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Synod of Diamper.

Publication of the Synod, Page Dec. II. Excommunication to be

39, &c.


The Speech at the opening, p. 97.
Decree I. For the extirpation of

feveral Errors, Herefies and
Schifms out of the Church of
Malabar, for Acknowledging
the Pope as Supream, and for
beginning the Synod in order to
a Reformation thereof, p. 100.

ipfo facto incurr'd by fuch as have been call'd to the Synod, and depart without the Metropolitan's Leave: Alfo a Command to all to offer any thing tending to the Honour of God, and the Reformation of the Church of Malabar, P. 102. Dec. III. All differences about Preheminence in the Church, to be decided by the Metropolitan, P. 103.



Dec. IV. Confeffion, Mafs, and
the Sacrament to be celebrated
for the Succefs of the Synod,in
what manner.
P. 103.
Dec. V. Junto's prohibited during
the Seffion,
P. 104.



The Metropolitan's Speech, p. 105 Dec. II. That the Synod make profeffion of Faith according to the Council of Trent, and take an Oath to follow it in all things, p. 106. The Profeffion and Oath of the Faith, p.107 Dec. III. All Priefts, Deacons, and Sub-deacons of the Bishoprick to take the fame Oath, and that none be admitted to holy Orders' without it, P. 119



Dec. I. Errors in Faith Condemn

ed, and a Rule for rectifying thereof, laid down in XIV. Chapters, P. 120 Dec. II. Faults and Defects in the Syriack Tranflation of the new Teftament, condemn'd, and ordered to be restored, p. 133 Dec. III. To the fame purpose,

P. 135. Dec. IV. Condemns three Heathenifh Errors frequent among the Chriftians of Malabar, viz. Tranfmigration, Fate, and, That every Man may be faved by his awn Laws, all which are good and lead to Heaven, P. 137. Dec. V. Condemns this Herefy, namely, That it is a grievous

Sin fo much as to speak or think of the Paffion of Chrift, &c. P. 139 Dec. VI. Condemns the Errors of the Neftorians against our Lady,

P. 140 Dec. VII. That the Law of St. Thomas is one, and that of St. Pe ter another, Condemn'd, p. 142 Dec. VIII. Orders Excommunication of any one that fhall name the Patriarch of Babylon Univerfal Paftor or Had of the Catholick Church, or any other, except only the Pope of Rome, P 144

Dec. IX. All Days fet apart for the commemoration of Neftorius, or any of his followers, prohibited, and Roman Saints order'd to be commemorated in lieu thereof, P. 145 Dec. X. The Church of Angamale new Chriften'd and dedicated to St. Hormifda the Martyr; it having before been dedicated to St. Hormufio the Neftorian Heretick, Dec. XI. The Apostles Creed rep. 150 ftored as in the Roman Church

p. 151 Dec. XII. Chriftian Children permitted to be taught Reading and Writing by Infidel Schoolmafters with fome Limitations,

[blocks in formation]
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Dec. XV. Errors and Herefies in the Common-Prayer and Breviaries ordered to be corrected and purged, P. 167 Dec. XVI. All Perfons commanded to deliver their Syrian Books to the Metropolitan and Francifco Roz, to be Corrected, &c. P 171 Dec. XVII. None but fuch Priefts as are Licens'd and Conform to the Doctrine of the Trent Council, fuffer'd to preach, P. 173 Dec. XVIII. All Priefts that have delivered any Errors or fabulous Stories in their Sermons are ordered to recant them publickly upon pain of Excommunication, P. 174 Dec. XIX. Makes Void all Oathsagainft yielding Obedience tothe Roman Church under pain of the greater Excommunication, p.175 Dec. XX. Contains the Profeffion of the Synod, P. 177 Dec. XXI. The Synod refolves to be governed in all things by the laft Trent Council, p. 178 Dec. XXII. Submits to the Inqui fition, P. 179 Dec. XXIII. All Perfons who fhall A&, Speak, or Write against the Holy Catholick Faith, to be profecuted and punifh'd by the Prelate, P. 181


P. 182

Of the Sacraments of Baptifm and
Of the Doctrine of the Holy Sacra-
ment of Baptism,
Dec. I. New form for Baptifm,and
the old ones abrogated p. 189

Dec. II. All Baptized according to
the old Forms to fubmit them
felves to the Metropolitan at his
Vifitation for his Directions,
P. 189
Dec. III. Orders all Priests to make
enquiry who have not been Ba-
prized through any Default,and
to baptize all fuch privately,
without taking any Fees, p. 190
Dec. IV. To the fame Purpose
P. 191
Dec. V. Children to be Chriftened
on the 8th. Day,with fome Li-
p. 192
Dec. VI. The Error Condemn'd
of not Baptizing the Infants of
Excommunicate Parents, p. 194
Dec.VII. Exhortation to allParents,
and fuch as are prefent at Wo-
mens Labours, not to suffer an
Infant to die without Baptifm.
Allowance to any Man, W6-
man, or Child, that knows the
Form, to Baptize fuch.in cafe
of eminent Neceffity. How
the Child is to be order'd if it
P. 194

Dec. VIII, Chriftian Daia's or Mid

wives recommended,and Vicars exhorted to inftru&t them in the Form of Baptifm, p. 196 Dec. IX. Infidel Slaves ordered to be Baptized, P. 197 Dec. X. Chriftians not to be fold to Infidels for Slaves, P. 197 Dec. XI. Forbids Auguries, p.199 Dec. XII. Foundlings how to be ordered, P. 200 Dec. XIII. Converts how to be order'd, Dec. XIV. Holy Oils commanded, with the manner of using them,

P. 200

P. 201


Dec. XV. Commands the use of God-Fathers and God-Mothers in Baptifm, not used before,

P. 202 Dec. XVI. Prohibits Old Teftatament (fome few excepted) and Heathenih Names to be given to Children, ordering (thofe of the New according to the Chriftian Oeconomy, p. 204 Dec. XVII. Orders Children to be called by no other Names than thofe they were Chriftened by, P. 206 Dec. XVIII. Commands that Children be Christened in order as they are brought to Church, without any diftinction of Persons, P. 206 Dec. XIX. Commands the "build. ing of Fonts. P. 207 Dec. XX. Register-Books to be ufed in all Churches, and their Life, P. 208 The Doctrine of the Sacrament of Confirmation, P. 209 Dec. I. The Sactament of Confirmation commanded to be used,

P. 213 Dec. II. Denounces Excommunication against all those that speak againft it or vilify it, p. 214 Dec. III. God-Fathers and GodMothers of what Age, to be ufed in Confirmation or Chrism as well as Baptifm, P. 216

[blocks in formation]

Dec. II. All Chriftians above the
Age of 14 commanded to Re-
ceive this Sacrament once a
Year at leaft,
p. 222.
Dec. III. None to Receive before
Confeffion to a Lawful Prieft,

P. 223
Dec. IV. Commands to Receive
Fafting with fome Limitation,
P. 224

Dec. V. The Sacrament to be received as a Viaticum in danger of Death. The Vicar that fuffers any to die without it, though his Fault, to be fufpended for fix Months, P 225 Dec. VI. Women with Child to Confefs and Receive a little before their time, Dec. VII. Priefts to Communicate P. 226 once a Month at leaft in their Surplice and Stole, Dic. VIII. Priests not to Receive P. 227 the Sacrament before Confesion, nor fay Mafs having any fcruple of Mortal Sin, Dec. IX. Deacons and Subdeacons P.227 when to Receive the Sacrament,

The Doctrine of the Holy Sacri-
P. 228
fice of the Mafs.
P. 228
Dec. I. Directions for faying Mafs,
and many things inthe Chaldean
Miffals to be rectified, p. 231
Dec. H. The Miffals of Neftorius,
Theodorus, and Diodorus to be
P. 245
Dec. III. A grand Error of the
Neftorians condemn'd, p. 246
Dec. IV. The Roman Mafs to be
tranflated into Syrian, and ufed
on particular Occafions, &c.
P. 247.

Dec. V. Who to handle the Holy
P 248


Dec. VI. Permits the Stole to none

but Deacons, P. 248 Dec. VII. Orders Stamps to be made in all Churches for the Hoft, P.249 Dec. VIII. Orders what Wine is to be used in celebrating the Eucharift, p. 250. Dec. IX. The King of Portugal to fend a Pipe and an half, or two Pipes of Mufcatel Wine for the Ufe of the Sacrament, and how to be used, P. 250 Dec. X. Stones of the Altar to be confecrated by the Metropolitan, p. 252 Dec. XI. Holy Veftments to be pro.vided by the Metropolitan out of the Alms of the Parish, p. 253 Dec. XII. All Perfons, not ha-1 ving lawful impediment, commanded to hear a whole Mass every Sunday and Holyday,if,&c. P. 253 Dec. XIII. Directs how often to hear Mafs, to be capable of the Bleffing, and fuch as hear it not fo often as directed, to be Excommunicate, P. 255 Dec. XIV. Prohibits Heathen Muficians to remain in the Church after Creed or Sermon is ended,

P. 256 Dec. XV. Exhorts all to procure Maffes to be faid for the Souls of their deceased Friends,p.256


of the Holy Sacrament of Penance
and Extream Unction, p. 261
Dec. I. Non-Confeffion declared a
Mortal Sin,
P. 265
Dec. II. All Perfons to come to

Confeffion from Eight Years old P. 268 and upwards, Dec. III. All Mafters of Families admonished to cause all in their Families to Confefs, P. 269 Dec. IV. Confeffion injoin'd upon probable Danger of Death, or P. 270 any great Sickness, Dec. V. Obliges Women with Child to Confefs, P. 271 Dec. VI. Orders how those are to be confeffed that have the SmallPax, P. 272 Dec. VII. Exhorts to frequent Confeffion, P. 272 Dec. VIII. Who to take Confeffions,

P. 273

Dec. IX. Abfolution upon Confeffion
how to be Adminiftred, and by
P. 274
Dec. X. Directs in what Cafes Con-
feffors may abfolve Penitents,
P. 275
Dec. XI. Excommunication and Ab-
folution when proper, p. 277
Dec. XII. Priefts Confeffors to
have a written Licence from
the Prelate,
P. 278
Dec. XIII. Confeffors that under-
ftand the Malabar Tongue, to
be made Ufe of, and why,

p. 281 Dec. XIV. None can abfolve in

the Sacramental Court but fuch as took the Confeffion, p. 281 Dec. XV. The Sacramental Form of Abfolution, not to be used as a Prayer, but in its proper Place, P. 282 The Doctrine of the Sacrament of Extream Unction, P. 282 Dec. I. The ufe of the Extream

Union recommended, with directions therein, p. 285 Dec. II. Confeffors to Inftruct Sick



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