Creating a Common Polity: Religion, Economy, and Politics in the Making of the Greek KoinonUniversity of California Press, 17 cze 2013 - 624 In the ancient Greece of Pericles and Plato, the polis, or city-state, reigned supreme, but by the time of Alexander, nearly half of the mainland Greek city-states had surrendered part of their autonomy to join the larger political entities called koina. In the first book in fifty years to tackle the rise of these so-called Greek federal states, Emily Mackil charts a complex, fascinating map of how shared religious practices and long-standing economic interactions faciliated political cooperation and the emergence of a new kind of state. Mackil provides a detailed historical narrative spanning five centuries to contextualize her analyses, which focus on the three best-attested areas of mainland Greece—Boiotia, Achaia, and Aitolia. The analysis is supported by a dossier of Greek inscriptions, each text accompanied by an English translation and commentary. |
Spis treści
1 | |
19 | |
Part II Interactions and Institutions | 145 |
Conclusion | 400 |
Epigraphic Dossier | 409 |
Bibliography | 505 |
559 | |
587 | |
Inne wydania - Wyświetl wszystko
Creating a Common Polity: Religion, Economy, and Politics in the Making of ... Emily Mackil Ograniczony podgląd - 2013 |
Creating a Common Polity: Religion, Economy, and Politics in the Making of ... Emily Mackil Ograniczony podgląd - 2016 |
Kluczowe wyrazy i wyrażenia
Achaian koinon Aigeira Aigion Aitolian koinon Aitolians Akarnania Akraiphia alliance allies ancient aphedriates Apollo appears arbitration Arkadian Artemis Athenians Athens attested boiotarchs Boiotian koinon Boiotian poleis Boiotoi certainly Chaironeia Chalkideis Chorsiai citizens communities context cooperation Corinth cult Daidala dedicated Delphi Diod dispute districts Dyme economic Epidauros epigraphic ethnic evidence F. W. Walbank federal FGrHist fifth century fourth century garrison Helike Hell Hellenistic period inscription institutions Kalydon Kleomenes Knoepfler koina Koroneia Larsen Livy Lokrian Macedonian Megalopolis member poleis Messene Messenians military Naupaktos Onchestos Orchomenos Oropos participation Patrai Paus Pausanias Peloponnese Peloponnesian Phokian Phokis Plataia Plut polis political Polyb Polybios Poseidon probably Proxeny Decree Ptoion regional ritual Rizakis Roesch Romans sanctuary Scholten Spartans stratēgos suggests Tanagra taxes temple territory Thebans Thebes Thermon Thespiai Thessalian Thessaly third century tion treaty tripod Zeus δὲ ἐν ἐπὶ καὶ κὴ τὰν τας τὸ τὸν