Studs Lonigan: A Triology Comprising Young Lonigan, the Young Manhood of Studs Lonigan, and Judgment Day

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University of Illinois Press, 1993 - 874
Studs Lonigan is a trilogy comprising Young Lonigan, The Young Manhood of Studs Lonigan, and Judgement Day. This story of an Irish-American youth growing to adulthood in Chicago is considered by many to be one of the finest American novels from the first half of the 20th century, and its author was widely regarded as the voice of urban Irish America. This edition includes fragments of Farrell's alternative ending to Judgment Day.

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Strona xix - Studs Lonigan was conceived as a normal American boy of Irish-Catholic extraction. The social milieu in which he lived and was educated was one of spiritual poverty. It was not, contrary to some misconceptions, a slum neighborhood. Had I written Studs Lonigan as a story of the slums, it would then have been easy for the reader falsely to place the motivation and causation of the story directly in immediate economic roots.
Strona xv - In these last years then, the short story has been introducing us to a new kind of American life, to the life of poor farmers and sharecroppers in backward rural areas, to the scenes, sights, and dialects of the urban streets, to the feelings of Slavic immigrants, the problems and discontents of sweat-shop workers, the resentments and oppressions of the factory proletariat, the conduct and aspirations of revolutionary organizers, the attitudes of Negro intellectuals toward white folks, the traditions...

Informacje o autorze (1993)

James T. Farrell was born Chicago, Illinois on February 27, 1904. He attended the University of Chicago, but left before graduating. During his lifetime, he publish more than 50 books, including 28 novels and 16 collections of short stories. He is the author of the Studs Lonigan Trilogy, the Danny O'Neill Pentalogy, The Bernard Carr Trilogy, and The Universe of Time series featuring Eddie Ryan. He died on August 22, 1979.

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