de Menezes Arch Bishop of Goa, ibid. Who confines him to a Francifcan Convent in Lisbon, Dom Matthias Arch-Bishop of ibid. Goa calls a Provincial Council, Mofes Bar Cepha, who, P. 18. N. Nagg's-Head Ordination touch'd on, P. 21. Narame all in Arms for the Arch- amper, O. P. 92. p. 85. Olla's publifhed for the calling a P. P. 17. Pate Marca, a Mahometan Pyrate, built Cunable, P. 52. Paul III's pretence for tranflating the Council of Trent to Bolognia, P. 14. Paru and the Inhabitants thereof defcribed, p. 63, 64. They arm against the ArchBishop, ibid. Their Church full of Armed Men, ibid. The ArchBishop's Sermon to 'em, p. 65. They are angry thereat, ibid. Perfwaded by the Arch-Bishop grow worse, P. 66. Pimenta, the Queen thereof orders the Arch-Bishop to leave her Kingdom within three days, upon pain of Death, p. 81. Pius V. iffues a Brief for the ap prehending Mar Jofeph, p 24. Portugueze, A Character of their Zeal by a Minifter of State, p.4, 5. Another, p. 6. Try by Violence to bring the Chriftians of St. Thomas under obedience of the Roman Church, p. 11. And in order thereto resolve to seize their Bishop and fend him to Rome,ibid. Manuel de Faria's obfervation servation of their Tyranny, p. 22,23. They fo far provoke the Infidels that they are like to lofe all, p. 24. An Indian's opinion of them, p. 28. Driven out of the Inand Ito, ibid. A great Slaughter of them before Cunable, p, 73.A refolute and noble Saying of a Portugueze Captain, p. 75 Serra, What, p. 2. Its Inhabi- T. St. Thomas his Crofs and Reliques um. ibid. Presents a Confeffion of Faith to the Pope, p. 13. In ftead of returning to Babylon goes to Charamet, where the Mahometans put him to Death, and why, ibid. u. Vaipicotta,a College built there by the Jefuites, and why, p. 10. Ineffectual to the reducing the Chriftians of St. Thomas to their Religion, Valto ibid. e Gama goes to Cochim with a Fleet, p. 3. The Chriftiaus of St. Thomas crave his protection, ibid. Not in a Condition to effect it, ibid. Venetians, their Policy to fecure their Trade in the Indies, p. 3. Viceroy approves of a Peace with the Samorim, p. 77. A Catalogue of the Viceroys of the Indies, P. 110. Vincent, a Franciscan Friar fent to Cranganor to reduce the Chriftians of St. Thomas to the Roman Church, p. 8. His Labours ftrangely magnified, and why, p. 9. Builds a Collège ac Cranganor, and why, ibid. Uniare Cherare though Chriften'd, ftill profefies himself a Heathen, and why, W. P. 77. War breaks out between the Kings A |