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object from time to time under every point of view which is calculated to demonftrate its loveliness. Criticife, commend, exemplify. Nothing is more common than for a mafter to fail in infufing the paffions into his pupil that he purposes to infufe; but who is there that refufes to confefs, that the failure is to be ascribed to the indolence or unfkilfulness of the mafter, not to the impoffibility of fuccefs?

The more inexperienced and immature is the mind of the infant, the greater is its pliability. It is not to be told how early, habits, pernicious or otherwife, are acquired. Children bring fome qualities, favourable or adverfe to cultivation, into the world with them. But they speedily acquire other qualities in addition to thefe, and which are probably of more moment than they. Thus a difeafed ftate of body, and still more an improper treatment, the rendering the child, in any confiderable degree, either the tyrant or the flave of thofe around him, may in the first twelvé months implant feeds of an ill temper, which in fome inftances may accompany him through life.

Reafoning from the principles already delivered, it would be a grofs miftake to fuppofe, that the fole object to be attended to in the firft part of education, is to provide for the prefent



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cafe and happiness of the individual. An awakened mind is one of the most important purpofes of education, and it is a purpose that cannot too foon enter into the views of the preceptor.

It seems probable that early inftruction is a thing, in itself confidered, of very inferior value. Many of those things which we learn in our youth, it is neceffary, if we would well underftand, that we fhould learn over again in our riper years. Many things that, in the dark and unapprehenfive period of youth, are attained with infinite labour, may, by a ripe and judicious understanding, be acquired with an effort inexpreffibly inferior. He who fhould affirm, that the true object of juvenile education was to teach no one thing in particular, but to provide against the age of five and twenty a mind well regulated, active, and prepared to learn, would certainly not obtrude upon us the abfurdeft of paradoxes.

The purpose therefore of early inftruction is not abfolute. It is of lefs importance, generally speaking, that a child should acquire this or that. fpecies of knowledge, than that, through the medium of inftruction, he should acquire habits of intellectual activity. It is not fo much for the direct confideration of what he learns, that his mind muft not be fuffered to lie idle. The

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preceptor in this refpect is like the inclofer of uncultivated land; his first crops are not valued for their intrinfic excellence; they are fown that the land may be brought into order. The fprings of the mind, like the joints of the body, are apt to grow stiff for want of employment. They must be exercifed in various directions. and with unabating perfeverance. In a word, the first leffon of a judicious education is, Learn to think, to difcriminate, to remember and to enquire *.

*Conjectures refpecting the fludics to be cultivated in youth, not fo much for their own fake, as for that of the habits they produce, are ftated in Effay VI.





DOUBTS have fometimes been suggested

as to the defirableness of talents. "Give to a child," it has frequently been faid, "good fenfe and a virtuous propenfity; I defire no more. Talents are often rather an injury than a benefit to their poffeffor. They are a fort of ignis fatuus leading us aftray; a fever of the mind incompatible with the fober dictates of prudence. They tempt a man to the perpetration of bold, bad deeds; and qualify him rather to excite the admiration, than promote the interests of fociety."

This may be affirmed to be a popular doctrine; yet where almost is the affectionate parent who would seriously fay, "Take care that my

child do not turn out a lad of too much capacity?"

The capacity which it is in the power of education to bestow, must confift principally in information. Is it to be feared that a man should know too much for his happiness? Knowledge for the most part confifts in added means of pleasure

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pleasure or enjoyment, and added difcernment to felect thofe means.

It must probably be partial, not extenfive, information, that is calculated to lead us aftray. The twilight of knowledge bewilders, and infufes a falfe confidence; its clear and perfect day must exhibit things in their true colours and dimenfions. The proper cure of mistake, must be to afford me more information; not to take away that which I have,

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Talents in general, notwithstanding the exception mentioned in the outfet, hold a higher eftimation among mankind, than virtues. There are few men who had not rather you should fay of them, that they are knaves, than that they are fools. But folly and wifdom are to a great degree relative terms. He who paffes for the oracle of an obfcure club, would perhaps appear ignorant and confufed and vapid and tedious in a circle of men of genius. The only complete protection against the appellation of fool, is to be the poffeffor, of uncommon capacity. A felf-satisfied, half-witted fellow, is the moft ridiculous of all things.

- The decifion of common fame, in favour of talents in preference to virtues, is not so abfurd as has fometimes been imagined. Talents are the inftruments of ufefulness. He that has them,


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