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best horsemen in the world; they go riding about in companies, doing pretty much as they please to those whom they meet.

The English army met a large number of these Tartars, so many, that they were forced to do as the Tartars chose. The Tartars obliged the English to give up their arms, and to give up also a number of their men.

Among the men who went with the Tartars. was Jack. The Tartars have many oxen, cows, sheep, and horses. They drive these animals about from one place to another; they do not live long in one place like the people of other countries. They love horses very much indeed.

Among the great men of the Tartars is one called the kan. The kan, or chief of those Tartars, among which Jack lived, had some beautiful horses;, one of them had a dreadful fever, and the people were afraid he would die. When Jack was a servant, part of his business was the care of horses, and he remembered to have seen a horse who was sick, like the kan's horse. Jack went to see the kan's sick horse; he begged the kan's servants to let him try if he could not cure the horse; they asked their master, who consented.

Jack prepared a dose for the poor animal, caused him to be bled, and left him quiet. In a few hours the horse grew better, and in a short time he was quite well. The kan was much pleased with Jack for curing his fine horse, and gave him an excellent horse to ride upon. Jack managed this horse very well; he used to ride

him with the Tartars, when they went on hunting parties.

After a while, a messenger was sent to the kan from the English, to tell him, he must send back his English prisoners. He thought it best to do so. The Tartars gave Jack a large quantity of the skins of animals, and several horses. He took these things with him to the town where the English were, and sold them, and saved the money which he got for them.

His regiment was gone to another place, and one of the officers got leave for Jack to go home to England; he went on board a ship, and in a few months was safe in his native land.

My little friends, do you want to know more of Jack; no more was written in his history. The history was written by Mr. Day, who wrote Sandford and Merton. It is very likely that Jack was good and happy as long as he lived. Good children make good men. Those who begin well, often do weil all their lives. You will say Jack was a good boy. How was he good? What were his virtues? Some of you can answer; and some of you have not been taught to think, and speak enough, to tell Jack's virtues.

Jack was grateful-he loved his daddy, who was good to him.

Jack was affectionate-he loved every body that was not unkind to him.

Jack was industrious-he always minded his work.

Jack was honest-he always spoke truth.

Jack was good-natured.

Jack was frugal—he did not waste his money Gratitude, love, honesty, good-nature, frugality, are virtues.

Ingratitude, hatred, dishonesty, ill-nature, extravagance, or wastefulness, are vices.


Native country.-The country where one is born. Persons born in Africa are natives of Africa-Persons born in New-York are natives of New-York, &c.

Sergeant.-An officer of the army.

To recruit. To go about to find new soldiers. The sergeant engaged in recruiting is gaily dressed he has with him a drummer, and a fifer. When the people see them all, and hear the music, numbers of persons crowd around them. The sergeant asks if there is any body there disposed to be a soldier, willing to go with him and fight for his country; he oners money, and a cockade to be placed in the hat, to those who choose to become soldiers. Those who say they will go, march off with the sergeant-they enlist-they are called volunteers, because they go willingly.

Voluntary-means willing.


Involuntary-means without choosing. man speaks voluntarily; he coughs involuntarily; that is, he cannot help it; he does not think at all about it.

Regiment a large number of soldiers, and several officers. The soldiers are divided into companies; each company has a Captain, whe


commands the soldiers. A Colonel is the chief he commands the whole regiment. Arms-sometimes mean guns, and other implements used in fighting.

Hunting Children who live in towns, do not know much about hunting. People in some countries go out in large companies to find wild animals, and to kill them. They sometimes take dogs with them. The 'dogs run after the fox, or any other creature that is hunted, and kill him, or hold him fast till the men come up. The animals which are killed in this manner, or are shot, are called game. The men who shoot for amusement, are called sportsmen. The dogs employed in hunting, are Hounds, Pointers, and Spaniels.


"REWARD-papa," said Frank, talking to his father-"That word always puts me in mind of my History of Quadrupeds; you gave me that book, you said, as a reward for having cured myself of a bad habit. That was the first time I ever understood the meaning of the word reward."

"What do you understand by the word reward?" said his father.


Oh, papa, I know very well; for mamma then told me, a reward is something that is given for having done right; it is not always a thing, for though the first reward ever given to

me was a thing, yet I have had rewards of a

different sort.

"When you, papa, or mamma, praise me, that is a reward. A reward is any sort of plea

sure, that is given us for doing right."

"What do you think," said his father, "is the use of rewards?"

"To make me, to make all people, do right." How do rewards make you, make all people, do right?"


Papa, you know I like, and all other people like, to have rewards, because they are pleasures; and when I know I am to have a reward, or even hope to have a reward, I wish, and try to do, the thing for which the reward is to be given-if I have been rewarded once, I expect to be rewarded again; and even if I have seen another person rewarded, I think I may be rewarded for the same good action. When my mother praised my brother Edward, and gave him a table, for keeping his room in good order, I began to keep my room in better order; and you know I have kept it in good order ever since.


Papa, that is all I know about the use of rewards."

"You have explained it very well, Frank; now you may run to your play."


FRANK had a little cousin Mary; wnen Mary was six years old, she was brought to live at his father's house. Frank soon grew very fond of Mary, and played with her at whatever she

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